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Brody Jenkins
Other urls found in this thread:
Robert White
I don't like this so I'm gonna call this gay.
Connor Hernandez
she looks like a puhrana
Samuel Cruz
Dominic Cook
>Not BoyStar
Carson Nguyen
That was a G rated blowjob
Landon Cooper
There is already a thread, even if it doesn't have a title
We need to stop splitting, there are, yet again, 3 different threads. This can lead to us getting kicked out again if we split this much.
Cooper Russell
is it rabid?
Aaron Johnson
we used to have 7 at the same time and nothing happened, stop overreacting
Wyatt Carter
It did happened, we got kicked out of blue board because we kept making this many threads.
It's easier to make a conversation if we stick to one thread rather than to having to look among many similar threads that can fit together well as only one rather than being many that are scattered.
Elijah King
I'm afraid so. Gonna have to put her down.
Julian Morales
This shit is ending soon, who cares
Hudson Cruz
then stop bumping every shitty thread with your dumbass newsflash
Tyler Carter
Ethan Powell
damn, I felt nothing
Lucas Gomez
Then sorey for being a bother.
I'm saging so this thread doesn't get bumped a lot, and because one thread with talk and interaction feels better than many different ones without much activity.
Asher Morales
>Implying cotungo wont black mail both Nefcy and Disney channel executives into renewing it for another season and to keep the cuckshit going for another 5 years
Jace Lewis
Fuck off faggot.
Christopher Turner
then maybe the mods should stop being faggots and allow generals in here again
Logan Johnson
Today's episodes were good. They nailed the effeccts of MDMA, it felt relatable.
Luke Williams
I thought it was like DPH, or benadryl. especially the forgetfulness.
Julian Long
is there a mega with more season 4 stuff? the one I had only went up coronation.
Jayden Torres
Haven't tried that, but it sure reminded me of how I felt when I was on MDMA. I kind of like the feeling of just confessing and being happy.
William Clark
I haven't done mdma but I likened the loss of inhibition to being really stoned. my thought was a dph trip while stoned, and their eyes looked like they were tripping. also when tom said "newbie" I seriously thought he said doobie and had to rewind to check.
Eli Jackson
If you loved Tom so much then how come you didn't invite him to Beach Day, Star?
Jace Allen
Thanks mate!
William Torres
I felt worse for when Janna was getting yelled at by Marco. She looked legitimately hurt.
Lucas Brown
Janna doesn't have human emotions. It's only a ruse
Jason Ward
Tom getting over Star should've happened during Demonicsism. Not this late in the fucking show.
Dominic Price
Im with this user, I like Janna but is too late to make her a person, it just fell flat like everything else in this episodes
Nathan Nguyen
Generals are fucking awful and I suggest you kill yourself
Jack Carter
It's gypsy trickier!
Carter Hernandez
If they were allowed to stay in the magic zone a little longer how many times would Marco and Star have fucked?
Jaxson Moore
It was a long time coming
Adam Cruz
I hope Hekapoo doesn't get off scott-free. She's as much at fault with all this as the rest of the MHC.
Andrew Morales
Blowjobs aren't supposed to involve gnawing, user.
Dominic James
However long they wanted to. Being in constant contact with magic could give you unlimited stamina so they could literally fuck for the rest of eternity
Ian Nguyen
The best ones do.
Dominic Turner
Here's hoping she gets made into Marco's sex slave
Julian Young
What did he mean by this
Levi Bennett
Amnesia Janna was so cute this episode
Jace Torres
Benjamin Ramirez
>Teenagers high on "magic"
>become bored
>not deciding to experiment
Christopher Hernandez
Did you laugh, Yea Forums?
Charles Edwards
Has anybody found any good art of Star and Marco in the magic dimension yet?
Noah Richardson
Tom is still in the magical dimension isn't he?
Joseph Hall
I laughed my fucking ass off when Tom just screamed the roof off of the car
Cameron Rogers
Lets face it they are all going to be fired and/or put in timeout by Daddy Glossaryk. They keep doing this stupid shit and enough is enough
Brandon Stewart
Jacob Hill
>The gang getting high as fuck
>Sexual tension
>Tom just blowing up the car with his hype
>Demon Mode Tom
It was fun
Jace Jenkins
Star is a nudist
Ryder Wilson
With or without their clothes on?
Colton Rogers
>I can't turn it off.
I like how the seatbelt didn't even burn off.
Zachary Roberts
Star’s feelings for Tom is dependent on whether or not he’s in front of her, or texting. I was surprised she even cried that much over the break up, but judging from the next episode she seems to be over it
Daniel Cook
Jeremiah Cruz
You know the answer.
Landon Cox
>blush crying that whole scene
Nefcy knew what she was doing
Jayden Morgan
i-is someone drawing this
Hunter Edwards
there are good edits of her in that beach suit
this is not one of them
get rid of the preg and fix the leg
Adrian Scott
So... is that dude who gave them the car a mewnie living on earth? I always had suspicions that something was off about him.
Leo Peterson
Mewmans and humans are one in the same dude.
Carter Baker
Daniel Torres
Who else here ships Starco?
Gavin Miller
yes, I'm referencing the exact episode they revealed that, but also separated by many many generations. You can see differences in their phenotyping on the show.
Luis Walker
I ship it, but only as Stargo.
Dylan Reed
Josiah Campbell
the school councelor is obviously from mewni
others could be.
was there a reason explaining why portals didnt work all of a sudden? i skimmed the episodes.
also, moon fortified their village into a legit medieval city.
finally, i hope eclipsa catches the lightsaber in her face.
Brayden Harris
It's not as fun as you think it is.
Ayden Phillips
MHC and Mina sealed the portals to prevent Star and company from interfering with their plans.
Kayden Howard
>No amnesiac Jackie to chill with
Leo White
wasn't it also to prevent escape? Or is that just a totally accidental byproduct?
Camden Morales
Might've been done to prevent any accidental casualties to visitors
William Evans
>They get given Ronaldo's job and Ronaldo gets promoted back into the commission
Kino ending
Nathan Williams
>I felt nothing
Really? I was laughing my ass off on this
Nathan Sanchez
Nah if anything it'll be
>They all get fired
>They have to work with Ronaldo now
>They are all suffering having to hear his constant riddles and rhymes
>He is just happy he is with his family again
Andrew Cooper
Honestly I can't help but feel like Daddy Glosseryck has some questions to answer himself.
