Where's my fucking reboot

where's my fucking reboot

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Jazz Jackrabbit


What's the preferred media to reboot him with

Why reboot when its already perfect
Now a continuation on the other hand...

Apparently there's been a debate over who has the rights to green alien lagomorphs between Jazz Jackrabbit and Bucky O'Hare creators/owners that went into gridlock ages ago so now neither series is ever used again.

Jaxxon > Buck

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Jaxx Jackrabbit.

Wasn't the original only on for a couple months then never seen or heard from again?

Do you really hate Bucky O'Hare so much that you'd wish a late 10s-style reboot on him?

Just go to that fan page the wrote a massive fanfiction and divided it in seasons after the series finale. Sometimes death is good.

Is there any reason for the resemblance between this guy and jazz?

I used to play Jazz Jackrabbit when I was kid.

Apparently it was made by the guys that made the Epic Game Store. Is this true?

bucky has a good decade or so on jazz

>Rebooting fucking Bucky O'Hare
>In the hell that is modern day cartoons

I shudder to think what they'd do to Jenny and the rest of the Aldebaranian babes.


Is that jazz jackrabbit
A reboot? It had a cartoon? I thought it was just a DOS game

What about a crossover between Bucky O'Hare and Jazz Jackrabbit?

I opened the thread to ask if there is any connection to Jazz, it's nice to see that almost everyone else did too.

>CALcify me captain

Larry Hama of all people created Bucky O'hare and with Michael Golden doing art they made the first comic, with designs intended to be toyetic.

They made a cartoon, had two decent video game tie ins because Konami churned those out like a fucking champ, and things were going okay--all things considered-- but someone at Playmates just utterly *fucked up* and the factory made a crapdillion Air Marshall figs, shortpacking the main characters, and the first wave of toys was pretty much a failure.

As a result the series was shitcanned. It did air in syndication for awhile and is fondly remembered by most people, though I am rather partial to Hama's comic especially as it was alot more satirical and didn't trifle with centering the single story around Will DeWitt learning on valuable lesson after the other. Also the poor kid got *stuck* in the Aniverse, which would have been interesting to see play out in continued comics.

upvoted xd

>especially as it was alot more satirical

Post some examples.



Part of the main plot involved Bucky trying to get a bunch of peaceniks to sign a waiver so he and his crew could defend them from the Toad mothership draining magma out of their planet.

The toads' descent into ultra consumerism to the point where they built an AI that brainwashed them all into being death troopers bent on galaxy domination was also a little more graphic as you can see.

Lastly, Blinky's explanation of S.P.A.C.E. 's fleet formation that Bucky's part off was far more sardonic than heroic. Far more heavily implied that the mammal "Space UN" is too cheap/mired in bureaucracy to get off their asses and finance a proper fleet to where the repurposed old frigates rather than write them a check for a shit load of laser cannons and top of the line fighter ships. (This tightwaddedness is indirectly responsible for killing off Bruce the baboon as he was trying to fix a shitty photon accelerator.)

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>wanting a reboot in the year of our lord and savior 2019

some things are better left in our fond memories

That was one sexist planet

a jazz cartoon would be sick

especially so if they brought in the composer from jj2

Think REALLY HARD about what you're wishing for.

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Well he's got a line of Action Figures now.

Same company is looking to do Sam and Max as well.

I've literally never heard of any rights issues with them. Either way, Bucky predates Jazz Jackrabbit by a decade.

Jesus! That's awesome!

Yeah. Micheal Golden's art is fucking gorgeous.

This comes from an 80ish page graphic novel that's not too hard to find CBR's of. The only downside is that all the comic really does is establish the series' status quo and premise and then nothing...

Make it stop!

As soon as the toys sell out

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_ ____ __ ___ __ ____ ___

Space Usagi

Can I buy a vowel?

>Epic Games is known for games such as ZZT developed by founder Tim Sweeney, various shareware titles including Jazz Jackrabbit and Epic Pinball, the Unreal video game series

I love Willy!

Shutbup, woman.

I'd rather have a remake of the NES game tbp(h)

>Remake over original content




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Usagi/Bucky crossover when?


the game had an awesome soundtrack

calarts is going under next year, nobody's stupid enough to pay 50k+ a year tuition

They're both rabbits.

