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Other urls found in this thread:

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y she drink orange juice?

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vitamins duh

Attached: Mavis dig.webm (802x1080, 224K)

Its a 40 nigga

Attached: tenor.gif (396x295, 2.54M)

not really into batwoman but i liked this cover

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Holy fuck, what is this from? That’s super cool and super hot.

Attached: B5CF588A-9393-41A6-8B3A-7E09FAF64916.jpg (480x360, 27K)

It's from blood oranges.

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i thought it was just a 40

It is

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Who’s this semen demon?

as far as i know they never gave her a name

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this show is one of my guilty pleasures

Attached: latest.jpg (640x360, 92K)

Anna Von Schlotterstein for me.

I had a platonic crush, on her when I was a kid. It's not that she was cute or pretty. But she was so selflessly and unreservedly in love with Anton, that I just found her adorable.

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Care to give some background about this?

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I'd suggest you google her name, it's unique and distinct enough that you should only get relevant results.

That said, she's a character from "the little vampire" a baby girl vampire who is still "teething" and thus does not drink blood. And falls in love with the human boy protagonist.



Chirstams in July!!

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Done, thanks wikipedia's great archive.
I thought Der kleine Vampir was just a movie, never thought it was a book series.

This is what you have to do to all cute vampire girls.

it’s like a burning sunrise

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Happy for the reference sad because of Abbacchio and Narancia.
From what comic is that.

Scare Tactics, though the character was recently killed off in a Suicide Squad Annual.

they love suck

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That’s from Invader Zim.

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Something from the golden age when the show wasn't banned from here.
It was obscure and Yea Forums explode with it. Almost every art of panheal and other sites came from here.

I mean, humans kill vampires because they prey upon them. That sounds like survival too.

I have my theories.
First we should analyse vampire feeding. Do they kill the prey or take a little from, maybe, 2 or 3 adult humans to be sated? How much time can they be without feeding? what consequences do they have if they don't feed? (Do they decay/wither away, do they go feral and attack everything that moves)
Some hunters hunt for survival, others for revenge, others for religious fanatism.
If we could reason with vampires they could be very useful for humanity. Defense, knowledge and with some experimentation in the middle, a way to prolong human lifespan.
Sorry too much Vampire the Masquerade

Vampires that only need physical blood are garbage.
The blood is a medium. It is the currency if the soul. Vampires don't feed on blood they feed on your life force itself.

Attached: 2053917-abbey_v_color.jpg (480x480, 23K)

She's just salty. She rationalizes it as her kind just surviving, but that's just because she only views humans as a food source.

It would be like a wolf being salty if a bunch of deer banded together to attack it before it could attack them. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

Depends. There are many types of vampires.
BBesides if they kill the prey in a daily basis it would be detrimental for them since they will end up running out of food supply in the blink of an eye. Pushing them to find new ways of feeding or canibalise each other.

Who is Dracula's best daughter?

Attached: daughters_of_dracula_by_dkcissner_d5uq6ba-fullview.jpg (1024x609, 85K)

Looks like one of Bruce Timm's pin-ups

Fuck her, she tortures puppies.

Damn, dracula a real player, he got sidepieces everywhere

"Dad, who are this girls?"

Attached: Alucard_(animated_series)_-_01.jpg (597x750, 234K)

>"I'm called Vlad the Impaler for more than one reason"

Attached: Freaky Sibella.png (1500x2000, 2.42M)

>Suave as hell
>Around for 500+ years
Yeah, Dracula's probably paying all kinds of vampire child-support for the various broods he's sired over the centuries.
Sadly, not all of his kids turned out as cool and handsome as

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 19K)

What's the backstory on the hair metal versions of the ghoul girls? I've seen the porn of them with their normal counterparts.

pic related is the only true offspring Dracula has

Attached: alucard1.jpg (695x475, 51K)

The weaker version ofCapitan N, the show that Bastardised Alucard and Simon Velmont.

What the fuck movie is this motherfucker from?
I laugh my head off every time I see this pompadour skateboard abomination posted but I haven't been able to track it down. I need this horror in my life.

Attached: blade-in-britain-1519929903.jpg (780x439, 95K)

the night, she calls me
She calls me, she calls me
She calls me, she calls me
She sways in her velvet dress
And pulls me towards her in the dark
While the others rest.

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"Yay! Now we can all be little bastards and spite daddy's name"

Attached: Alucardanddcasull.png (599x479, 230K)

It's based from an animation I did last year. Not much, but I thought it'd be neat to make those versions of the ghouls.

Well the porn is nice, so good job.

Attached: 1465524438105.jpg (259x193, 14K)

>Simon Velmont.

Ahh, I see you are a true fan.

40 of what?

Neither of those are vampires.

he's from Captain N

40 oranges.

Malt liquor
cuz im a nigga

Attached: 22220975_1975840792653693_8431231148071321600_n.jpg (736x736, 107K)

It's an episode of Capitan N. An animated show of a boy that arrives to the videogame world and teams up with Megaman, Pit (Kid Icarus) and Simon Velmont to fight against mother brain. in an episode they meet with Dracula and his son Alucard (the skateboard dude,)
Pic related is Simon Velmont.

Attached: Simon-belmont-captain-n.jpg (482x356, 23K)

Hellsing Abridged is God awful.

A weird-ass crossover.

Thank you! And this synopsis sounds... it sounds simultaneously better and worse than anything I could have hoped for,

Attached: NniEsEfgYCKop7kEJg8Ze54E9EcMwltilrxFUaM1VZA.jpg (1024x1280, 115K)

Which one was your favorite design, if you don't mind me asking?