He's all "you have free will" but he's clearly got it out for what are effectively his kids and is happy to screw with them.
He'll give Rhombulus snake arms and kick out Ronaldo but he won't try to stop them despite hating what their doing?
Jason Johnson
I love her mouth shape. I wish that was my arm.
Nicholas Lee
I think they almost immediately started going power hungry the moment they were born, which pissed Glossaryck off.
Anthony Ortiz
I did
Jose Harris
I always go for the long run game
David Williams
What baby isn't born like that?
Parent your damn kids Glosseryck!
William Lee
I started watching Sailor Moon the other day.
Usagi is basically Star but not obnoxious, which is at least partially due to everyone constantly calling her out on her flaws and the show not treating her as untouchable
Brody Cook
We share the same pain ;_;
Oh, someone saved my edit
Landon Cook
I second that and besides you have
Steven and Connie too and now StarCo
Benjamin Richardson
So Star and Marco are losing their V cards the first night they become a couple, right?
Robert Rivera
So this is a Canon ship? I didn't think Disney was so "progressive"
Elijah Lee
Is this an edit?
Blake Jackson
Marco already lost his to Hekapoo, user.
Nolan Peterson
I have a request
Jaxson Thomas
Carter Perez
According to Marco'S VA this is Canon.
Eli Gray
That will be the last time he shows up
Josiah Russell
You know I like Starco, but even I can seen those two have better healthier relationship based in mutual respect that any of those two have with Star.
Dominic Mitchell
When the battle is over, these two will have a lot of time to make a big family
Hudson Edwards
I want a link to that BoyStar thread from 2 months ago now.
Samuel Bailey
They're gonna fuck for 3 days straight. Star will enter Mewberty mode several times during.
Brody Nelson
>Marco asked star to give him a thousand kids
Night night white race.
Kevin Sullivan
>Bug race
Angel Cruz
Say no more senpai
Julian Moore
Why is this guy in so many Disney shows?
Adrian Garcia
Friends with a lot of the creators.
Ethan Lopez
They were telling the fans to stop Marco and Jackie ship is dead.
Jackson Thomas
For all we know, someone could be writing this
Jace Mitchell
janna is the worst character in the show and should be bullied, her attitude in this episode was fucking disgusting
Josiah Long
>Star and Janna would've make out if they held on a little bit longer
Juan Lopez
It better be that dude that's been writing all the good lewd stories on AO3. OohTheEdge is his name.
Brayden Taylor
This would work better with Jackie (ideal love). Especially if the mermaid fan-theory would become canon.
Jordan Martinez
I was talking about this one.
Although I'm not say I'm ungrateful.
Luke Turner
Wrong pic
Jeremiah Rogers
Their relationship improved in a short time, too bad tom is less important now so we won't get to see more meaningful interactions between them
Cameron Myers
And nothing of value was lost.
Lincoln Kelly
Jarcuck's still seething breathing deeply
Alexander White
Nefcy is responsible for season 2 with all the based cuckqueaning. Cotugno is responsible for seasons 3 and 4 with all the degenerate male cuckolding crap.
Gavin Lewis
Marco is into miniguy vore
Joshua Sanchez
Pocket-cucking. He wants to be in her pocket while Tom fucks her so he can hear and feel every thrust.
Robert Perry
Tom tried to kill Marco when they first met, tried to ruin his future, lied to him to trick him into being his friend and set a curse on him. Tom only warmed up to Marco completely when he thought he wasn't interested in Star.
Why do Tomfags forget what an absolute shit heel Tom was to Marco at first? Their entire friendship was built on Tom belief that Marco wasn't interested in Star. Tom was a shitty friend and the show never adressed how badly he treated Star amd Marco in season 1 and 2
And Star and Marco became best friends in a day.
Blake Hughes
So Frenchie actually won something?
Charles Lee
He has an unbirthing fetish.
Logan Price
Star gives off a mommy vibe
Jordan Smith
>no hips
>no tits
Zachary Price
What happened to this guy? I wanted him to be a recurring character.
Jack Hernandez
he just wants to be smol and comfy
Zachary Foster
Which one?
Tentacle Arm, Red Cap, Double Chin or Ferguson?
Tyler Nguyen
>Six arms plus flight plus magic
I don't think Marco would survive with his pelvis intact.
William Sanders
Pre personality swap Marco.
Kayden Anderson
man, boystar sure is cute...
Sebastian Green
I told you faggots it was a set up and Rhom pretended to get arrested.
Robert Myers
>I felt worse for when Janna was getting yelled at by Marco. He looked legitimately hurt.
Colton Allen
Nothing so far
William Nguyen
How did Mewmens lose the war with the monsters if they had antimagic mechs? This writing gets more stupid with each episode.
Adrian Hughes
Tentacle arm. He hypes himself up to be the big bad, actually does cool shit and then never comes back except for a masturbation joke.
Alexander Perry
It was the Queen's armor. One of a kind.
And the mewmens won the war so hard that the monsters are basically seen as animals but good natured researchers.
Eli Gray
I wonder where BoyStar came from.
Sebastian Ortiz
The internet.
James Davis
One of the AU Stars in Mathmagic.
Joshua Cruz
a episode
Leo Robinson
I'm mad that I inadvertently forgot about that when repressing the show from my memory.
Zachary Gray
to be fair, it was very brief and never touched on again
at least we still have boystar
Ayden Wilson
So I guess the entire magic council is a bunch of assholes, not just Rhombulus. Not surprising. Where is the dark magic coming from?
Levi Mitchell
They were created to protect the newmans and they are trying to do that.
Julian Reyes
But didn't Mewmans start the war? Even by flawed logic/creation, there is no threat to warrant this. The series is probably going to end with Glossaryck erasing Rhom, Heka, and Omni from existence because they've failed all of his tests
Robert Bell
This is the same company that made Pinocchio, now look at this shit. Fuck California so much. Just burn it to the ground. Just imagine if Walt Disney woke up to this.
Eli Roberts
Moon washing herself in the source river spread the darkness. The dark magic itself came from Solaria's nameless spell that Eclipsa completed as her last request.
Jordan Myers
The dark magic is Eclipsa's doing, and Moon spread it a little further when she needed that spell to kill Toffee who is still alive and if Eclipsa ends up in the realm of magic the world would end because she would corrupt it with all her past dark magic use.
Blake Lee
I pray everyday for California to burn.
