More creative teams are now being being tweeted by a bunch of people.
More creative teams are now being being tweeted by a bunch of people
Other urls found in this thread:
Ewing's 3rd team-up for this
Looks like all of Marvel's current writers might be getting in on this
The hype for these really went out the window once it was posited that they’re all just couple page deals for Marvel Comics #1000.
Still will be full of good stuff I’m sure, but far less intriguing than these guys doing maxi/limited series or something.
I am not impressed.
I was at a con last Saturday. The guy flakes for 2 hours at his booth because his kid is sick. I’m not heartless, but a side of me thought he was lying and had a secret meeting for his position on Marvel’s Spider-Man
unironically YAASing right now
How many of these is Al writing? Not that I'm complaining.
I can tell this is a wolverine comic
And another one!
Based and redpilled
Cringe and bluepilled
Meh and blackpilled
I'm just worried that they're going to do to Al Ewing what they did to Remender -- try to mold him into the next Bendis and drive him away by fucking with his storytelling.
Oh no, is Al going to pull a Bendis, and phone in his writing on these books?
I really don't want him to start slipping.
Now marvel has my attention.
Man, I really like Chip. He sounds like a genuinely cool guy to hang out with
Tell me this isn't an edit.
>That creative team
this is gonna be a modern classic
It's that spider-ham story they were working on.
>these books
They're all short stories (some a page long) for "Marvel #1000"
It's from Chip's twitter, so your guess is as good as mine.
That's real. I love Chip
>All these old people past their prime
Are young people even interested in drawing cape comics?
Are there even any young capeshit artist to get hyped for?
Whaaaat, also what's with the pattern?
Based. Maybe at least one of them will not about overexposed characters like Hulk or Deadpool. The one with Ward may be The Ultimates
let's hope he will just ignore Prodigy instead of shitting on him for trying to free &Hulkling
Sniktbub shit incoming
as long as she and is contained on Captain Marvel
Has he written comics before? He's already done just about everything else.
>this much ewing
My body is ready.
There's no sign of that happening other than "it happened before to this other guy". Sure there was a dip in quality with Hulk, but it's already shot back up to 10/10.
He has more with Noto and Acuna
>3 on one book
Mark my words, it's an X-men book.
hell yeah the rude dude doesn't get enough work
Ewing 2.0 is on this too.
Might be kino.
Hello, is 2000AD calling?
Based and Thompsonpilled.
How can Marvel be such chads? They must've spent a fortune on these teams
At last, someone worth a shit at Marvel.
Jesus Christ how do I hold all this Ewing
Love it for the record, dude rules
Drawing a blank with this one.
Fuck you KSD Carol is the best.
The Aussie quota of the teases.
>Kurt Busiek and a lot of hacks
Bravo Marvel.
I know, right? There's like 8 of these, I keep finding them.
Was there already a Nadia team?
If anything that one should be with Gurihiru, right? Unless Chris Hastings and them are already taken... Please GOD PLEASE
>eve ewing
She's also good, not great, but good.
I mean, she made Iron Heart readable.
>They must've spent a fortune on these teams
Or maybe 5% of the left over Endgame money.
Agreed on all accounts. Though her paired with Jen Bartel bumps both to "great" if done right.
The world is full of people called Al Ewing, yes.
>Endgame money
Man, do I have bad news for you...
>DC lost Cheung as well
I really hope Marvel is going to start trusting him.
Marvel basically sabotaged Eternity War, but after seeing what he did with Hulk, I hope they give him a real chance to have his own event.
OP Where's Daddy Simonson?
I need some KINO Thor to read
He was never really "at" DC
He was still doing Marvel variants while on JL
and that's a GOOD THING for Diversity
I'm enough of a pleb to not know Lemire could draw.
I really would love to see this one, by the way. Landy was pretty good in Black Order and Paco Medina is one of my favorite Marvel artists.
Runaways is coming to the menu boys
He was announced yesterday, though gotta find the picture.
>shit writer
>good artist
The 2010s will never leave Marvel, will they?
So she's the better Ewing?
More Ewing...
This is a collage with some of yesterday's announcements, and Simonson is here.
okay....I'm starting to get overwhelmed...
Are we talkin' a 300+ page special now?
Alan Davis :ok_emoji:
Most of the good announcements will probably be 1-2 pages long
>no Cates
Thank you OP
>Roy Thomas
This, unfortunately. Though maybe it's something like Legacy, hinting at some future projects? One can dream...
>no Cates
Its gonna be 10 100 page specials.
Erik Larson said he did 41 pages for this yesterday.
Just to keep up, there's 45 (so far) confirmed teams on this:
But user, Cates is the salvation of Marvel! Yea Forums told me so!
I think this is the first time Ewing works with Deodato... Time to break out dat Poser.
this is what I expected AC and TEC #1000 to be like
This is clearly some X-Men shenanigans, guaranteed.
There is a Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw one.
Who is this Kareem guy
Isn't Samnee have a DC exclusive contract?
KSD has never been good.
You know, aside from the tsunami of Ewing books, there isn't much to be hyped about since we don't know what they are working on.
I'm just stuck here thinking "wow, this person I like is going to work on something". The only reason I'm hyped about Ewing is that he's getting a ton of books and that's a sign that he might be moving up and could fill the void Bendis left behind.
