
This is what an oppressed minority looks like in the Marvel Universe.

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i'd oppress them, if you know what i mean

I'd liberate rogue until i was comatose.

Well, they are women.

Ugh ... this is why we need more women in comics, to stop shit like this from happening

Yeah, it’s like really gross.

imagine them all brapping at the same time

>ready to colonize with the white man
A good representation of minorities.

No this is what an oppressed minority looks like

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I’ll oppress their minority parts, if you know what I mean.

Traced magazine models?

Seriously, the X-Men were at their best when is simply good looking guys (with a few exceptions) and hot girls in tights living crazy sci-fi adventures and fighting each other over some relationship drama.

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I'd mating oppress them

Chads and Stacys fighting
ripping each other’s tights off

This is better right?

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I feel bad for Kitty. Her little B cups can't compete with all those Ds and Es

I’d oppress them with my penis.

For a second I thought they'd been Frank Castled

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The good Ole days. When Marvel women in comics were allowed to be hot. Now they're all monster Rosie dykes like She-Hulk has turned into or butch "it's ma'am" dykes like Carl Manvers.

>Why can’t humans understand the struggles we mutants face?

>Oh look, time for another gangbang

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What's with all the people on Yea Forums being triggered about the X-men themes lately? I've been seeing it all over the place

Pretty much every minority in the western world. Go to asia and you'll find what real minority oppression looks like

All Devils must be purged in the fires that purified Sodom and Gomorrah.

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>This is what an oppressed minority looks like
I know that this is intended as bait, but:
This is a classic example of Male Gaze taken to absurd levels.

You've also got some serious levels of White Washing going on ( Storm looks like Emma's sister ... or, you know, Malibu next to vanilla Barbie; and if you didn't already know that Psylocke was supposed to be Japanese you should wouldn't be able to tell here ).

And then, of course, you're intentionally ignoring all the Rockslides, Chambers, and Glob Hermans that hide themselves away in the X-Mansion.

Attached: glob.jpg (579x803, 67K)

>Male Gaze
>White Washing
Fuck off Yea Forumsmblr.
>Rockslides, Chambers, and Glob Hermans that hide themselves away in the X-Mansion
Good. It'll make it easier to purge them all.

Attached: William_Stryker,_Jr._(Earth-1610)_from_Ultimate_Comics_X-Men_Vol_1_16.jpg (827x913, 89K)

>Fuck off Yea Forumsmblr.
But ... I'm already HERE!

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I miss the 90s

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Here's your new Psylock bro.

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How much does Emma charge for two hours of getting trampled by her?

>Colossus and Jubilee

Im really glad I got fed up and quit this shit a long time ago.

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They are oppressed because everyone wants to fuck them and they sometimes don't like all the attention

tell me this isn't what she looks like now

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X-Men are literally Chads & Stacies that exist above a social hierarchy. They have no need for money or prestige, so they judge purely by physical appearance. Whereas in the real world an average guy with money could get a hot wife, in the X-World they'll take the 6'4" ThunderCock Hobo, simply because of his superior genes. The whole thing is so absurd that I honestly never understood how people managed to self-insert.

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I’d oppress them. With my fat dick.

> Storm brapping so loud it sounds like thunder
>Jean using the phoenix force to ignite hers
>Emma altering your mind so you don't have a fart fetish then brapping on you

Eat a dick, Zubb

Depends on artist

Even with a good artist she still looks pretty shit.

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>Kitty phasing her butt threw a wall hotboxing you
>Psylocke Telekineticly sending brap ninja stars at you
>Rogue borrowing gas from all of them and using it on you

You people sicken me and I hope you all die. Can't have a thread about anything without you pieces of shit trying to force your fetish in.

Normal women like looking at hot women too.
>insert Bayonetta creator example here

>Ugh ... this is why we need more women in comics, to stop shit like this from happening

Gail Simones longtime collaborator is Ed Benes. Pic related.

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Jubilee is like 13-15 here

this is some jailbait shit, look at that swimsuit

Whitelocke with the ninja swimsuit would be the ultimate fapbait.

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God I miss old Psylocke

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>Wanting weeb trashy hooker instead of british model waifu
shit taste

> he gets the characteristic tumblr nose when he reveals his identity
I love little details like this.

I like it

>Liking bad pink dye jobs

it's her natural color sweety

Mutants like to claim opression and want equal rights but then demand their own land,start mutant exclusive schools, only be in contact with other mutants while ignoring every other race.

Rogue a whore. A WHORE!

Attached: Rogue 18.jpg (1280x905, 162K)

No the purple was her natural color when she was a ninja. The horrid pink dye job you're looking at there is just that. Her natural color is blond, like Brian's. You're an idiot.

>And then, of course, you're intentionally ignoring all the Rockslides, Chambers, and Glob Hermans that hide themselves away in the X-Mansion.

Chamber was probably the only one of those characters that even existed when OP's pic was drawn.

still better then the 1st
>those hips!

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That Psylocke does NOT look asian at all.

Also, Kitty's hair does NOT work that way.