The X-Men suck. The whole franchise is shit. The characters are unlikeable and inreasonable cunts with a victim complex. The narrative makes no sense. The same 4 plots points keep being repeated. Worse, it's nothing more than a soap opera with all the stuff sprinkled in so that the relationship drama, the cucking and so on and so forth, can continue. It gets "better" when you realize that all of those stories are spread out in countless spin-offs, recycling the same plots every year, sometimes concurrently. Moreover, the characters themselves are all boring personality vacuums that tick off one or two boxes of basic "personality traits". That wouldn't be that bad, if not for the fact that each one of them has 33 clones of them running around at any given time. All the concepts and world building is wasted on the X-Books, because X-Fags would rather talk about ships and "muh mutant allegory". The whole line is just a bunch of cool designs and ideas that are wasted because the players and stories are bottom of the barrel trash.
I'm gonna say it
Other urls found in this thread:
I love the X-Men but their stories are always the same.
No one is forcing you to read X-books, user
Eh maybe Hickman can do something with it.
>each one of them has 33 clones
>very many Mystiques and Rogues
I don't think my dick can handle what you're suggesting, user.
>victim complex
characters are literally lynched for being mutants
not sure how that's a victim complex-
It turns into a victim complex when you feel persecuted, yet have a private army and the ability to slaughter a dozen men in a few seconds with just one soldier out of who-knows-how-many-agents, both covert and overt.
most of the mutants that get killed are the harmless ones
>Mutie turns 15
>is at school
>Stacy's ass looks goddamn delicious as she bends over to talk to her girl friends at the front desk
>"shit godDAMN this ass is damn fucking fine I just wanna stick muh dicc in that tight hole"
>gets a boner
>the entire school burns down
>kids roasted alive, others with severe burns
>Xavier and his Cult arrive, take the kid in and get the fuck outta there while the manlet with the claws threatens the survivors
>a few days later some Governor says "we should have a registry or somethin' to prevent such thingadoos"
>Magneto bursts in starts screaming about the Nazis and kills everyone
Yeah, I wonder why people hate Muties...
>OP says something sucks
>Actually gives reasons
I think you're the one who sucks
>victim complex
But you never had the burden of living with cursed mutant energy blasting eyes user
Horseshit. The harnless mutants are a minority who can't be detected without advanced tech. The most mutants that die are tied to Xavier's or Magneto's armies or their opposition. You know, the ones with highly destructive powers.
Claremont is from the moribund group of writers like Roy Thomas and Don McGregor who wrote books in comic-form instead of the modern style which are screenplays in comic form. Ignoring the quality of how he crafted it, Claremont brought a huge amount of tropes and techniques cribbed from actual books in a way that isn't available with the modern generation of comic writers.
The real problem noone seems to mention is that Claremont's JJ Abrams-style "mystery box" plotting with dozens of unresolved bullshit plot threads which is why X-fans complain that even after a seventeen year run across an entire franchise all the follow up writers "ruined what Claremont built".
Shooter should have let Claremont finish his X-Men run as he wanted at #300, then the main source of organised prejudice against the X-Men, the Shadow King, would have been defeated. Futures Past would have been averted. The various mutant organisations would have either died or learned to get along and the X-Franchise could have reached a natural finishing point, without the jerking around of the 1990s and 2000s.
We then would have bitched about every X-Men comics made after and "Finished In 93" would be the stock meme for when people want the X-Men franchise to die.
Sand in your vagina m8?
And all the mystery boxes would have been opened by the guy who knew what was supposed to be in them.
>The characters are unlikable
*BAMFs in your path*
Say, Mr. Wagner, why don't you step into the shower?
>The most mutants that die are tied to Xavier's or Magneto's armies or their opposition.
yeah and they usally die in battle with the villains
most of the lynchings are always directed at the totally harmless, innocent mutants that never hurt anyone
You know how to make Mutie books good? Make it about a random Mutie who supports registration and is actually fundamentally a good person.
