What do you think, will the twist be that he is actually a good guy or that he is still a bad guy...

What do you think, will the twist be that he is actually a good guy or that he is still a bad guy? Which option would be bigger subversion of expectations?
Also I think I need to point out that MCU already pulled out the twist of "bad guy from comic is good guy now".

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The breach in the Multiverse is real, but Mysterio is a fraud and his monsters are his golem like creations. After credits scene will be someone or something actually crossing over. Beck himself isn’t from another universe

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Hes rusing everyone so he can show off how good of a special effects wizards he is to the world. Hes not evil just poorly adjusted.


The Fishbowl will turn orange and he'll reveal himself as the real Mandarin.

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Beck knows about the multiverse because he used to work on alien tech at SHIELD. He's part of the community that weaponized the tech and Fury ran out. Fury's trying to figure out who runs the alien weapons ring and he's letting Beck pretend to be a superhero until he figures out his plan. Also Gyllenhaal is a fake face and the real Beck will be someone else or a visibly different Gyllenhaal

real Beck is probably Nightcrawler Gyllenhaal

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Given that Mysterio has been involved in Multiverse shenanigans before... I'm all for the idea that there actually is an Infinity stones induced tear... But it's one that he's taking advantage of, not fixing.

You Ultimate fags suck

real Beck is actually Maggie Gyllenhaal

>Mysterio, cornered, admits he's a woman
>"...wait, so wha--"
>Blasts Spider-Man, admits he's fucking with him and flies off. Thus begins Mysterio constantly fucking with him.

Motherfucker Samuel L. Jackson is Nick Fury, you just need to get used to things.

So? It’s bad enough Beck isn’t a master of movie special effects. Him being from another universe adds nothing

What if Good Mysterio has to fight Evil Mysterio in a cross-dimensional battle?

It adds something to the greater whole of the MCU, but fine, make things more boring.

I can't believe they got the fishbowl on the big screen. Any other studio would have either done away with it, included a smell reference to it, or replaced it with something worse, but not Marvel Studios. At least they do bother to make their villains look great.

Going with this user. It’s the most likely solution.

Beck will be a fraud, but the elementals are actually from a dimensional rip. Beck has just a way of controlling them via some sort of tech.

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No, because we already established the Multiverse in Doctor Strange. However having Beck from another universe doesn’t really do anything for his character. So this doesn’t really introduce anything new if he were

He is Mysterio. His whole character is build around lies, deception and illusion.

He is gonna be a twist villain. Golems are probably his illusions created by him to convince Fury and other that he is a hero.

I mean, there is a shitton of trailers already and we still haven't seen any potential villains beside Mysterio.

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Based and redpilled

Mysterio turns out to actually be from an alternate universe where Tony Stark was Dusted and he was that universes Peter Parker.

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I think it's more likely that he'll just be the one 'summoning' them with no real control over what they do. Then he lets them rampage a little, stops the monster he created, and bathe in the fame.

>What do you think, will the twist be that he is actually a good guy or that he is still a bad guy?

Tricky question. One the one hand it's so obvious that he's a villain pretending to be a hero to anyone with a cursory knowledge of Spider-Man, but on other hand the movies have a tendency to throw curveballs and go in a different direction from the comic storylines they draw influence from, so the "twist" could be that Mysterio actually is as good as he appears to be. BUT! Marvel probably knows that we've come to expect the curveballs, so they might throw us a curveball by NOT throwing a curveball and making Mysterio a bad guy after all. It all depends on how many steps ahead Marvel is thinking.

I think the only extradimensional “alien” is the tech he’s using to make these things. From the footage we can tell that these “Elementals” manifest from whatever is lying around (rubble, burning debris, water). The illusion here is the monsters being nothing more than high tech wire work, a device that can make any shape Beck wants with random material and controlled via remote. Mysterio defeating them is merely him turning the device off, causing them to fall apart. I wouldn’t be surprised if the storm monster at the bridge was his device going haywire

What do you guys think their dynamic and relationship going to play out ?
The two seem to have good bonding and Beck even seem to take on a mentor figure.
I think the interest thing of this version of Mysterio is that he knows Peter is Spiderman , means there is no secret identity between the two

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Is Beck going to act as a father&brother figure to Peter in the story ? What's you speculation ?

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He’s going to be a false idol/father figure to Peter since he’s emotionally compromised and seeking to fill the void both Uncle Ben and Tony Stark left. Beck’s desire is to play hero now that Stark is gone, and Peter’s character arc will be realizing he can forge his own path by himself.

As for the secret identity thing, it’s just writers taking the easy way out since it’s hardly mattered in the MCU before

Mysterio? I think I had a bowl of Mysterios for Breakfast.

Nah man, they mean the small mexican wrestler

i want to see gyllenhaal absolutely CLAP holland's cheeks. in costume ofc.

It seems like the entire theme of the movie is about uprooted people struggling with their new place in life. Mysterio being from whole another universe just takes that to the extreme. There is a reason to make him a dimensional stowaway, beyond mere worldbuilding.

I'm sick and tired of this fucking word.

That’s not really the theme I’m getting but sure whatever. I don’t buy what Beck is selling

Both, Gyllenhaal actually is a heroic Mysterio from an alt reality but main universe Mysterio is behind the turmoil.

The Fishbowl is his real head(and body), he's actually Galactus' left testicle. Spiderman will destroy Mysterio and Galactus will be like "ow my left testicle" and he'll be revealed as the Thanos of MCU2.

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the real twist will be that Beck is actually an ugly nerd just like in the comics, but he uses his tricks so everyone sees him as handsome Gyllenhaal

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This. If Mysterio doesn't keep showing up to troll Spidey it just won't feel right.

Tell me why Marvel wont hire you on as a writer.