What the FUCK is his problem?

What the FUCK is his problem?

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Other urls found in this thread:


A severe victimization complex


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The dude is an absolute nutcase. His insecurity has spoiled any merit as an artist he once had.

A dude that caught the SJW bug but can't see past the oceans of criticism being thrown at him daily. Lost cause.

Seems like an ok guy, especially since he had the balls to post here despite everyone labeling him a nutcase SJW.

>before he got a girlfriend

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>labelling him

He hates the movie Up because it's misogynistic
wrap your head around that one

Jonathan Wojcik? Holy fuck. I remember getting into an internet argument with someone who had this name back in 2016 IIRC. I wonder if this is the same guy. I do remember his YouTube and Facebook pages had bug stuff on them.

Thats him. What did you argue about?

>and after

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haha see its funny cause he's ugly and fat and hairy and likes ponies

I used to talk to him way back in the early 2000's about artwork when he still used pencil mostly. He was never really involved in politics or whatever until he found tumblr which melted his brain.

I posted a silly nazi meme on facebook and he tried confronting me about it so i just blocked him. I used to keep myself far from him to enjoy his art / educational stuff but i couldn't handle it anymore. I think in reality scaring people away from having an open mind about animals is the last thing he would really want.

Sorry if you're reading this Scythe. Hopefully you'll learn to accept some criticism and become a better person instead of someone who scares others away.

Monsters are cool, I always loved his TMNT figure reviews. Does he have a problem?

I've heard Jonathan described as a "less magical peter pan"
in that his online friend group consists of late teen/young adults who consistently outgrow him and move on and are replaced by new ones

nothing, Awful hospital is legit awesome.

He's got really good taste and artistic merit often, but hes an extremely loathsome person otherwise.

Christ why did he turn into a gender traitor cuck?

>it's misogynistic

Check out his tumblr, thats just the tip of the iceberg.

He used to really shine by showing everyone new/unique media that might've been unnoticed and showed others how nature can be respected in new/different ways.

He's really transgressed as a person now though and he's nowhere near as interested or genuine about these sorts of things. Very sad.

Just a stereotypical tumblr-brand leftist

He probably always was one

Because it's about a boy having a surrogate father figure

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Anyone who can post on Yea Forums probably isn't a SJW

Is it the same Jonathan Wojcik who's YouTube profile pic is a grey rock thing with an open toothy mouth and circle eyes? That's the one I argued with.
Tbh, I don't really even remember much about the argument itself, but I do remember him having very liberal viewpoints despite the fact that I don't think we were discussing politics. If this is the same dude, I'm actually a little surprised. At the time of arguing with him, I had no idea he had a name out there, so to speak.

Ok tripfag

>YouTube profile pic is a grey rock thing with an open toothy mouth and circle eyes
>very liberal viewpoints

Defiantly same guy

How does someone become this much of a faggot. Does he know most feminist would hate this type of art work for being too gross?

You would be surprised by his double-think user. He also has a tentacle-porn blog.

Crazy how small this world is, then.

That was a part of his less progressive past

>Seems like an ok guy
He basically disowned and sent his goons after one of his favorite writers (Slimebeast) for not agreeing with him on gamergate. Even though that's years old news Bogleech is just one of the many 00s early internet content creators who turned into an irrelevant, brooding sjw when the internet changed.

Its not that crazy when you take into account how he scours tags on the internet looking to argue with people. He combs through hashtags quite frequently to shame people for wrongthink

>his wallpaper was tentacle hentai
>his tumblr blog was tentacle hentai
>his creatures evoke tentacle hentai
>he sold a colouring book with tentacle hentai

I don't think you realise how these things work.

That's a great self portrait he's drawn right there.

>h-he doesn't have the fetish anymore!
You must be a woman.

More Maggot's Fairy is a qt

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>constantly antagonises retarded bronies for sexualizing a childrens cartoon
>does the same thing with velma from scooby-doo
What did he mean by this?

I don't think he's ever claimed to not still be into that stuff. He seems to be overall sex-positive and doesn't really shame people for being into things other than pedophilia.

It was on YouTube in the comment section. YouTube didn't support hashtags in 2016.

Velma's a human and is over the age of consent in most parts of the anglosphere

Yeah he's sex positive, but the original point was that he's a SJW that also posts of Yea Forums.

Jonathan sexuality non-human characters frequently such as Q-Bee and you're also ignoring the amount of tentacle hentai included in his works.

Also Velma isn't over 18. (unless she's older in new variations of the show).

Like i said, he's a good artist, but he's a fucking goblin.

>doesn't really shame people for being into things other than pedophilia.
didn't stop him from drawing porn of velma, who's canon 15

I actually don't give a shit but I feel like anyone who engages in this "gotcha" culture bullshit should be subjected to it.