Must be a recent development, because last year he did Captain America w/ Waid.
>Carol in the primary spot of the teaser
Good day to be a Carolfag.
Love the Chip
Oh, I see. You're Ewing in disguise, right? You're jealous of him! You hav to write tens of books so people forget him and praise you instead!
Well, it's not working mister. Cates has TPBs named after him. What do you have? NOTHING.
he hasn't even drawn anything for DC except some covers
he just stopped his marvel exclusivity
>Slott writing Spider-Man again¨
>but Martin
Whatever, I'll take it. Spencer, Zdarsky and JMS better provide Spidey stories too.
>only one
More worry.webm
>he might be moving up and could fill the void Bendis left behind
Is this supposed to be good?
These aren’t books, just short stories.
Based Shogun bring superior japanese warriors to the west.
Probably some anthology for Marvel's 80th.
>Cates has TPBs named after him.
This is only so people know what volumes to skip, nothing more to it.
One about Sherlock Holmes. He's a fan of the character.
Ewing pls
Yeah, my memory is a mess
>Larsen being a faggot online again
News at 11.
Books, on-goings, one shots, minis, doesn't matter, a comic is a comic.
>Is this supposed to be good?
Well uh, yeah? He's probably among the actual best writers in Marvel right now. Better than having Aaron and Cates hogging books with their awfulness.
Oh wow, then I have no idea what to expect from this. It can't be just one issue, can it?
>There is a Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw one.
Can't find this. So far I haven't seen Cates mentioned anywhere.
Easy there bootlicker
This just means it's gonna be short-stories, likely regular comic-length.
Based Zub.
>Is this supposed to be good?
Somebody has to, it's they way things are, an empty throne cannot stay vacant forever.
DC has 3 fighting to be king, Bendis, Johns, and King. Marvel has none, but sooner or later someone will take that empty seat of power, so it is better someone we can trust takes it before another tries to.
>probably among the actual best writers in Marvel right now
Look at those dead standards.
Its gonna be 10 100 pg books
or 50 20 page books
>capes are like monarchy
Obsolete and a waste of money?
Wow are they changing the company name to Al Ewing Comics?
GodDAMN the boy cashing in like 20 paychecks.
Jesus, CB. Calm down.
Shit tier
Bring back Eli and Jonas you cowards
Now I want a show/book about rivaling comic comic companies where all the staff members act like they are on GoT or something like that.
Fuck you Cameron Stewart you piece of shit
Great, more racist trash from that piece of garbage.
Like Silicon Valley except Marvel vs. DC? With them pilfering talent from modern Image?
Who's Hooli, though?
where are they going to find good writers from?
Outside of American comics and also from outside of comics.
Upset there’s as yet no Louise Simonson or JRJR
99% chance this is Jim Hammond Human Torch right?
>With them pilfering talent from modern Image?
Yeah, if by "pilfering talent" you mean they run into the office with swords and kidnap some of the writing staff.
I mean, with all the continuity fixing, he should be credited as editor, too.
I'm guessing they're giving him a lot of work on account of ending the Spider-Man comic strip.
>Bring back Eli
>and Jonas
Found one more.
This is gonna involve blackjack and hookers, right?
I thought it said Englehart for a moment.
>mfw it wasn't
Ohh great, party's over you guys, he's involved too.
It's gonna be about his nuGOTG and puagh.
Eh I haven't read his Marvel stuff yet but God Country was fantastic, Redneck is good, and Ghost Fleet is alright.
Winter Soldier: Burgundy
I'm seeing people complaining because Al Ewing has as many teams as women do... But chances are he was the one who masterminded this thing in first place, so there's that.
>I haven't read his Marvel stuff yet
Funny, if it wasn't for his Marvel stuff, I would check those you mentioned. But it's just so, so bad...
Somehow I don’t think Ewing masterminded Marvel’s 80th anniversary.
One of the greatest players in NBA history
At the very least, he must be doing whatever the framing story is for this anthology.
I mean, obviously it's CB's idea, but why is it precisely him getting so many teams while everyone else gets 1, 2 at most?
>didn't watch Airplane!
No one mad should have all this power.
>Ewing Comics, written by Ewing, drawn by Ewing, executive editor: Ewing
No, but he's hijacking it they same way he hijacked CW2 in the long run.
Because he deserved it
He should be editor, honestly. Take the place Mark Gruenwald had back in the 80's and right this ship.
>Into the Ewing-Verse, written by Grant Morrison
>executive editor: Ewing
Well, he's only got 1 continuity error under his belt to my memory.
He'd be a good editor if it wasn't for the fact he's already one of Marvel's best writers.
I hope he won't pull a Tim Seeley and remove himself from half those things
>PAD but with a decent artist
Thanks, fucking finally.
Make it so.
Yeah, I don't know whose idea was to pair him with Greg Land for Symbiote.
No Claremont yet!
This must've been what they were trying to get Byrne for
You know what just hit me hard?
The confirmation that Retard Ewing is dead.
So many Ewing in that thread and it didn't make him come back. He's really gone, bros.
>Ewing will die after reading a Liefeld comic
This. This shit is way better than how dc celebrated those milestone issues. Based marvel
>how dc celebrated those milestone issues
Yeah, Action #1000 and Detective #1000 were "meh" at best.
