He didn't actually do anything, did he?

He didn't actually do anything, did he?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nothing worth burning your Darkwing Duck dvds over, no

People in a divorce will pull every nasty trick they can think of to destroy their ex. His wife going to the media and calling him a rapist is not surprising. Absolutely awful, especially in this age of #metoo where the merest accusation without evidence or trial can DESTROY you, but not at all surprising.

Theres zero reason to believe his wife is telling the truth given the circumstances.

>He didn't actually do anything, did he?

His biggest mistake was getting married.

My mom paid my third grade teacher to say I was coming to school with bruises from my dad beating me.

Women in divorce court do nothing but lie.

When my parents were getting divorced, my brother accidentally took a pair of scissors home from school. My mom found them and made up a lie that my brother was so distraught over the divorce that he tried to kill himself. So she had him committed to a psychiatic ward for months in an effort to garner sympathy from the judge to extort more child support from my dad.

What did she say exactly? All I know is that he abused a puppy and admitted to it.

>He didn't actually do anything, did he?

He thought he could be a Conservative in the entertainment industry without suffering the consequences. He got Vic Mignona-ed.


She says he raped her (and also the puppy thing).


Vic hugs and kisses fans without their permission. His reputation wasn't just the industry coming down on him. And also hasn't the joke been that mostly liberals get #metoo'd? He's been an entertainment darling, not sure why you think this has anything to do with his politics.

>Vic hugs and kisses fans without their permission. His reputation wasn't just the industry coming down on him.
Yeah, it was also moronic fujoshits (like yourself) and their brown-nosers going full retard due to his contracts.

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My step mother mentally abused me for 5 years, telling me that she couldn't start a family until I move out. Imagine feeling unwelcome in a home you've lived in for 15 years since it was first built. Then my dad finally divorced her and she started making all these wild accusations. Her mother even coached her on how to get my dad mad to make him attack which he never did. She's made death threats and suicide threats. Now she has cancer and has mellowed out. I don't believe in karma but sometimes it really does seem like it's real.

My dad later married some Asian woman and divorced her because her and her family were fucking weird. She was supposed to be well off and even bought one of her daughters a new car. And yet when they divorced she got the courts to make him pay for an apartment for her to move into for a year. As far as I know my father hasn't been in another relationship since that and I doubt he ever will again.

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I'm looking for a direct quote.

>She claims to have obtained two separate domestic violence restraining orders against the 66-year-old star, including after an incident on August 31, 2011, when she says Jim came over to her home and slapped her on the buttocks and forced himself on her in front of their 4-year-old daughter.

>She says after the kiss, Jim asked if she could “see him leaking, because that’s what I make him do when he touches me.” Stephanie says she felt “humiliated and degraded” in front of their child, and allegedly reported the incident to the L.A. County Sheriff, who advised her to get a domestic violence restraining order.

>According to documents, Jim did not dispute the incident but remembers it differently than his ex. The Disney star said he was “joking and laughing” with Stephanie, and then “I touched her slightly on the butt.” He says Stephanie gave him a consensual hug and says “the whole incident was happy.” He added that his ex-wife, “who is much taller than I am, and a large woman, made no objection to anything.”

>Stephanie also claims that she was raped by Jim in 2013, and allegedly filed a police report over the incident but did not give more detail. In open court testimony, Stephanie describes how she entered rehab after the rape for “co-dependency” and Jim showed up to the facility unannounced and was asked to leave.

>“without consent, would touch my buttocks, my groin, and my breasts. He would hold me in place attempting to kiss and fondle me. He would spank me in front of our daughters. He would then follow up by making sexual comments to me that I found repugnant.”

>Of all the inappropriate comments he allegedly made to the former couple’s daughters, Stephanie claims Jim commented that he was allowed to “touch Mommy’s breasts since he had paid for them.” Stephanie broke down in tears on the stand while recalling some of the comments made to her by Cummings.

since when was jim cummings sub zero?

>who is much taller than I am, and a large woman
Hey look she just lost

My parents didn't do anything too fucked up after they got divorced (I was 4), but they got real petty. I remember my mom told me and my brother to refer to our dad by his first name and not to call him "dad". He eventually got us to stop doing that, but it was pretty shitty of her to tell us to do it in the first place, just to play psych games on him.

>isn't jumping to the defense of Vic and spreading misinformation
>must he a fujoshit

my step mom was a fucking bitch. I didnt know it at the time, but when I think about it now ... yeah she was awful. She told me it was my fault her and my dad were getting a divorce.

>touch Mommy’s breasts since he had paid for them.
that makes sense

because it was your fault

I don't fucking know man I wasn't there

The things he's being accused of are too malicious and reckless to be believable. I don't know, man, this is fishy and I don't like it.

This has been going on for years before #metoo. Not sure why anyone would jump to make the connection.

He was a good Robotnik and Taz.

yeah i really don't trust ex-wives very much in divorce.

Problem is that it doesn't matter if it's true or not. A woman just accused a man of raping her. The current logic is to accept the woman's accusation as being true without question, otherwise that would be victim-blaming. And to accept her accusation as true means to accept that the accused is guilty.

So Cummings is pretty much ruined because of this and even if a judge finds no grounds for the accusation, his career is still over. Disney isn't going to want anything to do with a VA who was accused of rape and whom they cannot openly say DIDN'T do it (because that would be victim-blaming). He's done.

He's admitted to the animal abuse and feeling her up while making jokes about her in front of their kid. Allegedly a cop his ex was dated pulled a gun on him because he wouldn't leave them alone. He comes off as a forceful person.

I used to browse /cgl/ ages ago, probably around 2011 at the latest, and Vic Mignona being a creepy freak was common knowledge and probably some of the most common con horror stories you'd hear about other than the usual fat fujo autismo stuff. His fans are pretty horrible too, but it's not like this shit just popped up overnight and there's a chance he's being unfairly maligned in the court of public opinion.

False accusations happened to Aziz and Trump. They're doing fine.



>herman cain admitted to cheating on his wife
>did an apology video with her and his chances at presidency immediately went to 0
>trump has an audio recording where he talks about doing whatever he wants with women and buying them furniture and has dozens of accusations aimed at him
>becomes president

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Hey quiet with that shit, we're trying to live in a #metoo feminist dystopia.

That one animated Mortal Kombat movie meant to lead into the first live action one.

As for the claims? I mean he does admit to the dog thing, but even that feels like the wife's trying to paint him more in a bad light than he currently is. Plus as someone said about it in a previous thread- Why the fuck didn't she do anything about the dog? If anything, unless she really didn't know about it until after the incident happened, then she's just as guilty if not more so.


He's never shied away from sharing his political views on Twitter and I've never seen anyone express a grievance with them. I'm lefty as fuck but I never got the impression anything he backed or stated was done from a place of malice and saw no reason to assume there was anything wrong with him because of politics. If there's any truth to these claims, he's a huge asshole, but these divorce things are bitter and hateful in uniquely terrible ways, so we may never really know the truth.


It gets better

Trump: “How would you like to be the husband of the wife who was playing around with a 14-year-old kid? Unbelievable. By the way, did you see what she looked like?”

Imus: “Not bad."

Trump: “Not bad? Yeah, I’d say so. I know a lot of guys who are trying to date her right now.”

Imus: “Well, I don’t know what teachers looked like when you were in school…”

Trump: “None of them looked like that, believe me. So do you think this 14-year-old kid is scarred forever? He might have put the moves on her! It might have given him confidence, actually."

This didn't make any sort of waves, in fact it was just a small bit about how he judges women by their looks, even bragging in front of an audience about passing up experienced, qualified people just to have a hot chick working for him.


"We are pirates, Kenobi. What do you think we do?"

Though for real I don't think he did anything wrong.

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Everyone's jumping to dindu nuthing but if the report is correct in that Jim only downplayed rather than denying the groping and the animal abuse, it's not looking good for him.
Likewise if those legal documents exist.