Now the next writer will have them raped to death by a senator.
Eh depends on the Mutie or the person. What if they are a Masochist? or their litteral power is being a tree.
*BAMFs out of the shower*
>he wouldn't have been made to wear a power dumpening collar
You mean soldier or kids
Wasnt there a shitty carol comic about that?
It's a problem when the series got away from being whacky bald wheelchair guy and his pals fight evil buff old man with magnets and space monsters into
Occasionally, people like Claremont in his first run attempted to at least splice the adventure with something like the cosmic threats which are fantastic and other shit but there's always a somewhat underlying moronic thing, even the cartoons do :
Magneto is always the one starting the Brotherhood of Evil and never stops being evil. If he stays evil and hammy that wouldn't be a problem but he's constantly back and forth with
and never gets anything done, forget the fact that even when he's opposed to Xavier's methods and wants to build sanctuaries for the mutants from parts of the world that aren't as open to the idea of mutation as America is(LOL) he still employs motherfuckers like Pyro to be guards which should already fucking set alarms in the back of your head about his actual motives. If people like Magneto were opossed to Xavier's morals but not methods and didn't attack humans but acted like Inhumans, it would be something because the X-Men stories could be of four different kinds and with the amount of characters in them, they could tell a lot of different tales in those four molds :
1.)The X-Men are the obvious good guys, get sanctioned even by the U.N. get approvals but occasionaly have to butt heads with governments about some dealings with innocent mutants and raise ethical questions about Omega levels like that one kid who explodes with the force of 10 nukes and debate about how a treatment should work In the case of dangerous people who work at the government and have actual pull and political power, like Trask or Senator Kelly, the fights should still be like how Claremont did them and showcase the inherent humanity of both the X-Men and the people.
2.)Magneto should start a Brotherhood of mutants and if we're so adamant on him being a semi-good guy and a Jew holocaust survivor, forget the Max Eisenhardt shit, keep Pietro, Wanda and Laurna as his kids but have him act more like an isolasionist leader and a ruthless defender of mutants ocassionally oposing the X-Men morally in that he's actually willing to throw down with the other humans, takes no prisoners and kills those who come after him and his mutants, be they humans, other mutants / bounty hunters or fuckers like Sinister and the U-Men. Their conflicts with the X-Men should tie more to the first category bt in those times, both sides should appear nuanced and have grey-ish moralities, even if one side tends towards either light or dark and at times it should showcase how the X-Men can be in the wrong.
Sometimes when the threats are too big he teams up with the X-Men against Sinister and Apocalypse or Random Cosmic PlanetFucker #87543456 created by Starlin
3.)Super obvious hammy bad guys like The U-Men, Hellfire Club, Apocalypse, Trask and Kelly out of the government with unsanctioned Sentinels and crazy inventions and so on, whacky adventures with very obvious bad guys and usually involving the killing of villains or them dying in an ironic fashion, unless they are unkillable monsters like Apocalypse who can work with anything. Big arcs and it can have cinematic action and showcase the full powers of the characters etc.
4.)Cosmic / space adventures where everything goes nuts involving Galactus, Space Entities like the Phoenix, the Kree-Skrull war and Super Skrulls with super mutant powers or someshit, generally weird adventurous stuff that's great for something that isn't a hammy villain but always keeps you on your toes.
This is why Excalibur was better.
It wasn't anti Mutant sentiment, it was Anti superpowers, with people rightfully scared of their superpowered overlords happily wanting to use their powers to step on everyone.
There is no difference between a Mutant or a skrull or a radioactive dude.
When did Nazis ever gas the muties?
Ask Kikeneto about the 6 Gorillion. I'm sure a bunch of Gazillion Muties would've been there.
As long as the X-Men are doing the persection angle in a shared universe, they will always be insanely stupid. Thanks to the Avengers, civilians have a lot of appreciation for super powered people of coloured attire. And also thanks to the Avengers, there is a working relationship between government and supers, which the X-Men and Brotherhood know about. Add to it that the famous mutants are good looking and you should have every human aspiring to have kids with them.