The way they ended was also just insulting.
Yoshida-Sama ushering a new dawn in Marvel.
I don't miss that guy one bit.
the only story i liked from 'tec was the Kevin Smith one
please no bully
Don't bother, I read God Country before reading his marvel shit and it's just as bad.
This. DC is finished.
Not entirely surprised. I really don't like his style and his barebones approach to continuity.
I'm just going to say it.
Out of everything in DC #1000, the Bendis story was the best one.
>The Immonens are back
Stegoman has successfully cloned himself
I'm pretty sure this one is a joke, but I can't confirm... He didn't post it after all.
Someone made the poster for him, we don't know if he still might be on it
What is this, the Money team?
Check out Sweet Tooth and Royal City by Lemire, really good stuff
Will do! I have Black Hammer in my list too, I've been wanting to get around to it.
Was Captain America:White well-received?
>Who is this Kareem guy
the rest of the teams seem pretty good though
>Pepe Larraz
0/10 Apply yourself
His name is Roger Murdock. He's an airline pilot.
>Sweet Tooth
really? I've read the first 10 issues and it hit all the boxes: terrible art, predictable story, cliché after cliché, bland and unlikable characters
>leave my company warriors alone!
See you in three days, kids.
Add another Ewing to the list.
>80th Anniversary celebration
Wouldn't be surprised if it's all going to be developed around the number eighty or eight. Eighty books, eighty pages each, with one eight-issue miniseries tying the whole thing together.
>Jen Bartel
Storm finally?
Jesus, Ewing!
Some of it is Marvels related. Busiek said as much previously.
If Sue Richards is getting a miniseries, I don't see why Storm can't get hers. Hopefully soon.
It's Ewing time
Maybe it's stories rewriting origin stories in a modern context, with one overarching story tying them all together. A "modern Marvels" if you will. But this is just speculation.
Otherwise, it's just another goddamn Marvel rebranding, renumbering and rebooting scheme. How many books is Ewing writing for Marvel now?
Remember when Soule was writing eight books at once before Marvel bought him out?
oh fuck you, i thought i had two new dead pixels on this monitor for a moment
At this rate it just has to be one long story and all these artists have 1-2 pages in them.
>How many books is Ewing writing for Marvel now?
Just one, Immortal Hulk. He co-wrote Avengers: No Road Home with Zub and Waid, and there's an upcoming GOTG Annual where he's contributing a Quasar story, but other than that he's been devoted to Hulk.
So I guess giving him 11 stories to work with is Marvel's way to make it up to him.
The face who saved Marvel, The 21st Century Response to the British Invasion, Chris Claremilennial, along with Yoshida-sama, the imperial saviors of decadent american comics.
This’ll be good
He's also going to co-write Jane Foster the Best Valkyrie Ever! with Aaron
And he's doing all the Secret Warps one shots
it is still not enough
Kelly Thompson is terrible
She's the best, kys
>Well, he's only got 1 continuity error under his belt to my memory.
what error?
Nothing good ever came from stretching a writer so thin over so many titles, even if Ewing was as good as people make him out to be.
Ellis story was good too
Ewing is marvel's morrison. At least he has the potential
Haven’t we already figured out that these aren’t titles, but short stories? Not really much stretching there.
>And he's doing all the Secret Warps one shots
Forgot about this, even though it's one of the things I was looking forward the most due to the Squadron Supreme merged with New Universe characters. Gruenwald stravaganza!
He can't keep getting away with this!
So are all of these teasers for that big event the Shogun was talking about that he wanted it to sell a million copies or whatever?
And so it seems. It has to be the size of a trade, at least.
Goddammit, there are SO MANY amazing creative teams for this that it just makes the fact that it's all for a fucking anthology one-shot all the worse. I don't want some 3 page story by Busiek. I want a series, or at least a mini.
Nah, he's going to pull a Remender/Hickman. Have his books suffer because all of his carefully laid plans get thrown out the fucking window when editorial starts dictating the way his stories have to go for the sake of events.
>Erik Larsen
I still can't fucking believe this. What could they possibly have offered him to get over his hateboner for Marvel?
With this, it makes 53 teams. So much for the "52" joke.
Oh man, you're right. I can't even remember the last time I saw that south park image he would spam in every thread where Ewing's name was mentioned. I hope he's OK.
BASED YOSHIDA. Too bad these are all just short stories for an anthology book. At the very least, it seems like it'll be a cool one.
>DC's 1000 anniversary issues they get a bunch of people around the office to put out mediocre work
>Marvel's just casually rounding up GOAT after GOAT including a half dozen people retired from the industry for fun
For what it's worth, Busiek said his announcement was for A secret project, not THE secret project.
DC is getting jelly of the attention...
Marvel does what DC Doesn'tC.
Huh, neat. Given the number of announcements, I imagine not all of these are for the anthology book. The anthology book is probably just their big "Rebirth" style one-shot to set-up their new line of books. The Rowell/Anka one for example could just be a relaunch of Runaways.