>“see him leaking, because that’s what I make him do when he touches me.”
Imagine this in his Robotnik voice

>"Do you see me leaking, Snively? That's what you make me do..."

I sure fucking hope not. Those animal abuse allegations better not be true either.

Just for clarification on the animal abuse stuff. That only went so far as Jim admitting he ignored the animals for longer than he should have, right?

Jesus Christ

He admitted to leaving a puppy trapped under a tub in the hear for hours. It was so bad they had to take it to the vet.

True, but the puppy suffered no permanent damage and was fine afterwards, thankfully.

Old Yea Forums, when people had spines around here, wouldn't tolerate any of the faggots around now who defend a puppy abusing piece of shit. Seriously, OP is the type of numale faggot that fucks up the boards. Degenerates, the whole lot of them.

It was more neglect than abuse.

literally have no idea, there's not much to discuss. it's words. you can proceed to make fool out of yourselves as usual now

So there'd be records of this vet visit, right?

It was done as a form of punishment, he said that's why he did it. Neglect is a form of abuse.

Shit, he's right. In 2007 or so, no one here would be so much of a pussy that they defend abusing a helpless puppy just because some old used to voice some cartoons. This is pathetic, when did Yea Forums(nel) lose its spine?

Yeah, and Cummings said it happened.

That's why he admits to a lot of it, because there are reports and visits and a paper trail he'd never really be able to hide from. If he could deny it, he would have.

Take your butthurt back to /pol/, MAGA-fag.

When it became fashionable to be heavily biased in cases like these.

Absolutely. Nevertheless, leaving it under there for HOURS was an accident.

So basically when we stopped speaking our minds and this just became another place for people to spout store-bought agendas?

Ugh, nothing matters anymore.

It faded away in the years after Chanology when the old userbase got diluted with the influx of retards.

Accidental abuse will still scar a puppy for life. That shithead needs a brick to the face, I don't care how many cartoon voices he did.

>store-bought agendas
That's what memes are and it's why the NPC and honkler memes thrive here. Ultimately there was no logic, just trolling people.

Don't forget that same Yea Forums of old also raided and fucked with people for no other reason than it was funny. You're trying to hold Yea Forums to a paragon of morality it never really had. In the instances you remember, those cases were fucked people who thought they were untouchable intentionally trying to hurt animals for a cheap thrill. Definitely not accidental.

All conservatives are Nazis, though. But don't mind me, just speaking truth to power. #Antifa

Animals have no rights, because they don't contribute to society like people do. Let me guess, you're not vegan either.

Some of them are well-meaning victims of manipulation and exploitation who are out of touch with the modern world.

I think the fact that Disney hasn't fired him yet is the most damning thing about the claims. If there was even a hint at veracity, Disney would drop him like a hot potato.

Disney fired James Gunn after all of his "I RAPE BABIES" tweets surfaced and then rehired him a few months later after everything calmed down.

Is he even actively in anything? Like something being made right now?

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Babies have no rights since they don't contribute to society.

t. fl*rryh**rt luvr

He was half the cast of Kingdom Hearts.

That's different. Gunn actually wrote those tweets, whereas the only source of Cummings' accusations is his ex, who so obviously has an axe to grind.

Jim’s getting up in age, I wouldn’t be surprise if Disney is ready to get new voices for these characters.

That said I hope not, not yet at least.

Best bet is that this gets forgotten quick.

His ex and Cummings himself.

But who the fuck are they going to get to voice Pete for them? They just going to retire the role when/if this goes further to shit?

Gossip threads are cancer and against >>>Yea Forumsrules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

>Retiring a character almost a century old because of his current VA
I needed that laugh

Go fucking kill yourself

How could James Ejaculation possibly be a rapist?

If he does, he needs to film it and do it in front of his parents at the same time.

Maybe he did. Maybe he didn't. I have no idea. Neither do you. Anybody who has a definite opinion one way or the other at this point is slime.

My mom's family paid off a neighbor girl to claim that my dad raped her during my parents' divorce. it led to him being arrested, beaten by police, having both of his shoulders dislocate and damage bad enough that he needed surgery to correct them, and then after two years of trial the girl finally admitted that they were paid off to do it.

pretty much everything my mom ever accused my dad of was taken as absolute fact by the court.

We know the puppy abuse and the inappropriate behavior in front of the child are true.

These fake stories are getting more and more outlandish.

But for some reason this animal abusing piece of shit is a pawn in OP's CULTURE WAR! and needs to be defended no matter what!

Shut the fuck up tumblrtard

He should just be left under a bucket for a while, and we'll let him out when we let him out.

Unless we forget.

Yeah, what about it?

fucking what

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Nope, but you believe he might anyways...........

Only the twisted, evil and weak willed.

I hate this era so much

>Vic hugs and kisses ARE RAPE!!!!

yeah, you are part of the problem!, SJWs are a bunhc of sociopaths, as in ASOCIAL with no basic human interaction skills.

Vic being a creep is old news. Older than the phrase "SJW".

If Pat Sajak randomly kissed you (or even some attractive man like James Holzhauer) you'd think it was weird.

Yeah, people have been warned about him at cons for years. None of his defenders know that though, because they only know him from the culture war, probably because a youtuber told them to defend him.

Dog abusing piece of shit.

why is it because he didnt wanted to sign a yaou shota doujin?

You have no evidence, funi shill.

Oh fuck off.

If Jim really did leave that puppy in the bucket for that long, why the hell didn't the wife do anything about it? Clearly she would have known about it before they took it to the vet if her tale is anything to go by. Also, even the law is getting annoyed by this:

Just like Vic, it's a crock of shit. Hope he fights it.

oh dear lord what have i started

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Wow, what a fucking piece of shit. Are there seriously anons here defending him? Is the fanboy force that powerful?

luckly my parents never did anything too fucked up during the divorce, i think my dad got late on some child support and my mom took him to court over that but that was mostly it.

regardless, my dad knew how to be disliked by me without any help from my mom

Reminder, punishing the dog has nothing to do with sexual assault.

>If Jim really did leave that puppy in the bucket for that long
>Some human garbage leaves a helpless animal trapped for hours

Yea Forums is full of dickless cowards now. Bitches who defend animal abuse because a guy was in cartoons.

>Just like Vic, it's a crock of shit. Hope he fights it.

or he will pulled a Max Tempkin and go full C.UcK MODE and ''apologize'' making himself look guilty without even knowing evidence, work sooooooo well for Savino and lasseter

Yup. Cuck out and die. Fight and live.

How do you rape your wife?

His ex sounds like a religious merican nutjob.

Been abused. Every single thing she's doing isn't how you handle the fucking situation.

Nice try, shill

When someone proves they're a cruel sicko in one way, they're at least a bit more likely to be a sicko on other ways. And if these various reports mentioned were properly recorded (which they probably were since he doesn't dispute much), it's pretty stupid for people to just act retarded like there is no reason to believe any of this.

So, no? The real question is if he's hired again, and you can bet Disney is looking into it themselves. It's odd that people would use that as a measure though, because a lot of a "withVic" crowd dismisses his firing, even though that was also after a company investigation. I guess those only count when people want them to.

Do you need me to draw you a picture?

>Been abused. Every single thing she's doing isn't how you handle the fucking situation.
We got the expert on abuse here, people! He'll tell us all how to behave!

He did it without her knowing.

That's why it's best to wait it out and see what happens before reacting, I'm not convinced by the overly emotional defenses of either side on these threads.

Post proof Vic did any of this

Having poor judgement in disciplining an animal is not the same as raping a woman

His wife being an unpleasant person wouldn't clear Jim of any crimes.
Unlike what cartoons will tell you, the world doesn't split into good vs bad people.

You can't "rape" your wife.

Man I really liked him as a voice actor, Darkwing Duck is cozy and I really appreciate his range with deep voices, creole bayou shit, and oddly soft tones too. Boxman in OK KO is probably the best part about that show even.

