When did Adult Swim get so BASED to start running this bumper?

When did Adult Swim get so BASED to start running this bumper?

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Is this actually real or a edit
Either way the good writing wasn't their own anyway

It's real. I remember seeing seeing it.

Because Adult Swim personnel watch GoT too, and recognize it's not as good as it used to be.

It started as of last night.

That sounds about right. I stopped watching after season 5 because I thought it was incredibly trashy, and I didn't care enough about the cliffhanger.

Consider yourself lucky you saw nothing of this season.

You stopped at a good time but for the wrong reason

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That rude as fuck.

>not watching the show devolve into the Real Housewives of Westeros
i envy you

It's the same as it ever was. Typical internet hyperbole.

It started as early as the last season of Game of Thrones


I don't watch GoT but if the upcoming spinoff was a Real Housewives parody I'd 100% watch that shit

Well I'll be damned, you were right.

>run out of novel to adapt and have to just fill in a rough outline of an unwritten novel with your own writing instead
>instantly turns to crap

That's a lot coming from the channel that's biggest public success is Rick and Morty.

One of the best written shows in history?

[2011 - 2014]

Good one, user.

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wrong and bluepilled

Nah, Euron's teleporting fleet of doom didn't appear 'til the last few seasons.

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The first two seasons were nice.

SGCtC was stupid nonsense. It's only good moments were when they did the Unreasonable Demands sketch and when they had the actor who played Zed in the Police Academy movies over because he was actually funny.

Not even that.
If you think Cersei gets to be Queen after blowing up the highly popular religion you are nuts

>talking heads fag
Kill yourself

Or that a woman burning people alive like her madman father would have turned away every follower.

It's depressing how hard they fucked season 3.


The dogs take over morty/ricks house. Rick decides that its no use fighting them and to set up house in the sewers. It's solved by rick being clever and sneaking into the dogs dream

>season 3
Rick would flip backwards through a window into the house firing guns at every dog in the room, grenading the one behind the couch. He'd then go on slaughtering the rest.

>season 1

Rick and morty are being chased by scary terry. They keep running till they decide to try hiding, a good take on the old trope. It succeeds, and they peacefully resolve the situation by turning him to their side.

>season 3

Rick builds a magica vacum sucking machine that uses quantam magic voodoo to exercise and defeat scary terrie. He gets put in a jar, rick farts and laughs.

>One of the worlds most aggressively normie fandom is getting fucked over because without the writings of an old man with a sailor's hat, the writing team is completely incompetent

I can't think of a more fitting end to that cancer

New Wave is shit.

He said Rick and Morty not Venture bros.

But the writing on got was never good

The teleporting got ridiculously out of hand last season, and is absolutely taking the piss right now.
I wouldn't be surprised if the final battle is pic related between euron and arya

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Why not?

>watch GoT season 1 episode 1
>something like 8 different plot threads starting off
>episode ends on a literal cliffhanger
And that's when I dropped it forever. LOST cured me from watching shit like this.

It's not like Lost at all.

It's a multi-season continuity-heavy drama TV show that thrives on an extremely large cast and people wanting to know what happens next.
It might be better executed, but it's absolutely the same "genre".

>milti-season continuity-hewbu drama TV show
Very common. Traditional, even.

>that thrives on an extremely large cast
Like Romance of Three Kingdoms. But yeah, kind of like Lost.

>and people wanting to know what happens next.

Lost was a mystery thriller while GoT is a fantasy drama.

>milti-season continuity-hewbu drama TV show
This wasn't even a thing at all until 15 years ago outside of soap opera.
>Like Romance of Three Kingdoms
Which I also dropped.
That's not what that word means. And not everything is continuity-heavy, especially not on TV.

Not genre, "genre", as in "genre for lack of a better word".

Anyone got the cap of Harmon throwing a shitfit because they insulted his favorite show?

structure or format is what you're looking for

The show sucks without the books to back it up, but wasn’t the “writing is bad” bandwagon started because twitterites got offended that the stronk wohman is getting mad and a mulatto got her head chopped?

it's been building since Sansa got raped.

Rick was a fuckup in season 1 which is pretty appropriate given his drunken lazy apathy. His "successes" are generally just to neutralize or even just survive his own failures.

The writers Benioff and Weiss are hilariously incompetent. And their next project is the new Star Wars trilogy, so that should be fun.

Yea and they shouldnt have changed it. It worked great. Now he's all up his own ass and everything is taking itself way too seriously.