William Hall
But then how could we drag out the endgame couple with obnoxious love triangles for another 2 seasons, user? Nefcy apparently was just absolutely convinced that Starco can't happen until the finale or else the audience would lose interest. (Joke's on her, the audience lost interest anyway.)
Leo Perez
Well they did want to have a thousand children.
Julian Jenkins
It wouldn't make sense in demonicism. After the kiss would have been the best time.
Dominic Reed
We don't know why the war started. Also the lore keeps changing for no reason. I remember that magic wand was supposed to belong to the monsters or something like that, but it was given to the Mewmans by Glossaryk.
Whatever happened to Ludo getting his original body back?
Jace Torres
This season has been nothing but inappropriate innuendos and drug references
Ryan Campbell
They were created to advise the queen on the subject of magic. They were never supposed to be in charge or have any say in who the queen will be.
No wonder Glossaryck regrets giving them free will.
Austin Reed
But what a way to go.
Easton Brown
Death by Snu Snu is the best way to go
Jason Robinson
>calarts "humor"
Gabriel Miller
No, the dark magic was Eclipsa's to begin with. She was dabbling recklessly long before the nameless spell.
Why do you think Solaria thought she could finish it? Because that was the kind magic Eclipsa was already using.
Hunter Ross
The best part is that Star can heal him so he can keep going. 24/7. For all time.
David Jones
okay, why is no one drawing THIS then? that'd be an amazing 1 page comic
Joshua Peterson
Trips demands an answer
Grayson Flores
Based Marco putting Janna in her place.
Zachary Hernandez
This inspired the same feelings as when Biff got punched out trying to rape Marty's mother in Back To The Future.
Andrew Torres
>This is the same company that made Pinocchio
Jaxson Wright
Aaron Harris
An official reedit AMA with the main V.A's. I don't have screenshots but someone here definitely does.
Caleb Davis
So Glossaryck making Eclipsa and Globgore out to be a threat was complete bullshit all along? Glossaryck appears to have zero qualms about monsters inheriting the wand or living in the kingdom, yet as the early Mewman god and mentor to every single queen, he never pushed them towards peace? Why create an MHC thats biased towards Mewmans?
Levi Mitchell
because being omniscient means you can take the most convoluted fucking path to your goals even if there are far simpler paths to it.
Carter Watson
hack writing desu
Bentley White
Nothing wrong with leaving people to figure their own things out. The thing a god can sometimes do is nothing at all.
Robert Garcia
bite my shiny metal ass
Justin Ramirez
Eclipsa is a threat, just not to the kingdom.
Her dark magic is highly corruptive to the magic realm. The MHC goal has always been to stop her from pulling another Toffee, either purposely or accidentally.
Asher Baker
And I love it
Hudson Diaz
>Those quads
Satan please leave. These are innocent teenagers.
Aaron Miller
No worse than any religion. Why did God send his son to die to give people eternal life instead of snapping his finger to do it?
Anthony Martin
Multiple opinions on the matter, but the one that sticks with me isnsimply that God holds himself to the rules he sets down and he states several times that a sacrifice is required to forgive.someone of their sins. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice as the only sinless man, and it was a sacrifice that saved all making as long as they were willing to accept It.
Jack Clark
No he doesn't. He fucked up multiple times and got to stay in Eden, we fucked up once as toddlers and were perma banned.
Cooper Davis
Tom was originally created to just be a villain of the week. There was absolutely not any thinking that he would be a good guy, let alone become part of the main cast. He just turned out to be popular with tumblrites, so he was brought back even though the show had nothing good to do with him.
Charles Morgan
my husband says this to me all the time. Nefty pulled from experience.
Austin Brown
this, it sounds really genuine
Mason Green
>Her dark magic is highly corruptive to the magic realm
I doubt it
Ayden Anderson
Your husband wants you to shrink him down and put him in your pocket?
Owen Barnes
That pair of "innocent teenagers" already have babies together.
Carson Wood
Also, how did moon's arms go back to normal?
Dylan Baker
Plot line dropped its one of the many reasons I think Nefcy’s show went away mid season 3
Oliver Diaz
nigga why the fuck you lying she washed it off in the source well.
Alexander Howard
I thought it was just giantess stuff
Because it spark my fetish
Jace Jackson
The magic waters cleaned her arms but left the dark magic to stagnate.
Brody Moore
Damn your right thanks for correcting me.
Josiah Perez
The fuck are you talking about?, that was explained in Divide (S3) and the consequences of it were seen in Mama Star (S4)
If you don't even watch the show, shut up.
Daniel Green
It's not literal, it's just the type of nonsense a guy will say when craving physical affection. I remember while being cuddly with my ex I'd say similar nonsense like wanting to just live in her hair. Pretty sure chicks do it too but that kinda random cuddly babble is more common with guys in my personal experience.
Nathan Wood
Sebastian Bailey
Tom is still in the magic world.
Gavin Harris
>the consequences of it were seen in Mama Star (S4)
Hey wait a minute, how are they playing it like Eclipsa is the victim of people who don’t understand her love when she canonically uses magic that isn’t just seemingly dark, but has a tangible corrupting influence, as seen when Moon washes it out of her arms and it fucks with the whole magic realm? The words of her spell contain the actual words “I call the darkness unto me” and “from ancient evils unawoken”.
Jacob Rodriguez
Eclipsa isn't the smartest magic user.
Nathan Hughes
How disappointing this shiw is going to end on. Other then Reguler not a single new cartoon has ended right. Or gone to shit. Fuck monsters. Remember that episode where star tries to makr that monster be good but it was completely against his nature to do so? When did they decide to do this moral gray bullshit? Its feels wierd in this show when the racism card is so heavy handed. All this star/tom shipping was so dumb as well. After star confessed and marco realized he didt like jacky they shoupd uave just gone out and the rest of the show had them together all this back and forth felt fucking pointless.
Daniel Johnson
I know, just why couldn't they be a bit more subtle about it? isn't the funny orange man going to stop being president soon, im mexican i live in mexico and honestly i don't think he is that bad, compared to the shit that my country had to deal with even worse presidents, out of all the mexican cartoons out there i have never seen one saying anything as loud as that scene
Nolan Brown
Do monsters make dark magic? Or just emotionally like lobster claw? Why do glossarck kids hates monsters
What is a monster?
Why do people hate monsters?
Magic has existed for so long and the whole cleaving apart and together hasn’t really been explained
Why has any of the dark magic effect Marco and his arm?