>Tom King Batman
Not even with a borrowed dick.
low key have been expecting a King/Gerads one
>GOAT after GOAT
>half blind retired folk
>Ewing on 20 of these
God, I love blind company lackeys suck as yourself. You make me laugh
Wouldn't be a bad idea to bring him back for a quick "Vision" 9-panel grid, at least for the meme potential.
JRJR is a DC guy now
Might be a digital first book? I mean, it's clearly Young Avengers, so that could work as a digital first given the audience.
>actually hating on Ewing
What would larsen love to write with no brakes and creative freedom?
>could draw
>Marvel has never been good.
>Simonsons, Busiek, Parlov, Rude, Allred, Ross, Davis, Loeb/Sale is bad
I don't believe you
go suck off Tomasi
Hickman and Weaver doing a page
In this issue: The Young Bucks fight The Thing and D-Man in front of a capacity crowd of 150 people, it gets 7 out of 5 stars!
Not even hating on Ewing, but he's definitely one of the "guys they had hanging around the office" and he's in, like, half of these.
Old and past it. It's like getting excited Denny O'Neil did a story in 'tec #1000, man was one of the greatest but he's old, blind and half senile now just like those two
A faggot but I will concede that getting him on interiors is pretty big
Actually good
>all this Ewing
I love the guy but... this actually has me kind of worried.
Feels like the plan was to fill out all these spots with all-star teams, but they couldn't get enough writers so they just slapped Ewing in there over and over because he can reliably churn out non-offensively bad content.
95 creators how big are the last 5 gonna be
It's probably just doing one page with each artist
I'm more worried about the backlash he may get from the "hurr durr too many whipeepool" autists
I think he's gonna kick start and glue whatever overall story they're planning with this.
One of Bruce Lee's retired rogues.
I could see that. Instead of just having one huge special, have like:
>X-men #1000
>Avengers #1000
>Spider-man #1000
>Al Ewing Presents #1000
Al Ewing becomes the marvel universe
They'll probably throw in some inventory Stan Lee story they had sitting around so they can sell it with "THE FINAL STORY"
>posting 3 hours after everyone else
How remarkably on-brand
Did i miss anyone?
Claremont already did something for X-Men last year, so he could definitely participate here too.
The real "Doomsday Clock", everyone!
>three stories, 41 pages
So, presumably, each story being around ~12 (so about half an issue's worth) pages in 3 different anthology specials.
> Marvel comics can coordinate with all their creative talents to assist them in a marketing project to hype up their comics to sell
> Cannot stop Robbie Rodriguez from showing his asshole and other terrible behavior.
It's just an illustrated guide of all the positions Stan put Jack Kirby's wife in drawn by Kirby himself. Stan nuts in Kirby Krackle.
Morrison and Quitely
That young 44 year old upstart.
Or they can just do the usual thing and have someone write a story and then credit Stan Lee as writing it.
This desu. I love his image stuff, his marble work is awful.
Except for the first two issues of MK oddly enough.
>Comicsgaters are in this thread
Don't you guys have another Indiegogo to contribute to so EVS can buy himself a car?
>Ewing Fixes the Marvel Universe
It's just a 100 page special of Ewing doing continuity clean-up.
Is Ewing the only writer doing multiple stories? If so I have to imagine there’s going to be a shared theme there. Maybe they’ll actually be the framing story.
>looks at avengers forever
now watch this
> guys who are into other men's assholes in this thread
60 of these pages alone are devoted exclusively on the last 10 years of X-Men.
Those half blind retired folks can write most current writers under a bus any day of the week, though.
My problem with Ewing being there is that he's such a continuity junkie they probably won't ignore anything from the shitty last couple decades.
bring back Stokoe ya cowards
God, I can't fucking wait for this issue.
>Christian Ward
But I thought Grant killed him!
I dunno how you sell a million copies of basically a .1 issue though. Even with teams like this
The creators start coming and they don't stop coming...
Robbie works for DC Comics now, pester those tards instead
Surprised by the lack of Conway.
100 issues selling at 10k each.
Kareem's post-basketball career as a writer is so fucking weird but amazing. I think he's on the writing staff of a TV show too.
Shit it's the three words that make a Jeph Loeb story good. "and Tim Sale."
go back to hosting a shitty podcast
He didn't show his asshole to the world now, you tard.
he's writing on this season of iZombie and going to be in a number of episodes
he has legit comic nerd cred, my friend is a big sports fan and went to his signing of his Sherlock Holmes' black brother book
When he show his asshole he wasn't working for marvel then, user.
This reminds me of Terry Crews who can actually draw, and very well! Didn't he do a cover for Marvel too? I wonder if he'd ever be interested in doing a one-shot at least.
can we get Iron fist and CAGE comic by him?
One page.
"Time travel, bitches!"
What if ewing is writing the bookend stories for each of the one-shots? If we assume all of these are anthology books for different franchises, you could probably have Ewing do a story for each one of them and have the numbers work out pretty well.
He's on 11 stories. I could see 11 one-shots. In which case, each one of them could have one Ewing story setting up the issue. Given his continuity boner, they could all just be short "condensed history of this character/franchise" stories.
>Cannot stop Robbie Rodriguez from showing his asshole and other terrible behavior.
Robbie wasn't working for Marvel when that happened, so I'm not sure what your point is.
Wait really? Based Julius.
Make that 13 stories.
He worked on Longshot, right? And Spider-Man?
