Is XKCD enjoyed by Yea Forums I don't want to enjoy anything if it isn't approved of by Yea Forums

Is XKCD enjoyed by Yea Forums I don't want to enjoy anything if it isn't approved of by Yea Forums

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Who give a fuck if Yea Forums likes something or not? We hate everything, even what we like.

What matters if YOU like something, you fuck.

>Beer is bad
>I'm with her
>Free speech shouldn't be allowed if I don't approve it.

nah we are not high IQ enough

It's pretty reddit but you should like what you want user

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Retard, the beer comic was making fun of those who dislike beer

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I called Mr Yea Forums and he said enjoying xkcd comics is okay, but only the prime-numbered ones.

>not just giving XKCD readers a tasteful article on how to carve a potato into a stamp of a horsecock

It's okay to enjoy the good ones but you are required to hate the bad ones.
XKCD is an extremely uneven series where some strips (if you can even call them that since many of them are just infographics) are utter shit and some are weirdly brilliant, with very little in between.
If you want something similar but actually consistently good, read the same guy's "What If" series where he uses physics and science to give detailed answers to nonsensical questions. Those are pretty much always good.

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/sci/ and Yea Forums are the only XKCD-neutral boards on this site.

>oh look it's the "i got my opinion from reddit" starter pack.

Its garbage but so are you since you can't obviously see that

Not an argument.

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>I don't want to enjoy anything if it isn't approved of by Yea Forums
Happy sheep you are

Gotta do your part

today i will remind them

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I love how autists literally can't understand that it's meant to be self-deprecating and humorous

yeah this

This one is pretty good.

Because autists can't stand the "smug aura" and don't give any of it the benefit of the doubt. They want to be bothered.

Oh look. Me at every party I went to.

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it's just a bad comic. why must autists pretend he's making some double secret joke?

Only an autismo would get upset over basic vernacular.

Can you remind me again which comic said free speech shouldn't be allowed?

meant to be response to

I love how autists who read this shit think they aren't autists.

>It's okay to enjoy the good ones

Is it?

Why is this shit even considered Yea Forums material? It's just stick figures.

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Western Comic.

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It feels more like a lecture than comedy.

Yep, this one's going in my cringe compilation.

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You've been to some pretty shitty lectures then. More like a half-thought-out TED talk.


I used to read it a lot around 2006-2010, which was also my peak Yea Forumstard years, but I fell off of it pretty hard and never really could get back into it. Same goes for SMBC, C&H, QC, and others.

>it’s reddit to not like the reddit comic

Based reverse poster

Everyone but me is reddit
Including me

Once or twice a year he posts some strip that's a game landscape you can explore for literally hours, or a movie that's updating frame by frame for the next 6 months, or some interactive fuckery like that. I notice no one ever posts those in these threads.

Also this happens to me on a goddamn daily basis so it's handy to have it bookmarked to explain
Keep clicking Random Comic
Count how many until you don't get one with a female scientist.

That's the entirety of XKCD.

Hearty kek



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