>>milti-season continuity-hewbu drama TV show
>This wasn't even a thing at all until 15 years ago outside of soap opera.
Babylon 5 did it in the '90s, although I suppose there weren't many others until later.

Twin Peaks started in 1990 and it wasn't the first. Funny story, George R R Martin was an executive producer on the Beauty and the Beast live action drama that ran from 87-90.

Did you drop RotTK because there was too much going on? Lost had bigger problems than just that.

And yes, leaving people wanting to know what happens next is a traditional storytelling device, like in One Thousand and One Nights. Wanting to know what happens next is what keeps people around from act to act of plays.

>BUUURP Yeah Adult Swim, so edgy. I mean, like, they started out pretty cool UUURRP but then let all their original talent go that they managed to string along on contract the entire time, no actual healthcare or any residuals from reruns or merchandising BUUUUURP and left C. Martin Croker to die in poverty BUUURP oh and then they cancelled World Peace and said they'd never run it or have anything to do with it ever again BUUUUURRRRRP but now they claim copyright on uploads and continue to screw those content creatiors over as well but hey Game of Thrones jokes amiright Morty? Soooo edgy. And we have super creeps like Dan making RICK AND MORTY WUBALABA DUB DUB!!!!! Yeah that Game of Thrones joke man. So BUUUUURP based.

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Well at least you have conviction. If anything these last two seasons showed me you have the right of it with how sloppily they’re tying up the story lines.

I could see why you'd think it would be like lost, but you can't tell if something is going to turn out to be lost in the first hour of viewing. It's natural to have mysteries, dangling plot threads, and lots of characters to kill off. Dropping after an episode because there's a mystery that wasn't fully explored or even addressed is dumb.

It's gonna be hilarious when their shit will make Rian look like a poet and the ST will get the Prequel renaissance treatment few years from now.

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That’s terrifying but Star Wars is dead to me hopefully this is the final nail in the coffin.

GoT is shit. Don't (You) me.

I agree

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writing has been bad since 2014

>Dont (You) me

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I remember watching DEXTER.
Everything after the first season was dog shit because the first season was actually largely adapted from the book.

There was so much lazy soap opera shit in the second season. It was hilarious.

At least I ditched it then instead of watching more.

5 seasons seems to be the cut off for having a quality show. Same thing happened to Supernatural.

>Brooklyn Nine-Nine not only kept its quality past season 5, it also survived a network change

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The X-Files started to get shitty after Season 5 as well.

Supernatural was supposed to end at season 5, that's how the overarching plot was written

[citation needed]

The Simpsons was good until Season 8.

That should say

>The Writing on Game of Thrones
>2011 - 5 minutes into the first episode.

there it is again..

lol what babies.

Rick and Morty is a fun show to watch, just ignore the fans and don't be an autist

Even normies are slooooowy starting to notice.

It would be perfect if it was 2011-2011.

It kinda follows the same formula.

>make sitcom
>adult family
>add a tweest with scifi
>boom, big money.

Every single new huge cartoon series in the west has been an adult sitcom (with bobs burgers/R&M being latest additions).

yknow now that i think about it, AS bumper system is pretty kino

>get to have slight indirect commentary with your audience
>cuts down on commercials
>has their own flavor of humor attached to them.

The show died as soon as the little man got into the box. What has followed is a thirst induced fever dream.

Remember when it took ages for characters to travel anywhere? We bitched about it at the time but now look where we are.

Turns out that old man had a good grasp on his own plodding pacing that two-bit television writers couldn't replicate.

It really doesn't make sense why the kingdoms don't just split apart after all the targaryens are gone.

because they mostly worked together to overthrow the Targaryens. And even then, they only stayed together for what, 20 years?

Sure it was, even normies have noticed the sharp decline in quality. You could say that it's best was mediocre, but then what does that make the current season. It's still in a trough, no matter how you tweak your standards.

>that it's best was mediocre

*that its best was mediocre

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It's not a mystery box.

It was supposed to be some nobody. The Sansa rape was legitimately dumb writing.

leaks happened what they revealed is gonna piss the entire fanbase off for various reasons

Yeah but why continue to participate in the same system if you're not going to lead it? It would make sense that once the targaryens were deposed that the individual kingdoms would split off and fight over succession or just regain independence entirely.

momentum, I guess. Plus having the North and the Lannisters on his side probably went a long way to keeping Robert in power.