According to Wikipedia:
>The Amazing Spider-Man v1 #287, 324, 327, 329–350, v2 #19–21
>Amazing Spider-Man Annual #25
>The Defenders v2 #1–12
>Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme #4
>Excalibur: Air Apparent
>Fantastic Four: The World's Greatest Comics Magazine #1, 5, 9, 12
>Guardians of the Galaxy v1 #13
>Incredible Hulk #346
>Marvel Comics Presents #31–38,43, 48–50,82–83,138–142
>Marvel Super-Heroes v2 #8
>Namor the Sub-Mariner Annual #1
>Nova v3 #1–7
>Peter Parker: Spider-Man v2 #19
>Punisher #21–25
>Spider-man #15, 18–23
>Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #11
>Spider-Woman #10
>Thor #385 v2 #26–28
>X-51 #12
>X-Force #2–3
>already betraying DC after they gave her Aquaman to ruin
Way to go, Bendis and Didio.
Yeah, it made sense when we thought it was going to be one issue one-shot with all of the biggest names Marvel could get. But a dozen one-shots where the big names are only contributing maybe third of the content AT BEST? I just don't see how every one of them is supposed to break the bank. They shouldn't have a problem breaking 1 million cumulatively, but not individually.
>>Guardians of the Galaxy v1 #13
OK this is weird, I just checked my Valentino trade and he's not credited in that issue. Which GOTG is this, if not that volume?
Hmmm. Long run with Defenders.
Weird, I was almost sure he was the artist for the Longshot mini.
Yeah, they should still have Claremont on his lifetime exclusivity deal where they pay him not to work for the competition. They tend to bring him out for these big specials since they already have him on the payroll anyways.
It depends on how well they advertise it. Seems to be working well so far, look how much response the Miller's when they post theirs.
I think it's a cock up on whoever edited Larsen's page. Cause it's not on CBDB either. And there's no breakdown by publisher option on CBDB so you have to go book by book
I seem to recall an early 90s run. Maybe it was v2.
It is amazing how DC managed to chase away most of their good creative talents to Marvel.
Meanwhile DC has gotten Marvel’s worst. (And even then, some like KSD are still working for working for Marvel).
At this point, I expect Hopeless, Aaron, Slott, Land, and Ramos at DC sooN.
Shit books? Sure.
Frank Miller is doing 5 books for DC right now so they stay winning
Isn't Hopeless already working for DC? I think he just dropped the "Hopeless" pen name and is using his actual name now.
who's that cool armorclad guy on the top left?
Post yfw there's a Stan Lee story too
He will write the chart, of course.
>all these teams
Yeah, seems to me each team is only getting 2-3 pages worth of """"""""story"""""""". Absolutely nothing to get excited about.
Slott has an outstanding offer to write Batman or Superman whenever he wants but he's a Marvel company boy and FF is his dream gig, he came up editing for them in the 80s
Hopeless fucking sucks, DC should take him, Aaron and keep Taylor
Eat a dick, Mark Waid.
Spitfire + Blue Eagle
Just checked the credits of the three Valentino volumes and the 3 Gallagher ones, no mention of Larsen. I could go issue by issue but that's gonna take a while...
>DC Doesn'tC shit books
come on now
>most of their good creative talents
Such as?
>DC has gotten Marvel’s worst
And made them good: Lobdell, Humphries, even Bendis.
Nice company war, anyway.
Shut the fuck up, Bendis.
Well, Larsen said he did 41 pages over 3 stories.
miller will write a daredevil story about mayor fisk soon
Aaron wrote Scalped for Vertigo. Just saying.
And it was shit.
Now soon he’ll probably take over Superman, then have Lois become Superman and be a better Superman than Clark ever was as every male around becomes a evil strawman.
Humphries is bad
and bendis goes without saying
He's moved to Star Wars stuff
>Such as?
Dan Abnett, maybe.
I knew Marvel fans were obedient drones, but this is too sad.
does it count when he was writing for them in the 1990-early 2000s (LoSH, Resurrection Man), then jumped ship with Giffen to revitalize Marvel's cosmic?
So, if a writer writes for Marvel is automatically good, and automatically bad if he writes for DC?
Humphries was always bad but. His Marvel work was shit, his DC work is shit. He's a shit writer.
Well no I didn't say that. Maybe I got the post confused, but DC does have some good talent still over there, and I counted Abnett among those (I'd count Morrison but I'm still hoping he makes the jump again to Marvel).
King never really did much beyond Vision at Marvel for his true colors to show the way they have at DC, and Bendis, well... Do I need to explain?
No? Lobdell writes stupid fun schlock and that hasn't changed, Humprhies is complete shit and his GL was pretty fucking bad and Bendis is Bendis but at least he brings great artists with him
bad writing is bad writing at either company
>no I didn't say that
You are. But it's OK, liking Marvel is a mental illness after all.
>bad writing is bad writing at either company
Except if that company is Marvel, right?
This, Marvel is finished.
So it's fine that I'm willing to concede DC has great writers, but liking Marvel is wrong, I see.
Actually, Marvel died after they sacked Jim Shooter.
>liking Marvel is wrong
Begone, companywar faggot.
