ITT: unpopular redesigns you liked

Post them and be judged.

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I have come to accept that I have absolutely garbage taste. I'm sorry.

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I could never get over Kara’s crotch shield

Kara's panty shield and knee-hole boots were the height of stupidity, especially when they decided that it was going to represent her Kryptonian coming of age uniform happily gifted to her from her father - no male in his right mind, much less an advanced civilization that was shown to dress the way they otherwise did by their own artists and editors, would have picked such an idiotically absurd outfit for his teenage daughter.

There's been enough said about Superbro's heavily lined armour - I did like the idea that the uniform was in the shield and that's what made it portable when he was otherwise and dress casually/normally as Clark.

I didn't really object to Kon's New 52 outfit - it beats the stupid black tee and jeans look - but the coloring was too dark and the design could have been less busy. There are too many uniforms that look like it that it wasn't anything to write home about it, but I don't object to it other than the colors being too dark.

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Holy fuck what is the name of this artist, I remember fapping hard to how he drew Cyberforce

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>no male in his right mind, much less an advanced civilization that was shown to dress the way they otherwise did by their own artists and editors, would have picked such an idiotically absurd outfit for his teenage daughter.

Do you know what aliens are? Or chastity belts?

I really fucking hate trannies.

Who the hell is this?

Doctor Doom.

I see.
You sir are disgusting

looks like kenneth rocafort

mate don't be a fucking cunt just because he pointed out that it's fap bait for saddos

I still maintain it was a coloring error and she was supposed to be wearing leggings

there's a couple of books where that actually happened because of a coloring error the other way and it looks fine; even the sanitary doesn't look so dumb

Sounds like a typical dating problem for you

I fucking love New 52 and BvS Batman. I genuinely think they're two of the best superhero costumes across any medium.

Loved this design

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I like it, looks better than exposed belly and skirt barely reaching past the panties. And I wouldn't project our fashion norms onto aliens who used to wear shorts a few years back.

Superman's suit was almost perfect, both in design and concept. But I understand that some people were nostalgic for the trunks. My only gripe was that due to the lack of trunks the colors weren't balanced properly and he needed more red and yellow around his waist.

Superboy's color pallette is a bit edgy and could've used some white or blue, but overall design is nice.

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Has he worked on anything lately? I like how his art looks Western but yet still has the cute weeaboo feel about it

>Has he worked on anything lately?

>cute weeaboo feel
What the fuck are you talking about?

Do movie designs count?

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People liked the pants but hated the coat. I like both.

That's not unpopular. The movie is but Katana was one of the few things people liked about it.

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You're not alone.

It wasn't really hated, but it was never seen again.

Cannoically, Terry wouldn't have the Beyond suit if not for this.

I'd like to see Barbara Gordon with a dark blue variant. Then a black/dark yellow kind.

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Same, but I'm sucker for any design that includes a leather jacket.

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the movie's fucking trash but I actually do like this design.

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Yes, cover they all
Yes, cover they all
cover they all
cover they all
cover they all

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>he didn’t like diversity rangers

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I think it'd be a nice Donna or Cassie design, but its a poor Diana design. Also the boots sucked and made it look like she was wearing footie pants.

It's a decent teen drama that keeps getting interrupted by a shitty sci-fi action film.

Could he have pulled it off if he also grew a beard?

Kara's was the only really bad one. Kon's only two suits that ever worked were his original 90s one and the redesign Cadmus one from the New52. Nu-Superman's costume was pretty bitching when they revealed it was a semiarmour that came from the crest, that was cool. Regular supes should consider having that when facing Mongul or Darkseid or something.

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I'll admit the further haircut changes weren't always the best

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i liked it but i think it sort of depended on the artist honestly

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That's a good outfit, not sure why it's triggering so many people

I doubt it's this reason. This is just from me.

Do we need another Black Canary? I mean the jacket.

Massive departure from the original and doesn't really jive with how WW is typically portrayed.

I like this one too.
People always associate it with the 90´s extreme, but I just don´t see anything extreme about it.

Because she looks like someone wearing a very lazy Wonder Woman cosplay.

I feel like these outfits, specifically Superman, would work as future outfits, like if Jon wore it in his 20s.

It really reminds of something you'd see out of Project Rooftop: jacket, pants, large swathes of flat black, and color scheme minimization.