Reddit has figured it out. I thought for sure they'd get it last year but the battle of the bastards distracted them.

what it bothers me is that normies and le**ttors are going to act like they always knew about it like they weren't clapping at arya killing the night king

I dropped Game of Thrones when Jaime in the dungeon with Tyrion talked about some fucking Lannister cousin and not Tysa.

Of all the things they did, that was the most unforgivable.

Not sure about that. S4 had a bunch of “males suck” jokes and they made Rosa bi out of nowhere

Can someone explain why D&D bothered adding Jeyne Poole to the show but cut out the part where she's supposed to be Arya and gets raped by dogs?

I did notice an uptick in more like under-the-breath political asides from Jake, but it's not like the show hasn't worn its politics on its sleeve since the beginning. It's still funny and never gets preachy, is the important thing.

>Yeah but why continue to participate in the same system if you're not going to lead it?
Peace. Especially for the REACH and the Stormlands it means not being in war with Dorne. The Vale had their leader as hand of the king, the lannisters were in bed with robert, and the north was under Robert's best friend. Only Dorne had reasons to brake out, but they were sneaky and planning to bring back the targs.

GoT has always been at best mediocre.

This season of Brooklyn 99 has kind of sucked though. There's like 3 good episodes out of the bunch.

So why's everyone mad at Game of Thrones now? Did they kill off a fan favourite character in a dumb way or something?

>they haven't read the Bell Leaks
The internet is about to explode with rage from every single group.

Because it's gone from good to "simplified but still entertaining" to outright "what the fuck are they thinking?". The spectacle isn't covering their asses anymore.

It's just because the ending leaked. Spoiler of the supposed ending below.

- Cersei surrenders immediately
- Jaime is coming to support Cersei not knowing this and tries to kill Euron but fails
- Arya kills Euron
- the sound of the bells drives Dany mad
- Grey Worm and the Unsullied use their spears to rape the children of King's Landing
- Arya kills the Mountain
- Tyrion kills Jaime
- Arya kills Cersei
- Arya kills the Hound
- Arya leaves for Essos
- Jon kills Dany
- Sansa and Tyrion plot to kill the Starks by Sansa promising marriage to Tyrion
- Sansa and Bran backstab Tyrion instead
- Sansa and Bran execute Tyrion
- Sansa and Bran rule in the North and Throne
- Bran destroys all the other Houses and replaces them with democracies
- Bran executes Jon

Sansa's rape pissed some people off.
Teleporting ravens pissed some people off.
Euron and his teleporting fleet of doom pissed some people off.
Danaerys' Great White Savior role pissed some people off.

Basically the looming ending is causing people to look back on the series more critically now that the week-to-week spectacle is mostly over, and the cracks that have been forming for years are finally becoming too much for the show to bear.

>- Arya kills the Mountain
>- Arya kills the Hound

>edgelord sword and sorcery for people who don't even like sword and sorcery

Embarrassing that Game of Thrones got as popular as it did desu senpai. Also why is the CGI always so bad? They have more money than God to throw at this shit.

So the ending is exactly like this, except if hearing the bell ringing made Pacifica rape everybody instead of being sad.

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its like two dudes rippen absolute beasts in bathroom stalls next to each other.
then one of them all of a sudden says
"what stinks?"

I guess that makes sense. It always seemed like there should have been a secondary war where baratheon stamps out rebellions.

Very hypocritical since all Adult Swim can do is write stoner comedies nobody cares about that last only 1 or 2 seasons.

Rick & Morty is produced out of house.

Lost syndrome. People are realizing the show is being wrapped up in shoddy fashion and that all the build up of the previous series is wasted time. Even worse is that you would think that, being the last season, they would provide emotional conclusions to individual characters and major characters would die, but no. Barely any decent character arcs are finished and the only characters to die are secondary characters, making it clear the plot armor around the fan favorites is keeping them having anything interesting happen

There was one, the iron niggers started a rebellion hoping other houses would to the same.

>- Bran destroys all the other Houses and replaces them with democracies
Holy fuck, that's stupid beyond belief. The rest of it is bad as well, but this just makes no sense at all.

I would say it lasted even later

>Watching The Simpsons after Phil Hartman died

Pacing is different, dialogue is sometimes noticeably off, the focus shifted, the danger for main characters disappeared, the attention to small logical conclusions to events that the show was so good with got thrown away for the sake of drama and character promotion. It's objectively different even if you're one of few people retarded enough to prefer the current state.

What was supposed to happen?