Still, at any measure- I cannot believe you faggots would defend someone who abused a fucking puppy. Someone who's admitted to the claims even. Naturally that's rhetorical, of course you would ever since "feminist outrage agenda" started being the manifesto of this site six years ago.

I miss when Yea Forums was love.

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What crimes?

There is none, they're just spouting shit.

Have they just discovered time travel in the 60's?

It didn't make waves because everyone agrees with him

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Can someone explain IN DETAIL what the situation with the puppy was? There is a difference between poorly disciplining an animal and actively trying to injure it. Was it neglect or abuse? A real puppy or "i'm trying to make my divorced husband sound bad" puppy?

I suppose I accept your concession? You can assualt your wife while trying to hve sex. But you can't rape your wife. That doesn't make sense at all.

Vic's situation is a bit worse since unlike Jim, his bit blew up into full blown defamation and witch hunting by the the dumbass SJW Force and some of his coworkers being unprofessional morons.

Yeah. It's not like an ugly divorce. It's a conspiracy and targeted attack.

I don't believe there are guys coming to Yea Forums to spread bullshit to defend a fucking anime voice actor. Where do these casual fucks even come from, how do they know to come to Yea Forums?

Potentially, sexual assault and animal abuse.
Y'know, the thread topic.

I'm not the court of law so I'm not going to pass judgement, but there's a hell of a lot of weak arguments going on here.
She could just be bringing it all up now to screw over her ex, but if it did happened then it'd still be illegal.

Get back in your time machine and go home.

wa6431xe6 58ec

>this thread
jesus fucking, cock-sucking, weed-eating, monkey-spanking, cum-guzzling, wax-on wax-off, nun-buggering, mary-sueing, horse-eating, butt-munching, actively-preordered-an-EA-game, orphanage-burning, ball-busting christ

i knew i should have just made a camp camp thread instead, those are always fun

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I accept your concession.

A real puppy he admitted to leaving under a tub and forgetting about it. It was left out in the heat. He said it was a form of punishment he was told about. The wife said it was a bucket, the only point of contention between them when recounting what happened.

And neglect is filed under abuse. The aim was to punish and cause suffering, but he did it very wrong. He claims it was an accident, but plenty of dog owners accidentally leave their dogs in cars.

It's a similar and relevant case.

>bringing it all up now
This has been going on since 2011.


>inaction and action are the same thing


>can't slap your wife on the butt
What the fuck?

if holzhauer slapped you on the butt without asking you'd find it weird. ASK FIRST

Only to outrage fags.

At least this asshole was in cartoons. Shut up with your gay weeb shit.

If you really are OP, now you know why the board is shit. OPs like you.

Not if I was married to him

Stay mad, monica.

>"Your honor, my client did not intend to cook his baby in the car, it's just what happens when a baby stays in one in the summer heat for a long period of time."

Manslaughter exists.

You still need consent and you should probably not get grabby and lewd with your wife around your kids if you want to keep them

See, I don't even know who Monica is. Because it's all stupid anime drama. Not even JAPANESE anime drama, it's dub actor shit.

Well, obviously you charge the baby in that case.

babies don't have rights either, shut up about them until there's technology that lets them work for society

Uh no, shovel dog was a very popular gif.

Neglect is filed under abuse. I don't think anyone here is saying he purposefully tortured the puppy. Everyone is actually on Pooh's side, just splitting hairs on "abuse" and "neglect".

Yeah, if the allegations are true, it comes off a LOT like trying to groom the kids or passive sexual abuse. Like browsing porn when you know a kid will see or something.

But I mean, he could be on tape fucking a baby, and someone will be here defending him because he's a celebrity from cartoons. That's how strong celebrity worship is.

A playful slap on the ass is nothing. Marriage is one big ass slapping consent PACKAGE. Can a kid not handle that? The leak thing yeah that's a bit much but an ass slap is nothing.

Is this bait or mental illness?

Sure :^)

Plenty are calling him a monster.

>Everyone is actually on Pooh's side
He's not actually Winnie the Pooh, retard.

Is that the problem? People don't know that VAs are not their characters? "Pooh would never grab his wife's tiddies in front of children!"

Fuck off tumblr.

I want to get married but I don't want my butt touched. Is that wrong? What if I marry someone who hates butts?

Oh yeah, it's probably pushing the limits to see if he could start molesting the kids.

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>What if I marry someone who hates butts?
Then you have nothing to fear.

Yes, don't get married if you aren't comfortable with your husband touching you. This is basic shit.

It's more about sticking it to the #metoo movement at this point. People think there's false allegations everywhere, but really all they have to go off of is arguing if Louie CK is really a pervert for asking a coworker if she would like to see him jack off, then later asking the same question to two girls who said yeah and the absolute mad man actually did it. For all the hate you'd think they'd have more solid examples.

except if i get a wife instead

>it comes off a LOT like trying to groom the kids or passive sexual abuse.
Yeah, I'm amazed that's not being talked about more. He's probably around a lot of kids for his work, too.

You people are insane. He pinched his wife's butt. That has nothing to do with abusing children.

Are you projecting?

this is bonkers

For doing what he said he did: Leaving a dog in a tub or bucket out in the hot sun and forgetting about it. I don't think a negligent driver meant to kill anyone but I wish they gave enough of a fuck to not text and drive.

It's a joke, spaz.

There really are false accusations everywhere. Kavanaugh being a huge public example.

Old Yea Forums would never defend someone who abused a puppy, its really gone downhill over the past decade.

I miss it too.

The place that you think existed never did.

Yeah yeah, cry some more.

The same logic applies. Marriage implies consent, unless you specifically state otherwise and they force it on you with a threat of violence.

Place is full of outrage fags now. I blame youtube, but we also pretended to be retarded far too often. So the retards came and settled in.

Let's just reminisce about 2008 Yea Forums. Remember Hazel? Now that truly is a forgotten flavor of the month waifu.

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It wasn't proven false and it wasn't a criminal case. It was an investigation to make sure he was fit for one of the most important permanent positions.

Am I in hell world?

Yea Forums was always a terrible place, it just seems different these days because you have now realized that Yea Forums is a terrible place.

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>it wasn't proven false

It's not consent to slapping ass in front of the kids.

lmao just search for forum posts and old /cgl/ posts from several years ago, before #metoo. The stories that stick out in my memory the most are him being very handsy with his retarded fans who still make excuses for him to this day, and being an obnoxious Christfag who makes con staff's lives miserable because (and I don't know if he still does this) he used to demand arrangements for Sunday mass to be held whenever he would be a guest at a con.

The amount of delusion some of you fuckers have is incredible if you're going to defend a potatofaced guy who has a track record of creepiness and douchbaggery going back well into a decade.

This. Have people forgotten the space program and the site wide celebration of every successful launch?

It's only natural for an equal and opposite reaction. Blame the SJW shits.

I mean, this is mostly guys who will defend ANYONE accused of sexual abuse, because they think anyone accused is fighting for their right to... I don't know, be a molester? But the animal abuse is stuff that 99% of old Yea Forums, not even just Yea Forums, would come down HARD on.
Just trap a puppy in the dark for hours, alone, and forgetting that you did it? That's fucking sick.

Wait, what?

You are the SJWs. You want your stupid culture war, and you're ruining Yea Forums. You defend animal abuser because you want your "side" to win.

What a dickless faggot you are.

shit I forgot to spoiler my pic
I blame youtube, but I also unironically blame gamergate outrage and the sort. Also I feel like Yea Forums used to have a greater focus on comics than it does now, and also a far greater focus on creating original content. Now it's mostly just about "what pisses me off in cartoons" or whatever.

Yes, it is. Touching your wife is not a crime.

>provide your own proofs for me
>anonymous imageboard greentexts are truth
>women "make excuses" for him they don't know they were really abused!

Yeah, i'm gonna go ahead and write you off, hon.

The fucking Yea Forums space program.