I absolutely despise New 52 TT but man this is the best outfit tim drake's ever had.

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Although Caselli was pretty much the only artist that made the hair look good

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I unironically like Aaron's Superman design. The rest is hot garbage, but this one I like

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Something I've noticed is that few artists can actually draw women's hairstyles.

You unironically like Super Denim's design?

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Honestly don't get why some folks hate this redesign so much. I personally think it's a nice redesign for ol' Horn Head.

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Lee wrote a big thing when it was unveiled that bugged long time fans (that the regular costume is outdated and that pants are the future)
Plus it came with a pseudo-reboot that no one was asking for, and the writer (JMS) quit part way through it

See... making a corporate fat cat type mutate into literal toxic plastic waste could be fun... but why doom?

From the special ZERO issue, every iteration of that outfit in the entire New 52 (even where Kara guested in another book) showed her without "leggings" or anything other than that severe crotch outfit which a lot of people described in story times as a panty shield.

Chastity belts were not ever worn as "formal wear" nor worn as outer wear. Also, advance, highly intelligent, science and tech based aliens wouldn't be selecting an antiquated, outmoded stupidity.

I like the suit but I don't like that Parallax mouth.

I didn't necessarily object to the uniform. I do think the armour elements and the excessive lines (which sadly Jim Lee did to EVERYONE

I like the trunks when they are drawn well (Jimenez does a great job on them) - when people draw them as a banana hammock or a pair of tighty whities is when it doesn't quite work. And the people who made the breaking up the color argument were always correct.

And as for Kon, as I said, the outfit was fine, an improvement over the tee and jeans and definitely an improvement over the gloves, belts, glasses and other excessive elements of his original concept, my issue was the color scheme.

>that came from the crest
As I said, that was a brilliant idea that they should use more, it makes far more sense than the his 'Clark Kent clothes are in a special pocket in his cape and no real explanation to where the uniform, especially things like the boots and cape, are when he is wearing standard clothes.

It's a nice, elegant touch like the ring for Barry/Wally.

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rocafort Raven

I like the idea of invulnerable people wearing comfort clothes into battle, like they're going to the gym. I also like Diana in armour for serious fights, but it has to look Greek or Roman.

I liked it but I still would have changed the top and also gotten rid of some things, like some of the metallic elements. The wrist bracers can be worn under the jacket, they should have just been peaking under the cuffs. It's OK if it's rolled up SOMETIMES but not at all necessary for EVERY instance.

Eh... the pants don't work at all.

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The arm blades are dumb, and the armour doesn't make sense.

I don't like that the shirt has belt loops. Overall it just seems average to me.

might have looked better without the yellow stripe on the head however.

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It's bad. It makes no design sense.

>Scarred, edgy goals and personality
>Way more super-dee-duper powerful than anyone else
>Believes he's Kara's REAL kin
>Commits extremely violent acts of gore upon the real main characters
I forgot what a huge piece of rejected fanfiction this mistake of a character was

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yeah what's with the buttons on the shirt? and the sleeves?? i guess he was trying to be retro but it just looks dumb

Are you seriously fucking saying that in regards to an adaptation of Power Rangers, of all things?

I don't know these characters, but is this two different characters who both took up the same codename having a showdown? I love that kind of shit.

Someone post the redesign Yea Forums did please

I think it's mostly that he's always been known for garish, bright colors to accentuate the dark scenery of his books. Making him all black sort of misses the point of what many people liked about it.

that Kon replica belt didn't work and the feathered wings to glide in that fake flying bit that batwankers always have Batgod and Batminions do was just awful

the shirt rips off from various versions of Billy's Captain Marvel outfit, the colors are OK but the belt thing is also just 'hot garbage' to use your parlance.

Pic related is the only good Hal outfit

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Lobdell's Gotta Lobdell

I don't know if people got over it but this wasn't liked at the time.

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I like the idea of post-singularity Krypton.

Does he have a scouter on?

scouter(that went unused, too) and top-knot ruin it, IMHO

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>top-knot ruin it
That's the best part.

I don't believe you.

I still remember people defending the redesign when it first came out.

Eh, looks better animated.

I like this design. Die for Darkseid.

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Yeah he has a hood, I like it, fuck you!

