Doomsdayclock 7

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Nice bum

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>former Doom Patrol adversary Animal-Vagetable-Mineral Man
This is the character arc I didn't know I wanted.

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I thought this was getting delayed for another few years.

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Dunno, but I'm quite certain this is one of the already released issues.

Ur thinking of 10. Which is out at may 29th.

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Fucking capthcha shit.

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Ah. So he's just a double asshole then

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Great issue.

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Say what you will but Manhattan floating around as a tiny blue moth fucking with history is amusing as shit.

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Lot of the pages in this series have clues that haven't been really analyzed yet.

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>November 2018 in the bottom left corner
>the smile
Nice touch. I love that Johns is sticking to the symbolism from the first story, I think they add so much to its identity.

Ah well, I do like that Superman is still viewed as a great guy.

I really don't care about this event, I just want the JSA to come back already.
Why is this page more interesting than the rest of this comic? Dybbuk looks like he belongs to one of those guys from Supergods.
That Australia vs China parallels the competition they have in the pacific.
Is DC planning something with these guys?

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11 comes out on Aug.

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But 10 and hic 9 come out on the same day hmm.

>why does Dybbuk look like he belongs to one of those guys from Supergods?
It's only fitting, I guess.
That's one spooky premonition desu.

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Shit, I thought it was delayed?

If nothing else though this is a better follow up to Watchmen than the god awful HBO show.

Why do people keep describing Imra as bubbly she’s not!

Is Saturn Girl going to mongle someone's cock?


Fuck man. She can read your mind. You know what that means? She's probably the great cocksmith in the galaxy

Was the post zero hour version bubbly?

Imra's a whore only when Mark Waid is writing her, as Waid keeps pushing the bullshit Saturn Girl/Cosmic Boy ship

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Joker can't handle the blue penis. He's finally met his match.

Yeah I'm expecting a deboot. Undoes deadb superman parents, undoes jsa not existing, restores a version of the legion.

I'm okay with this.

more like doomsday cock lmao

Hey what happened to his face? Is it covered in sand?

His dong of reason defies Joker's madness.

I don't think it's gonna be a reboot but it's definitely reintroducing some teams. If you think about it though, lots of end of the world type crises have been happening. Just like Countdown and 52. I think DC knows it's way too early to reboot, tho.

Man this sucks. Leave Moore's shit alone. This is fanfiction-tier.

Oh holy fucking shit.

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Eh, most of the things Johns does IS fan-fiction.
It works sometimes but other times not so much.
Johns works better in team books rather than an event comic because he's kinda hit or miss in that department.

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That's the famous scene from Legion V4 #4 when Mon-El kills the Time Trapper and causes the "reboot" to remove Superman from the Legion lore.

All because Mark Waid was a cunt who defied Superman editors banning the use of the Pre-Crisis Supergirl, via letting Alan Bennet use the Pre-Crisis Supergirl in a Christmas story that implied that she survived Crisis and was running around as a ghost ala Deadman.

I said deboot.

Let's gooooooo

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panel 3 got that Hiroshima lovers

You know what I mean. Big change to the universe.

I will do 8 soon.

I didn't say suck.
I said mongle.

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How is Johns doing a horrible Batman but a good Joker? Is it just because he hates Batman?