Book goes into more length what Dr.M did to the universe. Legion as we know it doesn't exist because Carver Colman died, who is a ancestor of Ferro Lad.
Dr.M also prevented Mon El into surviving, messed around with the Wolfman Perez era, did something to young justice, Clipped off Wallys career and brain fired memories that Linda park had of Wally deep in her mind.
Dr.M screwing around JSA history made it only a covert group sans Alan, it shows each version of history changed by ripple effects.
I mean I don't believe any of this but it still upsets me.
Anthony Edwards
Yeah knew the Alan bit would make sense.
Thomas Rivera
This sounds less like trying to repair the whole DCU and instead just blame shifting the problems of Post-New 52 DC on Dr Manhattan. Made worse by the people in charge of DC not realizing their mistakes and continuing on ruining the DCU.
Asher Ward
Geoff johnsin the rebirth special mag said he wasnt gonna restore it all.
If they want restoration, just having characters like Iris and Tim drake remwmber is good enough.
Anyway Im only expecting Legion to be restored, I think that is actually a legion villian going back in time.
David Turner
Legion villain killing Carver.
Ayden Rogers
Don't give a shit. DClock should be something like Zero Hour. Just bring back some fan favorites and sort out the timeline of DC, done.
Sebastian Barnes
Watch issue 12 just be Doc M being all "whoops, my bad" and literally handwaving the faggotry away.
Zachary Cook
The ending is hope prevails even if everytning doesnt come back. Never give up.
Jayden Lewis
>Dr.M screwing around JSA history made it only a covert group sans Alan Johns once again tries to make it as if Spectre Hal never happened.
Asher Miller
Just tell me what happens when Superman punches his ffs
Tyler Sullivan
Tbf, I think Spectre Hal was a pretty bad Idea. They should have just continued on with Crispus.
Aiden Diaz
Wait what's so important about Wally? I get preventing the JSA and LOSH but it's not like Wally's a big enough deal on his own to target like that.
Julian Walker
So he's just doing the same stuff Thawne did in Flash Rebirth? Big Blue Naked Thawne?
Cooper Green
>Tbf, I think Spectre Hal was a pretty bad Idea Who do you think came up with it in the first place?
The Vol. 4 run itself was great, but ever since GL Rebirth Johns has been backpeddling and ignoring whatever lore doesn't suit him because that would mean actually having to read the comics beforehand.
>They should have just continued on with Crispus. I 100% agree. Nobody asked for fucking Jim Corrigan to come back again.
Ethan Collins
So it's basically that paint parody about Superman saying some trite platitudes about hope and love and shit to Manhattan who goes "whoa you're actually right Superman I totally forgot what made me human mind blown"
Landon Walker
>I 100% agree. Nobody asked for fucking Jim Corrigan to come back again. Recently read the Ostranders run on the character and It was great! I'll put it up there with Starman as the best send-off to a fairly obscure C-list superhero. I don't get why they did it though? Jack was never brought up again, why is that different for Jim?
Blake Perry
Jack was one of many Starmen. He wasn't the first, and he wasn't even supposed to be a replacement (in-story). Corrigan was the first Spectre (publishing-wise), so they went back to him when everything got rebooted.
Nathan Moore
Evan Howard
I haven't been keeping up with this, is there any particular reason Doc M decided to fuck with the DCU?
Charles Barnes
Johns' whims.
Robert Reed
Jack exists in that little sliver of DC limbo where the character had a good run and nobody fucked with the idea of bringing them back for another run afterwards -- right there with Tommy Monaghan and The Question.
Hunter Green
and Adrian Chase
Christopher Wright
He's making his own universe. We're just witnessing one little part of him toying with it.
Jacob Powell
The long story is that it's some gambit of Johns' to do a selective reboot of the DCU for when Rebirth shits the bed, which it has already repeatedly, or so we're hoping.
The short story is "Let's combine DC with Watchmen for shits and giggles"
I still don't see how it's in character for Manhattan to do any of this shit.
Liam Ramirez
What issue was this in?
Ethan Wood
The other chance is that there is no plan and Johns is just making shit up as he goes, hopes that it works, and hopes that any blame for delays are shifted to Gary Frank.
Jordan Gutierrez
They've been returning a lot of history slowly. Last DClock issue mentioned a lot of DCU continuity. Not returning Wally's history would be disastrous at this point. But hey, what else Wally could lose at this point, right? He doesn't even have his dignity anymore so I guess everything is fair game.
Nathaniel Rivera
There is no "issue." Those are all characters who were able to have a series, then mostly quietly retire. No one has really pulled them out of retirement to use them again IRL. >Adrian Chase was from the 1980s Vigilante series. It ended with him killing himself, and he's never come back >Starman was the Robinson series in the 1990s, and it ended with Jack peacefully retiring to raise his kids >Hitman was a 1990s series that ended with the title character dead >The Question actually appeared a lot after the 1980s series, but also had an end around 2005.
Cooper Morgan
Yeah that sounds about right too. My faith in DC is so low right now I wouldn't put that past them either.
Cool. But has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Ryder Long
Congratulations, you've actually posted the stupidest thing I've read all year.
Andrew Fisher
I think the guy above you wins
Landon White
Ok, I know all about those. I thought you were describing the actual plane of Limbo (My bad). I feel like it would do a disservice to many fans if DC brought them back. Though I would like there to be a scene where Courtney just casually talks with Jack on the phone (just for a quick reference).