Shit taste
Kys dc shill
You started it, user:
Looking into it, the only thing he's credit for is this cover, which isn't even the one Wikipedia had listed.
Facts don't care about your feelings.
They legally can't bring back Eli. As for Kid Vision, who cares? We already have Viv.
Opinions aren't facts. Sorry.
Reminder that this is always the same autistic dcfag samefagging. Nice to say that the marvel's all star team has driven him insane. Not that still reading dc wasnt already a sign of madness
Not even my post but it sounds like you got buttflustered at the truth. Fact is, DC #1000 was indeed mediocre and whatever this is totally eclipsed them. You must come to terms with that.
He was right tho. Just put in comparision tec 1000 or action comics 1000 with this assemble of artists. Dc is a joke
I wonder who else is going to be in it .
Fuck off outta here, Yea Forumsermin, and go get mad again about e-celeb bullshit instead of stinking the neighbourhood with your company wars bullshit.
This announcement is like marvel putting out an avengers endgame on paper wars shitter
I mean, we should probably wait for the actual proper announcements before getting too excited. There's a lot of amazing teams here, but not all of them are bangers. If this ends up being a dozen overpriced anthology comics with 90% of the content from the business-as-usual teams and the stand outs only doing extremely short and unsatisfying things then it's a whole lotta hype for a still mediocre product.
I'm hoping they deliver, but the news that some of these stories might only be 1 or 2 pages long makes me real worried. Like, if Alex Ross' thing is just a one or two pager then that's no different from him just doing a cover.
The full list so far, according to BC:
>Adam F. Goldberg and Adam Riches
>Al Ewing and Cafu
>Al Ewing and Carlos Pacheco
>Al Ewing and Chris Weston
>Al Ewing and Christian Ward
>Al Ewing and Cory Smith
>Al Ewing and Daniel Acuña
>Al Ewing and George Perez
>Al Ewing and Jesus Saiz
>Al Ewing and Joshua Cassara
>Al Ewing and Mike Deodato Jr.
>Al Ewing and Ron Garney
>Al Ewing and Steve Epting
>Alex Ross
>Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung
>Tini Howard and Kia Asamiya
>Brad Meltzer and Julian Todino Tedesco
>Charles Soule and Steve McNiven
>Chip Zdarsky
>Dan Slott and Marcos Martin
>David F. Walker and J.J. Kirby
>Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw
>Ed Brisson and Jorge Fornes
>Eve L. Ewing and Jen Bartel
>Gail Simone and David Baldeon
>Gerry Duggan and Chris Samnee
>Greg Pak and Takeshi Miyazawa
>J. Michael Straczynski and Ed McGuinness
>Tom Taylor and Juann Cabal
>Jason Aaron and Goran Parlov
>Jason Latour
>Jeff Lemire
>Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale
>Jeremy Whitley and Irene Koh
>Joe Hill and Mike Allred
>Jonathan Hickman and Justine Weaver
>Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Raymond Obstfeld and Mattia De Iluis
>Kathyrn Immonen and Stuart Immonen
>Kelly Sue DeConnick and David Lopez
>Kelly Thompson and Pepe Larraz
>Kurt Busiek and Cameron Stewart
>Mark Waid and John Cassaday
>Matthew Rosenberg and Leinil Francis Yu
>Patrick Gleason
>Peter David and Adam Kubert
>Phil Lord, Christopher Miller and Javier Rodiguez
>Rainbow Rowell and Kris Anka
>Roy Thomas and Rod Reis
>Ryan North and James Harren
>Saladin Ahmed and Steve Rude
>Taboo and Geoffery Veregge
>Toby Whithouse and Alan Davis
>Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz
>Walt Simonson
They've stopped for now (it seems), but I'm hoping there's the surprise announcement of Claremont and Byrne. Even if they do 2 pages each, it's still 100+ pages of content... I doubt it's gonna be it, though: they'll likely do between 3 and 4, so if it's a single thing, it's gonna be trade-sized.
>>Al Ewing and Cafu
>>Al Ewing and Carlos Pacheco
>>Al Ewing and Chris Weston
>>Al Ewing and Christian Ward
>>Al Ewing and Cory Smith
>>Al Ewing and Daniel Acuña
>>Al Ewing and George Perez
>>Al Ewing and Jesus Saiz
>>Al Ewing and Joshua Cassara
>>Al Ewing and Mike Deodato Jr.
>>Al Ewing and Ron Garney
>>Al Ewing and Steve Epting
I'm starting to think that Al Ewing is doing only one story, but every page will be drawn by a different artist. Kind of like that one issue of Superman/Batman where Tim Drake mourns Superboy by Loeb.
Liefeld dropped one
>Phase two complete. Yesterday, it was ads. Today, it was tweets. Tomorrow, it's an exclusive announcement. With more creators. And art. #MarvelComics #MakingAList #TheresEvenMoreToCome
It's gonna go down, bros.
Anka said he was leaving Runaways, so this is either something new or he's a fucking liar.
Kieron Gillen posted another one
>And it was shit.
Come now, son
Did Marvel explain this or did everyone decide this must be the reason that Marvel is shitting on Eli?
Everyone decided that this must be the reason why Eli and his Grandpa have been ignored for so long, because they can't think of any other reason why Marvel would shaft a popular diverse legacy character like this.
