ITT: Ambiguously black characters

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He's not ambiguously black, he's a floating, talking box of french fry that shoots eye beams.

He sounds black.

so is it ever mentioned where exactly in Jersey the show takes place?

Is sounding black all that's required to be ambiguously black? Does that mean Phil Lemarr is ambiguously white?

unironically yes


I think the user is saying that the perception is that they're black. It doesn't have to be that they sound black. Consider Skeeter from Doug.

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Nah, Skeeter's green.

No that's Roger. Skeeter is blue.

That was literally a joke in an episode.

Skeeter is sometimes blue green, but I'll concede that.

wasn't he an old Asian woman

>lacking this much imagination
Come on now, man. Are you really going to tell me that Gloria is a caucasian hippo?

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Racial characteristics don't apply to other fucking species you idiot.

The meme is black coded.


Tell that to this kwanzaa-celebrating bear.

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Did anyone else think that Johnny is black?

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Phil Lemarr has a pretty distinct sounding Jamaican accent.

I thought he was Hispanic.

Kwanzaa is a made-up holiday that not even black people celebrate.

i thought he was a nutcase

He did join a white supremacist group though.

Fool, now I know you did not start a ambiguously black characters thread without using Boxy Brown as the OP image.

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There has been no confirmation but this character is definitely black.

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What race is Meatwad ambiguously supposed to be?

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>Watermelon themed superhero gimmick

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Definitely Marvin the martian. Queen Tyerahnee (?) seems Korean or something.

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So THAT's what her fucking name was. Thanks, user.


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it's Queen Tyr'ahnee

How so?


Donatello specifically. Purple is a very "black guy" color in character designs.

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Garnet obviously. Bismuth too.

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>frylock = black nerd
>meatwad = mentally retarded hood
>shake = mixed, raised by his white burrito mother

For me it's yellow.

>mentally retarded hood
What race is that?



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his head shape and the afro growing in the jawbreaker closing episode? i think was the one, really made me think he was black

Dude's a white supremacist.

I love Estelle's voice but it sure as fuck makes it hard to picture her as coming from anywhere but London.

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>that episode where he is human
>literally a white guy with a Jamaican accent

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the world wasn't ready

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Depends on what universe

He's really dumb so that makes sense

Where's he from?

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Yes they do. What do you think subspecies are?

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i heard somewhere they meant for him to be italian but yeah. everyone i've met thinks he came off as black

Made my own. Frylock signed by Carey Means.

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I've always thought of him as black Joker. It's not just the voice, either.

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is this roleplaying? Are we now saying that the animals in Madagascar don't have human features tightly interwoven with subsets of human culture?

he's a box, he cannot be black ambiguously or otherwise.

>old Asian woman

I believe it was a dragon (eastern fantasy).

>that jontron meme where he hates dunkey because he's black but jontron just hates black people and dunkey isn't really black

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kys lmao

well they probably can't afford new jersey


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Wait, he's black? Which episode?

No, he sounds urban southern


I always though that the white Shrek from the second movie looked completely wrong. But then again, I think sensitive viewers would complain if a black man were to be associated with a disgusting ogre.

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despite being voiced by DiMaggio Jake always gave off a black dude vibe to me

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They live near Atlantic City

Outa my way Alfred! I'm gonna call Joker the N word!

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Please tell me that episode had Steven Crowder voice him

she's a white brit

well he does jump around like an ape

I always thought he was until Yea Forums said othewise.

he definitely is in the dcau. He can be white everywhere else

Meatwad is definitely black.

He's greek

Y-you're a Du- du- duke of New York, a #1

White, Brit choose one

in latin america he is very mexican mariachi (but some idiots change that in the last seasons)

All of them.

Tell that to michael bay and his black thug robots

There's an episode where he has a cousin visit from Africa.

>Greek redhead
We're reaching levels of "arguably white" we've never seen before.

He can't be black because in the last episode he was a white supremacist.

And it was a good joke. Goddamn Boost Mobile was a good episode.

He's greek on the DCAU I meant, and his appearance is inspired on the actor Telly Savalas

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Seattle in the future: last week

He looks like a humanized crash bandicoot

He also has heavily lidded almond eyes, "hair" that appears both segmented and voluminous, sports a styled goatee that's mostly preferred among blacks.

>a black lady made out of an overcompensating Asian butch and a genteel white femme

In this instance, I'm only going by the Satam, Adventures, and Underground versions.

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Sonic's not black, he's a wigger.

