Usagi Thread
I started rereading all the Dark Horse stuff after stopping in the middle of a random Saga and forgetting everything. It's very funny that it starts with Ninja Turtles. Dunno when to slot in rereading the original volumes.
Usagi Thread
I started rereading all the Dark Horse stuff after stopping in the middle of a random Saga and forgetting everything. It's very funny that it starts with Ninja Turtles. Dunno when to slot in rereading the original volumes.
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What do you mean? Like in what order?
Boy are you a day late and a ryo short. We just had our massive annual Usagi story time.
Please support the official release
Hey, I was there! I felt Space Usagi didn't have the same punch and classic Usagi.
Well it was mostly just a fun side thing Stan did for kicks. He didn't really get the time to workshop it out.
My beef with it was that they never showed Space Usagi as having the ridiculous skill like the past one. Things did boil down to a katana fight a lot of the time but he never got any noteworthy testaments of his skill.
Luke Skywalker never won a light saber battle either.
Does Jaba's skiff count?
The Dharmanon threads were fun. We didnt really have a good send off. Already looking forward to next year.
>Usagibowl still locked in a dead heat, score is tied 33 to 33
I want to get off Jei-sama's Wild Ride!
It's a sign that threesome end is best end
Usagibowl orgy. It is the will of the Gods.
Y'all need JEIsus in your lifes!
That’s why I started. I first read Usagi in an old read through but it randomly stopped years ago
btw, could you guys dump whatever usagi reaction images/memes were made this year?
Not mine but saved it this year.
Same, not mine.
Same, not mine
Same, not mine.
The Japanese version.
This one's great.
Im glad you like it!
Have another one of mine.
I also made two logos for our favorite meddler.
The DH run starts with reprints of the short Mirage run - hence the guest appearance of TMNT. As for the reading order, it does not matter much, because Stan does a great job with setting things up each issue. Personally, I bought and read the first 4 Sagas and only then got my hands on the original Fantagraphics run. It was a bit weird at first (mostly because of unrefined art and Stan trying out different ideas, some of which would not ever be used again), but quickly got really good plot wise. Mother's Love, Noodles and Dragon Bellow Conspiracy are still some of the absolute best Usagi stories. I'd recommend reading it sooner rather than later, but they don't need to be first.
Once the magic paintbrush is mass produced, the shogunates days are finished!
>Not the juggernaut one
Im sorry, that was the only one i had.
Ah yes, I remember Juggs and Venom crashing last year's storytime due to Yea Forums's coding being a pile of shit and swapping images between threads. Good times.
Now that both Usagi and TMNT are being published by IDW, this will no doubt inspire some crossovers, making that pairing even more popular. Even now, there are SO MANY images of Usagi and Leo fucking it's ridiculous. And not one of him with Chizu and/or Tomoe. Fujos ruin everything.
Sup dude.
I slightly improved that one soon after making it.
Now to own both copies cause I'm too lazy to find and delete the older version.
Don't blame fujos just because the girl-shippers don't draw any fanart.
Although I really don't get Usagi/Leo at all. Like even for a gay ship it's so weird. It's not even a good crack-ship, it's just stupid.
Oh sweet, this will go great with the one from last year.