He can just wear red shades or try a "cure". Also I remember him briefly losing his powers in TAS. He is just being a crybaby with a victim complex.
Jeez Kurt, put some clothes on.
>As long as the X-Men are doing the persection angle in a shared universe, they will always be insanely stupid.
Nah, that's not the problem. Shared Universe or not, when kids can blow up schools while taking a leak, and a Registration Bill is seen as some sort of Devil, then your protagonists are pieces of shit.
Yeah, no. That in no way changes the fact you are being persecuted just for having the different kind of DNA and completely innocent people being persecuted just for sharing the X-gene.
Just give me answer to this , you Mutie Apologist.
>The real problem noone seems to mention is that Claremont's JJ Abrams-style "mystery box" plotting with dozens of unresolved bullshit plot threads which is why X-fans complain that even after a seventeen year run across an entire franchise all the follow up writers "ruined what Claremont built".
What? I have never heard this complaint before. The complaint people have of recycling Claremont is where they return to just retreading stories that Claremont already did, like "Hellfire Club appears under a new leadership and they fight because reasons" or "Xavier regains and loses the use of his legs".
First prove me that's really a mutant's fault and not a terrorist organization, a space invasion, Roxxon or dozen other reasons that caused that school to burn to the ground.
Ah, I see how (you) wanna play it. Go back Mutie, I'm not playing your game.
You almost word for word described Starbrands introduction into the avengers.
Fact of the matter is that the 616 governments have openly fucked over mutants in the past and continue to do so.
Even now with the x-men gone and having a chance to start over with the mutant population and build trust they immediately went full gulag and clandestine experiments on any survivor hey could get their hands on.
The first thing they did after house of M was create a concentration camp.
How come the 616 governments never created their own schools to look after and safehouse these kids. Hell they don't even give a fuck about the avengers initiative kids.
Agreed. The fact the government, instead of actually creating their own facilities where mutant kids can be trained and taught how to use their powers for the greater good make sure to screw mutants over is beyond unrealistic. Hell, this hate is unrealistic. And no, I refuse to believe that it's some sentient bacteria responsible for it since it's BEYOND STUPID.
The cliché of "unjust society that haunts me" does not work if you're a walking Warhead
Yeah. It would've made sense if mutants were below Beta Levels to the point of just having freakish looks and really weak powers while higher level mutants would've ranged from uncommon, very uncommon to very rare (Omega Levels being so rare there would be a handful of them on the planet).
>How come the 616 governments never created their own schools to look after and safehouse these kids. Hell they don't even give a fuck about the avengers initiative kids.
...That's what registration is supposed to do, you absolute brainlet.
It was a way to round up undesirables and put them on a government watch list.
When there was only 198 Mutants left alive and the government knew where they all could be found (in the concentration camp they created). They did nothing to increase the betterment of the peoples lives.
They simply left giant mech guards to make sure that no one could escape.
How in the name of God are they supposed to
>How come the 616 governments never created their own schools to look after and safehouse these kids. Hell they don't even give a fuck about the avengers initiative kids.
If they don't know who the hell IS a Mutie? What, should they wait, have Mutie Mutanius blow up the school with his dick, and THEN put him in the special school? All the dead kids be damned?
"Psylocke should be white" and "Why is Magento a Jew?" guy finally gets to his point.
X-Men is awesome, deal with it.
>"Psylocke should be white" and "Why is Magento a Jew?" guy finally gets to his point.
>X-Men is awesome, deal with it.
Yeah, if you're a "nobody understands me" snowflake.
I hate the premise since how the fuck are mutants the next step in humanity as a whole, yet each mutation is completely different. Wouldn't they all be different species based on the powers they have?