Carson Baker
Eclipsa being an evil witch is only tangentially related to her monster love. Mostly she's just edgy and weird.
Alexander Reed
He wants the opposite of this scenario.
Christopher Butler
Also toffie is so pointless in the grand scheme of things.
Luis Roberts
She’s creepy even by monster standards so you know she’s just off
Hudson Richardson
tom was on fire, oh man i wonder if the creator is just basing this out of one time she and her friends got high or drunk as fuck
Camden Phillips
Eclipsa is basically a peppy goth. When you see her you think she's gloomy and weird but when she opens her mouth she's surprisingly sweet.
Cameron Young
In a bit more them 4 years yea. At this point like how can you still be outraged? I hate California so much. It has to get old telling the same jokes.
Kevin Powell
i'm still wondering if tom made it out of the magic source dimension ok, poor boy was tripping balls so hard he couldn't leave a seatbelt, despite being on fire.
Kevin Harris
Beautiful user. Saved for progeny's sake.
Jonathan Collins
Because Tomfags can *only* see the positive light that comes from him. Anything negative just gets swept under the rug. fans of Star and Marco already accept that both are flawed, but also accept that and attempt to show how they've grown, largely in part to influencing each other.
Christopher Ortiz
The spell was Solaria's, and it was meant to be more destructive than that but Eclipsa perfectionated so the caster could keep the corruption within herself and not affect anything else.
She warns about not using it unless extremely necessary in her chapter and it's the reason behind the lock to detect easily corruptable readers.
We also see how Eclipsa's spells sacrifize their own lives on a daily basis to keep the spell in line so, in any case, her magic is good as it keeps the most dangerous spell trapped (A Spell with no Name, S4)
The Nameless Spell was necessary to get rid of the septarian menace back in the day, so shut up. Mewmans are alive because of it.
Glossaryck blames Moon and Star for going to the Realm, not Eclipsa for creating the spell. As a matter of fact, he wanted Moon to use it against Toffee... if not, Mewni would have fallen.
So yeah, they should all kiss Eclipsa's ass.
Jason Nguyen
I know, right? Almost makes you feel bad for all those faggots with the lizard fetish, kek.
Jacob Sanchez
Yes. It's even more hilarious in hindsight that this is basically goblin-dogs 2.
Cooper Ortiz
Jack Murphy
about as smooth as a cactus dildo marco.
David Wilson
Just like how during season 2B, Marco would basically forget that Jackie exists unless he was actually talking to her or Star was telling him to talk to her. He "knew" that he loved Jackie, but didn't actually have any emotional connection to her at all.
Easton Sanchez
daily reminder this shows main villain is literally a gimmicky caricature of Donald Trump because she "wants to make mewni great again"
Samuel Anderson
literally the best episode in season 4 in terms of comedy
Leo Johnson
Not a caricature at all, it was barely even a reference. An insane homeless war veteran is a pretty weak final boss, though.
Hunter Nelson
Even though they lost their minds they still wanted to be together.
Hudson Reed
maybe If you’re a pussy
Blake Cooper
Kayden Clark
It's gonna be hilarious if they confirm the MHC/Mina used Toffee as a tool to get rid of Comet, for being a monster smoocher like Eclipsa.
Andrew Gonzalez
but how can Nefcy and her husband have babies if she is sterile and is "child-free" its obvious based on her tumblr likes that her clock is going coo coo about her fucked up head
Anthony Phillips
you need to figure out what caricature means before you start throwing it around, mina wasn't designed to be a trump stand in, she's not a leader, she's an insane warrior that has been experimented on in times of desperation, she's not a corrupt business tycoon, she's a peasant girl turned into an incapable of empathy tier super soldier following hundreds of year old propaganda, because that's all she knows and is unwilling to move on.
Dylan Ortiz
we got some cute jans going on too
Andrew Sullivan
>internal debate on whether or not to grab
Been there. I took to long and she woke up.
Aaron Fisher
Isaiah Ward
>believing this retarded shit when she literally says "Mewni used to be great" before trying to go purge all the monsters (non-whites)
its as transparent as a plane of glass guys come on
David Roberts
or your desperately trying to push a meme for outrage leverage, that isn't uncommon.
Ryder Ross
>A pictorial representation of someone in which distinguishing features are exaggerated for comic effect.
>A grotesque misrepresentation.
>To represent someone in an exaggerated or distorted manner
She said one line, and it wasn't even the slogan, but a reference to it at best. She in no way represents Trump. Learn what words mean.
Dominic Torres
You know we did the
>someone posts "I love Star"
>some other replies "t. Marco"
thing for a while, but now he actually said it. Huh.
And here's another thing. Marco couldn't tell who HE was. But he sure as shit remembered Star's name and that he loves her.
Broly must be acquiring giga power levels by now.
Landon Ortiz
the sheer delusion of Yea Forumsfags everybody. atleast think about the media you consume just a little bit guys
Grayson Taylor
You DO realize they're not actually going to BE a couple, right? Because the show is going to be over by the time they hook up. A Pyrrhic victory.
The hook-up is going to be used as a lazy bookend, just like Aang & Katara and the end of Avatar.
You're not getting an extra season like Kim Possible fans.
Colton Phillips
She can adopt 1000 babies
Nathan Garcia
You're not smart for making shit up.
Brody Rogers
Good, because Kim/Ron was gay as fuck. The details of their relationship post-movie should have remained a mystery.
Kevin Nguyen
It's possible that whoever 'this' guy was, is actually monsterarm. I wouldn't bet on it though, there wasn't a single reference to it since the first episode it was featured in.
Cooper Ward
And the importance of the Moon & Eclipsa skulls was... what exactly?
Jackson Parker
I still don't understand why he became a lawyer.
Mason Torres
Man demon chicks are hot. Guess it's why I like r63 tom, scanty, and sith pure bloods.
Nolan Watson
No way, it was far more interesting than the originally-planned bland-ass Last Minute Hookup.
Ian King
>they're not actually going to BE a couple,
We know EXACTLY how they're going to be living as a couple. The entire fucknig show is about that. They are even referenced as parents multiple times. This would actually be better so it could validate every starco and other ship children in the fandom.
But hey maybe we'll actually see them in a flashforward or something. Anything could happen.
Easton Hill
Being a thug wasn't gonna work anymore, so he focused on his education.
