DoomsdayClock 9

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Thanks OP, but why

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Superman probably getting a powerboost.

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Noticed Lois is brown haired brunette again.

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Superboy Prime

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Rip universe, only to debooted back at 12?

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Hmm Wally. His lashing out in hic reminds me of Firestorm.

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Where Doomsday Clock #7?

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Yes, thank you user.

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Probably dying of cancer or something

This was leaked ages ago, wasn't it?

I'm leaking 10.

No you aren't. At least not until it's like an hour before it's available online anyhow.

He is you.

I really thought this series was going to be a philosophical meta-commentary about the evolution of comics since the 80's, but this really is just Johns playing with his personal favorites, shitting on characters he hates, pulling some awful Identity Crisis retcons & shoe-horning his Donut Steels into the Watchmen franchise. All under layers that I think he really doesn't have a plan for other than to create the illusion of depth.

And while it'd be nice to have the JSA, LSH & maybe a slight nudge back to 'fun & adventure' whats the guarantee that Didio & Lee are even going to support it?

Weird time for DC...

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This series is one big oof after another

Good shit user, thank you for this thread, getting my copies soon.

Magic dick

stop posting in the future dr

Fuck off faggot.

Artist is like an early Steve Dillon. Interesting.

>Donna in the classic costume
Cool, but why

Frank models her off of Margot Kidder.

>classic Darkseid costume instead of the retarded Lee armor

Why not?

Maybe its tied to her working for the Batman Who Laughs? Or does Doomsday Clock take place before that upcoming event?

Doomsday takes place 2 years in the future

When doomsday clock ends the universe catches up.

>philosophical metacommentary
>from Geoff fucking Johns
I don't know you expected this from someone who can't write any deeper than your average shonen manga.

Only Flash and Jonnz and Batgirl and Shazam family and metal man use new 52 costumes. Rest are rebirth or old costumes.

Only really miss Superrgirl anime crotch look.

>they think Watchmen was deep

Nice to see Ralph. And Peacemaker.

Not him but he probably means more like just responding to Watchmen's effect on the superhero genre. Which would be what Peter Cannon, Thunderbolt is doing.

>>Blue Beetle

Umm, didn't they make a distinct point in Booster Gold that Ted could never, ever be allowed to live because if he did, then it guarantees that Max Lord would conquer the world?

Wouldn't the Fortress of Solitude make more sense to keep Superman? I mean it would probably have better equipment to treat Kryptonians there.

Blue Beetle death was erased in nu52. While rebirth brought the ted we love.

Gee. What are the odds that DC would portray Trump in a negative light?

Bruce actually giving a shit about Clark's well being? The man who has been proven to carry Kryptonite on him at all times?

But it doesnt. Just neutral.

More than that, it sounds like a real tweet he would make.

I really just don't get it. Does DC superheroes not have a reality warper on their side? Dr. M isn't even that strong on the actual DC cosmic scale. This is actual bullshit.

Why are they ruining Stein?

And why didn't Ronnie ever pick up on this? They shared a mind. There's no way Ronnie COULDN'T have picked up any thoughts like "My plan continues apace"

DC has a boner for ruining characters.

That's like the most bland, typical, faithful depiction of Trump in media I've ever seen.

But there's still Jaime. You can't have two heroes with the exact same name running around. That'll cause confusion.


They do. Captain Atom goes to confront him and loses. As do the magic users. Johns has basically established that Manhattan has spent unknowable time unraveling the intricacies of how the DC universe functions and with his unblocked ability to see through time and the ability to actually change causality in this universe (which he could not in Watchmen) he can just conspire things how he wants to.

Apparently the one gap is when his actions bring the ire of Superman. And he's holding fast to it because it was the first time his omniscience was darkened since he started fucking around with DC. So now he's just curious about what will happen in that fateful moment. He could easily go back and undo everything he's done, no one would be the wiser, everything would go back to normal. But that's not really his goal.

The most frustrating part is that the Captain Atom series from the 80s did THE SAME THING!! It's right there for Johns to use!!

They've had Ted as like semi retired tech guy/mentor for Jaime

He's siding against the heroes and SUPERMAN. Who represents all that's pure and good in the world.

Not siding with Superman = bad

So The Question is there...just like, hey, he's back? I assume I missed something.

Whole cares how darkseid looks? Fuck of, johns started n52 with darkseid being a retarded mongul and the ended up his jl run woth darkseid being not only retarded but also useless and jobbing against steve trevor and johns oc. But hey, that doesnt matter since he looks fine here

Multiple Flashes and Green Lanterns. Chinese Superman.

Everyone is turning on Superman.

Bendis brought him back.

>Multiple Flashes
Considering what they're doing with Wally I wouldn't hold too tightly to that idea.

Thanks, man. Didn't know.

Why is Steel looking at Supergirl like that?

>tfw you just want good stories
>Instead everything has to be some cataclysmic study in misery

DC is such a fucking joke right now. Holy shit.

But Superman would be FAR more susceptible to Manhattan's powers. Sure he's supremely strong and powerful, but he still adhere's to the laws of physical reality. He's made of regular matter, and It's been shown that matter is Dr Manhattan's bitch.

I could see Firestorm and Captain Atom posing a problem, albiet small, since they too have quantum abilities at least. But Superman's strength and abilities are purely PHYSICAL because of his composition as matter.

Supes shouldn't be able to harm Dr Manhattan.

She farted

Why the media hate current POTUS?

They're still butthurt Hillary didn't win because they're raging liberals.

>this really is just Johns playing with his personal favorites, shitting on characters he hates, pulling some awful Identity Crisis retcons & shoe-horning his Donut Steels into the Watchmen franchise. All under layers that I think he really doesn't have a plan for other than to create the illusion of depth.

So your standard Johns book.

>whats the guarantee that Didio & Lee are even going to support it?

Absolutely nothing. I believe 100% that Didio is planning the next New 52 event as we speak.

He'll let Johns finish playing with his toys, then he'll throw everything under a bus.

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You. Thank you. You get it.

>Or her
Why this happend?

Excuse me sir, but did you just get on this train? DC's been like this for a damn long time.

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Lady Flash, Jay soon, Future Flash, Hunter Flash.

Could have something to do with him being an orange clown with the impulse control of a toddler with ADD.

Jessica is Gen Y girl.

And that's my point. It shouldn't be Dr. M > Captain Atom. It should be Dr. M = Captain Atom. Either they upgraded him to high heaven or Captain Atom doesn't know how to manipulate reality. This really does seem to make it look like Marvel power level > DC power level.

I dont know, I am yuropean, POTUS looks fine to me, Hillary is even worse, but I dont get it, even Ronald Reagan and Bush had better trait with comics and media

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And everyone and their mom hated IC too.

>[citation needed]
Don't hold your breath.

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Didio only hates Wally. Wishes Dick was Robin again.

Back in the day people thought Regan was just an actor playing president. Not saying Trump is perfect by any means but the media just blindly lambasts him. Guy could single-handedly cure cancer overnight and the media would still hate him because he said mean things once upon a time.

The writer only knew Jess was a chick and nothing else about her

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All of this will be worth it if Superman defeats Dr. Manhattan.

Johns created her and laid her personality out in justice leauge.

Politicalfags are the worst.

I don't like this one bit.

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Two pages.
That’s all I needed to convince me this should not exist.

I expected Guy to be this dumb.
Was not dissapointed at all.

>he said mean things once upon a time
Really?, like the BBC? or DW?