>the space program
newfag speaking, redpill me.

Hazel would never abuse a puppy!

It's because for everything Yea Forums claims to hate, they hate feminists and outrage culture more to the point where they've unironically become the very thing they despise. We were always edgelords here, but the Gamergate shit that went down several years ago plus the rise of SJW culture really tipped the scales.

>I found them annoying so I have no responsibility

Keep seething.

So slapping your wife’s ass is sexual assault now?

Remember that episode of Catdog where Cat left Dog in a bucket and forgot about him

Slapping your wife is a crime.

>the first bomb has no bearing on the war

Take me back there.

Not on her butt, without it being a threat of violence, which it wasn't.

You'll really try anything, wont you?

Gamergate and casualgate don't help at all, but some assholes were scaring away all the Yea Forums talent years before them. I think this whole experiment was doomed to fail just because assholes get banned from everywhere else and filter here. A few of them will get banned here and filter to a lesser chan, but this is a stopping point for people who are bitter they can't call various writers or artists cunts on Facebook or something.

Sadly, if you want a place where people talk about shit they LIKE instead of just piss and moan about what they hate, you'd have to moderate the fuck out of it.

Yea Forums's been terrible forever, but Yea Forums was sort of like a red headed stepchild among popular boards. Notice how smaller boards like /m/ or /vr/ are mostly on topic or passionate about what they like (or they used to be, admittedly it's been awhile for me). Yea Forums used to be not completely fucking miserable, which is why Yea Forums early on in this outrage culture shit started to be called Yea Forumsmblr among the other pissbaby boards. It legitimately used to be better.

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>this thread

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Maybe if there were actually more things to like, Yea Forums wouldn't be so bad.

Once upon a time over the course of a few years Yea Forums would tie small animals to ballons and see how high they would go. Not all of them came back. Most didn't actually. One guy made an flying home defence scorpion by accident though.

Yeah, that's the thrill of it, right? Forceful touching and harrassment is also sexual assault.

My mom said my dad threw our dog against the wall when they got seperated and it went to court and he still brings up that it was out of line for her to lie that way.

Touching your wife's ass isn't forceful or harassment unless she makes it non consensual.

In all honesty, he's probably done some asshole things like anyone, and I wouldn't be surprised if some of what his wife claims is technically true, but extremely biased to make him look like a monster in divorce court.

>It legitimately used to be better.
Yeah, it was. Honestly, anyone who actually cares about comics and cartoons should probably abandon here, let it fully become a place of containment for all these outragefags.

I always felt the strength of the chan idea was everyone could be as real as they want. As cruel and mean as they really are, but also as kind and constructive as they really want to be. If every user decided not to be shit, you could have the Yea Forums of old in a snap. But skim this thread where people are defending animal abuse, and tell me you think everyone here is willing to stop being shit?

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What was the first bomb? How was it a war?

The only difference between then and now is now we have more complainers like you.

Sure, newfag.

The left owns outrage culture since at least 1999. You know it, and I know it.

Very ironic '10's-kun.

>If he could deny it, he would have.
Quit assuming.

Maybe he just tells the truth? He messed up and forgot the dog.

It's a shame because Yea Forums used to be a good board for comics, legitimately better in terms of discussion than the cbr forums or bleeding cool or anything else I can think of. You didn't really get as many brand loyalists back then.
There are always good things coming out that are good. The problem is nowadays it's cool to be whiney about what you don't like.

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Does this retard thing faux outrage was invented in 1999? See, this is why pretending to be retarded is bad, I don't know if this is real or not.

Modern women dragging thinking back hundreds of years that women are nothing more than emotional hysterical creatures that cannot be trusted for logical thinking

I think you need to go back to english class.

>You didn't really get as many brand loyalists back then.
Brand loyalty, culture warriors, celebrity worship... people stopped being PEOPLE and formed into us vs. them groups years ago. Even though we're all anons and should be agreeing or disagreeing on a personal level, stuff like this thread is just "well, I'm with the guy because MY SIDE is with the guy!" or whatever.

Let's not tell them about Bill O'Reilly or Jack Thompson, I legitimately think these are just younger guys here who weren't socially aware when conservative outrage was what Yea Forums dogged on the most.

>always stuff coming out that are good
See that's where you're wrong. Maybe one or two things a year if you're lucky, and if you're REALLY lucky last year's good thing wont fall to shit.

I think you need to go back to the short bus.

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A lot of people probably had no idea he admitted to the dog thing which is exactly why you see so many saying she probably made it up, but as usual the dumbass women of this board will use this as an excuse to shit on men as if they advocate dog abuse just to be mean to females.

Complaining about children being exposed to violence is not the same as complaining that children should be able to choose to cut off their penises.

I accept your concession, anime poster.

Why should children even be able to have dicks in the first place? They're sexual organs and children shouldn't be involved with sex.
They should only piss through a plain hole.

Outrage culture is on all sides. Consider that Disney didn't even have a canon gay character until 2016. The idea that conservative outrage was never a factor in the 21st century is incredibly stupid. Of all the politicians only a conservative is loudly asking us to reconsider if The Walking Dead should be protected under free speech.

Yeah man, everyone's thought of or has abused a puppy or other small animal AT LEAST once in their life, right?

>a conservative is loudly asking us to reconsider if The Walking Dead should be protected under free speech.
Wait, what? Start a thread on that, I'm a lot more curious about that topic.

It's more about being against feminists. That's how crazy this is.

I stepped on an ant once, does that count?

>Let's not tell them about Bill O'Reilly or Jack Thompson, I legitimately think these are just younger guys here who weren't socially aware when conservative outrage was what Yea Forums dogged on the most.

The moral outrage doesn't get less annoying though just because it's from a different side.

>you need consent from your WIFE before touching her
excuse me? are you perhaps braindead

I'm sure he means like smacking her ass

Oh yeah, who doesn't just leave helpless animals in the dark for hours, as if they minds can process that punishment!

>first Vic Mignona
>now this

Being outraged about children watching Beavis and Butthead and mortal kombat in the wake of Columbine is not the same as twittermobbing people for wrongthink, getting them fired, attacking people in the streets and openly spouting racist comments because you hte white people.

>The moral outrage doesn't get less annoying though just because it's from a different side.
Then why keep doing it? Just stop.

When Vic wins the suit, stuff's gonna start changing.

>I always felt the strength of the chan idea was everyone could be as real as they want. As cruel and mean as they really are, but also as kind and constructive as they really want to be.
That's what's always attracted me to this site and why I don't leave. Where places like reddit are a literal cesspool of dicksucking for popularity points and you can't go against the crowd if you want to be heard, Yea Forums's the one place where you can just be yourself. There's a lot of ugliness here, but a lot of genuine humor and heart. Reading some of the dumb shit here really gets me through the day. You can always tell when people are being edgy for humor or trolling and when they're being totally sincere, and for the last couple years it's been more of the latter than the former. It's getting to be a really big emotional drain.

If someone doesn't want to hire you because of your beliefs, that's capitalism babe!

This is very true. My mom tried to convince me and my sister that our dad was a pedophile after they split when I was a teenager. Turns out my mom was a prostitute since I was a little kid and had (and still has) multiple websites advertising her services. She also got really specific when talking about deviant/sexual things.

Without resistance the outraged will win. There is nothing wrong with outrage against outrage culture.

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Oh shit, lets get you to your safe space, princess! Someone said a bad thing on FUCKING TWITTER, so let's ban Mortal Kombat to stop... school shootings? No one really believed that shit was connected, dude. It was just to pretend they were doing something.


For all the free speech crusading, Yea Forums didn't care about an actual politician talking censorship. If he was a feminist twitter literally who saying what he says, he'd be a big deal.

>“These are quote-unquote video games, and they’re forced down our throats under the guise of protected speech,” says Bevin. “It’s garbage. It’s the same as pornography. They have desensitized people to the value of human life, to the dignity of women, to the dignity of human decency.”
But he's a conservative politician so who cares.