Also some powers are completely fucked. How the fuck do your genetics make you be able to bend reality to your will and the guy who looks like a frog the same species
You end up using magic from their mutation vs the person who is the Blob
Can’t believe such a crap OP got this many responses.
>The X-Men suck. The whole franchise is shit.
Yawn. What a brave, new take.
Nothing about the premise makes sense user. The "X-Gene" is more magical than Doctor Strange's stories at this point. The "hated and feared" bit makes no sense since Muties SHOULD be feared considering their powers and their stance on registration. The "metaphor" doesn't work because much as I hate negroes, they don't shoot lava out of their assholes. The "next step of human evolution" makes no sense because it follows no rules of evolution or has any sort of point.
>m-muh Planet X
Then you're admitting that muties are just some Alien Cunts' way of protecting their eggs.
Muties should be killed. Extremis is already here for the next step of human evolution.
>Starkfag is back at it
Jesus limp dick, seriously? Are you going to make 20 posts about your sad pathetic life again?
I love X-Men but the prejudice narrative has become way too heavily focused on.
The only good mutie is a dead one
While dont I agree with whole retarded bacteria thing, I always thought of it as some sort of ingrained prejudice, that regular humans have as a protection mechanism, and thats why they can subconsciously tell which heroes are mutants and which aren't. Its just that it takes actual effort to overcome the prejudice, and not be afraid of the next step in humans, which is why not all humans treat muties like shit, but are still inclined too.
Sentinels are cool
Post more sentinels
It's a victim complex because it creates a false equivalence between themselves and other "oppressed minoritites" when their circumstances couldn't be farther apart.
Blacks, Gays and etc. can't destroy cities with a thought, mutants can, and have done so in the past..
>next step in humans
Ah yes, having 3 faces is such an advantage...
Who? First it's this guy talking about Psylocke, now it's you and Stark. Reaction pics are reaction pics user.
Reminder that Ultimate Peter was right.
>it's not because you're mutants
Nah, he's wrong. It's alright to hate walking WMDs and deformities.
Peter speaks truth to power.
Theory: the public hatred of mutants is being created and/or managed by someone. Maybe Apocalypse sees it as a way of 'stressing' the mutant population so that only the strong survive.
>needing some conspiracy to make you hate walking WMDs who chimp out every 5 minutes, kill your kids, and look like freaks
Pete was just having a bad day, first thing saw when he wock up was Wolverine's cock
X men have always been shit. People only like wolverine and magneto. MAYBE storm
Oh come on...they also get boners about several 90s X-Babes and like Nightcrawler...right?
Would the nazi masturbation machines be replaced with SS Wolverines circumcising with the claws?
what happens when you achieve equality? You turn into a parody of yourself.
X-Men narrative is really outdated.
>create artificial oppression of mutants
>mutants lash out and wipe out homo inferior
>only high quality mutant genes remain
There are a lot more powerful non-mutants than there are powerful mutants. Majority of the heavy hitters are Earth are non-mutants. Several of them being Superman analogs.
The bob kid is dead?
Age of X-Man has been really fucking retarded
this is the best mutant book
Guess again.
It's amazing how these are some of that most iconic enemies of all time, still
Yeah, and the ones that can destroy cities with a thoughs don't usually get messed with.
But when they attack some loser for having like chicken wing arms or something, that's pathetic
Shooter was fired years before Claremont quit. Keep in mind that if Claremont had finished his run as he'd wanted, the books were selling so well that nothing would actually end. It would be similar to after Morrison left, things would be returned to status quo to keep the franchise alive.
The point he was making was the sheer number of dropped or unresolved plots over a 17-year run. You have faith that Claremont would have answered every question eventually, but the longer any individual plot goes dropped and unmentioned, the more his JJ Abrams comparison becomes valid, plus the possibility of dangling plots being forgotten completely, or being started with no actual plan to follow up or resolve them. If he had 17 years to resolve things, and left 20 issues before he planned to, it may be unrealistic to expect that there would have been satisfactory answers for everything in that time.
