No thread for the return of Brainkreig

>no thread for the return of Brainkreig
we gotta fix that shit

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I did make a thread. didn't get attention.
so user... Didja win?

>deck of cards

Great, another phrase I'll never be able to say without adding on some juggas.

I'm still not sure why the archers get to live through the fiery rage, considering the game ends immediately after it ends. There's no reason the archer has to live.

Oh neat, i didnt know about that rule. Cant wait to get the game in the mail.

considering the countryside is completely Burninated, he has no home to come back to. He will die of starvations.


right, silly me.

I wish I was into board games.

there are more board games than monopoly, and some actually fun.

You need friends to enjoy board games

I do enjoy the game of Life once in a while. Mainly it's just fun to pretend to have a wife and kids and life events..

go to a local game shop and make some friends. plenty of nerds that play magic and warhammer would enjoy a regular board game.

I don't see how those two are similar

because people who play games can enjoy playing other games?

do you think that automatically follows though? "Games" is such a wide variety of things. do you think people who enjoy basketball would also like chess?

I think Trogdor's Fiery Rage was a last-minute addition because this is like the third video in a week that's talked about it but it was never mentioned before.

I wanna say it was mentioned once back in one of the playthroughs, maybe with Lucky Yates
god damn I love me some Lucky Yates

Kinda wish I could have gotten the handmade wooden edition

I'm getting some serious West of Loathing vibes from this video.

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not familiar with Teen Girl Squad, user?

Nope. I live under a boulder. Enlighten me.

>plenty of nerds that play magic and warhammer would enjoy a regular board game.
As a nerd who plays both magic and warhammer, I would not enjoy this board game. Not because I don't enjoy board games, or dislike HSR but because the game looks super trash.

Okay so, I assume you also haven't seen Homestar Runner at all. It's 00s flash cartoons but with actually good smart stupid humor instead of the more typical edge and satire. More Simpsons than South Park as it were.
Part of what made it great is it was constantly branching out. Some character would think up a theoretical different version of themselves or start on some activity and it would turn into a new character or a series of cartoons in and of itself
One of those is Teen Girl Squad, a series of intentionally crummy notebookpaper drawings that one character makes, satirizing the super violent and nonsensical types of ways we used to draw in school when we were bored.
TGS itself has a small spinoff called Four Gregs, featuring a quartet of turbonerds
You should really go to the homestar wiki and its list of every cartoon in order, and just.. watch them all in order. They start a little rough but there's callbacks to those later.

I've only ever heard of homestarrunner from nostalgiafags and that 2 more eggs shit they did. Sure I'll check them out.

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2 more eggs is good shit, but not super characteristic of what the Chaps are about. At least not perfectly so. But if you've seen it, you'll recognize their styles.
The nice thing about H*R is it's definitely nostalgiariffic, but it doesn't get old because it's all stalging out from a vague childhood we all collectively had. There's a huge category of its humor based around shit kids you used to know would say or do, like referring to his game cartridges as 'sega tapes' or sitting around on a hot day pouring could water on one's knee

I feel so old about the fact that I don't laugh at Homestar Runner anymore. What happened?

The recent videos have been mild chuckles at best, as they're more like advertisements and promotions. By those standards, they're hilarious.

But also, the compé era of sbemails was pretty meh. too self-referential. Finding out later that they felt they were burning out, and that was the real reason they went on hiatus, made a lot of sense.

Your sense of humor went to shit, apparently. Homestar isn't really one of those things you "grow out of".

>What's her face hanging out with the Gregs
This makes me happier than I expected

yeah I'm not gonna lie... that was the most deliberate 'fanservice' H*R has ever done, without it being a joke, like SB showing a picture of his parents while hidden behind a chair