We'll see what happens with the Vic case, pinko. No more targeting. No more lies.

I think you misunderstood when I said moral outrage. I mean the kind of moral outrage of people complaining about the new vader comic.

When someone says, "gosh I think this is sexist" it's not terribly unreasonable to get people agreeing or disagreeing.

So what if your mom was a whore? Who cares? Holzhauer's mom was probably a war bride who sponsored her mom to come over and watch jeopardy without knowing English and the Holz turned out a more well-adjusted person than most.

Go on Yea Forums and you'll find threads where people are genuinely supporting the kind of beliefs Jack Thompson had. If he'd been around today I'm sure he'd have a fair share of retards supporting him blindly. Same with the weird stance Fox News had against Yea Forums. It's so hard to believe that there are posters here who actually wholeheartedly raise them up as a bastion of unbiased, honest news when the Yea Forums of 2007 was the exact opposite.

Jack Thompson made a similar argument way back when.
People DID react to him in much the same way they're reacting to this shit now.

It's one of those things where I think about the fact that Yea Forums was based off of 2ch and how that plays into the cultural differences. Not to say that there aren't a fair share of pond scum and troglodytes there or anything, there definitely are. The few times I've looked myself though you get the typical restrained politeness that a lot of people associate with Japan. Yea Forums started off being counter-culture, and the culture shifted I guess.
I just don't let myself fall into that trap I guess. Even if I'm finding less things that resonate with me during some years, I still find comics, cartoons, anime, manga, video games, art, books, and most importantly, I find other people that give me some hope for life. Even though my life's gotten substantially worse over the years, even if I'm becoming more and more of a hermit, I know there are good stories out in the wild, waiting to be read.

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It's always really cringy seeing the left try and coopt the words that have made them a laughing stock for years. Targeted harassment campaigns will not be tolerated.

And that's what this is really about. Nevermind the rightwing hate groups, nevermind the CCA, the "war" started when the left got mean.

>That's what's always attracted me to this site and why I don't leave.
You probably should. I admit I only come back from time to time, this time to see stupid shit about Endgame. The Ara Ara shit is solid, but seeing how little most posters know about basic storytelling, how much groupthink has invaded here, and just threads like this in general... it's pretty worthless. If it's just turning into as much celebrity dick sucking as reddit, at least there I assume you can block idiots (I've never really used it).

Nice LARP there bud

They aren't reacting to Bevin. I tried on Yea Forums and they didn't care too much. He runs counter to the narrative many prefer in the culture war.

Not him. But saying, "well what about the right wing's hate groups" doesn't absolve antifa in the slightest.

The right wing groups are literally irrelevant and antifa (and the same thing under different names) has assaulted people in the streets and stormed neighborhoods monthly. Somtimes more.

You're not recontextualizing this. Using fringe groups to justify normalization of harassment, some of which is sanctioned or approved of by democrat leaders.

Is he calling for action or legislation to move on it?

What a fucking nutjob. Good job, Kentucky!

How are we supposed to know? Has either of them provided one shred of proof, or is it just he-said-she said. The dog getting kicked and having to be taken to the vet seems really easy to prove or disprove.

I think part of what ruined Yea Forums was the pretty steep and notable decline in quality comics and cartoons started taking after 2012 or so

Who fucking cares. The stupid yandere nurse comic?

Who fucking cares either way? If you see someone caring about it, just ignore them! It's one issue of a fucking comic. Seriously, is ignoring shit impossible now?

>Yea Forums started off being counter-culture, and the culture shifted I guess.
This is what people don't get. Yea Forums's always been a site shaped by the people browsing it, the majority of them being kids and people in their late teens to 30s. The counter culture youth of the 2000s was pretty left but wasn't above using racism and Nazis as a jokes for shock value, because that's what American culture used to be like then. Nowadays it's the opposite; the new counter culture is heavily conservative bordering on alt right.
It's just the way things have shifted now that our culture has changed to be more moral and uptight with what's appropriate and what isn't.

>Who fucking cares. The stupid yandere nurse comic?
>Who fucking cares either way? If you see someone caring about it, just ignore them!
Well user, if I'm being bluntly honest?
I do. I liked the comic. I don't see why I shouldn't talk about the comic - at least - not here on Yea Forums.

Yea Forums was never left wing. We hated George Bush and called him a 9/11 conspirator monkey looking nigger, but that doesn't mean we were left wing.

>da left!
Wow, you really are a limpdick, aren't you? What a pussy. Get a trip so people who aren't mentally ill can filter you.

>unironically defending outrage culture

I miss old Yea Forums

Based and infopilled

I'm not trying to excuse antifa, just saying that saying the "war" started 20 years ago is disingenuous. Some of the earliest American entertainment culture and industry didn't allow black performers. Traditionally, women weren't allowed on stage. Does history really start with Anita Sarkeesian?

Nobody is buying it buddy. You can't be "alpha" and left wing. It's really cringeworthy. Like a poodle acting like a wolf.

>if you react to the outrage culture you are a member of it! Just let them do what they want with no opposition!

Wasted get

Well you only can't talk about the comic because every thread about it is "I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW PISSED OFF TUMBLR (that still exist?) IS ABOUT THIS COMIC!" instead of just enjoying it. I like it to, but I'm not going to talk about it here because it's been pulled into this "culture war" of retards screeching at retards. Do you really want to just be another retard in the mix, or live a real life?

There's still plenty of good things. Even in the midst of "calarts" or comicsgate or whatever people complain about, I've still found good comics and cartoons. Some of what people complain about are actually even pretty good if you keep an open mind about things.

All it literally is, it's cool to be "us vs them" now. I mean naturally, this can be said all throughout history, but specifically in the nerd dweeb geek community, it's as toxic as it's ever been. The Eltingville Club is pretty much a biography.

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Who are you quoting?

It's the drain that's getting to me. Like, I'm pretty left but that doesn't mean I'm a militant. I still use words like fag and retard, I can take a step back and look at when my side is being unneccsarily dickish and call it for what it is, I still laugh at 70% of the shitposting I see on here. But it's getting to the point where I'm starting to feel like actual garbage, and at that point it's no longer fun, it's just depressing.

That was never a culture war, that was a norm. A norm that was challenged and rightfully fixed by real genuine activists. The leftist machine needs to create new problems to perpetuate itself and has now outgrown its usefulness. The pendulum has swung too far.

What do you think is funny about gay autistic people feeling bad?

>N-nobody is buying it b-b-buddy.
Damn you're easy to trigger. I can't believe you're shaking with rage right now over some mild insults.

You outragefags are WEAK, regardless of what side you play for.


It's the truth.

What’s the best detergent, in your mind?

Just stop. I'm genuinely embarrassed FOR you.

I was saying outrage culture is a bad thing and criticizing people defending it kiddo, might want to re-read my post LMFAO

We weren't supporting gay rights or creating our own proto Black Lives Matter but we were pretty moral when we had to be, like when the Scientology protests were a thing. When the personal army shit got out of control, Yea Forums of all places cracked down on it, which has been a thing to this day.

Well, if it's not fun, find something that is. I'm probably going to play games in a bit, but I'm having mild fun making a different user angry (I won't tell you which one).

>The pendulum has swung too far.
Nigga here thinks he's Alan Moore, when he's not even Mark Millar.

>You can't be "alpha" and left wing.

There was a time when progressivism was pretty damn burly.

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I remember my first week on Yea Forums

Brian Hull

Morality is not partisan.

Every generation has its culture and counter culture clash and conflict. Rock and roll is corrupting our youth. Michael Jackson is corrupting our youth. Dungeons and dragons is corrupting our youth. Harry fucking potter is corrupting our youth. There's always something in each decade. If I'm being fair to user, he probably is referring to when this clash first started on the internet and took hold on social media, but even then you can argue til you're blue in the face about where and when it started.