Neither is but she's here.

But you're still a faggot

Can you pass the link for the animation? and the porn maybe?

It's quite a ride, fun if you go with a mentality that nothing in it is similar to the videogames they reference.

Attached: a dracula movie.png (1100x1461, 1.06M)

Sure. Not sure if you're familiar with my stuff, so it's not in everyone's tastes. As for the porn, it was drawn by an artist who goes by Cicada. It's on Rule 34.I should do more myself, though.

Attached: Phanty Doodle.png (420x800, 127K)


SB99 are you ever going to do more loud house porn?

>I should do more myself, though.
I agree

A better question -
Who is Dracula's best dead wife?

Attached: dead wives.jpg (2086x806, 1.4M)

Yes, though I think porn of other shows is necessary.

Neat. Phantasma's my personal favorite.

Castlevania's one, at least she had a personality.

>Vampire waifu thread gets derailed by this fucking radicool dudemeister

Attached: the_cooler_alucard_by_skorverna_dd05u3n-pre.jpg (961x832, 79K)

Sypha is lacking a beard in this pic

Attached: sypha.png (1200x900, 626K)

Not like these threads have much direction anyways. A lot of them die pretty quickly.

True. I usually just come here for the Mavis cheesecake.

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There are not many Yea Forums related vampire waifus.

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Everything adds up

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I'm Bram Stoker's ghost and I endorse this, it's canon

Attached: bram-stoker-9495731-1-402.jpg (1200x1200, 105K)

Drawfag here. This thread has given me a hankering to draw some Mavis. Any requests?

Draw her with the other vampire waifus having a sleepover.

Draw pic related with mavis instead

Attached: 1526527827163.jpg (1830x1920, 603K)

Attached: 6062.png (501x480, 581K)

she should have been a dyke

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These both sound way cute but I'm going to have to go with I can be a bit of a slowcoach so be patient but if this thread isn't still up when it's done I'll post it in the drawthread.

What is this from?


Uh oh I'm hard now


Mavis skateboarding with Alucard.

Dunno how lewd of an artist you are but instead of getting burned in the sun she's getting bukkaked

some issue of scare tactics

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Kys you dirty subhuman nigger

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This was an incredibly weird way to set up the children. Like, maybe if they had a montage of them in human form leading up to a nursery scene or something, that would have been fine. I don't want to think about a teenage bat getting impregnated by a werewolf.

Even then, how would she have hidden it for 6+ months? She's clearly pretty far along in the pregnancy. And what about the baby? Does the baby shrink when she becomes a bat? If so, why can't they do that in real life? If not, why didn't she explode from having MULTIPLE 8-lb babies in a 2lb bat body?

Too bad.

I see too much Gruftine but not best vampire girl.

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Lost in time user.
It's the classic lesson that you don't appreciate something until you lose it.

Attached: Moonshine is born.webm (800x450, 1.97M)

That's not Ravena

Attached: Ravenablue.png (390x577, 238K)

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Sharing this image some drawfriend made for me back in October

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This thread needs more Sybella

Attached: 1446345937943.png (1226x1469, 622K)

Yea Forums doesn't deserve her. She's been mistreated for far too long.
You didn't even spell her name right!

Sorry, writing from my phone. The problem of having a small screen and big fingers that only my gf love

WB still works on I Love Lucy pregnancy rules, so are unable to show a full baby bump on a human-like character.

There's only one best girl.

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I hated her weird jewish boyfriend

You got that right

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No it isn't.

>Vampire thread outside October.
>The entire female cast of Die Schüle der kleine Vampire and the is not deleted.
>163 post.
Maybe times have change, maybe everything will be better now.
Maybe abusefag will never come back

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Don't jinx it

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Dam Nosferatus and their hot looks.

watchu know about that?
prolly nothin

brass monkey
that funky monkey
brass monkey fuck that funky monkey

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She came back in a comic story.

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show us your fangs

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Attached: 1 (104).png (790x468, 363K)

She looks way better without her hat.

There is an absolutely criminal dearth of female Nosferatu content.

Everybody prefers those filthy Toreador girls.

How much longer until some faggot retrieves it for us? I’m tired of waiting

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How about some Winnie in this shit!

Attached: d74bh69-b29fca36-a05c-4ae1-8f41-8d2a23151fa9.jpg (475x1188, 456K)

>No, please, you're the real monster for killing me before I can kill you for food hurr

Cringe. Glad she got roasted. Fucking cunt.

I love Sibella and her design, not to mention her voice is FANGtastic. But Vampire Selena Gomez is my favorite, one of those occasions where you love both the character and VA.

Attached: Mavis.jpg (1191x670, 76K)

mona is best vampire

Attached: 1 (279).png (626x434, 350K)

Sibella might have been my first waifu. It's hard to recall, but she was definitely one of the first. It's unfortunate that she's still underrated and underrepresented in art compared to Winnie and Phanty, but last year has me optimistic for this one.

Attached: 1538775641943.png (2550x3490, 3.56M)

Seeing this design right next to a bunch of other vampire girls really shows how mediocre the artstyle of Adventure Time really was.

Attached: Fangora.png (1000x1000, 166K)

I have lots still to learn about drawing, but this is a fun way to practice, so thanks for bearing with me.

Attached: Mavis_Sunburn.jpg (1413x1501, 827K)

this ended up more disturbing than I expected

good drawing btw

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And that's all I have for best girl.

