Has a cartoon ever aggravated your autism in a very specific way?

Has a cartoon ever aggravated your autism in a very specific way?

As an avid gardener, this episode pissed me off so much.
The message is a little somber but one I do agree with on a level, sometimes things are just FUBAR, and all you can do is move on from it and try to live the best you can
But if the issue is that the earth is depleted, lifeless, and dead, there are multitudes of ways to fix that. fertilizers, mulch, composting, hell, squatting and taking a shit in it couldn't hurt, but no. They did none of that, tried putting some sunflowers in an area that looks dark every time they visit it, and completely gave up when it didn't work out.
Hell, letting the sunflowers die there probably helped the soil somewhat, now they can decompose and return some nitrates to the dirt, but nah man, it's fucked, better to just give up to try and deliver a message that doesn't work here.

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i completely forgot this episode existed until you mentioned it it was so unmemorable

The kindergarten is specifically drained of nutrients, it's not really a case of sunlight being a factor. Message of the episode was that you don't need to tie yourself down to one place since there's beauty everywhere.

Also it's left ambiguous as to whether they did die of lack of sunlight or the monster tore them up which may come back to help them fix those kindergartens at a later date

It's magic, you numbnuts. They sucked the very life-force out of the land.

so put it back? Do you understand what life force is? energy.
Introduce decomposing organic matter to the soil will bring back the "life force", along with funi and decomposing organism such as bacteria, earth worms, etc.
Life is a quantifiable thing, even if it was magically removed from an area, you can put it back.

I thought life-force was magic, like the Gems are magic, and everything surrounding stuff with the Gems is magic.

even if it is, satan, it's still energy. The energy was depleted from the land and put into gems, so introduce new energy to the land in the form of organic matter and it can live again.

almost like they were one retard kid, one retard fat midget and one autist who probably never saw a plant before a few months ago.

>some nitrates
kindergarten's gonna need a shit ton of nitrates though. they sucked that place dry. it's theoretically doable but anyone will tell you that the cost outweighs the potential benefit.

Magic follows different rules. I'm assuming life-force is something like "soul."The Kindergarten sucked the soul essence out of the area, so it's deader than dead. It's cursed, lifeless ground.

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so we need to put a gem back to the ground to purify it?

It's not really magic, it's whatever passes for science on Homeworld. It's just so advanced that it may as well be magic and yeah ain't no gardening store on Earth that can reverse what happened in those Kindergartens. I wouldn't be surprised if Peridot requests tech from Homeworld to help do the job.

Even the Gems call it.

Attached: Garnet says magic.png (500x300, 100K)

To Steven,yes. When was the last time you heard them refer to it as magic?

not that guy but last i can recall, it was fusion cuisine where garnet called fusion 'serious magic'

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Steven was pretty sheltered in the first season so calling the gems magic ladies is easier to explain than aliens from outer space who fought their own kind to keep the Earth safe.

>not a party trick
>still does it at a space party/ball
SU fags are just closet furries!

user, I...

dinner parties
it's one of those "to the letter" things.

I don’t even garden or farm, but the episode of The Dragon Prince where they used a lava golem’s heart to magically heat the land so that they could just skip winter and get a few extra growing seasons to feed some starving kingdoms kinda rubbed me the wrong way. Something felt off about that and I get the feeling farming doesn’t work that way.

I’m curious: as an actual gardener, what do you think?

Plants are fairly dumb. As long as conditions are met, they'll grow

user, if that was actually how it worked, don't you think the Gems would have tried it, in the last few thousand years?

I always hated this about Jackie Chan. Why can't you combat magic with something non-magical? It just makes everyone useless and the show becomes boring.

Tried what? Fertilising flowers?

I mean as far as the episode let us know, peridot was the only one to try an grow shit there ever