>I'm g-g-genuinely embarrassed f-f-FOR you!
Damn, it upsets you that much? People used to be tougher around here.

>Tigger’s voice raping someone

How's it going so far?

He'd be considered an alt righter today.

Give up the tough guy act pal

You tell me since it’s yours

... I smirked.

I'm laughing at you, but it's also kind of sad. If you don't want to stop by all means, keep dancing monkey.

I think you're getting the hang of it, might want to lurk a bit more though.

>G-give up the tough g-g-guy act p-pal!
Someone want to clue him in on the solution here? Cause I don't think he's aware.

>implying that humans are greater than animals
Animals contribute to nature, though. They help the food chain flourish and the many species survive.

>That was never a culture war
It was. Norms and challengers are there throughout history. You'd like to contextualize it as something the left started recently since social media made more people aware of opinions and feelings.

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Yikes! Get a load of these guys, am I right? Get a room!

Has an animal ever invented any technology for entertainment? Did an animal ever win $1,000,000 on Jeopardy!?

>can't even keep people straight on Yea Forums
>thinks this is in any way intimidating

You've run out of substance so you've been reduced to this. Can't even banter well. Bad form.

I really don't mean to argue here with you user, but I am not opposed to having a debate on the subject. If someone hates the comic, I don't mind if people want to talk about it here. If people want to give their two cents on it even if they hate it I'm fine with that. So if they want to say they think the comic's sexist, let em speak. Doesn't mean I'm gonna agree with them, and I'm certainly not against explaining why and how I think they're wrong.

However. At the risk of arguing against everything I just said?
Sometimes it gets to be too much, and there's a limit to how many times we can have the same thread before it becomes exhausting. I can't imagine any new discussion on the vader comic right now, personally. I'm getting to the limit of what I think can be said about the comic now that its' been out for a while. I AM glad however, in particular that some user was kind enough to storytime it in the middle of a thread discussing the reaction it got. I do appreciate when an user lets people enjoy the material themselves and make up their own mind. And I might not have otherwise read the comic if not for going into a thread about the reaction to it, which coincidentally had someone post the comic in its entirety.

So I can't really say for sure how I feel on the subject to be honest. I can see your point for sure. And I've felt that way before as well. But at the same time, without that discussion, I might not have found something I otherwise enjoyed.

Listen you can’t break my fuckin balls no more alright? Maybe you haven’t heard, been away from Yea Forums a long time

Good for you friend please have a good day?

He hasn't outright denied anything, has he? Like he admitted to the puppy thing and groping his wife in front of their kid, but he's evasive about everything else?

If he is, I'm inclined to believe something's up. Anyone in their right mind who had allegations like this leveled against them would swear up and down that they're innocent or at least try to regardless of what the opposite side thinks. The fact that he's not even trying is kind of weird.

Woah he’s just breakin that user’s balls

That quote mentions police reports, which should make this VERY easy to prove or disprove.

If you only factor guns into the equation, maybe.

Teddy was as pro-wildlife protection and anti-big business as social democrats today though. His Bullmoose party even proposed socialized healthcare and woman's suffrage.

Teddy unironically would be called a leftist communist cuck or whatever today.

Disprove the existence of my penis haha

Not gay btw

Maybe he just tells the truth? He messed up with the dog and he touched his wife like a husband/boyfriend would, but he didn't rape her.

Well I don't think he's being evasive. I think he's denying that any sexual contact that took place was anything but consensual. I don't think that's proof of anything at this point, and since this is a divorce court hearing we'll likely never know the details.

At the risk of interjecting into your conversation, this reminds me of woodrow wilson, who ran on the liberal progressive platform.
And as president, he federalized jim crow laws. He was quite a progressive president in his time, but also said some shit that would make even richard spencer blush.

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He would not support cutting kid's dicks off. Most normal people care about the environment, and the right rarely advocates against woman's sufferage unless you're in the literal fringe.

>t-thinks this is in any way int-t-t-timidating
Do you... really think that's the goal? How would that even work?

>Listen you can’t break my fuckin balls no more alright?
As long as your balls are probably busted, I've said my piece.

Do you think next year the Giants will finally catch a break?

It's because there's truth in most of what she says. If you get someone selectively denying, you paint a picture with all that isn't addressed.

This. The modern left cannot take credit for the progressive reforms of yesteryear. Yesterday's progressives are today's "alt right racist nazis".

Honestly, there are a lot of comics that various anons FUCKING HATE, that I end up enjoying. So sometimes Yea Forums's hyperbolic rage is a good way to find interesting books that the culture warriors are told to hate, regardless of quality.

I don't usually follow baseball.
But no. No I don't think they will.


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haven't heard anything from him. Any articles where he states anything?

>she said he did X Y and Z
>he says he only did Y

Obama gave credit of freeing the slaves to republicans in a speech. I don't think you're blowing any minds.

Yeah, I get that a lot.

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Based shineboxposter

Based topic detailer

They also claim that the right and left switched places magically. So in their mind they still get the credit.

You insulted him, a little bit, you got a little bit out of line yourself...

How did you manage to get that wrong? If you put forth X, Y, and Z and they deny Y, that means there's a good chance X and Z are true. Staying silent is less incriminating. Denying all three is less incriminating.

Yet they act like they had anything good to do with the civil rights movement

Factions in both parties helped pass the Civil Rights Act of 1965

Read a book, brah.

If Disney would ban the simspons episode with Michael Jackson over a shitty documentary, pray tell how they would react to the guy who voiced 90% of their cartoons?

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Sure enough.
Sometimes I try stuff that I find myself disagreeing with EVERYBODY on though.
For example when she-ra came out everyone was saying it'll either be amazing and they can't wait for it or that it was feminazi garbage. I gave it a shot and I didn't think it was either of those things.

So - at least personally - these threads aren't without value, but sometimes they're absolutely devoid of anything interesting to me. So, sure enough, I just stopped paying attention to the ones I had given a shot and found up finding myself disinterested in.

The left deciding it's more marketable to weaponize minorities against the majority does not signify an ideological shift from their plantation days. They perpetuate on biological and cultural warfare. If only white people voted the left wouldn't win a single state. They need non Americans to flood the country to remain in power.

That has nothing to do with beliving that people should not be subject to slavery.

Bernie Sanders got arrested in a civil rights sit in, so maybe the left and dems have something to do with that.

>only downplayed rather than denying the groping
If a man claims to never have even playfully groped their wife without asking for consent, they would look like a liar. Downplay is believable.

Don’t tempt them

But the right weaponizes minorities all the same, holding them as an issue to vote against.

Because groping your wife, so long as she is no genuinely protesting is normal behavior. Outside of clown world.

Disney didn't ban it, the creators on the show did and that was before the merger was complete.

This is the only post worth reading in this entire thread. Now you may leave since you read this post. Have a good day!

Securing the border is not a vote against minorities for the average republican. False equivalence. The left directly weaponizes minorities AS AN ENTITY. The right reacts to that weaponization ideologically.

Shhhhh, shhhhh!

No one involved wants any facts!

What is it with you figurative faggots and the trans kids thing. Why is this the hill you die on? I don't think most transition as children.

Groping your wife in front of your kids is clown world.

Stop talking about politics and let’s talk about whether or not Jim Cummings actually did it

You never saw your dad get handsy with your mom? Ever? He pinched her on the butt. He wasn't fingering her or anything.

I’d love to get handsy with your hand, user

He admitted to the dog thing and the ass groping in front of kids thing, I don't think it's unreasonable to assume he could do other awful shit. I gotta lot of love for his career and his voice, but I'm not afraid to stand for due justice.


He did.

What voice of his, used during a rape, makes you giggle more? Answer honestly

Forgetting your dog outside or in a cage is an honest mistake that could happen to anybody. Pinching your wife's butt is normal, kids around or not.

You can't jump to any conclusions. I don't believe you believe any of what you're saying.

