ITT: We fix shows Yea Forums hates

>More slice-of-life/hangout shenanigans, while building the lore in an organic way.
>Greater focus on ensemble/character interactions.
>Have three-dimensional heroes and villains.
>No shipping.
>No heavy-handed racism allegories.
>No lazy Tumblr pandering.
>No Ponyhead, or at least have her better-written.

Anything else I'm missing?

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eclipsa should have been actually evil

Have Marco and star be a couple but have them focus more on having fun and going on adventures with one another. Fucking christ is that too much to ask nefcy?

And Toffee should have been her son, and his motivation for all this stuff should have been revenge for both the monsters and his mom.

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>shows Yea Forums hates
>Yea Forums is one person

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dude the majority of Yea Forums actively hates it and the only people who defend it don't actually watch the show

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At least it is popular opinion in Yea Forums

lets try that out.
I like the show and have seen all of it.
Anyone else?

>More slice-of-life/hangout shenanigans

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>No Tumblr Pandering
Can we at least make Star a boy?

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> Yea Forums hates
I think you posted the wrong show. Only thing I might change is keep Marco an adult.

Same. I just marathoned the whole series again.

>liking post season 3 star
So you’re the type of faggot that defends things going to crap because you’re too blinded by devotion to see its faults? Congratulations, you’re the worst kind of fan in existence.

This show is unbearably "progressive"

The only popular opinion on Yea Forums is that AtLA and Homestar Runner are good. Outside of that Yea Forums is probably one of the least unified boards on all of Yea Forums

I got into it late but it hits a lot of the right notes for me. Overall slightly disappointed with this season but too invested not to see how it turns out.

Ditto. Really enjoying the current season with the fight against Mina.

Fuck off millerfag

I never knew about homestar runner before Yea Forums and I found it annoying

What, I just called you out for being a fucking bitch to a terrible show runner and not having the courage to call them out when they start hacking away at their own baby. Does that upset you, it should because it’s accurate.

Never heard of these.

Can confirm, I enjoy the show, and like discussing it in a manner that isn't just 'hate hate hate hate hate'.

make it a harem show. Maybe some japanese madlad will make an anime version some day

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Season 4 is acceptable for a final season. I would rather that then no ending.

>Season 4 is acceptable for a final season. I would rather that then no ending.
Kill yourself, id rather have no ending the complete destruction of the characters I used to love.

>I would rather that then no ending.
samurai jack would disagree

>the story is about how Star, Prince of Mewni, develops certain feelings for his best friend Marco, and how he tries to deal with those feelings while working on becoming a worthy successor to the throne of Mewni
Yeah, it could work.

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yeah same, i'm even adding it too my digital archive so once it's over i have it, i even have digital copies of the lore book and plan to get a physical copy once my next paycheck rolls in. the people who think Yea Forums is a hivemind haven't been here long, there is always a vocal part screaming they don't like thing, but at the same time there's generally people who enjoy it.

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I have seen all of it so far and feel it's a 4/10 that could have been an 8/10. I don't like it then.

If all they did was a little less jewish subversion and more fighting against actual forces of evil, it would have been a 6/10. If they had done more serious lore building and had plausible reasons for the war between mewmans and monsters(not herp derp racism, which isn't even a real thing) in addition, then it would be an easy 8/10.

>ITT-actual NPCs
And here I thought /pol/ was lying about guys

Season 3 was already beginning to show drops in quality, season 4 is just the lowest point

There are bound to be a few other retards out there, but most of us are chuffed and chagrined by the developments of the last season or two.

>if i just keep spouting hivemind retard memes at the top of my lungs nobody will question me, that's how it works here right?
fuck off shitposter.

>calling yourself a fan when you enjoy seeinfnstar become an embittered bitch and everyone cucking each other and being miserable
You arent an actual fan, retard, you’re defending the destruction of the shows cast like a literal sheep.

>no true Scotsman
fuck off shitposter

You arent a fan if you enjoy seeing the original show intent getting fucked up the ass by bad writing, this is undeniable fact you shilling fake fan faggot. Go suck nefcys clit somewhere else.

fuck off shitposter, you people are a worthless disease and make Yea Forums worse by being allowed to exist you casual fucking mongoloid.

Me. S3b was shit but not much to stop watching

Based and gaypilled.

Because you literal inbred slime when things suck they need to be called out so that the problems can (hopefully) be changed or at least a lesson can be learned from past failures. Fucking yes men faggots like you who take bad seasons up the ass are why so many shows suck now. Shoot yourself you living tumor.

kill yourself millerfag

Go whine about nefcys dogshit direction not getting the “respect” it deserves in your deluded psyche somewhere else, faggot drone

What is wrong with you two? It is a show for children.

lol calm down

>Have an actual thread post Battle of Mewni
>Season 4 should have a new enemy having an arc to build up the tension like Ludo was in season 2.
>The monster problem should be more complicated that "monster good mewmans bad"
>Marco should have dished the squire business right away, his relationship with Star was better when both where equal
And most important of all
>If they are going to devote an entire season to a race tension metaphor, they should at least have 1 monster be part of the team, instead of having two Mewmans from royal blood fighting for monster right instead of the monsters themselves.