Have you tried not being a mutant, or leaving the humans' planet?
JJ Abrams has no idea what's in the box. He builds atmosphere, he puts hints which purposes are to fire your imagination, not lead to a revelation.
what a cluster fuck
That sounds like the story of a Jew in the early 30s who join the nazi party because he thinks they will put Germany's economy right on track.
Aside from nuking the entire franchise, how would you guys fix X-Men? For what it's worth, I dislike it too but I don't really read Marvel that much to know all the details. I prefer DC's meta human stance of "if they're heroes, we like 'em and if they're villains, we dislike them".
Calling mutants homo-superior certainly isn't helping. What about homo-mutanis or something.
Actually, the first thing he saw was MJ, naked and spread wide open in his bed, covered from head to toe with jizz, and blissfully smiling. On her stomach, written in black marker was, "Been here, done that, I'd say she's a 7/10 compared to 'Ro. Have a good day -- signed Logan."
10 year moratorium on "MUTANTS ARE GOING EXTINCT" shit
Short of a total reboot, you'd have to have an editorial mandate to scale back the oppression and persecution, to at most the level of the 1980s or 1990s, establish a status quo where the books can go for years without it being that important at all, so when it is, it actually matters.
All of the mutants readers care about ARE inherently dangerous, so stop pushing The Metaphor so hard, stop writing human villains as one-dimensional strawman racists and acknowledge that they have a reasonable point. Above all else, stop having characters who are supposed to be the heroes behave like assholes, and stop channelling identity politics that tell you it's OK to behave like that.
Focus on what made the books popular, the real reasons people liked them so much in the 1980s and 1990s. Characters, costumes, soap-opera drama, waifus & husbandos, shipping, action, lore and villains. Nobody was reading because of a metaphor.
Finally, no matter how angry the fans get, the books aren't selling. Cut the line down to 2 or 3 books at most, focusing only on the core popular characters to begin with. Literally write everyone else out, instead of keeping a background-cast of thousands. Either close the school entirely, or revisit the Generation-X idea where the school and the teens are a separate location from the actual X-Men. Launch any other books as minis, and produce more only if they sell well enough.
We talking real time because 10 years is pretty much eternity for comic-time.
Real time. 120 issues
I could live with that. It'd be one hell of a countdown.
I wish I was oppressed the same way mutants were...
>X-men/Avengers Event where Ultron takes control of every Sentenils on earth. Normal Sentinels, Tri-Sentinels, Wild Sentinels, Omega Sentinels, even Bastion. If it's been built, Ultron controls it
Humans, mutants, and super heroes are being rounded up in camps to be converted into Omega Sentinels and Deathloks. In their incarceration, humanity realizes how dangerous the instruments of their own hate can be, and starts to emphasize with mutants a bit.
In the aftermath, most of humanity slowly learns to tolerate mutants. The government starts to work with the X-men to establish a mutually beneficial mutant control program that will replace the Sentinel counterpart. On the flipside, other government officials and shadow organizations work to undermine mutantkind to prevent them from getting too much political power.
Homo-Superior is redefined as Homo-mutanis as a show of good will to humanity. Magneto is against this.
Meanwhile, Sentinels are being hunted down in place of mutants. Could lead to a spin-off book with Fantomex and Karima leading a team of Sentinel-related characters that fight for AI-rights.
What happens to the mutants with the incredibly destructive powers? Does Wolverine just do his thing and off them in a cave?
You could have that come up as a plot. Have the hostile politicians use it as ammo against the X-Men. Maybe even have them engineer dangerous mutants to push thier agendas.
Where did it start going wrong?
>Yeah, if you're a "nobody understands me" snowflake.
This. A million times, this. The only people that like X-Men are edgy "I'm so misunderstood" faggots, victim complex crybabies, or people that just have no fucking clue what good writing is.
No bullshit, this is canon.
