Remember the Dark Avatar, Yea Forums?

Remember the Dark Avatar, Yea Forums?

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not remotely.

I remember naively thinking they wouldn't do it and being absolutely in love with the finale up to that point. It would've been salvageable if they hadn't gone full Godzilla with it. But then JINORA OUT OF NOWHERE made it worse.

On rewatch...its still butt

Ah yes, the lore that retroactively damages everything done right with the original series.

I try not to.

I'm so glad I dropped Kora after S1.

I'd rather remember Varrick's version.

I remember saying it was too stupid to actually happen before it actually happened.

I really feel bad for the future Avatar that is going to have Vaatu escape from them chestburster style, just another thing to blame Korra for.

I was disappointed with the way they did it. I thought they were going to go the anime route with Vaatu and the whole Dark Avatar thing. Kinda like in Digimon Frontier with the Legendary Warrior of Darkness and how darkness by nature is not evil and can be used for good, it all depends on the individual user. Vaatu could've shown us that Raava was just a zealot who sees anything she doesn't like as evil. The whole Beginnings flashback could've been revealed as Raava being biased and making herself appear to be the good spirit, when in actuality they're both neutral. But instead they went with Darkness=Evil, nevermind that the Light Avatars have done some less then good things. Korra threatening the judge by putting his head in Naga's mouth, Kyoshi creating the Dai Li secret police, Aang killing that buzzard wasp with airbending even though it was running away etc. It was wasted potential, but then again korra had alot of that.

I would've had what I said above and end it with Korra defusing UnaVaatu and Jinora fusing with Vaatu like a Jinchuriki from Naruto. Jinora would then teach Vaatu over the rest of the series to let go of his hatred of Raava for being imprisoned while Korra teaches Raava to not be a zealot bitch and actually try to understand Vaatu's side of the story. Two Avatars, one Light, one Darkness. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

Not really. If a show is shit I forgot the worse parts, write/think up my own version, and not tell or talk about it unless I put effort into it.

Of course not, only rememberable thing of this show was Varrick and Tenzin

This is seriously the dumbest fucking thing that happened in Korra. Like what the fuck.

The daoistic avatar, anti-avatar schema thing did seem like a step back from the more holistic Buddhist single-principal avatar that we were presented with in the first series. But I was less offended by that than of Korra's complete dashing of Cosmic rules. "Yeah, actually, you know what, you don't need Karmic absence of self and one-ness with the universe, really, you just need to be naive enough to think you are, then you can become kaiju."

Korra's swimsuit!

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An exposed navel?

A shirtless man?!

Get this smut off my moving illustration periodical!

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Kingdom Hearts did a better job at pulling off that look.

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no i didn't watch past the first season.

not just because i didn't care about it, but also because they took the channel away from me and i doubly didn't care enough to pirate the show.

I didn't until you brought it up you asshole

Literally fanfic-tier writing. I know that term gets tossed around a lot but THIS is the kind of thing that deserves it.

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I hit the eject button by Season 1, best decision I made in a long time at that point because hooboy was that plane heading to the mountain side at hyperspeed.

Female protagonist was a mistake and the first warning sign.