William Long
How the fuck are you zoomers capable of watching this shit?
Robert Collins
user they're too busy playing fortnite.
Joseph Roberts
Guys stop talking about the plot holes and start talking about the mentally insane character behaviour.
Daniel Cox
Boomer-zoomers are even worse. They watched quality media and yet they still fall for this shit. The zoomers at least have an excuse, the fucking jews keep all the good media away from them.
Michael Moore
who let the Yea Forumsermin out of it's containment cell?
Luis Jenkins
Check out this spic, he doesn't even know what it's stands for.
Kevin Murphy
To provoke fear.
Seth killed Solaria and most likely wore Eclipsa's marks to say "you are next"... which backfired because she created the spell who destroyed his army.
Toffee did the same to Moon and wore the skull Seth used to honor him... which backfired x2 because Moon humilliated him with Eclipsa's spell.
Oh, the irony.
Luke Young
How fucking mad were you when the thing swimming in the corrupted magic wasnt Toffee
Noah Jenkins
Do you think Daron cries herself to sleep because her show went to shit and she did nothing to stop it?
Samuel Wright
No because the Twtittersphere and Tumblrverse have only love for this show's writing
Jacob Murphy
What's with these new creators and letting subordinates run roughshod all over them? It's been this way for a while.They need to be more like John K and kick them in the ass, but stop just short of the sexual harassment.
Evan Parker
Trips did not get answer. Get on it fools
Lucas Martin
>went to shit
It was shit to begin with.
Anthony Martin
Not if you accept Jesus into your heart.
Tyler Watson
God Christianity, gypsy religion and voodoo beliefs are the most idiotic possible religions known to history.
Only a bunch of arrogant spineless excusing assholes would ever adhere to these religions.
Even that shitty sub-religion the mormons have at the very least attracts naive good-will faggots who willfully believe in an obvious lie for the better good. But not Christianity which is nothing but criminals and psychopaths on power trips with the maturity between 0 and 8 years old.
Vikings at the very least had a religion that didn't make them afraid of death and didn't make them have wars between them, they were very happy and calm to the point they went retard. Unfortunately they were still an invasive race of redneck idiots that mix-bred with the Irish and formed Scotland and Deutchsland, the land of happy douches.
Russia doesn't have religion because they're soulless faggots without culture, but at the very least they're honest about it. Alcohol is their god.
Ireland seems the most happy and peace-loving fags on the planet, almost like a bunch of elves, but more because of their genes and just like the vikings no natural enemies. But the Irish seem much more social and extroverted compared to the indifferent cold-ass Germans/vikings.
I'd love for once in my life or once in history to find a godless religion which puts man on the front and believes in factual biological science, rather than "believe in your heart" wishy washy bullshit. And a religion that pushes their standards up to not accept the state of things,a belief in doing constructive effortfull things for their own good and the good of the planet.
A mix of Valhalla, mother nature, eugenics and killing in the name of the planet and human biology.
It would be a much more honest and intellectual religion based on actual progression rather than wasting time jerking off 80 years in a monastery.
Kayden Robinson
Cooper Scott
i have never wanted to pronebone something as bad as i do star in that picture
Ethan Wright
Goddamnit I forgot Asian religion.
Brandon Hill
-Pinocchio was not made for television on a television production schedule.
Your logic is flawed.
Adam Morgan
Aaron Robinson
>Even though they lived in different dimensions they still wanted to be together.
>Even though they were in relationships they still wanted to be together.
>Even though they thought their feelings were a curse they still wanted to be together.
Brody Williams
Except for Yea Forums crybabies, everybody else enjoys the show
Jordan Lewis
Holyshit, is that Monstar art that I haven't seen before?! Is this actually new art?
This week just keeps getting better.
Daniel Hill
Kinda disappointed Star and Marco didn’t end up sloppily making out in the magic dimension.
Justin Morris
I'm tearing up over fictional teenagers!
Jose Jones
I have a huge MonStar folder.
Thomas Cooper
I have a might need
Andrew Martin
Hunter Walker
Shall I?
Parker Brooks
>no Sto. Niño in their home
Pick one
Jack Sanchez
Awww this is cute!
Jason Martinez
It's a yes from me
Austin Perry
Marco is Her pet?
Parker Allen
Less of a pet and more just highly endearing.
Nathan Jackson
Janna upon hearing her husbando (Globgor) was showing up this week.
Tyler Lee
Glossaryck never pushed them to fight war, Glossaryck only cares for one thing Magic, if mewmans use for war he dont cares he only cares into expanding magic.
Hunter Russell
glossy is a little shit
Jacob Torres
Except he does care because he openly hated Solaria and she knew it
Glossaryck is apolitical and doesn't enjoy seeing magic being used for political reasons. He specificaly mentions this in the book.
Guess it's one of the many reasons he wants to get rid of the MHC.
Brayden Lopez
Remember when Glossaryck was just the book’s (remember the book?) glossary and not funny god?
Kayden Hernandez
So is the show over? What's the tl;dr ending?
Blake Carter
He's always been ambiguous and godly. What are you talking about?
William Edwards
What is this supposed to mean?
Easton Gonzalez
That was just for one episode user (introduction) after that he inmediately fell in the second category.
Michael Hughes
Thomas Jones
When does she come back anons
Adam Foster
That looks like a really uncomfortable sitting position.
Justin Bailey
Easton Campbell
Dominic Hill
3 episodes left, in 2 weeks.
You better find something new to obsess about once it's over ;)
Jaxon King
Thanks, man.
Gavin Turner
god i missed Earth so fucking much
everything is better on Earth
Gavin Ramirez
Asher Sullivan
How the fuck did no one notice that he was shouting Globgor's name? Not Moon, not River, not even Eclipsa.
Lucas Price
Hang on, who the fuck is Seth?
Charles Jenkins
The majority of people have dealt with Glossy so long they learned to instinctively blot out anything he says unless they need him for something.
Hudson Edwards
It somehow manages to be both weirder and more interesting the mewni, once again proving human dominance over all else
Colton Wood
i expecting a joke in the end of th show where he fires the MHC and we them making the march of shame
James Edwards
a character on the book of spells, at this point i doubt he will have any relevance in the show
Jacob Flores
>he hasn't read the book
what the fuck are you even doing here
Leo Price
Seth was Globgor's rival (he lead the pro-war Monster faction while Globgor lead the pacifists) and Eclipsa's personal Toffee.