But he has a Scottish accent

I always thought that he was an indian like dhalsim


Sonic CD and Sonic Adventure Sonic are wiggers, Jaleel White Sonic is an Oreo, Jason Griffith Sonic is probably like a mix of white and Hispanic and Roger Craig Smith Sonic is just white

>mfw I was black the whole time

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>genteel white femme
Sapphire is voiced by a negress.

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me too, dude

With a white voice.

Not a thing.

She doesn't sound it

It is though.

No, it isn't. It's called proper English.

If it's a black woman speaking then it's a "black voice"

>that artist
>trap Gumball and Darwin

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Some black people sound like white people. It's a minority, but it's true.

Nah. Most black people sound black even when they're speaking completely normally.

Not that guy, but I don’t consider African American Vernacular English, and having a “black sounding voice” to be the same thing. Certain people can talk like a scholar and still have a “black voice” to me.

Everything he does tracks as an autistic biracial kid, yes.

Biracial? I always thought he was a light skinned nigga, not particularly biracial.

An acceptable take. I'm still recovering from learning Skeeter was supposed to be Italian.

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In the specific context that we are discussing a character's 'blackness' based on the voice actor's own race, having a 'white voice' is not a thing. Because literally, the VA isn't white.

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And how do you become a "light skinned nigga" without mixing?

Move to a more Northern area and hope for evolution to occur.

He seemed average white boy to me

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I believe OP said AMBIGUOUSLY black characters. Not actual black characters.

Roger is just young ganondorf


Nobody actually celebrates Kwanzaa, you only get episodes telling you about Kwanzaa.
Kwanzaa only exists so the Jews can penny pinch you even more because Hanuka wasn't enough

Explain, in detail. This theory fascinates me, Douglas.

Based american

Honestly, nearly every single black person in the Americas is mixed. Lighter skin doesn't always mean "more European" blood. Tyra Banks is much lighter than Don Cheadle, but both are around 80% black.


What are traits of "ambiguously black"?

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hes black in dcau, his appearance is inspired by telly savalas

They're black...ambiguously.

His human counterpart is black.

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I don't see it. I always though he'd be that crazy white friend.

He looks red to me.

Raph was black

they all are, they're called the teenage mutant nigga turtles for a reason

>Be a WWI survivor
>Get to 1939 getting some Sudenten Land for the homies
>Britan and France declare war
>"Aww shit, here we go again."

he's definitely black

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He’s more like Kid Rock Joker to me

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Man, it's a good thing they acknowledged that as the joke

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>white supremacists can't be bla-

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He has revitiligo.

she's a texan, and she doesn't have an urban accent. she's either white or latino.

>nogs conveniently forget that their precious internet was invented by a white man

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Bubby the whale.

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Syl from wander over yonder

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>series ends with everybody lynching the black guy
how did they got away with that

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He is most certainly not black, you contrarian dogfucker.

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having an afro represent the helmet is pretty neat. still, I don't look to the Broadway show to inform about the cartoon.

Now clutch the dark purple hairs of the galloping orangutan of normalcy and ride nigga ride!

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Frylock isn't black. His VA is black, but he's often lampooned as being racist/white. That's the joke. They're food.

>telly savalas
>a man who was not black

user we've been over this. There are black people in Texas. We checked and he told us in a very thick accent to get the fuck off his lawn.

that guy on the right has me genuinely concerned.

The fuck do you mean 'forget'

light skin telly savalas

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He's mediterranean

In the French original dub, he has a very strong British accent. Curious they went for a black guy's voice in English...

Reminder that Frylock is a transgender lesbian.

The coolest black character in the history of Yea Forums, and he's not even black.

Got some really weird fans though.

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Blacks in Texas still speak in an Ebonic accent most of the time. The only time you'll see Africans speak in White English is when they're either news reporters or are extremely gay.

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He's a bear?!

>I got that real long shit. It'll smack you in yo face and everythang.

Lol Johnny was a fucking mutt

Sandy is too fun, outgoing and athletic to be a wh*Te girl

But Michael Jackson spoke white en...
>or are extremely gay

And a white supremacist.

He became a white supremacist in an episode.

Boxy Brown is the least ambiguously black character in ATHF

This is probably more blatant than ambiguous. Based racist Japs.

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same here, but the only time we saw his pre-joker self he was a white guy

I don't get the feeling anyone in those shows is meant to be anyone other than a Nip, she's just a Gorilla meaning pretty much any Japanese woman who doesn't look like a mouse or 10/10

The monkey paw of representation.

>Based racist Japs
Isn't she one of the more senior staff members?