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the og power rangers where a bunch of kids who happened to have some minorities and quriky people. THe movie version had a lesbian and some kid with autism that literally no one cared about. what even was the point

Yellow wasnt even asian, her name was trini kwan, holy shit

>Although geographically and linguistically labeled as Southeast Asians, long periods of Chinese domination and influence have placed the Vietnamese in the East Asian cultural sphere, or more specifically their immediate northern neighbours, the Southern Han Chinese and other peoples within South China.
ok retard

I dont even know what you're talking about when the actress is a latina.
But whatever right?


It's crazy that this guy was originally intended to be a replacement for Bizarro before editorial insisted on giving him a different name.

And then later the same writer does a great version of Bizarro in Red Hood and the Outlaws. You can't make this stuff up!

i want you to google trini kwan right the fuck now and tell me that women is latina. what in the fuck are you talking about son

alright there you go.
That's not a fucking asian. Would you like to go again?

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alright user you got me. i can see a your fishing and im not biting anymore

I'm fishing you for saying the movie trini kwan is not asian? Really? I feel like you dont know the original actess' name is Thuy Trang. You big fuckin idiot.

i wasnt even talking about the movie you child calm down LMAO

>THe movie version had a lesbian and some kid with autism that literally no one cared about. what even was the point

the poster I was talking about was directly talking about the lesbian yellow ranger lol, fuck off you silly bitch. You're wrong and you know you're wrong

Second, I honestly hate classical mini-skirt design. Also I like shorter hair.

Were I president of DC I'd have him drawing Wonder Woman until he was 90.

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wtf are you talking about bro. The character was a lesbian in the movie? thats exactly what i said? why are you trying so hard to be upset?

I was agreeing with the post I quoted about the movie, and added on that the lesbian yellow had a distinctly asian name and wasnt even asian. how hard is that to even process? What are you a neanderthal?

welp im in the wrong lmao. sorry bro. thank the american education system

Fuck off you, have a good night lol

I really like New 52 Supergirl design. It's so much better and really new. Hated the current one because of how stupid the skirt looked. They're relying too much on old DC for oldfags

Trash bags and christmas lights...the horror

Zoomer fags, the lot of you.

No, you just like fapbait.

You already posted it. Easily the best Supergirl.

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Came here to post this. It really wasn't as bad as people made it out to be, and was a decent successor to his One Year Later look.

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Then you guys wonder why no one cares about your opinion when you guys lust after fapbait

Kara's new52 outfit wasn't that bad, was it? Her Red Lantern suit was great.

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>this isn't fapbait
Okay, pal.

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People like you all are what's wrong with art in comics today

I liked Wasp as a monstergirl.

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No, we just need more jackets.

Pre-Rebirth Parallax was one of my favorite villains ever, it sucks how almost every time he shows up now he has to have those stupid teeth and act super evil. They should've just made it so the bug was an influence, a parasite, but never in such a degree of control. He should've been only a whisper in the back of Hal's head due to his willpower.

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Is that supposed to be Hank with the shoulder straps made of 100% pouch?

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>Yea Forums: n52 supergirl is such fapbait
>also Yea Forums: don't put pants or cover up the cleavage on wonder woman and power girl or we riot

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I remember a page where Hal made everything there fade into nothing. I think it was in zero hour but I don't know. It was a bad ass page imo.

>I don't know these characters, but is this two different characters who both took up the same codename having a showdown? I love that kind of shit.

yeah that's exactly what happened. prison fight

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Because it makes her look more like a bartender than a superhero.

I thought the look was interesting

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Actually his name was Hel, or was it H'el

For some reason normies cant handle the based Antonio.

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it was still shit character and shit design

those boots are stupid - what is the point of the boob window on her knee caps? so that when she's kneeling to give you your fantasy blowjobs, her skin is actually touching the encrusted jazz of your cement basement?

I genuinely think this is a nice costume and that it's more aesthetic than her old swimsuit but if I say that I'm the enemy of female sexuality

It'd be a great Wonder Girl costume or something but I just don't think it fits Diana

Too fucking 90s

No exactly unpopular but I don't see many others who consider these the best X designs. Cyclops specifically is a beauty.