His septarian army was so damm powerful she had to create the Nameless Spell to save Mewni from total anihilation..
Robert Sanders
It’s called shit bad writing.
Connor Thomas
Oh hey, I made that thread. Good to see people still give a shit.
Justin Hall
They were too busy being a mother and father
Nolan Morris
Flips will understand
Ayden Powell
user is saying that they are speaking spanish, thus making Janna a latina-american rather than a filipino
Cooper Allen
because they tacked on this monster acceptance shit without thinking
Lobster Claws doesn't even make sense anymore
Alexander Collins
March of shame eh..
I want one to happen to the MHC, reminiscent of Insignia Rip-Off Ritual:
>>removes Rhombulus's cape and underwear.
>>removes Omnitraxus's universe body and swords on skull.
>>replaces Hekapoo's dress with dress made of a rag sack.
Grayson Howard
That's why I hate when anons say the Nameless Spell was a mistake.
Mewmans would be dead if it wasn't for it. Even Moon had to use it against Toffee and he was just a lame imitator of Seth.
Asher Ross
I do ask that myself sometimes.
Adam Diaz
so what was the deal with Janna's parents? upper-middle class people that like exotic stuff but dont want leave their city?
Jacob Wood
He was also Toffee's mentor. Or maybe his father, for that matter.
Lucas Young
But the Mewmans are humans.
Colton Brooks
>Why create an MHC thats biased towards Mewmans?
Glossaryck says in the book of spells that he regrets giving the MHC free will.
Luis Smith
I miss that comic.
I guess making a new comic while Jarco/Startom/Kellco was a thing would feel awkward in a story with the protagonists in the spotlight.
Season 1 and 2A were the paradise back then for fanfiction.
Eli Lee
janna being so white probably imply she had a single parent familly for most of her life and those 2 are only in couple since recently, being awkward and not accepted by her.
Isaiah Ortiz
I wonder what happened in Janna's childhood that made janna the way she is
Joshua Bailey
Blake Brooks
4th wall
Evan Morgan
Given how she doesn't like weaklings overall, her parents being so... passive?... must be annoying. They seemed to be high.
That's why she fancies Globgor and Eclipsa so much.
Bentley Nelson
Robert Fisher
Nothing. She's like Daria. It's her way of asserting her individuality.
Nathan Thomas
who else can't wait for Globgor to die?
Alexander Richardson
Ryan Long
Caution: Trying to eat a tennis ball in real life will result in immediate choking followed by an agonizing death.
But no one care. It's a Teenagers driving while hiiiiigggh episode.
Ethan Adams
I can’t believe how fast things went in this week’s batch of episodes. It went from Tomstar breaking up ->Tom blessing Starco -> Marco kinda confessing -> Starco family shenanigans. This all happened in the span of TWO DAYS. When people said Tom’s purpose was to delay Starco these episodes really showed it.
Justin Perez
Comes with the territory.
I mean could you imagine the endgame plot going for last 5 episodes of the show, with the "Wrong" ship still going?
They at least managed to sandwich the breakup (with true respect), some bromance going, clearing "more than just a curse", Starco high on drugs teasing and plot in 4 segments. That's solid writing compared to everything we had before.
Jeremiah Morris
When are we gonna start to see nudes of Star and Marco high on magic?
Leo Scott
Well, you could always make it yourself, user. Worked for L. Ron Hubbard.
Logan Gutierrez
I missed this episode what happened?
Andrew Rogers
All the ships are a means to an end for Starco. Tom's entire character was attached to it, along with Jackie to lesser degree, that's why the staff had both characters verbally tell the audience how Star and Marco are good for each other. The pacing seems off, but it's what you would expect for a couple that was always meant to be endgame nearing the series final episodes.
Logan Stewart
Remember when the show used to make fun of itself?
Leo Robinson
Its why people hate having daughters they always rebel against you. Those people need to know their daughter is involved with back alley criminals and set her straight.
Connor Green
Mina has no choice in the matter though, imagine if your brain was programmed to follow a single protocol and thats Mina. She is a rogue A.I when you think about it.
Brandon James
I just feel pity for Mina, worst final villain ever
I dislike the MHC too, they don't even have a reason to be huge racists
Eli Powell
They probably dont care about monsters but just really hate Eclipsa and will do anything to get rid of her. They should have just vaporized her centuries ago rather than crystallize her.
Caleb Phillips
Look at janna parents, they are the tipical normal boring parents.
janna to me just want to be a EDGY girl afraid to become another boring adult.
Jaxson Cruz
If Jackie was in there would she try to eat out Star or fuck Marco?
Jayden Gutierrez
why do they hate eclipsa so much though?
James Turner
Janna has no friends, these assholes in the alley probably rape her offscreen. Also Im sure Tom could kill all of them yet one of them threatened him.
Connor Foster
>tfw these S4 episodes on Earth are better than all S3 and the first half of S4 combined
Eli King
She got in the way of their keikaku so had to be demonized for the rest of time.
Joshua Miller
Is he going to die?
Benjamin Thompson
>Solaria had anti magic tags and still lost to monsters
What the fuck?
Elijah James
i would like this if trigger Eclipsa into a rage mode turning her into dark butterfly
Gabriel Ramirez
Yeah, i guess the fandom being almost dead is just a coincidence.
Daniel Edwards
Wait, 3 eps all in one day in 2 weeks or are they spread out?
Parker Richardson
Magic is in good hands. Protection + love magic is one of the strongest forms of magic. When Meteora and Eclipsa see him on his last legs, they'll probably combo heal him
Dylan Robinson
5 single episodes, so 2 weeks
Mason Watson
Filipino are Mexicans that just woke up
Charles Brooks
I WISH but it's not going to happen.
He's got like double protected status because he's not only a persecuted minority in canon but voiced by a minority.
Also I swear I'm not even racist IRL; just this show lately brings out the worst in me. I don't even like Trump and yet I'm still 100% behind Mina even after she just got played as like simultaneously the weakest and most obvious Trump caricature ever
David Evans
I don't know why, but I still get the feeling she's a red herring as the final boss. Might just be wishful thinking but eclipsa might still be the end game.
Julian Taylor
I think she's a red herring as well, and that Solaria will be somehow brought to life as the final threat and ULTIMATE EVIL RACIST
Gemma Whelan still hasn't shown up as a guest star like the press releases said, and there's three episodes left. Seems a good bet.