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Well Winnie I can kinda understand since the furries are numerous, but I din't know Phanty was so popular. I thought Sibella would be as popular as Winnie since Vampires and Werewolves are so mainstream.

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Fucking vampire apologist, expose yourself (to the sun).

She made me think that, in the end, Pollidoris was a comoetent hunter.

Sensible chuckle

Attached: epilogue___pit_of_dispute_by_mr_dna_dc7iz2d.jpg (672x672, 424K)

UNF. What the hell? Is that cleavage shopped?

I say yes, there's no way they will courage to air that desing.

I think you're right, but it's worth noting a clear Elvira homage might be the one time they'd risk it.

Are the Vampirella comics actually worth reading or is she just a classic pinup with an iconic outfit?

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Your all sick! Sick I tell you!

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Early evening Grufty is best Grufty.

Attached: gruftine_combing_hair_s_shot_by_tielgar.jpg (900x731, 67K)

Am I the only one who wanted to punch Oskar in the face for friendzoning her?

Attached: 26872788_899528336889039_5640154214203129856_n.jpg (480x480, 44K)

but what if im the type of guy who likes sick?
>eats cum drizzled peach


Littlest zombie vs littlest vampire.
Is like Tom and Jerry apocaliptic world. Where the world had a zombie apocalypse and vampires have difficulties to find humans to feast upon.


Vampire Jubilee is an underrated cute.

Attached: tumblr_om83irLVSJ1uemr9po1_1280.jpg (677x943, 99K)

It should be fucking spoilered.

Would unironically hug snd snuggle.

That's what all Nosferatus need and want. We have tu hug them...even though we may be repelled by their horrible smell.

Easily fixed with a shared shower.

...gonna be honest, I have a soft spot for malt liquor.

Are we sick or do we have a better perception of beauty mixed with a sel-destructive desire?


Attached: 5097B871-4EAC-466F-8594-B36F5ED1E902.jpg (552x453, 84K)

He's the opposite of an apologist.

I think it's an unconscious desire for death mixed with a desire for a cute goth gf. A vampire girl brings all that to the table and more.

So in a way we are suicidal, but we want to die looking at something beautiful. And even if the "gf" just pretends to be a gf in order to kill us?

There are men who want to die thinking someone loves them, even if that thought is a delusion.

Attached: 47c.jpg (816x640, 58K)

Even if that delusion could be produced by mesmerize caused by her.

Attached: tumblr_phg44pfGia1sgpajbo1_500.png (500x342, 199K)

There are men who would accept fucking dementation.

What is she then? Her surname is literally Dracula

She's an actress like her family. Every monster in that place is either an actor or a robot.

Supposedly. There's a waifuist theory that the park staff really are monsters, but that the in-show adverts faked the whole "poorly trained actors" part.

It would have been cool but they didn't had the guts to do it.

Wait, in the end its reveled it is all a farce? Really? I remember seeing the cartoon when I was 10 and dont remember the ending, but man that is kinda disappointing

It was revealed in the first episode. And refered truogh the show.

Attached: 15474725649940.webm (360x360, 1.78M)

Have you guys even seen the full cartoon. They are real monsters, only the parents think its a theme park. Even the creator has said they are real
T. Québécois

In the original version they are actors in a theme park.

Attached: 1458387900712.png (462x324, 199K)

OR here. Excellent work.

Who didnt?
dude so salty he had to ruin a date

Anyone else prefer series Mavis to movie Mavis?
She just hits me as having more of a personality- goofy, excitable, headstrong, awkward. And I love her voice.
Also, when the hell is season 2? I need my mindless waifu-fix.

Attached: Mavis Dracula.jpg (650x700, 56K)

It actually depends on the country. Some countries, they were genuine articles, others they were fakes.

Series Mavis is better than Movie Mavis due to the lack of that ginger love interest whose name I can never remember.

Though, I do find it funny that no one takes him seriously and just ignores him when waifuing Mavis.

Attached: mavis maid.jpg (628x1040, 155K)

What do you think they would talk about?

It's kinda hard to know Gruftine always expressed her dislike for humans. Unleast Mona extreme LARPing fool Gruftine or made her believe that in Mona's dimension vampires can take their fangs off.

On one hand, she probably deserves it.
On the other hand, she's a cute girl.
I'm not used to being at odds with my penis.

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Are werewolf girls allowed?

what are some other monster threads that would be fun to see?

Attached: ec20150506.png (644x925, 139K)

Series probably has better personality (never watched it) but movies AT ALL LEVELS had a better visual design. Her series design is irredeemably derivative and ugly. Lots of overly rounded shapes, a bizarre redesign of her hair, calarts mouth, eyes too divergent from the original design. There's just a lot wrong with it. Body silhouette is still good and consistent, but it's not all that hard to "draw" an appealing black blob that looks vaguely like a curvy torso.

patrician taste
the best vampires are the kind that can only stomach the blood of high society and clergymen


That's a masquerade violation

Stay in your kennel, mutt

How do you post here when you're blind?

>expressed her dislike for humans
I think she was more indifferent to them. The only two humans we really see her encounter in the show are either trying to kill her or in a relationship with her crush.

He has one of those text-to-speech programs installed, along with buttons that have brail on them.

>Sibella will never have a catfight with Winnie and tell her this
Damn it all.

That can only end in high impact sexual violence.

Hatred, dislike or indifference I doubt she would sit down and chat with a human.