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His opinions don't matter, his art is pretty cool. If you confronted him about any of his double-think in portland he'd honestly crumble in person and REEEE over it for days on his own.

they literally call she and her friend group "meddling kids" in like every scooby doo series

I thought she was 16 (which is the age of consent for at least half of US states and two thirds of Australian states)

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Wonder if knowing someone is into fucking dykes straight would throw him into a fit.

not him, but the only female character (except the... bird i guess) dies 5 minutes in so her husband can feel bad about it.
this wouldn't be a problem in and of itself, but the context was that pixar kept making male orientated films with the only females being love interests, so people found the pattern rather irritating.

they're clearly college students, aka old enough to fuck

She is my wife.

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>they're clearly college students, aka old enough to fuck
they're high school students you lorelet. I don't know their specific school years/ages (if anyone has lore on that please link it) but they def aren't in college.

I'll give it to bog, he's a cunt but he draws some cute girls

5 bucks says he got handsy with a girl who didn't consent and feels guilty about it. Isn't that usually the case with these hardcore virtue signalers?

I doubt that, I've known bog for a longass time and he's way too much of a doormat wuss.
His last relationship was actually pretty abusive towards him, and he just put up with it quietly forever.
It more likely has to do with the fact bog just seems to share every single opinion his wife does. I mean he was always left leaning, but he went hard into it after he was married.


This one in particular was due to Kajm, who is a whiny bitch who obsesses over denying global warming.

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>balding in his 30s
>married to a vitriolic feral hog of a woman
>reviews ghost busters toys on the internet
>literally every time he gets brought up here it's just to shittalk him
>pet project battle monster game has been stuck in development hell for over a decade because you handed it over to some nobody "game studio"
>incapable of keeping a consistent friend circle, in part because of the aforementioned wife

Shit man you're right I'm pretty jealous :(

Give me the deets on his wife, I always see her mentioned but she's entirely scrubbed her internet accounts.

A lot of Bogleech's issues are probably because he seems to be non-meme autistic, which comes with not understanding why people have different opinions than him or when he should drop a subject or stop going at it in a discussion.

yeah, thats the problem with that. She keeps scrubbing internet account because she fucking LOVES starting shit with people, talking shit about them behind their back, and just being vindictive and manipulative as all hell.

I don't know all the details, but as far as I know she was apparently abused pretty bad once upon a time, I don't know the exact nature of this abuse, but it made her kinda fucking nuts.
She's fully incapable of admitting to any wrongdoing, and if you make her feel bad about something shitty she did, then she'll put it on you for "guilt tripping" her.
And Bog is constantly covering her ass and defending her behavior.
I mean fuck I remember an incident on his forum way back where she just randomly banned half the users for a week and was like "ITS A JOKE GUYS JEEZE"
which, there were open ne-nazis and pedophiles on that board that didn't get banned, so it speaks to where priorities lie.

And I mean an actual neo-nazi, this is before that label was cheapened by the current political climate.

He'll actively search for right-wing posts on Tumblr just to argue with the poster.

I talked with him once on tvtropes. He came off, to me, the type of person who is really high strung/thinks of himself as better “but doesn’t want to say it” type.


Here's her former blog

Kinda poetic how she named herself after a parasitic crustacean that changes the genders of crabs.

This seems like a pretty tame Tumblr, just a lot of bug pictures and the occasional shitty Steven Universe hot take.

She would rarely publicly incite drama, at least not outside any domain that she and her husband have full control over (the bogleech site, forums, etc) she'd do it in pms, behind the scenes, etc, until it all blows up in her face and she's forced to delete.

Thanks for reminding me of that guy, I literally commented on a post of him getting dogpiled and he messaged me at like 2 AM that boils down to "COME AT ME BRO"

I expected better... Or at least something more interesting.

Now you're talking!

I fucking love awfulhospital and his nature articles.

I have never bothered with whatever twitter bullshit anons seem to obsess over. He's kept whatever political viewpoints he has out of his work and I never would have known about any of it were it not for these threads.

It seems like these threads are more for anons to shittalk the guy in an echochamber rather than discuss anything he makes. You're all pretty obsessed with online identity politics.

>unironically the most entertaining and best girl character in awful hospital

She's awesome, I want to be her someday

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So is he dobson-tier where no leftist will associate with him because he's vile subhuman?

not quite, I have seen quite a few of the more extreme tumblr leftists accuse him of being transphobic for mundane shit though

It's more like it's frustration with being unable to communicate with someone who is in some way a cool person.

>a cool person

I use to think that too, user.
But then I realized that no one who thinks pac-man and the ghostly adventures is a good cartoon should be considered a cool person.