Name ONE comic book related story that has time travel that makes sense

Name ONE comic book related story that has time travel that makes sense

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time travel doesn't and sadly cannot exist so its rules in fiction are arbitrary. this means they all make sense.


>time travel that makes sense
Define the rules that according to you make sense and then check if any story has those same rules. Also, you're an idiot

Days of Future Past

Time travel makes sense as long as you stick to one of 4 rulesets.

1. Self-contained loop
2. Time travel in the permanently alters reality with no ripple effect hitting time travelers. Effectively once you enter a timeline traveling backward, your old timeline ceases to exist and you simply become a part of the new timeline. Time travel forward just removes you from the timeline until you get to your destination, so you can't go to a future you already returned from.
3. "4D zipper". There's 1 true present which can be visited from possible futures and which gradually progresses along a 4D timeline which slowly eliminates and merges the divergent possibilities into the true timeline. ONLY the present can be visited. Travelers from possible futures more function as sentient localized reality warps acting as a window into and lobbyist for a possible future and not a true traveler from a real point in time. The strength of their very existence is determined by how likely they are to come into existence for real. This is basically the A WIZARD DID IT of time travel, but because it's unstable by nature, you won't get paradoxes.
4. DBZ rules. Somehow they're entirely consistent.


>t. that one MCU retard

Disregard timelines, acquire butthurt and clueless nemesis.

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Avengers: Forever

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No amount of pseudoscience an technobabble makes time travel sound even remotely like it makes sense.

What would happen if you were to stand still but travel backwards three-hundred years? Logically you'd be out in the vacuum of space because the Earth wouldn't be in that same spot.

So let's assume you "teleport" with the machine as well. That itself doesn't work because you'd be materializing where molecules of oxygen, nitrogen, argon and other stray shit is currently floating around. You'd break apart molecularly because you don't just magically push all of them away being instantaneously transported somewhere.

any story in which the protagonists travel into the future and no other timey wimey nonsense happens.

Dr. McNinja

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Maybe this?
Its convoluted but it makes sense imo.

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Came here to say this
>it fixes nothing
Welp, that was kinda pointless I guess.

The Forever War.

it probably doesn't make that much sense but it's good and more people should read it

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This. Our preconception of time is flawed

Pax Romana

>Hey guys our future is so fucked up so let's send my conscious to my younger self so we can prevent it!

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Universal War saga

Attached: Universal War.jpg (300x400, 20K)

>that makes sense

Attached: All Star Superman - Origin Story.jpg (420x663, 51K)

Superman: Red Son.

Not Yea Forums but Back to the Future.

I won't say made sense because it hurt my head to read but at least it was internally consistent.

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Why is Thawne so great?

Villains that just run on pure spite are always entertaining.

Pure kino