Where Spidey gets a new partner!
Where Spidey gets a new partner!
Just noticed I left the subject blank, oops
>more spider people
please no
make it stop! kill them all until only peter parker is left and spider-man comics focus once again on personal drama and low tier science gone horrible wrong again
Read on you sad man
So who's going to actually count
>punching mephisto
This is some kind of fever dream right?
You...can say that
Probably some kid playing with his toys or pretending based on the background in later pages
What kind of kid playing with toys doesn't take the Black Cat toy and the Spider Man toy and try out every single position for the sole purpose of recreation?
black cats cleavage gets smaller with each new issue
meanwhile filling two issues with homoerotic shit like this was totally ok
and people still claim that sjws have not completely ruined comics
I hope it's a young woman of color!
Ah, it's a re-rendition of the Kid Who Collects Spider-man, or perhaps a sequel.
>posting images during a storytime
The fuck is wrong with Yea Forums these days?
Based Fred, I bet Bullseye doesn't get to wear Daredevil's underpants.
have sex
>The fuck is wrong with Yea Forums these days?
Can't have a Spider-man thread without our resident cleavage-to-buttholefaggot.
Troll hive.
Successor to be more precise
Retain your semen, retain power
And done! If you liked it, buy it at your LCS or something
y-yes elder
Highly irresponsible, the sudden accelerations of web-swinging will most likely make the cancer go faster.
But seriously though this has been done.
Heartwarming and tearjerking
Is this the first time Pete’s going to fight nu prowler?
It might not be cancer though
The huge sjw created double standard is getting in everybody’s never
Not just comics even games like freaking mortal kombat have censored up all their female characters while all the make characters are super buff dudes running around in thongs
This is what woman used to look like.
>hanging out with a radioactive menace
it's cancer
You faggot, you don't post images during a storytime, even storytime of pain threads adhere to that rule. Fuck off and die in a pit
Ugh I can't believe they're even letting cancer kids be Spider-man these days, fuck this shit, the only REAL Spider-man is Peter Parker all the others should just fall down and stop breathing and vomit and die!
even mj in her casual clothes used to show off more cleavage then black cat does nowadays.
it´s insane
the very first user in this thread posted shadman
it was already doomed from the start
No it is important people understand that nipples and buttholes should be on every page even in storytime threads especially in storytime threads where there are not enough nipples and buttholes because of SJW's.
That guy has been popping up with a lot of storytimes, I wonder what happened?
Uh I don't see her belly button or feet this is highly censored the SJW's have obviously already killed Mary Jane wtf why do you use this as an example are you some kind of SJWCuck?
This is some one wish foundation shit right?
accept that you are gay instead of cutting of your dick tranny
just because you love looking at naked dudes and hate looking at sexy women means that every comic should have the first but no longer the second
Good god that helmet on Vulture looks terrible, even Slott's shitty trenchcoat and no wings looks better
never seen shadman poster before and I come her every week for storytime
btw. why did shadman become so lacy?
his old bioshock artwork used to be hot but nowadays he only draws in that caliarts like style
It's very important that there are nipples growing out of Black Cat's butthole in order to be anatomically correct, anyone who disagrees is a virgin not a chad.
Hey look, Kingpin and Rhino in the same room. Or is it?
Only this week, I remember seeing the same image at least once
Seeing Doppleganger after so many years fills me joy
Goddamn it we just had a "Spidey plays with dying kids" thread the other day I don't need to feel again
Thanks for the storytime. I hope this book survives. It's nice.
Seriously how hard would it have been to tell the kid Black Cat isn't a villain and that Spider-man has even had sex with her? He's 9, he's gotta know about penis in vagina already. This comic shouldn't be so fucking censored!
Just another "the kid that collect Spiderman" story. Original.
There should be more of these types of stories for other heroes too, they work for me
Honestly I kinda like how they let that stuff happen in this book and they keep the story stuff to amazing.
why even use black cat if you are only going to show her on two pages and censored?
Because she is more than pure sex appeal?
>cutting of your dick tranny
>Also complains about MK
Ah so your a faggot from Yea Forums I'm guessing, did they get tired of all of your "Muslim Kombat" threads and kicked you out to here
Imagine being a parent and letting Spidey do this.
Unless he has literally omly a few hours left, it's inconceivable
if you are so triggered so much by cleavage and big breast why not use another female character who was never really famous for sexappeal like silver sable?
How do you even manage this?
Wrapping a shower cord like that around your leg is a fucking stupid idea, I hope she drowns
boomerang was never a homoerotic character so why have him pose in his underwear for two issues?
>Silver Sable
Read comics.
Because it's funny how gay it is? This book is based.
black cat hasn´t been a villain for over a year now either but they still used her simply to censor her up
I’m not triggered by the presence or lack of tits and ass
Me too, she's the only one keeping Gwen Stacy from coming back and reclaiming her place as the real wife of Spider-man and Stan Lee, the ordinary girl that are best for marriage, the ones that don't go away to be independent or to vote or do stupid shit, fuck Mary Jane the SJW she ruined America.
Yeah someone did bite the dust
yeah you only make lots of excuses for it´s censorship and white knight for it online
Where have I done that
It was alright, The Kid Who Collects Spider-man did it better but when isn't that true for rethreads of older stories
A guy being naked isn't homoerotic. It's only homoerotic if it's two or more naked people of the same sex.
