Gotg vol 3

what's gonna happen now that she has no memory of him?

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love triangle between peter, nebula, and gamora

He may track her down and try to win her again. That's the likely scenario. If that fails, he'll eventually move on. He won her the first time by convincing her he's a better man than he seems at first glance.

You forgot Thor is there.

yeah the likely love triangle would be between Gamora, Peter, and Thor

Which one will Peter choose?

She hooks up with Warlock or Nova, if he's in the movie

With Thor being around, it feels like it would be somehow natural if they happened upon Beta Ray Bill.

Gunn is going to completely ignore that.

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The Sovereign unleash ADAM and it immediately backfires. He becomes obsessed with Gamora because he wants the Soul Stone for whatever reason.

Adam warlock will meet gamora, and they'll have mixed feelings about their origins, being used as a weapon, and now being free, but directionless
Peter will find her and try to win her back
Adam won't actually be romantically interested in her, but rather mantis, who he recognizes as the celestial madonna.
They end up having to try and stop Adam's magus persona from taking over permanently, to which they use mantis to connect everyone's emotions to spread out his negative emotions not unlike gotg1
During that moment, gamora will feel quills love for her, and it'll make her see things differently by the end of the movie.

I'm hoping this
He also has stormbreaker, which seems rather comically oversized.
But bill is bigger than thor

who would want to fuck a black tho?

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She'll move on with Adam Warlock, and Peter will have to acknowledge she isn't the Gamora he loved.


A heterosexual male.

Thor ;)

I thought she was hispanic.

Hopefully Nebula becomes the new leading lady.

I could take or leave her and Quill becoming an item, though.

She is. Hispanic isn't a race.

She will fuck a real man like Adam or Richard.

Seeing how Gunn has been the one to push for her character to get a bigger role and thinks she should get a solo movie, pretty sure she will.

Regression of development, rehashing of scenes and themes and Starlord dropping his guard at key times will probably fuel conflict.

Thor 4 is probably happening before GotG3, since they have to wait for Gunn to finish Suicide Squad first, so I'm betting Waititi will change this scenario and he won't even be in GotG3 at all.

Also, Gunn already stated several times that he never wanted any avengers in his movies, because the story he's telling isn't about them, so he would probably get rid of Thor at the beggining of the movie anyway

Thematically, it makes sense for Thor to be there. They can play Quill and Thor off each other, both in interactions and in terms if their backgrounds.

It would be the most Gunn thing to write Thor out of nearly every scene in increasingly comical ways and reasons.

The main one being when Thor discovers The Sovereign he wants to get back in shape to bang gold aliens, Shatner style.

Captain Thor

hopefully, they drop that boring ass romance. there was never any chemistry between them.

Thor just off handedly being gone would be the greatest sequel hook negation since avengers 2 “I’m off to look into infinity stones” -> Thor 3 “I know I said I was going to look for infinity stones but I didn’t, lol”

Disney destroyed any chance of GOTG 3 being good the moment they fired Gunn. Even with him back it won't change the mess the Russos made attempting to play damage control by ruining most the main characters and throwing Thor into the mix. Instead of a proper GOTG 3 we're getting "Thor 4 and the Guardians"

Fuck Disney

Gunn fired himself by being a perverted fuck. You clearly dont know how the industry works but thats to be expected of retards

No, that would be IM3 Tony "I'm done being Iron man, let's put all this suits in the trash" -> Avengers 2 "Just kiding, here I am again"

This. Frankly I'd be incredibly happy if she just fucked off entirely.

I’ll just ship them.

i believe that there can only be two plausible ways that quill can "win back" 2014 gamora

1. for some plot related reason, mantis has to link everyone's minds together with her abilities. in doing so, everyone's memories and feelings are transferred to everyone else. you can guess at what happens next.

or, less likely,

2. she sees quill fucking nebula, gets jealous, and a love-triangle starts. preferably she walks in on them doing it for maximum effect.

Writing shitty pedo jokes on Twitter doesn't make you a pedophile your retard

>You clearly dont know how the industry works
You mean the industry that has put perverts and sexual criminals on a pedestal for decades and still does?

To be fair, he wanted to put a suit of armor around the world so he wouldn’t have to be iron man anymore

and yet Gunn was fired. Your statement proves false and you prove retarded

I really hope Rocket doesn't regress and act selfishly in this one, he seemed to be a lot more altruistic / mature in Endgame. I want GotG3 to show that the time spent with the Avengers shaped him into a man

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Nah he’ll have crippling ptsd from nearly being crushed to death

>"I love you more than anything"
>"I don't know you"

Is there anything more painful?

what happened to her after the battle, I missed that

>Rocket's been a (sort of) Avenger longer than a Guardian

Or all his friends being melted. I hope he and Nebula have some fun interactions that no one else gets because they hung out for 5 years.

she went missing. Quill was shown to be looking for her using the ship's map, until Thor came aboard

>Gunn was fired
Hired by the competition and then re-hired by Disney, stop being a fucking soccer mom retard

I really wanted to see more of Rocket just casually being with the Avengers. He probably had a room there, maybe even a workshop for his gear.

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Notably leaving her fate extremely uncertain given that it’s not like Tony would know to delete all of Thanos’ forces except her

to be fair she teamed up with Nebula to betray Thanos on the battlefield again so she wasn't exactly a card-carrying member

I was dissapointed we didn't get to see what it was like for him on earth. Didn't even get to see him see a raccoon.

Maybe it'll happen in gotg3.

point is dont be a pedo or youll get fired from your job. You need to stop defending pedos just because you self insert as one

I was kinda hoping with the world turned to shit that he would at least see one digging in some garbage

Based on the general themes of the first two movies, I think Quill is gonna accept that Gamora isn't the one he knew and he'll accept that the one he loves is dead
I hope we get to see how their relationship has grown from the 5 years in EG

>Gamora leaves, parting on friendly terms with Quill

Would he have any chance to know that?
it really depends on if he wished on the dragon balls a general “kill all Thanos forces”, “kill everyone who came from the past” or a more nuanced “kill the bad guys”

>point is dont be a pedo or youll get fired from your job.
He wasn't fired for being a pedo you stupid jackass he was fired for telling jokes and not fitting in with the corporate vision of family friendly. Stop villianizing people who did nothing wrong while letting real pedophiles run rampant in Hollywood you fucking hypocrite.

>who did nothing wrong
stop defending pedophiles

nah but I think your second point will be how they write around it. And hey maybe it could return us Farmer Thanos who was whisked to another dimension or some shit where there's no one around

He could have wished "destroy thanos's army"
As gamora wasnxt part of thanos's army an Tony probably didn't even know who she was, the stones would presumably exclude her

MGTOW anthem. Nice.

Probably fall in love all over again. It doesn't seem like they did all that much together for her to become infatuated in his nonsense.

I think Yondu is what actually changed Rocket as a person. The man severed his ties with the Ravagers to save the life of Quill from a neglectful father and despite having his crew mutiny on him chose to risk his life to save his son from Ego knowing full well he would die.

Meanwhile Rocket left the crew to go to Ego's living planet because he had an argument. It made sense for him to develop from GotG2 and solidfy it in Endgame as a more selfish Rocket would go back on a suicde attack on the Kree

Shut uuuuup

I hope they acknowledge that Rocket and Nebula spend 5 years together on space and in contact with the avengers

Wonder if they'll reveal who is the gay guardian, hopefully not a lesbian

>Wonder if they'll reveal who is the gay guardian, hopefully not a lesbian

It's obviosly Mantis. They will pair her with Moondragon or Phyla-Vell on GotG3