What's the NPC-core media of Yea Forums?

What's the NPC-core media of Yea Forums?

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Kit 'n' Kay Boodle.

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80s cartoons

The fuck kind of traits does an ‘NPC’ even have.


Spamming multiple threads with the same filename


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What even is an NPC?

It's the new "Sheeple".

Basic ass bitch with zero personality and incredibly common tastes

Ah. So it's one of those phrases everyone just uses ironically then? Makes sense.

The new cuck, soi, whatever,. It's what the alt-right calls people who they can't beat in an argument

A dead meme.

Weird because I've seen NPC used by more progressive types than literally anyone else.

Person with opinion I don't like

Politics has nothing to do with it, it's used by memers that still won't fucking let go of wojack

Life is a video game and you are the hero

Sadly not just ironically, it's also used by those who unironically believe everyone's stupid but them. It strikes me as a very reddit kind of elitism/smugness and it's probably not coincidental that the meme appeared not long after /pol/ became infested with redditors.

Nah, Stonetoss is based.

>What's the NPC-core media of Yea Forums?
Without a doubt the MCU

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political bait threads

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This is a lie. Any left that uses NPC is doing it to point out the irony of the alt-right

This is lie

The whole meme was political in birth

I bet you think /r9k/ didn’t invent incel

Movies in general, when was the last time you heard about a movie that got you genuinly excited and looked forward to seeing it?

Adventure Time


Oh shit, is it summer already?

The Last Airbender, boy was I disappointed



capeshit movies

someone who think he's really unique and mature but only think and talk in premade sentences like millions.

Spiderverse when the first trailer dropped. I don't even really care for capeshit, but it was the first movie in literal years that I was excited for and lived up to the hype

>I've seen
I've seen your mom sucking off OP dad

Star Wars if I'm being honest. I'm fine with the new movies and Sheev is life. Before that I dunno, probably Mad Max 4 or Prometheus.

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Animated superhero movies.

Will crossboarder scum ever fucking leave?

Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)

Disney productions of all kind.

Halloween 2018.
It was a disappointment

Steven universe, rick and morty and netflix


Robot is proper /r9k/ terminology. Incel came from Reddit

Mad Max and Aquaman


It boils down to
>popular thing bad

Sorry, everything is for normies now. They're taking everything you used to love.

Post S4 Adventure Time*

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I didn't watch Aquaman movie but read first 3 arcs Aquaman Vol. 7 where the Trench and Orm come from. I loved it very much.


Im happy for you, user

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Justice League

Rick and Morty
Steven Universe
Star vs the Forces of Evil
The Legend of Korra
Game of Thrones
Teen Titans Go
Voltron Legendary Defender
Captain Marvel
Disney Star Wars


>Game of Thrones
>Yea Forums

Anything with self inserting shota beta fags

>Teen Titans Go
no the npc hate that

>I don't even care for capeshit
>Gets excited by generic capeshit

non player character, or to shitposters, a person with no mind of their own.
often used in political things.

The MCU.


Minions and Michael Bay’s Transformers movies

Arrival, and I wasn't disappointed.

Technically, everything can be considered NPC-core considering you are the player character and there's at least one person that's not you - in this case, the non player character - that likes media.

I never got this meme. Would everyone that's not you be considered a non player character since you're not playing them, instead of certain people due to your own opinions on things?