Jonathan Reyes
>What is a monster?
It would seem that by shows definition for most mewmans monster is; "A non-mewman entity that is or is presumed to be hostile or active enemy to mewni." So basically umbrella term for enemies of mewni.
>Why do people hate monsters?
>Why do glossarck kids hates monsters
Most likely because they are viewed as the enemy based on past interactions.
>Do monsters make dark magic? Or just emotionally like lobster claw?
We just don't know, and there's a good chance Nefcy doesn't either.
>Magic has existed for so long and the whole cleaving apart and together hasn’t really been explained
Show was first meant to end with death of toffee, but against Nefcys expectations and the traditions of network, they got more seasons than they expected, and thus things were not as well planned out since what they were planning to be the end was not.
>Why has any of the dark magic effect Marco and his arm?
See previous answer/dropped plotpoint.
Joshua Stewart
I'll say this much for Star, it got me to watch Urusei Yatsura.
Anthony Carter
Good thought. I just have the feeling they will pull a last Airbender and fix the problem by making eclipsa unable to use magic as their solution. Whether it's cause she goes super Saiyan to beat solaria or mina or whoever and snaps, all to stop the magic realm corruption
Brody Phillips
Dead? The large number of fanarts say otherwise.
Robert Phillips
I don't really see Mina as Trump despite the show's shameless attempts. Maybe because I'm not an American, I like to compare a feudal setting with history during feudalism rather than modern political allegories that don't fit. I think in Eclipsa as the tzar fake Dmitry of Russia or one of those many English monarchs from the middle ages that was cucked by France. Mina would be the local warlord disatisfied with giving the lands to foreigners allied with the monarch, often hurting the locals like it was an occupation.
Isaac Anderson
Mina feels like a rogue Manchurian candidate more than anything else to me. And I'd not be surprised if eclipsa was the one holding the leash to cause strife.
Ryan Price
>Marco loses his harem by the end of the show.
>Globgor starts one.
Blake Bell
mina is just a idiot fighting a war that ended long ago.
look how she talks to Solaria tapestry she prob things Solaria is still alive at this point
Nicholas Campbell
>watch the jackie reunion episode
>eh that wasn't bad
>watch this
Yeah this is the worst episode of the entire series
Samuel Moore
well her daughter is still alive, that shit would fuck me up too
Wyatt Sanchez
Pocket=anus. He has an anal vore fetish.
Christopher Roberts
what was even the point of this episode? spur porn artists to draw teen!meteora/marco hatefucking
Xavier Fisher
Juan White
You and your shit taste are alone in this, user.
Lincoln Moore
Bait a spinoff series maybe?
Thomas Hernandez
Caleb Davis
Jace Flores
>but pony head she stays up till it's 4 am
Juan Morgan
There are worse reasons to do things.
Christopher Myers
She is watching k-dramas
Juan Cox
It might not be terrible. Skip ahead 15 years. Star is Prime Minister of the Mewni Republic while Eclipsa is a figurehead without political power. Meteora and Mariposa go on awesome adventures together with an occasional helping hand from the old cast. Mariposa is in the Marco slot balancing adventures with school.
Adam Flores
OH. Oh my.
And Spanish soaps.
Brody Baker
And since they think of each other as siblings, we don't have to worry about fucking love triangles.
Well, hopefully not anyway.
Jonathan James
Eclipsa could be a member of the New Magical High Commission, along with Moon.
Brayden Kelly
>spur porn artists to draw teen!meteora/marco hatefucking
As far as I know, only one artist has even done that so far.
But the reason for the episode was to give Mariposa and Meteora 2.0 an opportunity to be actual characters instead of just babies.
Jordan Baker
>20 something year old female
Sebastian Torres
Asher Foster
I have the feeling that the Butterfly form is going to be used in the last episodes..
They show has always implied the most important Butterflies are going to be Moon, Star, Eclipsa and Meteora.
There is a lot of symbolism with their marks in the first season .
Levi Mitchell
I do like that idea. Put Reynaldo back on while we're at it.
Nathan Nguyen
Well...This happened.
>Break up.
Brayden Lopez
but Moon and Star are just filthy pie folk descendants
Samuel Moore
Reynaldo's the only one who hasn't fucked things up recently, so why not. I mean he was around for the whole Meteora-Festivia switcheroo, but he didn't conspire with any psychopaths to start a civil war.
Gavin Murphy
Honestly what did she expect? He's at the very least going to rule the Underworld and was on track to rule everything by her side before she flushed it away. Not to mention she was a pretty shitty girlfriend and never totally committed.
Austin Clark
Ooh, and this happened too.
Andrew Parker
Meh, not impressed
Cooper Reed
Because the sexual harassment never happened and is a direct result of keeping tight control of your show.
Chase Green
>stress eating extra tacos because of fighting parents
thicc hope is CANON
Mason Barnes
That's not what he's saying
Why cant you be assed to do a 5 second google search on Sto Niño
Brayden Rodriguez
It made sense until this season revealed that Globgor was a legendary evil monster and everyone knew his name and the atrocities he committed. It also makes no sense that Star knew less about her "ancestor"'s lover than random peasants
Colton Gray
>and your other sword
Colton Turner
Couldnt Eclipsa just go back in time or some shit? What's stopping her?
Henry Evans
Even if they were biological sisters they could be in a love triangle or fighting over the same boy
Dylan Walker
We might get a situation were Eclipsa dipsdown and gets corrupted by her own magic cause the realm of magic is fucked.
Anthony Miller
Eclipsa wrote pretty much their whole love story in the book of spells how did no one ever read that
Jayden Richardson
Didn't they make it forbidden to read Eclipsa's part of the book or something?
Thomas Rogers
It makes perfect sense that Star wouldn't have paid attention to "boring" history lessons back before she was sent to Earth.
This is where the problem is. Star read Eclipsa's chapter.
William Scott
We know for sure Star read the whole thing. And somehow she missed Globgor's name? Riiiiiight...
Andrew Murphy
She was interested in Eclipsa and Solaria, and it's not like those peasants or monsters went to school to learn history. This is clearly something that everyone knows except Star. Growing up she'd have to have heard something about it.
Jace Gray
It's not a "boring history lesson" it's a romance story. Forbidden love with a sexy monster.
Star would've been ALL over that. Horny slut.
Benjamin Walker
I'll call you gay
Nathan Stewart
well maybe she only read the spells, many queens separated journal entries and spells into separate pages
but still, considering Eclipsa seems like such an interesting person...