You're such a bitch, Eric. All these vampire harlots are heirs to the pureblood houses. It was pretty time-consuming, but so damn easy to get them in this one place. The revival of La Magra shall commence soon.

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Given that they aren't immediately hostile towards her, I'd say she would. Especially if they showed interest in her hobby.

Wasn't that how it happened in the quest thread?

>Stop gallivanting around with all of ze waifus, Frost.
>You try my patience!
>Leave ze waifus alone why don you?
>No maddah how hardt you waifu zem, you will nevah be a pureblutt.
>Now get off your Apple Mac Laptop Conmpudah Powahbook and out of my zeit!

Attached: udo kier.png (1174x812, 880K)


This need more Vampirina.

Attached: 73947286_p0_master1200.jpg (950x950, 1.28M)

Y'all motherfuckers forgot about Chocola Dracula

Attached: buruma.jpg (640x480, 33K)

>Keep your greentext black.
>We're in a Yea Forums waifu thread.
>You don't need to sage-

Attached: furosutu.png (1920x1080, 1.44M)

Sleepy Batoria.

Attached: Batoria_01-2019.png (2507x3541, 2.74M)

>WB still works on I Love Lucy pregnancy rules,
>unable to show a full baby bump on a human-like character.
That explains a lot.
I thought they were just too cheap to modify her human model.

Attached: vampRef.jpg (1680x2389, 794K)


Cant she just shapeshift outta those?

>Fangora pureblood.

It never actually shows the Draculas as being actors in costumes from what I understand. Everybody else it does but not them.

Attached: tumblr_pr8e2hvxGO1xsq7afo1_1280.jpg (1000x1500, 573K)

Petyr off the shits.

I always had problem finding Don Dracula online.

In the first episodes Franky asks them if everybody had their costumes ready before the Baskervilles arrived and they said yes.

Attached: nofre.png (1600x1621, 2.08M)


I literally discovered this 5 minutes ago.

C-could it be? Is that the legendary 7head?

Never forget.

Attached: 152978328000.png (1671x1780, 1.34M)

This will help me in my lonely nights.

Maybe she is from the Sabbath

Attached: grufydom.png (1048x1920, 717K)


That was fun. Anybody else remember the lewd Sibella vs Winnie wrestling match?

Attached: Sdpx0yuY.png (1080x1180, 774K)

Attached: mt3XDnxU.jpg (640x521, 48K)

In the immortal words of Dr. Dre
"Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks"
Never let a your penis get between you and the truth.

Attached: ec20090619a.jpg (644x926, 256K)

This girl needs some good lewds.

I want to cum inside the four of them. Including Blair.

Hellsing Alucard IS Dracula.

He wasn't turned into a vampire by another vampire, he literally made a deal with what is heavily implied to be the devil after enduring ten years of rape and torture after committing atrocities for God in the crusades and then God abandoned him, to said rape and torture.

Attached: '-'.jpg (797x599, 26K)

Attached: tumblr_pd22sm2bSh1snewkto1_raw.png (1220x1724, 1.49M)

Lady Kryptina needs more love.
She is actually hot under those clothes. When she wore Gruftine's clothes she was lewd material.

Get laid incel

Attached: 1531684913743.png (1280x1280, 625K)

Wow, that's a pretty awful design

What's hotter? Sibella taming Winnie or Winnie taming Sibella?

Creepy Susie taming both.

the movie rating system counts anatomically correct pregnancy as a "sexual theme."

Welcome to America.

Anyone have any requests?
No School for Vampires or lewd stuff, please.
>tfw it's already been 6 months since the last Spooktober

Attached: cancer april 2019-2-6-s.jpg (678x706, 180K)

Megamilk Mavis? Ideally TAS style.

Draw the waifus with a non-firearm weapon you think suits them.

Anyone got a link to the quest?

Draw Winnie and Sibella fighting. Bonus points if in MMA outfits.

Sibella getting breast envy from Wilhamena

Attached: Parents_Day289.png (640x360, 179K)

got any more big vampire booty

Pic related with mavis and sibella

Attached: 1517868798519.jpg (1200x900, 678K)

Sibella crying out that she's not a real vampire while vampirehunter Panda Delgado is about to stake her.

Seconding this especially if one is putting the other in a submission hold.

>No School for Vampires

Attached: 1447099674227.jpg (439x550, 165K)

user, that would just be a pic with two piles of ash.

Mavis can canonically survive in the sun if she wears enough sunscreen.

And Sibella was straight up walking in the sun in her movie.

Exactly, it would look fine and be sexy as hell

Pls don't bring TWILIGHT LOGIC HERE. Vampires die by daylight. Anything else is twilight shit tier.

IIRC, isn't the whole vampires cant walk in the sun a very recent thing? Vampires could move about just fine during the day, they were just less effective.

It honestly varies from setting to setting. I am Legend had vampires that took Robert Neville by surprise during a cloudy day. There's no central vampire lore really.

>Vampires die by daylight. Anything else is twilight shit tier.
My dude, in the original Dracula novel by Stoker the count, and presumably other vampires, can move about in daylight, he just can't change shape while the sun is up.

>tfw daywalker

Attached: mavis.jpg (1208x1040, 574K)

>Dracula is twilight shit tier

Attached: GAME.jpg (1024x536, 134K)

It would explain how she can be a tourist with johnny

im for sure trying to be harvested

The original vampire lore did not have them dying in sunlight. As far as I can tell this trope was created in Nosferatu and later works just followed that.