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This hair length and level of costume detail is perfect. What ruins it is when they add those pointless tacticool lines and additional yellow stripes or that dumb Kree Mohawk mask. They keep losing the sash too. I honestly don't even mind the really short hair when it's drawn well and she doesn't look like some sexless tranny desu. It's cute and boyish.

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why are you so mad tranny?

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That IS the redesign Yea Forums did
Note the smile - the original had generic resting glare face.

i really liked the new52 designs

Thats why the Rebirth Costume or the Classic Costume are better. Genius

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I prefer karas short hairystyle in the OP and injustice then the longhair one.


Agreed only good thing about n52 tt and n52 tim drake. Rebirth redrobin makes it too similar to normal robin, they shouldve kept using this or go back to the classic red robin costume before the reboot.

It is I that nuts to that.

Kelley Jones' Batman unironically gave me nightmares as a kid and I've loved this design ever since.

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honestly this costume is so shameless and ridiculous that I can't help but love it

Honestly Kenneth Rocafort can make anything look good.

90s Firestar, with the leather jacket.

I don't know if it's actively disliked, but you never see it anywhere, she's always depicted in the awful all-yellow 80s design.

Struggled to even find a decent picture of it on google.

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hmmm.. alright I will bite. What about this version of Doom appeals to you?

>mfw 9/10 artists can't draw cute short hair

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sup from future end was sexy as fuck

what was he? a superman clone?

Was the crotch part really that unpopular or is it a small group of vocal anons? Armour traditionally has crotch protection, and it sets it apart from just a blue leotard by looking like femunderwear over her clothing, just like Superman.

It's a fucking crime that she's not coming back in SS2

I hope you're wearing your helmet

I cant beleive Capt. Marvel let a man touch her

The hood's fine

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On the topic of Futures End and this thread however, I liked this more than the standard asymmetric design.

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eh, looking at her I feel like it would be no problem being killed by her. I'm not going to try to avoid it.


I'd like to see Carol wearing something like Phylla Vell's black celestial imagery or whatever it is, except it's a mask and much of the rest of her costume is dark. Maybe for stealth missions.

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Speaking of short hair, is this the best version of Oracle's hair? (Though it's steady hold at the bottom leads to some quetions.)

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I like that design OP...

What do you mean? No dad would want to send his teenage daughter out looking like a whore? Bahaha.

Short supergirl is best.

Only fags prefer Rebirth over N52

I prefer this Nu52 version of red Robin suit, pic related.
Shame he only used for a panel.

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Fucking loved this design

fantastic taste

the superior Diana design
I will never not think WW's regular outfit isnt stupid

Based. It’s certainly no improvement on his usual look, but it’s fine on it’s own.

There is a lot about that movie that I cannot stand, but kawaii Karen is one of the few that I adored. I really hope it isn't the career torpedo for her that it seemed.

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I love this art
Have to link the image I was going to post since it's over the file size limit

He was fine, but it's a good thing he didn't replace Bizarro.

Renegade Hal was a cool motif with the only flaw in the design being that the long hair didn't fit him, pity it didn't get a chance to play out properly. I wish they've kept the gauntlet around for an occasional appearance as a power boost or something, it looks really cool.

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Probably a small vocal group since they all parrot the fapbait argument every other post.

The helmet looks goofy, it's like he's a hamster with food stuffed into his cheeks.

it's less the costume and more the artists they hire for carol draw her like a man

I actually think this design is pretty cool.

Adult Billy was also very sexy from that particular art, and THAT one was also a great costume design.

Attached: Adult Billy.jpg (450x692, 139K)

I like Grayson's Robin and DiscoWing suits from nu52.

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The characters designs were the only thing that suicide squad did right. YES, even the leto joker, I honestly think the character would had been accepted if it weren't for leto's mediocre performance.
Fuck everyone, the damaged tattoo goes accord to the characters if you know it backstory, which they could have give us instead of two separate introductions to the characters.

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That costume was hated? I loved it. It felt like the good combination between gritty realism (body armor) and campyness (bright colors, still look like expandex)

I love absolute unit batfleck.
I was afraid that they were going to make another armored batman but I think they absolutely nailed the costume.

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This one's fucking cool as hell.

I quite liked the armored/helmeted superman concepts

People always seem to shit on this suit J'onn had for a short time, but I think it's the best he's ever looked.

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the mullet was a bit much but this version looked badass

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the Necrons will rise again