Thanks OP, this was a good issue.
user a guy posing in his underwear to show of his butt is the definition of homoerotic
if a modern comic had a female character just run around in her underwear for no reason it would be considered sexist. twitter would go on a 2 month long outrage crusade until marvel had to publicly apologize and fire everybody involved in the comics creation
>The fuck is wrong with Yea Forums these days?
casualgaters decided they wanted to be more cancerous than SJW
I think you’re a closet gay
>The fuck is wrong with Yea Forums these days?
sjws have ruined comics. people are just reacting to it.
it´s like person screaming when he gets cut by a knife. perfectly normal reaction
I am not the one making excuses for guys in thongs showing up in comics user
I am gay, it’s ok you can come out it’s not that bad now
>sjws have ruined comics. people are just reacting to it.
>it´s like person screaming when he gets cut by a knife. perfectly normal reaction
No, you idiot. Your kind and SJW are BOTH more cancerous than Spider Bite.
But you know what? Even SJW haven't been degenerate enough to disrupt storytime. That's a thing only casualgaters are low enough to do.
A more accurate representation will be
>fuck I got cut
>this must mean the creators of the knife are specifically targeting me and my loved ones
>I shall now proceed to stand in the middle of the factory and screech at the top of my lungs, accomplishing nothing but annoying people
>this was released in 2005
>same rating
>same comic series
>nobody cared
I wonder if the artist first wanted to draw black cat with a bigger bust but was told to remove it by a pink haired marvel editor
wew laddie
>Even SJW haven't been degenerate enough to disrupt storytime.
they actually did by forcing marvel to censor outfits and change personalities which had been the norm for decades
can´t think of a bigger way to disrupt storytime
Replacing factory with knife display and it will be more accurate
>I shall now proceed to stand in the middle of the factory and screech at the top of my lungs, accomplishing nothing but annoying people
well I am not buying comics anymore
and floppy sales are at an all time low
Storytike is the ACT of posting a story, you fucking turbofaggot, it has absolutely nothing to do with quality or content. Seriously go fucking kill your self, you are literally worse than SJWs at this point
Yeah, you’re not buying. You’re standing in front of the knife display and screeching at window shoppers. That’s even more pathetic
not really you can still enjoy storytime even with me posting
you will never be able to enjoy a comic which had huge parts of its lore changed for leftwing political reasons
Thanks, OP.
Tits and ass?
it´s funny that you think you are smart ;)
Of course I can, doesn’t change the fact that you are a huge fucking faggot for interrupting it, which get that - not even SJWs do
how characters look, dress and act
meant for this faggot
maybe you are just an sjw who likes seeing sexy stuff censored from comics while also loves seeing feminist propaganda being shoved into every comic
Characters change their look all the fucking time, how is that lore? And how has black cat’s behaviour changed? She’s still a coy, thrill-seeking gal
>not even SJWs disrupt storytimes
>Characters change their look all the fucking time,
funny how female breast size and costumes have massively changed around the same time.
>She’s still a coy, thrill-seeking gal
not really. her sex appeal is all gone. she is no longer a fun tease. just another boring strong wyman who needs no man
Because I finder her sexier that way.
Less can be more.
>around the same time
Yeah, the 90s, where suddenly everything became sexualised for some reason. Current black cat design is much closer to the original than the 90s shit
>black cat is not a tease
? She literally just teased a guard in the recent ASM
Holy shit we can't even have a nice Spidey storytime without you faggots getting upset about tits, all of you need to go neck yourselves
there are already tons of female characters who got censored. literally every female character to be precise
for the sake of diversity at least few should be allowed to show cleavage again
>you faggots
Like two people. Yea Forums doesn’t know how to ignore bait
>Current black cat design is much closer to the original than the 90s shit
not really. it´s just more censorship
black cat looks pretty much just like any other female character now
It's the same guy every time and people still haven't learned.
Disrupting storytimes should be a bannable offense
No, that's not the definition of homoerotic at all.
Male sexuality isn't homoerotic you homosexual.
Fuck... his fear of not waking up. I don't know why that hit so much harder than just him not wanting the fun to stop.
Thanks OP.
Also fuck that NEET incel trying to ruin this storytime.
Christ you're sad.
You're just straight up lying now
Reminder T’Challa is letting this kid die
wouldn't a fall like that kill him?
It might be the wrong thread to ask, but how do I read all of the chapters of those spider-hunting vampires? I was reading doc-oc spiderman last night and one of its chapter really intrigued me.
I thought the signature said Andrew Dobson and almost had a heart attack
People just keep making fun of you screaming in every Spider-Man thread about how comics are ruined because there isn't as much cleavage.
I count 59, but that's close enough to 60 that I might have just miscount and the artist probably did put 60 in there.
>He has the proportional powers of a man with a convenient ladder
I swear, "The Kid who Collects Spider-Man" has almost become a sub-genre of Spidey comics at this point. I liked this issue, but it gets done a lot.
>it's that time of the year where Prowler does something
“fuck these crackers” -T’Challa
Yea Forums has become a bunch of oversensitive people with a strong fear of SJWs
is the whole series this based?
Lame and played out. I can’t believe shills here are jacking off to this garbage. It’s the same shit we’ve seen over and over again.
hey faggot if you want to jack it to comic book titties just go on /aco/ and top shitting up threads
Originality is honestly really low on the ladder of what makes things good.
Lol at that gay pose in the last panel
When’s the last time Aaron did anything? Last time I remember him doing something was after the legacy numbering being picked up and he restarted a sinister six
>we all are.
Damn Spidey ;_;
Hell, Cabal's art/paneling is Spectacular.
The last one is Stilt Man
This was nice and wholesome. Thank you OP
This page is much better than the splash pages we get .
This is so dumb, and I love it.
He was in cult of carnage like 2 or 3 weeks ago
Holy fuck dude sorry this cute Spidey one-off wasn't ground breaking Alan fucking Moore or whatever you expected.
Release your semen having coitus, make a child who will be stronger than you
>Alan Moore
Keep that Life-of-Brian memer out of this please.