Yeah, she seems way more sensitive to sunlight in the first movie where it seems to burn her, but by the second one it's more of an inconvenience for her.
Maybe it's something she had to grow out of. Or going out by day is the vampire equivalent of learning to swim or something.

Attached: 5c35b99e56bfa282cae628cff7fb52e14d4a8f59r1-750-764v2_00.jpg (503x512, 22K)

I'm sorry for taking a long while. My delivery skills have become rusty. I'll be delivering sketches due to this.
You're in progress, but only one waifu per. Won't say which.

I don't want them to fight, I want them to kiss.

I keep telling you guys, Walpurgis is like the perfect counterpoint to spooktober.

Attached: skybloodpiratequeen.png (509x494, 241K)

She wore sun glasses, lots of clothes and sunscreen. She was unprotected in the first movie

In fiction it all pretty much stems from how the count dies from sunlight in the Nosferatu movie. The later Dracula movies then went with that ending over the less cinematic book ending often enough to cement it in Hollywood lore. But when it comes to old ghost story vampires, not Dracula, then most of them were nothing but corpses that rose in the dark to drink blood on instinct, and it happened at night because nights were spooky, that's it. Because the only real common identifier in vampire cases is that the people had something they couldn't explain going on in their village and dug up a freshly buried corpse to see if it was there, and what they saw was a bloated and blood-splotched corpse that made them think it had feasted on blood and swelled up.

In the ACTUAL Balkans mythology, vampires aren't even dead people rising to drink blood, its the author merging the concepts of lugati (zombie-like creatures) and upirs (blood-drinking ones)

That's the stakes of the fight. Loser has to give the winner a kiss.

Didn't it burn through her shoes and leggings? Unless she was wearing that sunscreen under her clothes, too.
I'm almost certainly overthinking this, though. I doubt the Hotel Transylvania team were spending ages obsessing over vampire lore like I do.
Just once I want a vampire waifu who has to compulsively count millet seeds whenever she sees them.

A tomboy werewolf against a frilly girly-girl vampire that wears dresses everyday? It wouldn't even be fair.

Attached: Winnie MMA.png (350x250, 60K)

>that wears dresses everyday?
So does Winnie.

Aged up Winnie doesn't do dresses. And its still a tomboy vs a girly girl. Winnie would have her on the ground and kissing her feet in a second.

Attached: 1446350030763.png (1298x1380, 439K)

I love how Yea Forums's canon has overwritten Ghoul School when it comes to Winnie.

Then again, GS was a terrible movie.

Attached: twinkle_movie_buff2.png (350x264, 178K)

It's for the best. And still--rambunctious tomboy vs frilly girl girl. Tomboy always wins.

honestly i prefer her in a dress or skirt. kind of a purist that way

We saw an aged-up Winnie in OK KO and she was still wearing a dress.

Attached: 0c268933f771b0eb7e46fca2fd7b28332d5ed32d940b78a81e69e7c2a22ffb4b.png (2246x1054, 1.43M)

But who cares about the Balkan's vampire myths?

>When you still like you did when you were 5

It makes more sense for her. Do you really think she would be the type of girl who would willingly wear pants? She'd probably go nude if she could get away with it.

It's potentially a good luck. The shredded dress look is kind of punkish and tomboyish. I prefer the Herny look personally. There's just a lot of character to it.

Who invited the fleabags?

>There's just a lot of character to it.
Have to disagree with that. The Herny look (which he didn't actually come up with btw) is very bland and generic to me. The movie design managed to tell more about her character with less detail. The fan design looks like just about any tomboy or hipster you'd find.


It's a logical elaboration on the part of the lore about they're having to be back in their graves by first cockcrow.

Depends on whose mythology you're using. They vary from country to country but a lot of stories have revenants drinking blood like cited.

Attached: 992452d71e6fc1fa1dd650935fea28de.jpg (509x800, 88K)

Why did artists make Sibella into a alcoholic?

Is this movie actually worth watching or what?
The waifus seem beloved, but is that more from the aged up/expanded upon versions of them that have developed here and elsewhere since?
And is it a fun flick for any reason other than the undead qts?

Attached: s-l1000.jpg (1000x330, 109K)

No seriously anyone got a link to the quest fight between Winnie and Sibella? Can someone at least tell me who won?

The first half of the movie is comfy kino, but it sharply declines in quality when it remembers that it's supposed to be a Scooby-Doo movie and throws in a conflict. Overall, yes.

guys what if vampire girls instead of sucking blood actually sucked cock

This reminds me, whatever happened to that guy who wanted to do a Ghoul School reboot?

Attached: ghoul_school__main_characters__by_dltoon_dazjgh8-fullview.jpg (1024x1326, 264K)

Herny did it once and liked drawing it so he kept doing it and ran the concept into the ground until he decided he didn't want to draw the other four ghouls anymore. He's also a popular artist so of course other artists were just going to copy what he was doing thus running the concept even further into the ground until it was sizzling in the Earth's molten core. It also I guess appealed to some anons' fetish so of course they were backing it.
Honestly, it was funny at first but oh boy did the joke suffer a brutal death and some people still don't want to admit that it's dead.

That sounds so crazy it might actually work.

Not sure, but he got some cute concepts drawn.

Attached: one_step_closer__indecent_exposure_by_dltoon_d9ezu6g-fullview.jpg (1280x2294, 243K)

I really like the idea of Sibella having sisters.

Attached: d8sv5gw-c4ddeb3e-d3e5-44d8-8f08-ad55632f1944.png (1400x1200, 1.7M)

>requesting multiple waifus in one post
That's a paddlin'.

