>DC fans
DC fans
>Company war shit
Why dc fans are so defensive and delusional, user?
They are on the losing side
>I let a large corporate dictate what I like and what my personality is. I like shilling for my company and shitting against other companies like I have any connection or say to the large corporation I serve
The mcu assured marvel's global dominance. They are not losing. The have lost
yes that is a fair and accurate representation of DC fans
because they've been getting the shit kicked out of them for the last 11 years and it's only going to get worse
You irl
Dc will never have its infinity war and endgame. We marvel fans are truly blessed
After Shazam, it's pretty safe to say DC will never have any success of any kind.
You may say whatever you want, but Superman will ALWAYS be the OG superhero and also the most famous one
He’s famous in the way, Dracula, Frankenstein, the Wolfman and the Mummy are, sure people know him, but do they really care?
Infinity quips and end-quip?
we'll be okay.
Oh yeah, and thanks for telling the world that norse gods can be black! so progressive at marvel.
If OP had written Marvel instead, he would have been banned immediately.
Really makes you think.
Nice NPC response
Yes. Fans of good literature and good movies care.
>Marvel fans
As a DC fan I suffer from hemmrhoids I assume others do too
Oh, yes. Films like I, Frankenstein, Van Hesling (2004), and the Mummy (2017) are of the highest quality, true modern masterpieces
Good job not mentioning the Original hamner movies. Really made your argument better