The James Gunn shit shows what lengths they'll go through to protect their brand, even if it meant looking like they got duped into it.

It's a point of contention they can win most people over with. It's as irrelevant as telling a conservative Trump enforced family separation as policy. (Obama may have kept entire family in large cages, but Trump separated the families into separate cages deliberately to make the situation more worse and more stressful for them so they'll self deport.) The craziness of the far left and the freedom they allow is used as a slippery slope argument. To prevent tranny children, you have to vote for increase in government military spending and cuts to mental healthcare.

The dems would honestly looks for any excuse to arrest him now. This country honestly tires me.

>I gotta lot of love for his career and his voice, but I'm not afraid to stand for due justice.
And that's... normal. I love the shit out of some Michael Jackson, but, yeah, he probably diddled a few kids!

>You can't jump to any conclusions.
>I don't believe you believe any of what you're saying.
Seems a lot like you jumped to some conclusions!

Family separation was there to prevent human trafficking.

Apparently he’s denying the abuse allegations


I'd rather be trafficked than without my dear mom.

I notice you went to me instead of the guy who called you out on your bullshit. Afraid he'll disprove you again?

>I just won't address the central point and go for a gotcha!

Well a normal human disagrees. Unfortunately many more children are at risk because of the hate Trump machine.

You know the stereotypical scene, used often in cartoons where the mom and dad are kissing in front of the kids and they go *blech*.

To a normal person, this is cute and charming. These pearl clutchers expect us to believe this is child abuse and borders on pedophilic predatory action.

How does that work? It's a deterrent.

How'd that work out for the kids they lost, possibly directly into human traffficking?

Can you at least PRETEND to be talking about Yea Forums stuff?

/m/ is slipping nowadays, it's sad. Three jewtube eceleb threads in the catalog and no mods in sight. Total bullshit.

>He admitted to the dog thing and the ass groping in front of kids thing, I don't think it's unreasonable to assume he could do other awful shit.
The two aren't really related.
Having a senior moment with a puppy doesn't mean he's more (or less) likely to touch his wife even if she said "no."

To answer the question:
I don't know jim cummings. I don't know who he is. And I don't know which of these two people are telling the truth. This is a bit of a case of he-said she-said.

>You know the stereotypical scene, used often in cartoons where the dad is grabbing mom's tits in front of the kids and they go *blech*.

He slapped around her ass, motorboated them titties, and told her he made her wet in front of a child. That's different than bedroom as to kiss in your rated G movie.

Forgetting a dog outside and putting it in a bucket and forgetting it are two different things. I don't really get where you're telling me I don't believe that I think it's animal abuse. It totally is.

And he turns to the kids and says, in the Pete voice "I can do this because I paid for these, SEE?!"

>told her he made her wet in front of a child
How many exact quotes do we have of this stuff, and who can do a good impression of some of his characters?

Because a kid travelling with an afult isn't always their parent.

Poor governmental management is a separate issue than a policy. Those responsible should be punished.

>leave this topic
I'll accept the concession.

umm what?

He's contested these claims.

You’re on a cartoon imageboard, guy

I'm on the side that Jim "yummy yummy in your tummy" Cummings did all this horrible shit, but I really want some voocaroo user to try to replicate this, motorboating sound effect and all.

>I don't really get where you're telling me I don't believe that I think it's animal abuse. It totally is.
He doesn't care. He needs to defeat the SJWs/feminists/liberals/whatever.

So how does holding them together prevent trafficking any more than keeping them separate? If they're held, they aren't being trafficked.

>guilty until proven innocent

Because they need to talk to the kid and determine if they are being trafficked, so they wont be responsible for the bad things happening to the kid when they get deported together.

Proofs? He claims to have pinched her butt and hugged her.

You can talk to kids when you catch them. You can talk to them while you have them. It's not like they're caught and blindly left alone with strangers, they're registered upon capture and kept in groups together. Separate them and it becomes a legal and logistical problem to reunited because you're shoving separate documents in front of them trying to deport them while you have no idea which party signed what. It complicated the process and caused more harm than good.

Are you advocating for a kid to have to answer questions about a potential abuser while the abuser is in the conversation? You really think that's appropriate?

That's what you get for starring in that awful Puschel Das Eichhorn English dub. Fuck you.

No, they can still be processed and questioned separately, but kept together.

>"If people don't want to be separated from their children, they should not bring them with them. We've got to get this message out. You're not given immunity." - Jeff Sessions

I can understand the logic: If you make the process a comfortable one, more will go through it. If there's a chance you'll never see your kids again, you might have second thoughts about crossing the border.

>He thought he could be a Conservative in the entertainment industry without suffering the consequences.

Wait, he was a conservative? I'm a progressive lefty myself (specifically of the Kyle Kulinski/Glenn Greenweld variety) and deep into political Twitter and I never knew about Cumming's political view until now. Thought he was more of the apolitical type just from the lack of racket he has made on social media (he ain't no James Woods or Chuck Woolery).

So you would advocate keeping a potential abuser and victim together during an investigation?

I think you're way off base buddy.

He needs to fight back

Its good that he didnt went Max Tempkin/Savino/Lasseter and went into mangina c.uc.k mode, but, he needs to fight harder and make himself loud and louder and get in the know of the culture war, that's what Vic is doing, heck not even Takei did pushed that much, but i get that Takei's shtick is being a gentleman and passive, but even when his accuser was disproven, sheeple will still look at him with distrust.

By the way, did you know Kevin Spacey is actually innocent apparently!?


They're being kept together in a large patrolled cage. They come together, they recognize each other as family, they're still processed and questioned separately.

I looked up child trafficking and family separation and found nothing that supports your claim. I even threw in "fox news" to see if they have spun it that way.

>comment section 777Wolf777
>It's all male celebrities that are target, never female ones. That's how you know it's very likely nonsense.

That's a good question, why there have been no females accused by the MeToo movement!?

This is unrelated to the culture war though, this isn't the workplace, it's home.

Same. The fact that people aren't even having fun with it is the worst part of all this gay culture war shit. One side won't make rape jokes, and the one that will won't do it because he's on "their side".

We need more people who don't give a fuck.

It's not a spin, that is literally the policy as proposed by Obama and enforced by Trump. Deterrent factors are secondary.

The Trump team determined it wasn't q hill to die on, the lost double digit approval ratings from the spin of HITLER.


An Archie exec was fired for popping her head into a board meeting and saying "penis penis penis".

He BECAME conservative the moment he was accused of rape. At least that's what his defenders believe, I don't know if anyone actually knows.

If you wanted to ignore me, you could have just not replied.

Cool if true.

Help me out with a source. I heard the child separation policy was an option that the Obama administration decided against.

He did nothing wrong just another woman being a fucking woman.

Imagine being a shill intern digging through thousands of pages of trump transcripts, find this and think, bam we finally got him

Asia Argento

>the mastermind behin MeToo
>domestic abuser
>gold digger
>just loses one opportunity at a show in italy but otherwise she is fine
>people still defend her shit weponized scam movement

Does this sound liek Mein Kamph?

Nope, wife seems expectant to ride upon the moral outrage of #metoo in order to give herself greater leverage


It's actually mentioned as one of about five points in a small bit in September of 2016. It wasn't a big gotcha, just a little joke. Notice the poorly aged joke at the end of it.

t. never been married or in a sexually happy long-term relationship

This has been going on since 2011. She's somehow both too early and too late to the party.

Funny how people stop being white knight faggots the second our clown world PC culture is used against them. Its like being force-fed a bottle of redpills.

This post is either fucking retarded or on three or four levels of irony.

It's all "listen and believe" until you're the one getting falsely accused.

of fucking course not.

This shit is so powerful that my mom, decades after the divorce, has started genuinely believing my dad did all kinds of shit that I know for a fact he didn't, (among other things, because she would have said something at the time) and ACTUALLY HAS NIGHTMARES about it. she dreams that he's taking us kids away (she actually took us from him, because like all women, she was immediately given full custody for no reason) and claims he always hit her and she never hit him (so how'd he get that broken leg?)
Lifetime is a hell of a drug.