Attached: cancer april 2019-7.png (1241x1244, 215K)

I still genuinely wonder, how would Yea Forums and I guess some outside of Yea Forums would react if a Ghoul School reboot/spin-off came out and it didn't have anything to do with all the fan interpretations Anons have grown used to?
What if it got popular, would the official versions then completely overshadow the fan versions?

something about the one on the right cracks me up

Cute-ass angry Mavis. Nice work!


I can't see this name without chuckling now

Attached: lmao.gif (400x308, 564K)

That's a cute girl orc cosplaying as Mavis.

I'd be happy that the girls got another chance to be on TV, I'd just hope that they don't go all Thundercats Roar on us.

It starts as Tanis quest but the catfight happens down the thread.

eat fresh

Attached: Tales+from+the+Cryptkeeper_sleeping+beauty_true+form.jpg (480x360, 21K)

I follow the lore of vampire the masquerade. Direct exposure to sunlight burns you caused by the curse of vampirism.
It doesn't set you on fire inmediately, but the wounds made by sunlight take ages to heal back.
Except if you're from the Lasombra clan or a Follower of Set, if that's the case then when the sunlight touches you go POOF into oblivion.

As long as my wife still makes bat vampire puns, I have no complaints.

The world is big enough for Ghoul World 1 and Ghoul World 2.

I don't they could ever get away with not including that.

>that ending

Sibella is underrated thanks to all the autistic furfags and ghostfuckers inhabiting this cursed shithole of a board.

Attached: 547547457.gif (300x224, 1.1M)

I saw a hentai once where the vampire girl drank semen saying that it was the equivalent of blood in nutritional value.

the fangs would make the fellatio extremely painful


Probable making Winnie a lesbian an Elsa a trans.

>nutritional value
>not superior life force levels

How do you feel about:?

Attached: sibella_in_the_morning_by_elfranco_d2xq8ez-fullview.jpg (800x1174, 85K)

Trying to do yours, next. I've chosen a submission move as the focus. It's new to me, so it's taking a while.

394 post and the thread survived and it looks lively.
I am proud of you vampanons.

Attached: winnieeeeeeeeeeeeeee_by_elfranco_d3pettp-fullview.jpg (900x662, 89K)

Attached: 1508730861.project00wolfen_sibella_dracula.png.jpg (858x1280, 159K)

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Spoilering this one because its slightly risque.

Attached: GeNtoRx.png (3252x3908, 2.86M)

Thanks man. Feel free to make the winner whoever you want.

Attached: 8e3efc7553531937efeb2bd47ccf313bce2ea3cf.png (1272x1642, 450K)

Attached: tumblr_of51ofYbv01vu8r6ro1_raw.png (1293x2892, 439K)

This dropbox contains a whole bunch of folders of supernatural girls, not just vampire ones. Have fun.

Attached: 1519963776170.png (1000x1000, 190K)

You are the heroe of this thread draw-Fiend, I am glad you taged along this.

reminder she had sex

Not in that incarnation. TAS takes place before she got GINGERED.

You're a heroe too user, you have my respect and my inconditional love. no homo...maybe half homo

Attached: vampire_innocent_short_9723.jpg (350x327, 44K)

Attached: tumblr_messaging_pha50ihxMB1ql80k7_1280.png (1245x1920, 1.55M)

If a vampire bites someone with HIV, does he or she contracts HIV?

Attached: 1508643462985.png (800x769, 126K)

Technically it doesn't contract it because they are unaffected by any illness, but they become carriers and whoever they bite gets infected by HIV. And I think the blood tastes awful.

Superior taste, user.

Attached: 869FD8A7-7F42-444F-B584-34D8F91ED600.gif (480x270, 1.51M)

>he doesn't know about the Hemo-Goblin

Attached: bookcover_pecggv-2.jpg (299x400, 39K)

Sibella cover when?

Didn't that happen to Morbius in the 90's Spider-Man story? Or did I read some comic where it happened to him around that time?

Whenever someone commissions it.

Attached: vlcsnap-error263.png (569x667, 495K)

Morbius isn't a real vampire.

How much?

No, what happens is like that one quest in VtMB, where a bunch of vampires carry a sickness and spread it each time they feed. Or what said.
I'm happy to be a part of it. Sadly, after the next delivery, I must depart.
It's almost done and I think you shall enjoy it.

It has vampire in the comics name.
No matter if the vampirism is contracted via vampire bite or via an experiment a vampire is a vampire.
And he became a Vambee in Marvel zombies

Don't be a vampire gravekeeper, user.

Attached: Carlos.jpg (600x600, 35K)

>Knowing about VtMB
I love you even more draw-Fiend. Actually in the tabletop game there is a defect you can choose and become a carrier of disease.
You will be missed, let's hope that this thread becomes one of many others so we can see you again.

He's the LIVING vampire. A real vampire is undead.

That one cost $60.

>A real vampire is undead.
Says you.

>acting like vtmb is some super obscure thing
Nigger, this pic is older than a good chunk of the underage b& that shitposts here. Bloodlines may not be super well known, but it's hardly obscure either.

Attached: 1308494191386.png (1166x749, 918K)

And many others.

Pretty sexy user.

I might contact you in the near future. Got a few variables to sort out.

Hold on there. I was the commissioner, not the artist.

>Those bowling ball boobs.
Early 2000's games were something else.

Attached: 1537501738782.jpg (324x394, 45K)

I didn't mean to say that it was obscure. It's the first time I see someone from Yea Forums mentioning it.

