Kovu should have been Scar´s biological son

Kovu should have been Scar´s biological son.

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Wasnt he?

the villain's motivation makes no sense, why would she loyally follow Scar when he's been shown to be a terrible ruler and brought famine to the pride land ?
it would have made more sense if scar was her lover
plus it raises questions such as who is kovu's father

because she's evil too.

>being evil


But then it would be incest

He basically was but they probably realized that would make them first cousins. This isn't Shelbyville.

>the villain's motivation makes no sense, why would she loyally follow Scar when he's been shown to be a terrible ruler and brought famine to the pride land ?
She probably blamed the products of Scar's misrule on his enemies. Like a lot of followers of incompetent tyrants.

yes and ?

Well, The Lion Guard implied they were lovers, as Zira said she and Scar were "very close". But Scar was probably shooting blanks since he was such an effeminate bitch.

what ennemies ? he was the only one in charge

Lions fuck their cousins all the time.

still doesn't explain where kovu's dad came from

You wear that name tag to try and get kudos for stating the obvious?

It wasn't Scars fault that a natural disaster occurred, nor was it Simbas doing that it started to rain.

Yes it was. When a king gains power through evil means, providence will beset the kingdom with plagues and famine. Blood of the king, blood of the soil. Don't you even into Shakespeare?

No. They went out of their way to say so in the movie.

And the he would end up fuckin' his own cousin? Disney is not down with that shit

They're animals

Are we not going to talk about how that's Nala?

Lannister joke.

Her first born was Scars son

Male animals roam around impregnating random females all the time. Do you think all animal sex only happens within the group? How do you think prides branch off to begin with?

As if royalty never historically fucked their cousins? Actual lions do all the time too. And if you didn't bring it up directly I doubt many people would even care. Hell, back in the 80s when Empire Strikes Back came out a decent number of people were okay with Luke and Leia doing brother/sister incest (they didn't go that direction in the movies but they did kiss and do some romantic hugging in the first movie) which is twice as fucked up and some people were okay with it. I think by the 90s most people wouldn't have cared about implied lion incest, they would've just been like "Ha ha, that lion princess going to marry her cousin! Let's mock this direct to video film aimed toward children too stupid to make the incest connection without it being pointed out with political cartoons no one will read!" And then everyone except a few die-hard fans will forget it exists just like every other direct to video sequel.

They should've just made them incest. Plot would make more sense and they could've got away with it. Honestly, incest is probably easier to push than gay/trans characters in children's cartoons, it's just that nobody pushes for it because no one cares and most Hollywood writers would rather project and image of being an effeminate ladyboy than a cousin-groper straight out of West Virginia. Because while people are more willing to accept cousin-fuckers than ladyboys they're WAY less likely to respect them.

It's a kids movie.

why is she following scar then ? why are the other lionesses following scar ? where's the dad ? why doesn't he stay with them ?

it makes NO SENSE

Yeah, and most kids are too dumb to figure out "Hang on a second, Scar was Simba's uncle, this is Scar's kid and Simba's kid in love, they'd be cousins" without somebody pointing it out to them. And besides, people get away with WAY worse in kids movies before.

prove it

there's plenty of cartoons depicting cousins being in love or married with no big deal at all

He clearly is meant to be Scar's son. He still is even if it's not biological, which is still weird. They just say they're not biologically related to save face, but that's what they were originally going for. They're lions. Most pack animals try not to inbreed with direct relatives like parent/child and sibling, but cousins are fair game.

It's pretty clear he was intended to be in development at some point before they realized the incestuous elephant in the room.

Simba. The guy she has a massive hateboner for in the sequel.

They followed Scar for his leadership, he got killed and they were banished, and in between that time, Kovu's mother came across a roaming male and they fucked.

Which ones?

what leadership ? he starved the pride to death

les malheurs de sophie
code lyoko
totally spies

I want to know too, this sounds interesting.

you said she blamed Scar's misrule on Simba
but Scar had already doomed the pride land years before Simba's arrival

All frog cartoons. In that case there are kids cartoons showing uncensored tits and penises. You sure as shit aren't seeing that in an American kids movie.

you mean he wasn't?

why is there prejudice against cousin love in america

I figure we got a bad run of inbred retards in the south and just swore off it ever since.

They’re animals, people whine about this in warrior cats too. It’s a dumb hill to die on when irl cats fuck their cousins all the time.

Why the hell does the characters have to be related all the damn time? Cant we have a single story in which nobody turns out to be "the son of...", or "brother of..." or even more annoying "the reincarnation of...". This is isnt anime goddammit!

what are condoms

Abstinence only. Which means always bareback.

Hillbillies in Alabama and West Virginia do it, and literally no one wants to be like them. If you're too European to know what those places are or what they mean, imagine people almost as drunk stupid and useless as 19th century Irish and Bavarians but they aren't even good enough at being useless drunks to make decent beer. Now imagine they live in trailers because they can't afford real houses (because too stupid lazy and drunk) but don't want to live in an apartment for whatever reason (probably too insistent on having a front lawn). Those are the kinds of people who fuck their cousins in America. They're not common, but they exist and they're a disgrace.

Although, not that long ago cousin fucking was okay, it was only in recent times it was condemned. One of our best presidents from the 30s and 40s FDR married his cousin, so it's got to be fairly recent.

Even though Scar failed numerous times as a leader, many lions appreciated how he (the first dark-colored King) kindly opened the borders to the poor, hungry hyena who needed the Pride Lands because their own home was absolute shit.

When he was unexpectedly succeeded by Simba, many lions were disgusted by Simba's policy of enforcing the previous immigration law and deportation of illegal hyena. They opposed him in the "Not my King" movement, following the evil woman known as Zira.

If you think about it, it's kind of like a parallel to Star Wars.