An evil psychic monster found out he couldn't infect muties, so he made humans hate them enough to kill them, eventually allowing him to take over the world.
>Hell, this hate is unrealistic.
Broheim, people to this day attack Sikhs because they wear turbans and people think they're Muslim. People are fucking stupid and ignorance and stupidity is one of the main reasons people let fear control their actions. Same way some people see free universal healthcare and go apeshit because holy shit how fucking dare you want people to have healthcare that doesn't bankrupt them if they can't afford good enough health insurance. Irrational behavior is everywhere when you just start looking for it.
There's a reason a massive chunk of X-fags are homosexuals. Between the persecution angle and the constant relationship drama it's practically made for them.
racism allegory lmao
Based autistic geneticist poster laying out the law.
Um, mutant powers are akin to firearms, so that means MY RIGHTS SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!
My problem ih X-Men is that after Morrison put the series on a launching pad to do something extremely different for itself, the next writers just....didn’t really do anything interesting?
Obviously there’s been lots of character development since then, but plot wise the X-Men are boring as fuck.
>lots of character development
Umm, only for Cyclops?
The issue was entirely Marvel putting breaks on the momentum Morrison created and the string of retcons in panic mode because X-men had gotten a bit too revolutionary in its new direction. And then we got House of M and here we are, over ten years later and the franchise still hasn't managed to get into a place where it was in 2005,
So you're saying it's Archie Sonic.
Marvel needs to tone down on the victim and persecution complexes. Just make it good mutants vs bad guys. That and whittle the books down to two or three ongoing at a time tops.
Didn't read Morrsions X-men but what revolutionary direction did he swerve the X-men into? And how did they fuck it up?
It's as true now as it was when it was printed. Kikeneato and all of the muggas - even Charlie X's house muggas and uncle muggas - were running around saying they were the master race, like they were superior and going to replace normies. Charlie X's dream wasn't integration, equality, and brotherhood - it was "let the normies die off peacefully so when we inherit the muggaland, it's not a wartorn piece of shit. now where da redheads at?"
You're not born with a gun in your hands. And to get a gun you need to pass various tests and background checks. Even then, a gun doesn't suddenly trigger itself at random when jizz starts coming out of your cock. X-Fags are just a metaphor for "born this way".
Pretty much, yeah. I got into comics with the Ultimate Universe, and I could never really stomach the X-Men. You're meant to side with them in that Ultimate War mini, but all I wanted was for them to just get beaten for being so annoying. It's the one book where no matter how many times I've tried, I can't get into, because the premise is absurd, the characters are awful and nothing makes sense.
>Obviously there’s been lots of character development since then
Ah, yes. Jean Grey getting niggered, Cyclops Chimping out and then going back to being a Boy Scout, Wolverine dying, coming back and being exactly the same, Emma Frost... being the same and... nope, that's mostly it.
>now where da redheads at?"
Hands off the gingers Mugger!
Mutants started replacing humanity for real this time, to the point mutants among mutants aka Cassandra Nova started to appear. Also Sublime and secondary mutations.
Wolverine staying dead would be a good thing.
Marvel really tried to fool me with Wolverine being encased in that adamantium coffin but I knew he was gonna come back somehow.
Now that would be something interesting.
They are called mutants after all but how did they fuck it up? Last time I read an X-book they were gassed by those inhumans.
m-day, then AvX happened, then they were gassed
>You're not born with a gun in your hands.
But it's a constitutional right that my right to bear arms shall not be infringed. Mutants have it in their DNA. And they are forced to register the same way guns are registered.
>Even then, a gun doesn't suddenly trigger itself at random when jizz starts coming out of your cock.
Instead guns go off all the time by accident because people mishandle them. It's not different from the government failing to train mutants to control and use their responsibly.
Mutants are a threat to society
X-men went public, mutants were starting to replace humanity in a way where in few decades they'd be the majority. You had an entire mutant district in New York, akin to Chinatown, Little Italy, etc. Mutant culture was becoming a thing and mutants celebrities existed. Xavier had actual embassies across the world for mutants to go seek refuge from discrimination.
