Publish your fanfics as canon

>publish your fanfics as canon
>be hailed as one the greatest writers of the modern age
How do I become this based?

Attached: alan-moore.jpg (620x372, 29K)

Learn how to write interesting stories
>publish your fanfics as canon
Every single comic writer does this, don't kid yourself

Educate yourself, read actual books and not just comics, that's the main difference between Gaiman, Morrison, Moore and retards like Johns or Bendis.

Morrison reads books?

I hear that recreational drugs help. Though your mileage may vary on that one.

This is news to me too.

Basically this. The only rule to writing is that the story needs to be interesting. If your story is interesting people will like

quads of truth?

I know a lot of the guys who came from the underground scene did drugs. R. Crumb in particular was always stoned out of his mind

Not sure if pretending to be retarded or genuinely retarded.

Why does he look like an ancient wizard?

OT but Has moore say something regarding stan lee's death?

Clearly neither of you do

The only people who think he's one of the greatest writers of the modern age are Alan Moore and whatever hooker he's paying to say it mid sex.

Yes user, he is an adult.

No wait, you also have to complain about the 21st century having no new creations of its own and its culture only drawing from other people's past works

Do drugs and worship the devil, apparently.

>Every single comic writer does this, don't kid yourself

that's sort of the problem. although the ones that would really prefer to be writing tv shows might be worse

is he

Pretty much this, anything not written by the original writer is fanfiction. Just gets published. And anything drawn actually is just fan art. Kinda funny

Are we talking about Public Domain characters? Because if you think that new stories about PD characters are "fanfiction", you don't understand how it works.