Why do you keep coming in with your "my mom did this crazy thing!" stories? No one believed the first five you told.

Did you get PTSD in the culture war?

A man's wife is his PROPERTY

>lost a leg in the twitter trenches!
>"They called me a NAZI! I called them FAGGOT CUNTS! Yet I'm the one banned! HOW IS THAT FAIR???"

I wouldnt really call that a "culture war", women are just cunts.

>I wouldnt really call that a "culture war", women are just cunts.
This post brought to you by Gangweed.

>"Kids you should be thinking me you aren't living a feminist dystopia! That's right, when grandpappy said women just need to be raped into having a sense of purpose, grandpappy made it possible for that there proper white female to even have boobs on tv!"

>implying reddit doesn't fall over themselves over who can defend doth fair maiden the most

My parents were shitty to each other for a few years, then got over it because they realized it was hurting me and my sister and now they're friends.

Sounds like you guys all shit parents. Explains your terrible, unlikable personalities, I guess.

That story actually sounds plausible. Not even the most outlandish divorce story I've ever heard about that I know is true.

Hmmm, she lied to her children that their father was a pedophile? That seems pretty bad you pussypass passing faggot.

If all these anons have lying bitch mothers, why wouldn't I assume you became lying bitches yourselves?

It's amazing how you keep changing the topic. I hope you're doing that on purpose.

Because most of them sound like men, not thots who defend that sort of behavior.

What’s your discord senpai

They divorced 8 years ago. This shit is over custody of their daughters and shit he allegedly did 2011-2018.

Fucking hell I saw this thread hours ago and hoped it would die because gossip threads are cancer, but you fags could at least bother reading up on what you get outraged over.

Attached: zcjzm2bkerjirlrw0gij_400x400.gif.png (400x400, 169K)

I'm not sure why you think that somehow changes anything.

>no replies

“I’ve been found out” tier

Based Pooh but unbased in info. Plus you should be mad at the political derailing going on in this zombie thread we got goin on here

Because a divorce is a divorce and custody is custody. She's not trying to get all of his Gisnepmonies.

I'm not going to read every fucking one of these shit threads. I read and posted the original source (Blast) in one of the 1st threads about it. Both of these people have issues and I don't care to find out more but goddamn, could we prevent ourselves from pushing all of our insecurities on every man v woman Hollywood gossip? This is Yea Forums, not TMZ.

Attached: 1238408638_superman_drinking_.gif (302x347, 2.18M)

Yeah? Well your a pipi caca poopoo!

Maybe? Some people just like kissing. Go to Italy sometime.

Please clean your meat curtains, I can smell them from across the country

So this is a repeat of the Amber Heard/Johnny Depp thing? It's a shame because I actually liked Amber Heard in Aquaman but apparently she's psychotic.

I don't care how psychotic she is, I think part of the hate against her is a factor of her being bi

People are saying she made everything up now, I can't find anything on this myself. What'd I miss? I do remember seeing video of Depp raising a fuss in a drunken stupor and smashing things.

And lying about rape is lying about rape.

Unless it's under oath, it's covered under free speech as long as you don't tell others to hurt them.

It's more her being a horrible cunt, but singling out the "bisexuality" thing shows you're a projecting faggot who's probably as bad and gay as she is.

I don't even abuse my s/o (unless you're a weird tumblrite who counts a 19-16 gap as abuse) but yes I am bi.

Imagine thinking you're being persecuted due to being a sunny day faggot.

Just looked Cummings up on Twitter and the guy literally believes Obama is still President. Go ahead and check it out if you don't believe me. No wonder I never see him doing any interviews, he clearly has a few screws loose. It's a shame because he's a good voice actor, but then again so is James Woods and you know how he ended up.

That was the Obama shadow government deep state story Fox News was putting out after Trump was elected.

I stabbed a German Shepard in the eye when I was little. Granted, he was tearing of a piece of my face at the time, so I feel no remorse about the thing.

>Just looked Cummings up on Twitter and the guy literally believes Obama is still President.

Kinda reads more like he's still calling him President only in the sarcastic sense, but either way, it's still pretty nuts.

right wing context:

Attached: Screenshot (20).png (587x331, 45K)

>Being forgetful about a fucking dog, and groping your wife's ass infront of your child is somehow dark and awful
neck yourself.

That was the line of the day all the liberals calling them "Easter Worshippers" and not Christians.

There's got to be some amateur VA on Yea Forums willing to record this.

If OP was cool, the thread would be entirely about finding people to voice stuff like that, instead of all this other shit.

>You can't be "alpha" and left wing. It's really cringeworthy. Like a poodle acting like a wolf.
t. /pol/tard.

They were worshippers on Easter. The Jews who got shot at later on were called "Sunday worshippers". Removing the direct religious identity recognizes that those attacked weren't all Christians or Jews. It doesn't assume the belief system of those who are being supportive or those who are visiting.

Also shattered it's hip with a fucking broom


But it was an attack on Christians.

Never hear Muslims glossed over like that.

>I know nothing about the conflicts that are going on in Sri Lanka and how it might not be solely related to christianity for why they were attacked.

turns out there's conflicts in the world that go on ethnic lines, and in Sri Lanka it matters more of if you're hindu or buddhist than if you're christain or muslim.

it was an attack on an ethnic group that is majority buddhist, but has a sizable christian minority. (still belonging to that ethnic group).

Right and that's the on going issue. The issue at hand, though, is that tourists, friends, visitors, and the like were also there. 7.4% of the population of Sri Lanka is Christian, so it's an odd bet to make that every single person killed was Christian.

And they attacked Christians in particular that day.

not just christians though, there were attacks in hotels there were attacks in other places in Sri Lanka not just Churches,

in our own countries/ within the anglosphere there had been a massive bloody attack on a mosque by a white supremacist, and his views could not be validated by any sort of "see we're even" or "see he was justified"-kind of bullshit you /pol/tards would like to pull.

Big huge red flag is that his PR person didn't release a statement over the weekend. Easiest, quickest way to bury a story in our current news cycle. They're hoping this just goes away. I don't want any of the allegations to be true but something is going on.

>b-but muh clash of civilizations.
that's a fucking retarded narrative that ignores the actual political realities that've played out and motivated these terrorist groups.

it's not actually religion driving them, they'll rationalize it using religion but the typical/actual answer has more to do with political power and group/ethnic identities than any real theological justification.

if you read into it at all you'd see it's not that simple and leaders like Obama were trying to be 'responsible" and not fan the flames by sperging out like trump does.

Make the thread! The vocaroo possibilities are endless.

>She also claims in another incident, Jim had “taken a broom and hit the puppy so hard that he shattered the puppy’s hip necessitating surgery.”

This is all alleged but it's there in the article.

They attacked a church. To say "they're killing Christians" is to assume everyone there was Christian when some were Buddhists with Christian friends or spouses.

If New York got nuked, it wouldn't be fair to make your loudest statement about the loss of American lives because there would be thousands of dead tourists, travellers, and people with visas. Making the broadest, most known statement about the loss of American lives would forget about the non-Americans. That's why it would be best to leave just about the lives lost in general.

It would look like spamming while this is still up.

Should be easy to prove eitherway, as vets keep records. If it is true, I hope someone tests how strong his hip is.

Ok so by that logic Dylan Roof isnt a racist who shot up a church full of black people he just shot people in a building.

how many white people did he kill?

>defending vic is spreading misinformation
not him but please enlighten me. what convinces you to take the side you have? i'm genuinely curious what #kickvic-ers logic is when all there seems to be going against him is hugging and kissing fans at cons, and a dad joke about a jelly bean.

Because we're not even close to being even.

>You can't be "alpha" and left wing.
There are some pretty ripped trannies tho.

I think President is a title you keep even after leaving office.