Why does everyone like Strange

The most boring character in the MCU and comics. Literally no personality or real flaws. It’s astounding that Carol gets so much shit for being boring when Strange is even far worse.

He is like if Tony Stark was a Gary Sue.

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The OG Ditko/Lee and '80s Roger Stern stuff is well-written with a likeable protag tho

>>is an egotistical asshole that learns humility
>>hands crazy fucked up
>>no flaws or personality

>was all thrown out because development
>doesn’t hinder his ability to cast magic in any way.

Because they showed him broken, driven down to his lowest point, and he clawed his way back up with his shattered fingers. Seeing a character rise up from the depths of despair through tremendous effort is inherently endearing. The audience's perception of a character having "earned" their position, their power, etc. is the most valuable thing that character can have.

Hes the only top tier MCU hero power wise that had to work at it. Thor was born a god, Wanda and Brie got handed powers, etc. He had to lose everything first, be humbled, and then have the mental fortitude to be able to withstand training and dying endlessly in a time loop.

His powers are the most appealing to Yea Forums

Hes a white male that isn't ever made the butt of the joke and always taken seriously

Hes also really good at bantz as displayed when he shuts Tony up with his douchbag line.



This. He lost everything and came back stronger than ever, even if he’ll never have back all that he lost.

He has magic. Hopefully we get more in Dr Strange 2.

>gary stu

I don't really have any strong opinion about Strange himself. It's just that his magic power lends itself to more comic book imagery, which I like.

I don't understand why being humbled is a good thing for a character.

>no personality or real flaws
What? How is this even close to accurate? Do you even read his comics? The flawed aspects of his character are glaring, and can be argued as his appeal
>arrogant (towards other humans, not so much to entities)
>believes he knows best
>manipulative, both intentionally and non-intentionally
>doesn’t work well in teams when he’s not leading due to ego
>keeps trying to do everything himself, basically shuts everyone out due be to lack of trust in capability
>almost mindless worship of the ancient one which bites him in the ass multiple times
>unable to put the greater good over his close friends, too willling to put the “greater good” above everything else
>flippant about the “people” aspect of his role, basically just fucks off after the big bad is defeated
>quick to irritation
>single-minded, leads to promises being ignored when he’s chasing after something
>insecure as fuck, once he fucks up once it usually leads to a cascade due to doubt
>in denial about his need of human connections
MCU Strange adapts his characters pretty well, so many of the flaws (manipulation, arrogance etc)

He’s nowhere near a Gary Stu despite his powers, which honestly are not enough for most of the shit he faces on a constant basis

It helps to make someone easier to support

If you think his arrogance is thrown out you really haven’t been paying attention. The center of his arrogance merely shifted, instead of viewing himself as the center of the universe his arrogance now stems from a sense of superiority of his position as a powerful mystic. He doesn’t believe that only he matters now, but he still believes he matters more than most

It doesn't help me, but okay. Unless it's like, them inflicting comeuppance on the humbler? But that rarely happens. I find self-importance, to a degree a very fine quality that characters lack.

I just wish he would do cool spells like in the comics instead of just making portals and weapons

Arguably Strange's self-importance led to him forcing to give up the time stone, causing the sorcerers to lose an important artifact, and caused him to butt heads with Tony. Self-importance is good, sure, but his is inflated

He did that in endgame and IW

>The most boring character in the MCU and comics. Literally no personality or real flaws. It’s astounding that Carol gets so much shit for being boring when Strange is even far worse.
>He is like if Tony Stark was a Gary Sue.
^all these incorrect things aside, how is Tony Stark better then?

Shitting on people that try to help you isnt a flaw?

I feel like some people only consider flaws that you get chewed out for by the other main cast members and/or lead you to fail at your goals as genuine flaws.

I just like the mystical occult theme.

Even with that criteria both comics and mcu Strange failed as a result of his flaws. He failed to protect the time stone because he believed he could, and he objectively failed so many times in the comics because of various reasons

he has the cool power of magic, I think everyone fell in love with him on Infinity War

>Carol gets so much shit for being boring
Maybe it's because she's aggressively pushed on people for political reasons.

>Gary Sue
>guys lost his hands
>cannot work anymore
>literally a arrogant asshole with everybody
>becomes poor as fuck
>has to learn his powers by studying
>ready to sacrifice himself in an eternity of death to save Earth
You're a fuckin moron


>no real personality or flaws
>no flaws
>like Tony Stark
Pick one and only one

Plus his personality is quite clear. He’s a serious, stubborn, arrogant guy with a dramatic, secretive streak

On top of what other anons have said about Strange's flaws and transformative character arc, another major component in why he's so good is simply that Charmander is heads and shoulders above his next gen counterparts. Boseman and Larson got barely anything to work with (and Larson's material was outright bad), while Cumberbatch really got to stretch and had a good script as a foundation.

Cumberbatch barely got to stretch. The strongest part of his performance was probably the scene in his apartment. I’m hoping he gets more stuff to work with in the sequel with Nightmare, he’s a great dramatic actor. But I agree that he protrayed Strange’s attitude pretty well

>spending so much effort on shit bait

I just like harpsichord music.