Kevin Clark
Fucking HiC, Didio, and King.
Carter Anderson
Wally's going to be fucked, man. Dclock isn't saving him. He's just another victim, not a player in this plot.
Jordan Green
Just remember that Johns himself has admitted in interviews that he'd planned none of this out beyond "Dr. Manhattan's involved" until after the Trump election. The guy hadn't even figured out the end-game of Rebirth until midway through it, and only after television basically dumped the story in his lap.
Dylan Ramirez
There's no way to save Wally. King totally destroyed him just to say "therapy doesn't work guise! MUH CIA PTSD!" Hell, Barry's getting his fucking FIFTH retelling of his origin story right now just to cement that boring motherfuckering dumbass as THE Flash.
Fuck DC.
Leo Price
Doom Cock only exists because Johns wants to pin all the dark and violent DC stories on Moore, sorry, "Watchmen's influence", despite the fact that a lot of those dark and violent stories are by him, but I guess Moore used his meme magic to possess him and make him do all those comics because real life works like one of his Green Lantern comics. It's shit metacommentary on the effect Watchmen had on superhero storytelling at DC despite the fact that most of the people who keep dragging Watchmen back are Johns and his generation of writers.
Zachary Green
Jordan Miller
DC is stuck in that edgelord rut now, like the Snyder films.
Question is coming back. The rest are creator owned.
Chase shows up with a new first name.
Leo Smith
The Joker's parents. One of the Jokers anyway
Evan Wilson
>The rest are creator owned. No, DC owns the characters wholesale. It's just a thing where other writers and editorial don't like using the characters without the creator's permission due to them being tied so closely to the writer who created them.
Like DC could make Morpheus or Tommy a member of the Justice League tomorrow if they wanted to, they just don't because it'd piss fans of the characters off and potentially piss the writers off to the point they might not ever want to write anything for DC again.
Kayden Edwards
They're the least awful part of Doomsday Clock, so I'm okay with that.
Josiah Baker
Christ this is still going
Justin Morales
oh right I forgot this was a thing. Why did this take so long? Wasn't this supposed to be the big event that explained N52?
You know, most of these writers are 50-60 years old. When they kick the bucket do you think their creations would get abused by modern writers in 30 years?
Aaron Myers
Spectre Hal still exist. There's just few post huac heroes post 50s like Jay and Hawkman.
Thunder wisked away the rest.
Jason Moore
Johns is making this entire thing to make excuses for his Justice League being the worst lol
Ryder Sullivan
Johns made Frank throw away an entire inekd issue, not allowed to even sell the pages
Easton Moore
Jaxon Jones
a deleted tweet from Gary responding to a fan bitching at him
Dominic Clark
A deleted tweet I'm sure no one took a screenshot of.
Justin Phillips
John, how does doing any of that being Clark closer to punching you?
Adrian Miller
Dr. Manhattan is Barry’s Parallax at this point.
Bentley Reed
Clark finds out and punches him for it.
Hudson Peterson
It seems awfully convoluted. Why go through the trouble causing retcons when you can just teleport in front of him and murder people until he punches you really hard?
Angel Martinez
People aren't blaming moore though they're blaming johns. This mess was awful and retarded. I don't know how anyone can read this and think it's anywhere close to watchman.
Jose Russell
I think you misunderstand user, Johns isn’t Blaming Moore he’s saying that the narrative choice of the Dark & Gritty is being overused by less talented writers and effectively undermining the core point of Superhero Comics as being a hopeful medium that is supposed to give us something to strive towards
Easton Roberts
So if that's Cereal Lord's self-insert, does that mean he becomes Doc Manhattan and Johns had Frank draw him as more caucasian than he is in real life and also that Johns has a teeny peen?
Connor Moore
How do we save DC at this point?
Joshua King
Genetically engineer a psychic squid, teleport it into Marvel headquarters where it explodes in a telepathic cacophony of pain and death. The world joins together in mourning. Hope an insane hobo doesn't spill the beans to a right wing newsletter
Caleb Hall
Fuck me I was trying to write something snide but then I seriously thought about it and as dumb ss they are I actually can’t think of anyone else whose character arc didn’t get worse. At least they started as dumb OCs and so had nowhere to go but up
Henry Sanders
>Legion as we know it doesn't exist because Carver Colman died, who is a ancestor of Ferro Lad.
This doesn't make sense
>Dr.M also prevented Mon El into surviving
This kinda does. Was Clark Superboy in now? I literally have no idea.
>Clipped off Wallys career and brain fired memories that Linda park had of Wally deep in her mind.
Worst part of Doomsday Clock. Johns jerking off to his own self created Watchemn characters.
Isaiah Allen
N52 was explained by Flashpoint. Doomsday Clock is basically the climax to Rebirth.
Lincoln Green
>Being this new
Tyler Rivera
Big question is whether or not Mime will have real powers.
Luke Walker
Doc's bullshit alteerations better be reverzsed by the end of this, especially what he did to Linda and Wally. Those two need to get a happy ending.
Why the fuck does he hate the JSA, the Legion, the New Teen Titans(This is why the situation with Star, Raven, BB and Cybors got their generations mixed up so only Star has any relationship to Dick anymore?) and young Justice(so this is how they're handwaving Bendis's ignoring of Lobdell's titans.)
Charles Thomas
It was a much better run than anything Johns ever wrote, and Crispus came after anyway.
Ryan Morris
mfw all of this sounds awful and nothing can bring me joy anymore