Supergirl Talkback

It's almost the end lads

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>Implying Lena would be the most loving and tender lover ever.

vampire lena with kryptonite fangs when

He's turning into Doomsday again

show is boring, post necks

No Lex again?

>James' sister's face when Alex called her fiance a "she"
Yep, they're going there.

it's the cw... of course they are. the show before this (jane the virgin) had a lesbian interracial relationship too

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This baby plot is dragging the whole episode down.

>Red Daughter

I like the red daughter storyline but I wish they didn't cut back to the lesbian and transgender so often

Just give her a baby already jesus

Lockwood is a fucking retard, there are two many plots going on.

J'onn not gonna job this time?

Yes, I love it, J'onn just out classing this fucking sucker.

Some kino man hunting going down.

That's not Kara is it..

kek they really brought him back to play another Doomsday

maybe it is YOU whom is Kara all along!

It happens so little that the man hunting we get is always special.

Maybe the real Kara was the friends we made along the way.

Fucking hell Lena
Fucking hell Kara
This is fucking Smallville all over again

Just fuck her already, Lena just fuck her.

Just tell her now you fucking moron. It's so obvious you're getting replaced probably at the end of this episode with Red Daughter

and YOU'RE a lesbian
and YOU'RE a lesbian
and YOU'RE a lesbian

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>Alex is going to fuck Jimmy's sister

Jimmy's sister keeps getting worse.

So everybody is a lesbian

Damn Doomsday Junior got more backbone than his dad

No, no, nope.

This isn't real, there is no way possible that every single time Alex talks to a woman more than once, that that woman is a lesbian and that lesbian is into her. Not possible, this is getting fucking retarded, this is the third time Alex has found a magic lesbian to munch her carpet.

Gods hear me now, give me a cute, short woman in my time of need! You can make magic lesbian but what about me.

They should've kept Arias. Odette's hot, Samantha has a kid, and she's lesbian (or can be written so). Perfect for Alex.

see you tomorrow lads for best show legends

Season finale

There aren't enough Chad's to go around and no one's touching an incel, so it's muff-diving or the local nunnery.

Where’s Webm user? I want NECKS!!

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kara and lena arent
>this is the third time Alex has found a magic lesbian to munch her carpet.
sara doesnt count thats one is a freebie

The ones that most should be lesbians aren't

>Kara and Lena aren't.
Not yet.

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I frankly wouldn't mind James's sister if she wasn't/didn't look part poo-in-loo-ese. Or maybe it's only her mole. Something's simply wrong about her.

Eve continues to be best girl, even when she's a retarded kopy.

Welcome to the new age of comics. Blatant and constant leftist, degenerate propaganda.

Sara Lance's lesbo gaze is a STD?

Supergirl can never tell Lena, can she? That suuuuucks

lockwood btfo

also i keep feeling like brainys gonna have a bad time eventually

What a stupid fucking kid.

Wait what who?

Maybe she has some kind of lesbian powers or an advanced lesbian radar made by brainy.

Alright, alright! No need to scream

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I wonder if she knows she's a neckslut...

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