First villain is Vulture

>First villain is Vulture
>Second villain is Mysterio
>Third is rumored to be Osborne
>Scorpion is tease in Homecoming

I'm digging the "Red vs Green" motif.

Attached: qkw6mg1oa6i21.jpg (2125x3000, 441K)

It's like trying to buy nyquil

Fun Fact: Green and Red are opposite colors in the Color Theory

That's not fun.

He's coming

Attached: file.png (1277x1388, 3.52M)

wasn't it purple?

I thought Vulture wore black in Homecoming.

Please please please no Green Goblin again. I'll take an MCU clone saga over a third Green Goblin movie.

Yeah, so did Peter at the afterprom know what I'm saying?

Nah, and they do play with the colour in the film

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>Don't use Spidermans arch villain and one of the most well know antagonists in Marvel cause Raimi did it before
Yeah, no.

You’re just now noticing a lot of Spidey villains wear green?
>Green Goblin
>Doctor Octopus
>The Beetle

>Use the same fucking villain over and over again rather than giving other Spider-man villains a chance to shine

MCU has already had Vulture and now Mysterio, they should keep going with villains we haven't seen on screen before.

The Beetle is purple bro

>Jacko O´Lantern

Almost easier to list the villains who aren't green

Sure bro

Attached: beetle.jpg (500x884, 81K)

Red + Blue = Purple. Blue + Yellow = Green. Red as a primary color is uninvolved in the creation of Green as a secondary color, so they are opposites.


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Just go with a different Goblin

Attached: Hobgoblin_(Marvel_Comics).png (250x313, 120K)

raimi green goblin was good

the amazing spiderman 2 green goblin was almost a cameo

God I wish. I always liked him better.

>Don't use Spidermans arch villain and one of the most well know antagonists in Marvel
Fuck the Green Goblin. He's always been a shit villain. Doc Ock is Spider-Man's true arch nemesis, he was around before most of the others were and was his nemesis right from the start.

Do you think they've stopping gunning for the Sinister Six and just pursuing individual villains? Having too much characters is probably too hard to write for or set up. Or maybe the SS could be the villains for the next Avengers movie with Spiderman as the MC. A team vs team plot would be cool.

He's already in Homecoming, Infinity War and Far From Home.

He doesn't get along with them green boys.

Attached: spiderman_sure_pisses_off_alot_of_green_guys_by_nebezial_d4ni8lv-pre.jpg (1085x737, 138K)



3 should be Kraven

They should make a movie with Spot
He starts off as a silly antihero/villain (more of a dick with powers than actual villainy) and does immature and silly things with portals (bisect a guy and make him kiss his own butt using portals, dumping people into a lake, people punching themselves in the face) with some heroics (putting out a fire with water from a lake)
But then something happens to someone he cares about and we get Spot as immensely powerful. He goes on a comicbook website for tips on using portal powers, and in his pursuit of vengeance (wherein he doesn't give a fuck about collateral damage), we see the more terrifying aspects of a portal god.
High pressure water stream via bottom-of-the-sea portal, lava via volcano portal, bisecting people via closing portals, near complete immunity via going all-black (I don't know if he can or can't, but seems like he should since he's covered in portals and can alter their size), seeing him through infra-red or something else that could mimic the way daredevil sees him, letting a bus achieve terminal velocity via portals before throwing it at something, dumping people into space / vacuum power of a portal, and finally being taken into his dimension

Of course I don't expect such a move to ever be made, but I'd enjoy it

Third villain is Paste-Pot Pete.

Only if that’s how we get Ultimate Jess.

Fuck off Slott, no one likes your stories.