After Morrison left Marvel basically got rid of everything except the out in public school aspect, and even that was basically trashed in Decimation because now you literally only had around 198 mutants left in the world and most of them were adults. And then Jason Aaron's zany space school era ruined the school aspect entirely by removing any sense of being a school, and instead it just became about jetback classes, etc.
Based Mutie Gasser.
He largely didn't. Morrison's run is massively overhyped by his fanboys in regards to changing the actual status quo of mutants or the X-line. X-statix is actually the book people think Morrison's X-Men is.
>But it's a constitutional right that my right to bear arms shall not be infringed. Mutants have it in their DNA. And they are forced to register the same way guns are registered.
Muties /should/ be Registered. Instead they're REEEEEEing and screaming discrimination. And AFAIK, Guns are registered.
>Instead guns go off all the time by accident because people mishandle them. It's not different from the government failing to train mutants to control and use their responsibly.
Some bozo mishandling a gun on his hunting trip isn't the same as little Timmy blowing up his block because a cockroach gave him a fright.
I think you mean the Fantastic 4
Mutants do register. People's issue with registering is that it makes them much easier to target and oppress, as we've repeatedly seen when the government abuses those lists by sending Sentinels to fucking murder people or round up people so that they can be locked up into concentration camps where they're literally genocide'd, Nazi Germany style.
>the government abuses those lists by sending Sentinels to fucking murder people or round up people so that they can be locked up into concentration camps where they're literally genocide'd, Nazi Germany style.
Sounds A-Okay to me, desu. You want Matthew Malloy and Beak to be running around?
90% of Mutants are dicks though.
They deserve most of the shit they get.
Reminder that shits like Beak are the majority of mutant population
...except your picture is from the Nicieza's run.
Another mutant genocide when?
>this is the next step of human evolution
Was Morrison trying to Redpill us?!
The art makes you forget that Angel and Beak are both supposed to be something like 16 years old. There is no way their lives didn't immediately turn into rural Alabama-tier poverty what with 8 kids. Is Beak even in America legally?
Didn't we have 3 already? Dirty fuckers refuse to die
I for one await the day.
>Genocide is okay because I dislike certain groups of people
Cool. Maybe next time around we should erase your entire family line to cleanse the population from bigots.
Not all of them have to go. Sinister has some good points.
>Malloy is an unstable reality warper who erases people and alters the timeline
>Beak is a freak
>"ayo bruh we should be keepign them all and shit"
Have fun when your kid turns out to be a blue blob with 7 eyes and a 3 arms who drops jizz and shit every time it teleports.
But they are not "people" user, thay are a different species. You think killing a mokey is as bad as killing a human?
I'm against any type of killing, unless it's for food.
Yeah I'd be totally fine if a decent portion of the mutants kicked the bucket. There's so many extras that just exist for their one or two panels of fame to advance the plot before they're never seen again.
Looks like chilled monkey brains are back on the menu!
Then i guess you can kill Beak, I bet he tastes like chicken
Mmmm... What does Jean taste like?
99% of muties have to kick it now that they're back in the tens of thousands again. Cyclops, Havok, Blob, and the like should go. But telepaths, TK and the like could be put under a eugenics program that with a bit of gene editing could prove to be game changes in the world.
aren't humans susceptible to the parasites in primates brains?
Current Jean tastes like shitcum and roast beef. Pure Jeannie tastes like Heaven.
I could eat dog if it was served to me and you could be sure it was safe to eat instead of being questionable, like it wasn't some mutt they found and killed at a back alley fifteen minutes earlier.
Some mutations aren't good at all.
Why should these guys even inherit the earth? If 90% of us are gonna be chicken-men then I want out.
Morrison’s run is unironically the only one I’ve actually enjoyed and I don’t even like him as a writer that much.
