Any bets?
Death Battle’s coming soon
They'll use that "Omniversal" statement one of the artist made.
I guess you missed the three 500 post threads since the reveal?
>Not Ben 10 vs. Dial H for Hero
>the DC character crossover that would make the most sense
Death Battle just gets worse and worse and worse...
>part of galactic peace keeping force
>given green jewelry from beyond with unfathomable power
>both uncreative shitheads
More in common than you think.
Also WTF is 10 numnillion IQ
Green Lantern. Without a doubt.
>who should win
Hal due to an enormous speed advantage and ways to bypass Alien X to kill Ben as listed in last thread. And because he should be allowed the central battery.
>who will win
Ben because they won’t give Hal the central battery and will take that one artist shitposting about Alien X deleting a multiverse in six thoughts as actual canon.
This is what it is:DC has been on a streak lately so they picked one of the most wanked characters on vs battle sites and found a DC character for him to kill with some thematic ties.
This is a work.
Ben actually has a lot in common with Hal since they’re both dumbasses who succeed through luck, pluck, a little creativity, and a highly versatile alien weapon.
You can’t really use Dial H as a vs battle character since the whole point is that the hero is random.
They always do that kind of shit though. They love putting one character in as a chosen sacrifice for another.
Is Ben actually even a plumber?
He went to the academy
Ben is canonically retarded
Isn't one of Ben's aliens a reality warper and part of triumvirate of ultimate gods?
They do have a habit of making mismatches. Venom vs Bane anyone?
Yeah but he only wants to use six arms.
>speed advantage
Doesn't matter since the Omnitrix has automatic transformations and has resurrected Ben from death.
>m-muh genetic manipulation ignoring the Omnitrix can do the same
What resurrections? It’s preventative, not day after.
Chromastone regenerating into Diamondhead after dying shows he's perfectly capable of doing so.
Also remember Zeus being given 1/1000th the power of a big bang? All of Ben's aliens held the power of a big bang, and you know what that means :^)
That was more Feedback, the Omnitrix was shifting through farms to find the right alien. As for Chromastone, I don’t think anybody really knows the situation, and considering Hal has willed himself back to life, it’s not very impressive
Feedback was absorbing it at the start though.
Hmm, the shifting does happen when the Omnitrix experience a powerful energy feedback,
Ben wins if its young Ben and Gwen's virginity is on the line
Has Hal ever beat anyone on the level of Alien X? That's what it's going to come down to.
Isn't Hal's creativity shit?
Any drawfags or writefags willing to make OC on these two interacting?
What alien would annoy Hal?
Not beat him, just piss him off
Probabky Rath, he can get on people’s nerves. Or Jury Rigg
Gwen already tore that ass up in S1
The Worst?
What would Hal do with the Omnitrix?
Ben with a Green Lantern ring?
So is Hal
>1 Nonillion IQ
>1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 IQ
What in the fresh hell? How does this scale exactly? Is Brainstorm actually going to be the key to victory?
Is there a sign alien?
Ben 10 is more popular, so he's going to win. They'll pull reasonings out their ass for him, like Alien X even though he can't fully control it most of the time, but ignore all the times Hal has warped reality.
How would that Ben 10 fag fare against Sodam Yat under a yellow sun and the power of Ion?
Hal could win if they allow him to switch colors mid match
This is entirely dependent on if Ben has master control unlocked or not.
Like how they were going to sacrifice Billy to Carol or Darkseid to Thanos?
Carol or Thanos don't exactly have universal+ reality warping or a shitton of hax in their base forms nor did Darkseid or Billy need cherry picked feats to win. Also Darkseid or Billy didn't need to contend with a foe far more durable than their attacks and actually had advantages besides speed.
More like they sacrificed Carol to Billy. They love picking characters who are obvious mismatches to promote one of the other characters. Same thing happened with batman and black panther or venom and bane among many others.
It was another Marvel vs DC match with two characters named Captain Marvel.
Venom vs Bane was a waste though along with Batman vs Black Panther, Venom vs Guyver would have been far more cooler or any other symbiotic-based character.