And when you're proven wrong by stupid people with too much money, what will you do?

>Arcade game has (almost, I'm pretty sure Gary Chalk isn't in it because Al Negator's voice is completely different sounding) every VA from the cartoon in it
>Lets you defeat the Toads once and for all
>The (not as memorable as the NES game, but still good) soundtrack

Also Long John Baldry as KOMPLEX is really good. Has he voiced other villains besides him and Robotnik?

tfw Epic has been sitting on the Jazz Jackrabbit IP for no good reason for two decades now

They're also both green, have guns and eliminate reptiles and amphibians en masse.


>been meaning to pick them up
>they go on sale last week
>still 7 bucks each
It's not much ultimately, but that was a tiny discount, damn

My problem with the NES game is how some of the screens are just copy 'n paste expect made more dickish

the comic was fun and I wouldn't mind it coming back
considering IDW will license anything I wonder if they approached Larry to write the series again. Maybe he doesn't want to bother seeing as it was created to just sell toys anyway (so i doubt he has much passion for it)
the character designs and name alone would be enough to sell a book for a while anyway

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This is drawing upon fanworks but there was an active online community for the show for awhile and --again this is just fanfiction-- one idea that they had was for the Toads to find a way to Earth and they invaded it after SPACE chased them off.

Gotta admit, especially after Voltron cocked up its last seasons with the same premise, I wouldn't mind seeing this plotline with Bucky.


most of Yea Forums does

He was the voice of Captain Capacitor on ReBoot.

That boy was a pussy magnet.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, calarts has nothing to do with the college. Calarts the school teaches a combination of 50s disney, tim burton and movie anime.

The style that people call calarts was created by studio heads trying to capitalize on the sucess of gravity falls and steven universe

>Bucky, I'm putting together a team

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I want to see who would be on the team

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No lie, a Bucky/Usagi crossover would be fucking amazing.

Bucky also premiered right around the time the new E/I television standards took effect and a lot of shows got the axe because it was easier to just churn out cheap new compliant stuff than attempt to retool the existing stuff.

I'd personally say ditch Willy or change his origin so he's less "audience fantasy surrogate" and more just "lone human trapped with a bunch of crazy animal aliens"

I spent way too much time on this

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I honestly thought Willy was fine, even if he was obviously a cipher for the audience. It's amusing to think the kid pulled into the Aniverse already knows alot of shit and can explain science stuff to the animals opposed to them explaining it all to him.

Building every episode around him having to learn valuable life lessons, though, really sucked.

As long as the show/comic/whatever is about Bucky and not thinly veiled Willy's Space Aesop Adventures, he's okay to keep in the cast.

who could stop them?

...those accursed turtles?

>T. Shredder

Needs Jazz Jackrabbit.

i hate you


>no Ying Yang Yo

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>jim cummings

>He's here to save the day!
How come I recall he really didn't?

I will fucking cut you, I swear.

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This looks retarded
He look like he ate rotten lettuce and dressed in Street Fighter cosplay

It was a show made to sell toys.

Silly Jaxxon, you're already canon!

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You even have a comic!

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In fact, you'll even return next Adventures annual

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>American Rabbit
>He's here to save your oil by bombing all your brown people!

Good taste in astromechs but shouldn't those models be ancient at that point?


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This. More likely than not, a reboots will just ruin something that was good.

So that's why this was usually all I could find? I just assumed the god shit sold out!

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Interesting choice to bring back character who was seen once during the 70s (But who had cameo appearances as well)

Man, that was great. I honestly never thought I'd see Jaxxon in a comic again!

Kino theme tune

So I am just checking out the comic and why are Jenny's eyes or face in general just completely fucked in every single page she's in so far? All the other characters seem to look fine.

Creator's Pet.

Wait doesn't she like Bucky?

Alright then. Just looks creepy half the time

>only 5 of 20 issues online
Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

Buy the figures. There's a Mimi coming up.

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oh yes. i think a litttle bit too much

living on female only planet must have made her thirsty af

poor thing doesnt realize he's a minor

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No one cares about minors in space.

Say that again, buddy!

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Fuck you, I love air Marshall toad

for me, it's Queen Katrina

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Hell yeah, tiem for glueing

Keep it in your sheath.