The love for Claremont is really confusin to me, but I guess he basically made the X-Men who they are. I just find his writing really clunky and cumbersome.
It's actually been watered down.
Only people who got a problem with X-Men being a stand in for minority groups and persecuted peoples are usually right wingers or never understood the X-Men, read from the bloody first comics you idiots Stan has given dozens of interviews on his politics and intentions for characters like Spider-Man, the fantastic four , Cap Marvel and mutants.
It was always about pushing for civil rights, trying to get people to support anti war politicians, fighting neo Nazis and similar minded bigots, feminism and so on.
Diversity is not a new thing to these comics and it's that boundary they have always been pushing at in Marvel.
You can't actually complain about the same message each X comic has about social justice, it's what they were bloody created to highlight.
>It was always about pushing for civil rights
Stan didn't start talking about it until after later writers added the dynamic to the comics. OG X-Men are fairly standard superteam. Stan was, first and foremost, a hype man, and showed a good eye for what the market responded to. Audience likes X-Men as a minority metaphor, then that's what they are and have always been even if its not entire true.
The main issue is the heavy focus on the prejudice issue. It works when watered down, as it's an analogy, but once you give it a heavy focus it starts to break down as context starts coming in to play.
>You can't actually complain about the same message each X comic has about social justice, it's what they were bloody created to highlight
>OG X-Men are fairly standard superteam
There was a very clear discriminatory element from the very beginning even in the Stan/Kirby stories. Just look at the story where Toad infiltrates the X-men after participating in an athletics competition and almost getting lynched. Or when you got the iconic fear mongering newspaper article about mutants enslaving humanity in the future.
The problem with x men today is that they aren't self-contained in the universe but the writers try to treat them as such, so when you have all these super powered asshole running around being praised as heroes it makes no sense for mutants to somehow be treated as second class citizens who are constantly oppressed and hunted down like vermin. It doesn't work anymore within the context of the unified Marvel setting, especially when so many of the ones that are sorta mutants but actually aren't like Spiderman and Fantastic Four who are extremely similar in power sets but you don't see them vehemently shunned as freaks by the majority people.
Just move them away from the race war shit already, maybe stop force-writing outside characters as literal Gestapo when they meet with the X-Men, and please fire Rosenburg if you really want to save the franchise.
Yet it's okay that Spider-man is shit on all the time in-universe?
>Psylocke should be white
and now she is! and her powers look much cooler
More than likely.
People attack Sikhs for wearing turbans? Darn. Talk about ignorance.
Especially right after 9/11 you saw a lot of that. Still do, because people are ignorant as fuck and some people just like being assholes and harass you for being different.
You know? At this point it's a wonder how humanity even functions in this world.
Everyone is ignorant but we accept it.
Do you think about starving children everyday? Do you think about when will you kick the bucket every hour? No right? Ignorance works.
yeah i actually prefer sword and and shield look than weeby psycho ninja
Agreed, but I like New X-Men by Morrison
>her powers look much cooler
True, but she still needs armour. Sword with shield is overrated.
>pink psychic armor
The whole psychic green lantern thing is retarded
>green lantern thing is retarded
that's not news, buddy
You want her to become a shitty rip off or Armor now? Psychic armor on the material plain is fucking dumb because it's completely pointless, and Betsy already has the butterfly thing as her signature for using her powers.
>Featherless bipe.......
We need more Knights in comics.
Or have a competent writer that doesn't turn normal humanity into this:
>never heard of Plato's man
Man, if Stacies are already disgusted by Normies, imagine what X-Stacies would think...
That keeps varying from issue to issue. Nowadays, people like Spider-man. That could change down the road, but he's still treated a lot better than your average mutant.
Not the best example
Why the fuck sentinels look like Iron Man
You have to look like the biggest mutie hater to be the biggest mutie hater
I was thinking something like Kamala got Cyclops to cooperate more with other super organizations.
>fucking Muties, I swear to God...
What did he mean by this?