Crusher Hogan poster in the background

>Crusher Hogan poster in the background
I boner'd

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at 4.32.16 PM.png (665x600, 383K)

>MCU Peter never fought Crusher Hogan
>Uncle Ben doesn't exist
>Never learns with great power comes great responsibility
>Suit makes him more like Iron Man than Spider-Man

Where did it go wrong, Yea Forums?

>MCU Peter never fought Crusher Hogan
Prove it.
>Uncle Ben doesn't exist
Oh, I see, you're retarded. Time to leave the thread.

>Peter has a completely different origin story
>It's fine because he's in the MCU


Yeah, massively retarded.

Oh no, someone insulted Iron Boy.

You have no proof of the first three. He already talks about using his power for good in CW. He's reluctant to go with Tony because he talks about how his aunt has already lost so much. And there's a fuckin suitcase in the FFH trailer with Uncle Ben's initials on it. The mere fact that there's a damn Crusher Hogan poster in the background implies it's a thing. Peter very very likely had the exact same origin story of letting the thief get away.

Everyone already knows who Spiderman is. This is his chance to do different stuff in the movies (that he regularly does in the comisc). 2 more years and 2 more movies and he is back to Sony, so they can play it safe again.

Peter without his origin story is like Bruce without his parents dying. It isn't Spider-Man.

fucking Raimifags

We've seen and read the origin story elevntymillionfucking times already. Only a troglodyte crawling out from under a rock would need it fed to them.

>We've seen and read the origin story elevntymillionfucking times already.
PS4 Spider-Man had the standard origin story without having to show it. MCU Peter barely resembles the character.

You think he and Happy are related?

Tom Holland is more like Miles Morales than Peter Parker at this point.

I feel like there will be a joke in there somewhere about that. In the comics, they're not.

>>Uncle Ben doesn't exist
Except he does. This has been confirmed numerous times. Uncle Ben is dead in the MCU but he exists.

Happy used to be an amateur wresteler in his younger years, that's probably it

Everyone has seen it at least two time by now. It was in both previous movie series. And anyone who saw a Spider-man cartoon as a kid knows it. They don't wanna tread old ground.

So what I’m seeing from the fact that you responded to evidence of Uncle Ben offscreen by saying “But there’s no uncle Ben” is that you have no concept of object permanence.


>show evidence that Uncle Ben existed
jesus christ

Thematically Uncle Ben has been replaced by Tony Stark. It's the guilt over Ben's death that turns Peter into a vigilante. Sadly MCU Pete is just an empty shell of the character.

>play it safe again.
By making another origin story no one will watch, and staying safely in Sony’s wheelhouse. Or there will be a focus on the Spider-verse-verse which is acceptable.

Thank goodness, it's about time we had a white Spider-Man!

You've never read a miles book.


Everyone already knows Spider-Man's origin, though. There's no reason to retread it again.
Seriously, go up to any random stranger and say "bitten by a radioactive spider" and they'll know what you're talking about, guaranteed.

You're a fucking retard.
you've never read a Miles comic in your life.
It's like you faggots can't think for yourselves and need to be literally spoon fed everything.

All the subtext is there, it all points to the classic spider-man origin. You niggers just cant into context.

WIthout Ben, he can never be a hero.
I don't care how many people try to convince me that Tony was his Ben in this universe. It doesn't work. And I won't accept it. It's retarded and you're retarded.

Spider-man was already active when Stark recruits him, his origin story already played out and we didn’t need to see it for the third fucking time, everyone who is a fan of spider-man knows who uncle Ben was

>Tony was his Ben in this universe
That's stupid, Peter was already a hero before Tony recruited him. Peter is living alone with Aunt May, clearly Uncle Ben already happened.

Its just like a baby.

to pump that ass spidyboy, like my husband, fag, OH YEEEAAA!!!
Jesus christ riami was a madlad

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>Never learns with great power comes great responsibility

I get the feeling that's going to get invoked big time when Peter confronts Mysterio in the final battle.

>Never learns with great power comes great responsibility
Not sure where people are getting this from, he's extremely motivated to help anyone in any way he can. He's so eager to put his power to good use that he annoys the shit out of Iron Man about it.

>has already been doing Spider-Man stuff for months before he appears in Civil War
>alludes to Ben's death being his fault when Tony asks what his motivation is
>lives alone with his Aunt, who is said to have lost so much

>but Uncle Ben totally doesn't exist in this universe

Attached: spider-man.png (800x250, 151K)

Do you know how much people make fun of the fact that every Batman media has his parents getting shot?

>2 more years and 2 more movies and he is back to Sony
Making some mighty strong assumptions here, notably that he ever left Sony.

They just loan him out to the MCU for free and reap the profits and really, considering FFH is pretty much guaranteed to make a billion, have no reason not to renegotiate

>WIthout Ben, he can never be a hero.
He was already hero'ing before Civil War idiot

Dude, I hate MCU Spider/Man too but come on, that argument is retarded.

I meant that he spits that quote to Beck, who has great power, but uses it for petty crimes and shallow glory.

Did you miss the part where Spiderman was already a thing when Tony went to recruit Peter? Peter all but said that because of him, his uncle died in his very first scene.

Miles was just a shallow race bended Peter. His supporting cast was the only thing that made him stand out and they gave that to MCU Peter