Original female Captain Marvel

So Yea Forums, do you support the removal of Brie, and the inclusion of the original B L A C K captain marvel, or are you a white supremacist?

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Unironically yes
Captain Marvel right now as it is is a white supremacist propaganda film you'd expect to find in 1930s Nazi Germany, and not because the lead is white

Well, they're not wrong about Monica being the actual original female Captain Marvel. But Monica isn't gay, so where did they get that from? In fact, Carol is far gayer than Monica.

I support it because she's not a good actor.

Monica was always a better Captain Marvel and a more likeable person the best thing Carol ever did was get put into a coma to make Rogue popular.

Why does the actor have to be gay? I wasn't aware a person's sexuality defined their capability for acting.

This one of those faggot casualgate threads? What a bunch of whiny SJWs these guys turned out to be.

This guy is right There's a chance that the replacement won't be an entitled bitch like Brie Larson.

Actually, yeah. I prefer Monic Rambeau to Carol in pretty much every incarnation of the characters. Including the movie, LOL, even that little girl had way more. charisma than Brie Larson

They actually started abusing the Twitter report stuff by putting fake pronouns in their profiles, so they could report anyone calling out their anti-consumer shit as "misgendering". It's a bold move, but when you're openly scamming idiots and not delivering books, you gotta go for the gold!

It's almost halfway to 2020 user. You have to be a nonbinary patriarchy hatin LGBTQ+×÷ and of color to be cleared of any criticism

I'm all in for replacing ms. foot fungus with someone else

How long till the left spins it as an alt-right trolling attempt?

Can't it just be retards of every political persuasion?

I have to ask.... are you unironically satisfied with the current state of comics? Is this bare minimum of effort up to par for you?

Comics right now are great if you read stuff outside of the big two.

Anyone who hates shit comics would hate casualgate most of all. You'd have to be a literal retard to think books this bad are doing anything besides buying new cars for unskilled youtubers.

I remember when all their leader was known for was sucking dick.

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It's pretty transparently not genuine. This stuff is easy to tell.

If only comicsgate actually cared about the problems in the industry.

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You lack perspective.
The shelves have always been 95% full of crap comics.
You cherry-pick the best stuff from Decades of comics, and lump it together into "Then" which is better than "Now".
I really don't know how to save you from your own dumb. You'd have to meet me halfway and that doesn't seem likely.

>buying new cars for unskilled youtubers.

they call them studios

She's unironically in the top 3 actors, in terms of ability, that are currently employed by the MCU.
Watch her other stuff.

I'd like to see the person who wrote this article executed via firing squad.

Six posts.

>To be fair, she has a perfect nose
Lmao. I like that guy.

>Captain Marvel right now as it is is a white supremacist propaganda film
Wasn't that Brie's goal from the beginning? Every black character in the film pretty much treats Carol like a "massa" anyway and in Endgame she treats Rhodey and Rocket like garbage but flirts with Parker and is respectful to Black Widow.

Hell, she didn't even stand beside Fury at the end, choosing rather to stand alone, putting him at the proverbial "back of the bus".

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Why? Are you a nazi?

I'm assuming you mean in the role of protagonist because the MCU includes a hell of a lot of big names. Robert Redford, Michael Douglas, Samuel L Jackson (who was better in her movie than she was), Hugo Weaving, Anthony Hopkins...
Fuck. I want an old men of the MCU movie.
Having said that, assuming I agree that Brie's a good actor, what the fuck happened here?

god shes like made of benito flakes

>SJWs eating each other alive
Feels good.

the eviler of evil evils

Yeah, it's totally SJWs

>Introduce Kamala
>Make her a lesbian
Yes please!

Its unironically about time to see these phony ass white bitches to live up to standards they're constantly preaching about.