What the fuck was his problem? Why did he hate the clones so damn much?

What the fuck was his problem? Why did he hate the clones so damn much?

Attached: Generalpongkrell_detail.png (545x626, 266K)

he had a disdain for manlets

He isn't a fan of Max Dillon's artwork

Because hehas four arms.

War messes with people's minds.

Because he was gang raped by a group of clones.

If I was given an army of 1 armed soldiers I would be pissed, same logic applies

They refused to eat at his diner.

The Clones killed his mother and raped his father

Human superiority.

He was based and redpilled and the clones were liberals.

Tiny penis

He was an incel (i.e. jedi).

He hates New Zealanders probably would have killed a bunch of them too irl.


Ahem... Fuck clones!

Attached: rahm kota.jpg (929x1284, 240K)

He was a big meanie and should stay away from sons!

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>Ezra, did I ever tell you about Pong Krell? He was one of strongest and wisest Jedi, he knew not trust inferior tank bred scum he also ran finest diner on Coruscant.

Attached: star-wars-rebels-kanan-jarrus-rise-of-the-old-masters.jpg (1280x720, 209K)

I have forearms.

I said four, not fore.

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He didn't hate clones, he hated the republic and what the Jedi Order had become, and used his position of power to sabotage the war effort.

Dude spent the whole time shit talking clones, he definitely had a problem with them

You're thinking of Barriss. Krell didn't care about the Republic or the Jedi, he was just out for himself and wanted to join what he felt was the winning team. His whole plan was to get Dooku to notice him and take him as a new Sith apprentice.

>he hated the republic and what the Jedi Order had become,
That's Bariss, not Krell. Krell was just a huge asshole who had a vision of the Darth Sidious and did everything in his power to get on his good side when Order 66 happened. How he got to be a Jedi in the first place I'll never know.

Barriss was a naughty girl who needed a bare-bottom spanking.

[sweating Ahsoka]

War changed him?

Yoda let all his freak homies in.

fuck this gives me chills

Attached: Pong Krell fight_1.webm (1920x1080, 1.74M)

But Clones aren’t Kiwis, right?

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>that one trooper who charges into spinning lightsaber blades
Damn, son, suicide was not the answer.

Like what was that guy thinking?