Do you prefer the Inhumans or the X-men.
Do you prefer the Inhumans or the X-men
It's either:
>I'm new to Yea Forums and want to make a thread, but don't know about what
>OP just wants a "Shitting on Inhumans" thread.
I'm up for the second.
God damn it user dont expose me like this
I hate Muties. I don't even care for the Inhufags. Jean Grey was my childhood Waifu until she got ruined in AoXM. So... Both can burn in a fire.
>the world verses the Inhumans and Munties.
Would read
Inhumans. I like black bolt and karnak. Xmen will forever be le edgy characters for me, regqrdless of the 90s ending
Black Bolt >>>
The Inhumans are what happens when you take boring characters with bland personalities and forcibly inject them into other people's interesting situations.
Both were done infinitely better when helmed by Japanese people...or when they are made in 90s cartoons. Go figure.
I say that we need to purge them all to preserve the genetical purity of our race.
>inhumans go to the sub dimension to save black bolt
>they all shit their pants when colossus shows up
That was fucking kino, I wish the rest of everything they've been in were half as good.
When did that happen?
X-Men vs Inhumans event
What’s the difference? Ones on the moon and the other is just x-gene bullshit right?
thank you!
Why not both?
If a mutant and an inhuman would fuck each other would the child be an InMutant?
Anyone that says they prefer the vast amount of inhumans over the vast amount of X-men are lying sacks of shit
Alien intervention vs special snowflakes
I mean...if you're talking about the genetic purity of our race, wouldn't you have to purge yourself for the sake of the Eternals?
And does genetic purity even matter when our end goal is to evolve into energy beings like Thor Girl?
>If a mutant and an inhuman would fuck each other would the child be an InMutant?
Sinister's experiments show combining an x-gene with enough Inhuman DNA results in an unstable genetic structure that eventually kills the subject. The two likely can't interbreed.
>Alien intervention vs special snowflakes
They're both alien intervention. x-gene mutants have more or less the exact same fucking origin as Inhumans, just replace Kree with Celestials.
The ones that didn't kill hundreds of thousands of people because they couldn't be assed to move their flying city out to sea before blowing it up, despite literally being on the water's fucking edge.
>The two likely can't interbreed.
Quicksilver isn't a mutant.
Fuck Marvel(and Perlmutter) for retconning the Maximoff siblings from being mutants.
Well you can go right ahead with the Inhumans but purge all the mutants and you’re gonna piss off the Celestials who will deem our world a failure and raze us
We already answered that with Luna
Remind me again why the humans didn’t instantly hate the Inhumans after that? Something like that has got to be viewed as a terroristic attack on a major American city by another civilization even in the MU
If well executed, I like BOTH in the same world, but the SJW's have kill all entertainment for me except anime now