I wonder how much whining we'll get about the sequel being shit.

Then I'll be contacting the artist. I found their page.

As long as I can be a Tremere I am fine with it.
I wonder if they will use 5th edition to make the story. Everything went batshit crazy in that edition.

Attached: 1280028-bettina_01.jpg (581x640, 61K)

Yee, Batterbee does some real good shit. Can't wait to see what you get.

Attached: ezgif-2-16e79b0430.gif (600x558, 1.91M)

Fuck off back to 17th century England, or tumblr. Those are the only places where that is considered proper english.

May not be able to swing it, but that's not the likely outcome. Guess we'll see.

I'm from 17th century England. Seethe harder.

Then go back there, Edward.

If I could, I wouldn't be here.

Attached: 1555859466130.jpg (1260x1686, 1.19M)

Remember, between 7th and 8th rib. Make it count.

Attached: machine-round-stake-point.jpg (488x488, 27K)

Well I hope things pull through for ya

I didn't expect this to turn flirtatious.

Attached: 49906883_278437766184693_7864231237396620642_n.jpg (1080x1080, 118K)

But in that case can either of them really lose?

Glasses of blood are a meme. Have you ever had a terrible bloody nose? You'd know blood turns into a disgusting, crusty solid more or less immediately after spilling.


It's a vampire/werewolf dominance thing. There's not much practical difference between giving/receiving a kiss but there is a difference in dominance.

Plus, the stakes could be the loser has to kiss something besides the lips. The hand or foot for example.

>The hand or foot for example.
You don't have to dance around it here, user. It's perfectly okay to say that you want to see Vinne rimming Sibella.

>The stakes are really that the loser has to be the bottom tonight.
>This is how they decide every night.
Yet another reason why Sibella x Winnie is best ship.

God, I know I do.

>Implying Sibella wouldn't be the one rimming

I want to suck on Sibella's asshole the way she drained that crabapple dry in the movie.

That's exactly what they do here:


Attached: goth couple.jpg (620x413, 57K)

You'll be pleased to know that I commissioned a Winnie and Sibella shower pic then.

>Winnie thought to herself as she purposely lets herself lose.

From who?

>Everynight they wrestle to see who's the alpha and who's the pet.
Do you even need the other ghoul girls? The two are perfect with just themselves.

>implying that's blood

>the stakes could be the loser has to kiss something besides the lips.
Oh my...
>The hand or foot for example.
I'll likely not deliver by the end of the thread, which is fast approaching. If that does happen, I'll post the finished image to my deviantart and tumblr galleries.

Can you post the links?

...You wouldn't be interested in depicting the post tap-out stakes, would you?

Post it in the drawthread. Then it gets on the booru too.

Attached: 1399275939807.jpg (900x900, 105K)

Is it finished or in progress, because I have a pic like that saved in a folder.

What are your pages?

deviantart (period) com (forward slash) draw-fiend
draw-fiend (period) tumblr (period) com

It'll be done within the month. Artist has a que.

Scroll down a bit because he's done vampire girls before.

Right there.
Wouldn't it get deleted (and I incur a ban) since it has Winnie in it?
Nay, I must away after I deliver this one. There's a comic with my name on it that I must attempt to purchase on the morrow.

Following you on deviantart.

No only cursed thing is School for vampires. But after seeing this thread I guess that's not a problem anymore.


Furry stuff allowed in the drawthreads?

>Nay, I must away after I deliver this one.
Any chance we'll eventually see the post-match penalty on your DA/tumblr?

Attached: a7c0c807142b0a52b8bbf8272f1dca29_l.jpg (262x400, 53K)

Attached: vampire-tales-comic-6.jpg (550x732, 101K)

Just link back to the request post, so people can see it's a delivery.
As long as it gets to stay for ~30 seconds it will get scraped by desu and the booru guys, so deletion doesn't matter.
It's not like bans matter much here, especially not if you're phoneposting. Then banevasion is ridiculously easy. IF a ban happens, you just won't be able to post for a few days, you can still browse.

Phones should honestly be blocked from Yea Forums. It solves the ban evasion problem and keeps undesirables off the site.

Thank the good lord, it is done. I did a cleaner trace over the sketch, which is what took up most of the time (alongside the figure placement).
Thank you kindly.
Of my own volition? Likely not. Not unless I can Subvert Your Expectations™.
Ah bugger it all.

Attached: cancer april 2019-8.png (1482x986, 329K)

Fuck you elitist

I've been saying that since moot enabled them. They're consequence free shitposting enablers. It makes no fucking sense that mook hasn't at least restricted mobile to browsing only when he complains about bandwidth usage. A conservative guess says it would get rid of at least 3/4ths of shitposting.

Attached: funny-zombie-comic-illustrations-zomcom-18-5a168a581c20b__700.jpg (700x1309, 409K)

Yea Forums was born from shitposting, it's the blood that runs trough it's veins.

Thank you so much for this!

Attached: vXKfErQ.png (381x412, 270K)

I can only browse through my phone.
Specially since I may need to sell my computer.

Feel free to subvert my expectations and do whatever for the post-match penalty.


Attached: tumblr_pesx5ru9PP1vp5vtqo1_1280.jpg (655x1920, 254K)

You know it hasn't been April for almost 2 weeks now, right?

It used to have consequences if you shitposted outside the designated shitposting boards. It got even more out of hand after all the election trash flooded in.

>the world should cater to my every whim
Go away millenial, you are the reason this site has become even shittier than it used to be.