>No shipping.
No bullshit love triangles, Star and Marco becomes a couple in middle season 3 after being separated and defeating Toffee

>22 minute episodes
>Some 11 minute episodes are the A plot, some are the B plot
>Old 22 minute episodes are "hour long" two parters.
>S1 and S2 flow much smoother now in terms of plot and Star & Marco's development
>S3 "Battle for Mewni" is largely a flashback focused on Princess Moon and follows the four episode / two hour TV movie format
>S3 is about Star controlling her Butterfly Mode, Marco reaching Mewni and traveling through dimensions, and Toffee-Ludo attacking Mewni, draining all Magic, and recovering his finger
>Marco makes dimensional allies before reuniting with Star in the midseason finale
>Toffee is related to Eclipsa
>S4 is about Eclipsa, who is "evil", and various enemies who escaped from the crystals; Star and Marco deal with their burgeoning relationship and what happens next
>TV movie finale post S4

I have a very Sailor Moon-ish S4 finale pictured in my head if anyone cares to know it.

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Remove pony head and the show gets 20% better

So is most of what we talk about here. Why have strong opinions on Yea Forums at all in that case, just hit the bong, man lmao

Loved it too. It has flaws. Like all shows have flaws, but hating a show for it's flaws? That's dumb.

>TV movie climax is Star transforming into a giant boss bug from overusing dark magic/corruption/etc.(Pic related)
>Ludo saves Mewnini and stops Star's rampage via a special sword bean thing.
>Movie ends with Star recovering and feeling alright.

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>I never knew about homestar runner before Yea Forums and I found it annoying
>found it annoying
Give it another shot or just stop watching things altogether because Homestar is universal

tell me one show that Yea Forums doesn't hate

Have the show deal with deeper themes of identity and responsibility like pic related.

I'm also liking the idea that Toffee should have been something like a dark member of the MHC, created with the rest of them but bent on destroying everything. Or at least something deeper than 'random monster that Moon's mom jobbed against'

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>Pic Related
I can't believe Star ends up being transformed into Dark Falz Apprentice.

Why the fuck do you want a CHILDREN'S SHOW more complicated than it already is?

Since it takes ques from anime, it might as well take this que.
(Pic related for Ludo's moment)

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But Marco doesn't want their relationship to be equal. He wants Star to shrink him down and have him live in her pocket.

just give it a plot, one that made sense

Fuck it.

Bullshit S4 Plot Twists
>Identity of the suspicious new girl. It's not Eclipsa. She's Star and Marco's daughter from the future.
>And Janna was replaced by Eclipsa, inadvertently making a contract when she stole the book back in S1

S4 Finale
>Eclipsa is going to create a multiversal eclipse, causing all realities to converge and be rewritten according to her wishes: giving her the happy family she never had with monsters in charge and humans subservient
>Blah blah Star's ideologies versus Eclipsa's. Blah blah
>Eclipsa fails, but she and her family literally become part of her wand, so they're now together forever.
>Not even Star's Super Butterfly Mode can stop the eclipse from happening.
>Borrows magic and hopes and wishes and shit from everyone
>Cue 2nd ending theme
>She stops it. Wands breaks, going to fall to her death from space
>Marco riding Nachos catches her. Big kiss
>Resolve plot points. Magical and dimensional boundaries must be separated. Blah blah. Goodbye forever. Hope spot. Not forever?
>Cue 1st ending theme but with their kid walking around
>Movie to fill in the gap

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I hate straight pairings, sooo, yeah. World needs less heteronormativy

Fuck the patriarchy. White genocide world wide.

Probably do a little more with the fact that marco spent a fuck load of time in another dimension and it kind of messed him up a little.

You should hate the real world then, at least cartoons pander to your tastes dyke fatty

Make it SoL or MoTW format with gradual buildup that pays off in the finale. Keep it very grounded, no cosmic lore bullshit.

Let a man write it instead.

Yeah but then no drama. While I don't think the show *needs* as much drama as it has, it wouldn't have any of the feelings of payoff without it.

>asking for upvotes

I rather watch a Spongebob anime than a Star anime

i'm glad this doesn't exist, lest I fucking beat my dick literally off my body

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Their doesn't need to be drama, or you could have it from facing off against a villain. Relationship drama sucks.
Kill yourself dyke

Watched it from the beginning and saw it fall to pieces as storytelling was dropped for the sake of agenda pushing. Only Adventure Time squandered more potential.

tom and marco isn't my fave pairing. but i would take that over starco at this point

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>Fuck it. blah blah
> blah blah blah

i never really cared much for adventure time. but i don't think it nose dived as badly in quality as fast as star vs.

i lost interest around when marco broke up with jackie. felt forced