>Al Ewing and George Perez
>Joe Hill and Mike Allred
>JMS and Ed McGuinness
What do you think they'll be working on, Yea Forums?
>Al Ewing and George Perez
>Joe Hill and Mike Allred
>JMS and Ed McGuinness
What do you think they'll be working on, Yea Forums?
> Al Ewing and George Perez
Looks like kino's back on the menu boys.
Exactly my first thought.
Absolutely Based
has marvel learned its lesson?
The Shogun has ushered in a new era of prosperity.
I look forward to buying it, having nobody else on Yea Forums buy it but will at least agree with me about how good it is, and then having it be cancelled after 12 issues.
Hopefully these are minis at least, instead of one-shots.
There's already a thread for this.
I thought George Perez retired due to blindness
Marvel doing great again while dc struggles with edgy and unheroic shit like HIC and doomsday cloack. Feels good to be a marvel chad bros
More likely a stuff like 100 pages one size issue
Probably not.
So no more X-Statix and Blind George Perez getting dragged out of retirement? How exciting. Didn't JMS retire also?
X-Statix story in Marvel Comics Presents or a one shot with Milligan already confirmed
Will War of Realms be done before August?
> Put JMS back on Thor
> Put JMS back on Thor
> Put JMS back on Thor
Dooooo it.
I said more, dumbass.
Really hope Julian Totino Tedesco's interiors look painterly like his covers.
This was my reaction.
I thought they retired. JMS said his eyesight was so bad it was impossible to read anymore...wonder how he's going to manage
Alright, Marvel. You've genuinely peeked my curiosity. Round goes to you.
Here's what's gonna happen
>If it's good no body on Yea Forums is going to discuss it
>If it's bad it'll be discussed hundreds of times, used as ammunition by company wars fags and so on
>If it's good but there's one page that implies or says something that goes against conservative politics that panel/page will be posted out of context and all.conversation will be derailed to that single page ala The Immortal Hulk
Yea Forums is only interested in outrage these days
>Pete gets back with MJ
>JMS decides to come back to Marvel
Hey now, just because that happened with almost every Ewing book doesn't mean it'll happen with this one. Afterall, Immortal Hulk hasn't been cancelled yet!
I thought Perez retired, they must have offered him something good.
I guess Marvel is desperatel if they are pulling old talent out again.
Is this a line wide relaunch?
And I thought George Perez went blind and can’t draw anymore??!
There was a lesson?
>George Perez & Al Ewing
Please, please be Eternals or something equally good, no more miniseries...
My thoughts exactly.
Yoshida-Sama is ushering a new era of "beautiful harmony" (令和) as heralded by the Holy Emperor this past May 1st.
I'm gonna buy it. I'm also gonna buy the Immortal Hulk hardcover and I actually supported Ultimates, No Surrender and even Royals.
>buying comics
It's far more likely that this is a new anthology comic. The Shogun said that they're going to be announcing a comic soon to "break 1 million in sales." A big anthology comic with short stories from each of these creative teams could manage that if marketed right.
Somebody has to. I don't buy digital on principle though, but there's nothing like having physical copies of your favorite series.
Comics are the only physical media I do buy nowadays
It's probably just 80th anniversary specials.
I don't know, but I don't want to be burn out again like it happened with DC
Perez's art is kino. Him blind>>> your favourite artist
lord & Miller
Does this mean we love him now?
>having a sexual life
>all these glacially slow artists
two issue and out
Oh that makes sense
I love him and I’ll support him but look at his Action Comics 1000 cover. It’s genuinely sad.
>Marvel completely shits the bed with CW2 and ANAD2
>DC redeems themselves with Rebirth
>DC starts shitting the bed with hiring Bendis and Didio going wild with undoing rebirth
>Marvel starts redeeming themselves again
goddamnit why cant both companies thrive at the same time, a healthy market creates the best comics
if only Ennis would come back to Marvel fulltime
the Platoon was the best Punisher comic of the last 10 years
>implying there is a full series order here
>what are the 80s?
>Marvel starts redeeming themselves again
I don't think so, Tim.
This, Marvel is finished.
Fucking hell, I am genuinely impressed and interested.
Meltzer sticks out like a sore thumb, though.
>Walt Simonson
>Alex Ross
Hype. Does Simonson mean we're getting something nice with Thor? Fucking FINALLY?
Then again, I wonder if they're making this for another sort of divershitty wave. Kicking off the new Valkyrie by Ewing, etc.
half of those artists already have work coming out and the other half can barely draw an issue in a year so there's no way it's more than 1 issue
>I wonder if they're making this for another sort of divershitty wave
Who are the 7th and the 10th teams?
You guys will never stop being pathetic.
Pretty good question. "Taboo" sounds more like a hentai dojinshi creator than part of a crew to Make Marvel Great Again (TM).
It's a bunch of one shots, dipshit
Perez back at marvel
Wanna bet he's the one who only did a single page story?
You want Ennis to stay good you let him keep doing minis about whatever the fuck he wants
Any good? Don't recall if I ever read anything from him, but I see the name here a lot.
His Vertigo and indies are good. His capes aren't.
Black Hammer is capes and is good
Sentry was very good though. And in fact, his Thanos was good also despite focusing on Thane.
Jeff " i promise this is the last time i do capeshit" lemire
Not even. It's an anthology book that they're all doing short stories for.
He already broke that when he announced Black Hammer and the DCU and slipped that he has a Black Label book in production
Why on god's green earth would you waste Cassaday and Allred like that?
BH is creator-owned.
>waste Cassaday
Cassaday sucks now m8
Ewing is white, user.
So if this is the last thing JMS will write, what character does he choose as the last he'll ever work on? Who will be the last character Perez would choose to draw?
>>Al Ewing and George Perez
>>JMS and Ed McGuinness
Hire based on merit, not genitalia.
>Might be cool
>Might be cool
>Literally who
>Lord and Miller
Pls give them Miles
Some cosmic marvel hero. Or thanos
>Lord and Miller
Eh, I'll wait and see whatever comes up now I guess, thanks.
When things inevitably go south for JMS I wonder what his "it wasn't my fault" excuse will be this time?
>Brad Meltzer
If this is an all-star anthology book, the stories are likely to be short character pieces, not ongoing stories or anything to have a serious impact on continuity. Unless he writes a character he just doesn't understand on any level, it should be difficult to completely fail.
That was just Miracle Man with a paint job