>Go away millenial're a millenial too.

You mind if I make a lewd take on that pic some point in the future?

Choke on it, zoomer. You will never here. The Internet was ours before corporations colonized it and divvied it up between your little rodent hands.

>tfw you were born 1 year too late to qualify for gen X
Dammit, I can't keep up with all this newfangled bullshit. Pretend I wrote whatever the cool nickname for gen Z is.

Winnie fights like a good little alpha wolf. She goes for the throat!

It's zoomer. I don't think it's derogatory enough but it's what took off.

Well guys we reached the end of this glorious thread.
It a fun ride, happy to met all the vampfags that came here, I hope that we can have a thread like this one again. Thanks Draw-Fiend for droping by and deliver some stuff, you're amazing.
Thanks the folder will help me in my lonely nights.
And thank mods for not nuking our thread.

>I hope that we can have a thread like this one again

maybe a ghost thread?

>Of my own volition? Likely not. Not unless I can Subvert Your Expectations™.
I'm fine with any followup. You did a great job with this request and I want to see how'd you'd do Sibella's penalty.

The better girl won. This is fact.

Maybe a supernatural/mythical thread.
All in. Vampires, Werewolves, Ghosts, demons, everything goes.

No, she lost.

That's just a spooktober thread then. We can't have those outside of October.

Winnie has the fighting spirit. She is a Warrior. [Skronks internally]
Thank you kindly.
Maybe at some later time. I currently have a few things on my plate, and I used the requests here to blow off steam.
She attac, she deflec, but most importantly, she go for the nec.
What kind of lewd are we talking about? In either case, I only ask that any edits are labeled as such on the image itself.
I can't be arsed to name my files as Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4, so I just go with the month the quarter starts with.
It's a holdover from when I regularly delivered in drawthreads.
'Twas a pleasure.

You can see the other result in the quest thread. Sibella won there.

Then it means goodbye user. We may never have a thread like this again, but we will remember this one fondly.

bro, you suck at faces
me and my boner love how you draw everything else, but those faces are dog-shit

We shouldn't have this kind of threads outside October either.

Seriously? Still with the spam-syndrome because that guy was drawing? It always subsequently turns to shit. Every time. A worse thread than the last, every time.

Look at those muscles! No wonder Winnie licked Sibella!

The faces are fine. I love Winnie's victorious grin.

>Winnie licked Sibella!
I thought that was only if she lost?

Just make it a vampire girl thread and backdoor in everyone else. Or make the theme fights between monsters, werewolves vs vampires and the like, and bring up Winnie vs Sibella.

She licks Sibella's face to establish dominance.

Sibella has to lick something else...

Calm down user, you're acting like an asshole.
You know what? fine let this die and never talk about it until october.
Let us flag every similar thread that pops out.

I might have to side with on this one.

I think one more thread on werewolf vs vampire stuff could be fun.

But just one more. I agree we shouldn't try and spam with stealth October threads.

Yup, this thread is not a relationship. It's a one night stand.
If they want to post things like this they should go the waifu thread instead and get deleted

Damn that's nice. Could you do Winnie fighting Vivian one day?

One immediately after the other may be a bad idea.

I would give it a week.

Or six months.

>What kind of lewd are we talking about? In either case, I only ask that any edits are labeled as such on the image itself.

I meant a completely new drawing based on your one.

>in the tabletop game there is a defect you can choose and become a carrier of disease
Guaranteed that has the Camarilla come bear down on you and make life more difficult.
Granted, Sibella's face could've been better. I haven't used references for such an angle in a long while. However, I do think you are making them out to be worse than they actually are.
Interesting choice of words, as the other user noted.
I do not know who that is, so I can't say for sure.

Well, thread's more or less done. Fare thee well, lads. May you all find your big-titted vampire gf to suck you dry and feast on your blood. Cheers!

Are these like interviews for you, or what's going on?

Or next year.

Drawing over it? Sure, go wild.
Replying to people replying to me. It's only polite.

Seriously, I have to go now. Farewell.

Why? Are we skipping spooktober this year?

Goodbye forever drawbro. You will be remembered.

>I think one more thread
>could be fun.
You really are delusional, huh? Or pretending to be new, at least.

Vivian is Herny's purple werewolf OC.

There is no need for spooktober now. We had this, more it would be a terrible idea. It has it's magic if it is a early thing.

Last Spooktober was miserable, honestly.

>And Winnie with human feet, not ugly bent dog feet

He may be unironically autistic for vampires and can't let go.

i did enjoy all the movie nights

Those movie streams made my halloween.

Seconding this, but I doubt draw-fiend is here anymore.

He's gone but we will honor his spirit.

>make a new thread
How about no? We were lucky enough to have this one. Let's not push it.

We can make one next year.
Yea Forums is not know to let people have fun.

All it takes is one gormless retard to ignore consensus and make it, and the rest of his little butt buddies will cluelessly keep it bumped.

OP here. Ill make a new one when this thread dies

Attached: 1533354228504.jpg (960x720, 239K)

People like you get things cursed user.
Accept that this threads are not meant to be more than once a year.
Make a vampire group in Discord or somewhere else if you can't stay one year without posting all this shit.

I'm sure two threads in the middle of May won't be an issue bra. That said, we shouldn't spam too much.
>TFW vampire girls make me both aroused and terrified
>mfw I still want vampire gf even tho I'm deathly afraid of being cut and bled.
Its an abstract, horny kind of hypocrisy...

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I just want a gf or a job that would be good too. I won't get neither.