Nobody liked that. I haven't seen a single person call it good. At most people say it's not as bad as everyone says but even those people are a tiny minority.

>thinking GoT had good writing ever
In the second book Martin has a character explain the political doubletalk to himself, in his own thoughts mid conversation, presumably because Martin thinks he's been too clever with it and the reader won't understand without an explanation. It's the most insulting thing I've ever read.

By that point, the success would have gone to everyone's head. Actors keep wanting bigger paychecks or something else to do. Creator wanting out, new writers not understanding the show, studio execs showing up more often during production.

The CGI itself is decent, the problem is horrible greenscreen which is noticeable in every single scene regardless of lighting. Dragons always had bad greenscreen but I don't rember seeing it in other scenes nearly as much.

>- Arya kills the Mountain
what even was the fucking point of letting The Hound survive the Long Night then

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>Nobody liked that

Really? Picked up the series because of all the hype but I'm starting to force myself to get through the first book, it's painfully mediocre. I did notice the writing tends to take itself too seriously while also being cut and dry, I thought there would be some interesting political intrigue but so far there's little intrigue and surrounding characters that aren't particularly interesting themselves. The setting has some nice history and locations but it can't the story by itself. If this extends into the rest of the series I'm considering dropping it.

*it can't support the story by itself

And I'm supposed to be angry why

Yup. And I say this as someone that actually does still like the series. It's just simply not well written and you should question the taste of anyone that thinks it is. I haven't actually finished the second book yet but I don't see a notable difference in quality from the first. You might wait to drop it until you see the climax of the first book when stuff starts moving quickly but honestly I wouldn't expect that to change your opinion if you're already ready to stop.

That's not even the leaked ending circulating on Yea Forums getting everyone mad, get the fuck out of here

It first aired in 2016, they brought it back now because the writing is even worse

Whats the real one?

How could you? It was so dark!

We can all agree it started to decline around Season 5 right?

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Jaime kills Euron, dies together with Cersei, Jon kills Dany cos she's nutters, fucks off to the north(?) Bran is king is the one I've seen a few times.

S5 is definitely when the cracks started to show.

Wow, the mods don't even care a day later huh. Also fuck everyone bumping this thread, what's wrong with you people.

So did charmed.

GoT is fucking insufferable, I remember my art teacher in high school went on a genuine spiel about how it's good for women. I was trying to fucking draw garbage and she wouldn't shut up with her obnoxiously phrased and worded praise about that aspect.

Does Buffy and then Angel count?

This is better then MCU and DCEU shitposts that clog the place

Yes. Buffy did start as a monster of the week at first but so did charmed.

that's funny, my hardcore SJW friends all say how terrible it is for women.

It started to go downhill when the decided not to include Little Griff/Connington.

Peoples motivations no longer made sense. Characters like Cersei had to suddenly have platinum plated plot armor to survive their dumb decisions. Plots got rushed or flat out dropped, bad decisions were made simply to get characters places. Teleportation became common because the reason characters had to go places were removed. Characters pasts were forgotten when they get in the way.

And they keep compounding their mistakes. Instead of a 3 way fight between Danny, Aegon and Cersei, who all come together to fight the WW and then go back to butchering each other, we end up with a weak Cersei being the only thing between Dany and the throne, so we need to pare down her army...except then they show the army being butchered to a man, while Cersei gets more reinforcements than Dany had to begin with....except because Dany has to "win", suddenly she only lost "half" her forces, ignoring of course that now half her forces are still enough to beat an army that is twice the size of the army she started with.

It's ridiculous and increasingly unbelievable. Like a wobbly stack of plates they're trying to get ot the finish line without dropping, except we can all see that half the plates have already broken and the rest are actively falling already.

The difference is Lost was good and way more involved than GoT. You can't even watch Lost now and get the same experience as when it was on the air with all the commercials for fake products and the fake books and shit.

>Lost was good
for like one season then it started to collapse under the weight of its own mystery box garbage.

Seaons 1-3 were great, the rest were good.

I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt and will read to the end but when the wall the characters are patroling is more interesting than they themselves, there's something wrong.
Really only Daenerys and Tyrion are entertaining, the former because she's the only character with an engaging story and some dimension and the latter because he's the only one with a sense of humor and who doesn't take himself and his situation with the utmost seriousness.
Everyone else feel too samey and don't really have much in the way of agency. Add in the constant perspective changes breaking cohesiveness, and the end result is more dull than it should have been.