If this actually is a bunch of 100 page specials or whatever, maybe Ewing wrote an entire book and has different artists for each story.
Nice. I'm glad it isn't going to be a weekend wait
Sounds like it, because it's gonna be really jarring to see 13 artists spread across a single story.
It's "rented dick"
So what big names are left? I expect Claremont, Byrne, Kirkman, Millar, and Gaiman to be teased soon.
Morrison is never ever, sadly.
Did Cullen Bunn have one?
Kirkman and Millar are too rich and too busy, Morrison hates Marvel and is working for Syfy lol
I feel for the fans, but retcons a shit.
borrowed is cheaper
>Morrison hates Marvel
I forget, what happened exactly?
The first two and Gaiman are very likely. I also expect Sienkiewicz to be part of it... But Kirkman? No fucking way.
I am still hoping Morrison though, fuck the police.
Fifty-six (56) so far.
Wouldn't be surprised if it DOES end up becoming 80.
I'm gonna be so fucking mad if Marvel forces Heinberg to use America but not Marvel Boy and Prodigy. Fuck that whore, she's not special.
probably autistic freedoms 420 blaze erryday shit
He hates Jemas I think, not sure if he hates Marvel. I don't think he is interested in Marvel tho
I'm half expecting them to dredge up some old Stan Lee script and label it as "The Last Stan Lee Story".
>Cullen Bunn Cullen Bunn...
I'd like something by Joe Kelly and/or Steve Seagle pls Yoshida san
Or Ewing has one story in each book. Like the user earlier mentioned, having him do the book ends. If that's the case, then there's 12 books.
>tfw too late to get Stan Lee or Wolverine's creator by this much
Claremont and Byrne are almost assured. Marvel has Claremont on exclusive still, and they always bring him out for these kinds of things. There was news a while back about Yoshida getting Byrne on for a secret project.
I don't see Kirkman or Millar doing anything. Gaiman is a hard maybe, could go either way. I could definitely see him doing something though, and if so, he's among the people I would expect to be saved for last.
Tomorrow they're gonna do a live-stream and have Claremont, Quesada, Morrison, Byrne and Gaiman come out of big cakes, as the Marvel Theme plays in the background. Screencap this.
Ellis, Ennis, maybe Remender ?
they said don't do drugs in the office and he couldn't hang
Jude Terror thinks he's funny but he ain't!
>Phase two complete. Yesterday, it was ads. Today, it was tweets. Tomorrow, it's an exclusive announcement. With more creators. And art. #MarvelComics #MakingAList #TheresEvenMoreToCome
Is it jelly when Marvel people had similar repsonses with their events? But still King needs to leave, HiC was shit.
Supposedly there will be more announcements for writers and art tomorrow.
I wish they could get Starlin in on this but Brevoort burned that bridge althouhg if Larsen is here anything is possible right?
Starlin... Damn, if only they could get him, I would preorder the physical version of this right away.
Also people are really mad at the female to male ratio of these teams, huh?
>no sign of Gerry Conway, Ron Lim, Rick Leonardi, Clayton Crain, and Gabrielle Dell'Otto
Well, there aren't a whole lot of them working at Marvel and a majority of them suck ass at writing.
Don't forget:
>No Jim Steranko
Lord I miss Jesus on Strange, although the current artist ain’t that bad
>crossing out Jeremy Whitley
won't age well
Steranko would be a treat in those.
I'm hoping he comes back after this current Galactus arc, the one we got isn't bad but I prefer Saiz as a mainstay.
People crying about this don't give a fuck about comics or those creators, they just want to be outraged over something. Marvel and DC need to learn to shut them out.
I'm surprised Tini Howard or that Vita girl isn't getting a spot, since the former is one of Marvel's latest Exclusive's
they literately don't give a shit about DC not hiring any women, its just brownie points to shit on Marvel
You weren't around for when Rebirth was announced, were you? There was lots of complaining about the creative teams being white men.
Or when the New Age of Heroes was launched, and every single creative member was a man
But she has tho
And Irene Koh?
The dumbest part is that they're complaining about the writers and artists but there's actually a lot of colorists and letterers who are women and get regular work on Marvel. I saw someone in the comments saying there were "only 2 people of color", when Ahmed, Eve Ewing, Bartel and Pak are right there, off the top of my head. They simply don't know.
Or the New 52, where there was uh, Gail Simone as a woman writing.
And no one else out of 52 launch titles.
People complained about that, and the hastily created Klarion series with Nocenti was released, and Didio found an old TV friend of his to write Sword and Sorcery
Tini Howard does have one
Based as fuck
DC has always been the company of old regressive and conservative men. It's expected that they have fuck all for diverse talent.
We expect more from Marvel to continue the upward charge.
Someone needs to update that rage image then
I wonder which of these is gonna be Kaine it's about time he came back.
Also Karem Abdul-Jabbar, and Taboo.
Based Rogue/Carol story or Hawkeye
give Jen Bartel Dazzler and watch her colour like a madhouse
>tfw no Marie Severin coloring
>I'm not even at my final form
His Magneto Black story was pretty good too
eh, this is August, he's need another 3 years for his 3 page story
still good, possibly better: it means they gave him THE most important story
trust the Shogun
no one wants to read Bunn
Saiz draws a great looking Strange but I prefer the current one overall
that's another name that would be cool to see on the list
Klarion was cool, fuck DC fans for not appreciating Nocenti
>Didio found an old TV friend of his to write Sword and Sorcery
More specifically he threw a bunch of jobs her way including firing Zub on BoP before he even wrote an issue for the sake of nepotism.
I swear zub was supposed to do S&S because of his D&D-style background
based, Zub sucks
I'd love some ennis
Gee. Maybe if women and women of color had supported comics for decades like fans of these authors have been doing, there would be more female authors and authors "of color" writing for Marvel. I am sick of these Johnny Come Latelys acting like they and other women should be handing writing jobs at a major company just because they have a vagina. Plus they often ignore the female writers who broke ground there before them.
You can't have it both ways. Whining about the lack female authors while complaining about popular male authors only creates division that doesn't bring more women into the field. You're poisoning the field, not planting seeds. You can't expect gender equality overnight, especially when so many other industries are lagging even more behind.
Even worse is that the idiot PC brigade that whines about white men being a majority of comics get into the thorny issue of labeling the many Jewish comic creators as white, which is fucking wrong. The many Jewish comic creators in the industry show how an ethnic minority in America made a fantastic niche for themselves in the comics industry. Many of the most celebrated comic creators are Jewish. To white them off as "toxic white men" is disgusting and dishonest.
Minor thing from New Avengers about Songbird not having her old powers anymore.
Really it's easy to just say the Shield guy had out of date info, but an error's an error.
More information on those literal whos on the list:
>James Monroe Iglehart is a theater actor
>Adam Riches is a cover artist for IDW and BOOM! licensed comics
>Toby Whithouse is a writer for the current Doctor Who TV series
It seems that one page (probably set in a single year) per one creative team is very likely.
>literal whos
I forgot to mention Raymond Obstfeld, a screenwriter, novelist, and instructor. He also co-wrote Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's autobiography.
Not to mention the women who are involved in comics and were always there aren't acknowledged by these people only the ones who come in screaming in twitter are valid to them.
Reminder how DCWomenkicknass tried to shame Image (at least I think it was Image) about not having enough women in their staff and then a few of the women who did work for Image tweeted at her telling her that most of Image was compromised of women and started listing their names. DCWomenkicknass just changed the goal post to "That's good but they can do better"
>Irene Koh
>Not crossed out or circled
What did they mean by this?
I know you're trolling but DC has the Robins, YJ, and old Vertigo, and the most autistic group of female comic fans were primarily into DC.
Highlighting female creators
And now Champions is getting cancelled.
>The circled people are female creators, the crossed ones aren't.
>Irene Koh is not crossed or circle
So is Irene Koh LGBT?
No it's not. It's still away from cancellation numbers.
There's no confirmation that it's getting cancelled other than Bleedingcunt rumors
>Time to read the Amazon tea leaves for Marvel Comics again. Cancelled titles are often still collected in trade paperbacks but their collections are truncated. And they often hit Amazon before the news goes official. Today that concerns the current Invaders series and the Champions series.
>The first Champions collection since the relaunch collected Champions #1 to #6. However, the second collection, listed on Amazon for the end of the year, only contains four issues, #7 to #10.
>The same goes for Invaders, the first collection of which contains the first six issues. The second collection, out at the end of the year as well, also contains four issues as well as something addition, currently dubbed To Be Decided.
>Currently Champions and Invaders have had solicitations up to #7 in July. Issue 10 would take each up to October…
>Of course there could be something else going on…
There's definitely something in between because they just now added another book right in the middle of WoTR called "War Avengers", based on the FCBD issue of Avengers. That and the tie-ins throw everything off balance, so it's possible they're still figuring things out with some series.
>just now
I don't know, but she is most definitely female.
No that's Carol's team that's been solicited for ages.
Irene Koh and Babs Tarr do the whole appropriating black culture thing Asian swag
most autistic female fans are X-Men fans
And they fired the two women who were steering the boat.
Bravo example
They will not deliver.
No but she likes fetishizing gay guys cause she thinks it’s hot and it got controversial. Kind of like straight guys and lesbians
Is the Phil Noto one fake then?
This. Marvel is finished.
What is this, 1999 internet?
Viv can't give Cassie the robot dicking she deserves
Or the kinky hologram play that Jonas imagines
Please lord, just pretend the Gillen and all other Young Avengers runs didn't happen and don't use his shit additions. Please.
I want to like Young Avengers again.
mmmm, I can taste it in my mouth already
He doesnt understand marvel heroes or whatever. He said he understands silver age/bronze age DC better so thats why he always uses them in his stories. He just doesn't have that same spark for marvel.
i forgot about that
i still think it is going to be a crossover and this creative teams thing is unrelated
Link is invalid
they probably will use him as a supervisor like they will do with the new Warps one shots
i trust him more than the actual editors.
good lord, there is no way you typed that with a straight face
>she forgot
What a dumbass colorist.
Queer though according to an old tweet
nothing wrong with that, plenty of women like to see gay guys. And I'm fine with it in comics, it's good to have a variety; more Midnighter and Apollo!
Can't wait for a phase 3 of Ewing Kino
Bit late for that, sadsack.