Logan Harris
They would be partners in crime. People would still ship them though.
Brody Murphy
It's the same as if he kept shouting Hitler over and over
Camden Parker
If everyone kept shouting Hitler in the house Eva Braun stayed at after WW2. And he was frozen somewhere.
Hudson Howard
gosh this is getting more retarded and not thought through the more I think about it
Everyone knew Eclipsa ran off with a monster so did Star just assume she's part monster?
Wyatt Baker
>plot is happening
Actual proof that star vs fans are complete fucking faggots. Half of you only care about who's fucking who and the other half are more fans who are upset because "m-muh trump allegory fuck niggers!"
Consume rusty nails and go watch some anime you absolute abortions.
Hunter Torres
Eclipsa apparently thought Moon and Star were distantly part monster before learning Meteora was written out of history.
But no, the Mewmans assumed what most of the fanbase did for a while, that Eclipsa had Festivia with Shastacan and THEN ran away for Globgor.
Hm, somehow it just hit me all these characters have stupid names.
Joseph Johnson
Eclipsa's chapter never refers to Globgor by name, only as "the Prince of Darkness".
Andrew Walker
>only care about who's fucking who
Easton White
the plot is meh
I couldnt give two shits about the fate of Mewni, Eclipsa, the Mewmans, or the monsters. I cant even name 5 characters on Mewni while I can name nearly everyone on Earth. I care more about Oskar's home life than the final battle with Mina and Seth or whatever bullshit they plan in the next 3 episodes. who gives a shit
Joshua Ross
true that. well that only explains why no one reacted to Glossaryck
Levi Sanders
But everyone else knew that Globgor was the Prince of Darkness and eater of men
Carson Lewis
They’re just holding hands
Jeremiah Powell
It's meh because there's no stakes. They introduced a threat way too late and it's too anemic for a series finale.
Julian Turner
That’s how babies are made user! Duh!
Benjamin Bailey
really don't like how they're pushing "racism is bad!!" and "bloodline is the most important thing" at the same time
Chase Collins
Mina was literally saying "MAKE MEWNI GREAT AGAIN", "GIVE MEWNI BACK TO THE MEWMANS", and "YOU MHC FREAKS ARE LOWER ENERGY THAN Jeb!" I think it was KINDA obvious....
David Nelson
And it's gonna be a great Solarian Warrior, really the best, best you've ever seen. Nobody's gonna be able to stand up to this Solarian Warrior let me tell you.
Alexander Perez
So is the Magical High Commission going to jail for eternity? They've actively rebelled against the crown - both of them - and aided a terrorist in razing the kingdom to the ground, and in the process, also corrupting the source of all magic.
They seem like they're proper fucked, no matter how this turns out.
Caleb Thomas
Yeah, I don't get it at all and I feel like it's the kinda thing that could fuck some little kid who doesn't entirely understand it up, if any kids even watch/follow the show. Like imagine some kid who's adopted or some shit seeing this.
Josiah Long
Reynaldo hated Festivia for doing nothing but partying (and also because of the bullying he was victim of during said parties... pic related)
Given how pleased he looked when Glossaryck and Meteora visited, it's safe to assume he regrets switching babies in the first place and wants Meteora to be the princess.
His father openly stated he was teaching Princess Meteora and he approved on it.
Reynaldo could perfectly be a member if the new MHC. He has already paid for more than two centuries over one awful decition... and has learnt from it.
Owen Lewis
It's only been a month since Meteora's Lesson showed us how meaningless the bloodlines actually are. Eclipsa's bloodline originated with some rando human that Glossaryck tossed a wand to.
Leo Ortiz
It's obvious the intention and I don't like cheetos man either but still think it's a lazy allegory and out-of-place in the setting.
Adam Johnson
That reminds me. Has there ever been a discussion about how this magic works? Is it like, vancian, the weave, something else, or just completely new hand wave BS?
Christopher Thomas
All I can think of is that crazy lady from step brothers.
Asher Foster
My problem with it is that Meteora's Lesson aired over a year after Butterfly Trap. If they really wanted to show "bloodlines don't matter" something showing the sheer randomness of the original Butterfly line probably should've been shown sooner.
It doesn't matter that they contradicted it later; it took them a season and over a year for them to contradict it at all, and by now all the fans and viewers remember is "STAR NOT REAL BUTTERFLY, ROYALS GOOD PEASANTS BAD" because they made such a big deal of it (it's only like the entire reason Eclipsa now has the crown) and because that happened first. I think it was a shitty move.
Noah Morris
Saging got removed years ago friend.
Eli Clark
I really would prefer it if Eclipsa's the queen of darkness again and Star or Moon would be queen of the butterfly kingdom again
Meteora doesn't need a wand to use magic anyway
Asher Parker
To be fair, Hollywood has always pushed the idea that adopted kids have a magical bond with their biological parents and the adoptive ones can't fill the void. Star vs is more a classist message because the upper-class still can't take responsability for Drumpf and put the blame on the inbreed hicks and poorfag instead.
Zachary Moore
I'm still expecting a bait and switch. The magic council is more anti dark magic that anti monsters, and It was weird to see the giant robot being is silent even thought Mina never shuts up when fighting.
Justin Peterson
so people working on star vs try to push lgbt characters but also a message against adoption, what bullshit
Blake Foster
Hekapoo will get away scot-free because she's a strong wimmen character who is shown to be not as committed as Rhombulus and the useless skull guy. The others will be jailed or turned into babbies by Eclipsa or something.
Juan Davis
She's just as involved. Just because she shows some hesitation doesn't mean she doesn't deserve punishment.
Joshua Powell
Yes but she won't receive that punishment. Just you watch
Matthew Martin
They should keep her around to bear children. And portals or whatever.
Brandon Roberts
Well, she could also be...LEKMETTED!
Sacrifice atones for everything ;)
Noah Jenkins
That's a total lie.
Buff-Frog's children are adopted and happy with their ex-mercenary dad, and Meteora loved her second adoptive family (Mariposa and not-Dihrrennia) so much she didn't want to go back being a baby to meet her real parents.
Jaxon Anderson
fuck off with your fanart bait episode
Leo Diaz
>Buff-Frog's children are adopted
You know what I completely forgot about that. And I bet the writers did too
Dylan Parker
Get outta here with that. Star and Moon are just as much Mewni's royalty as Eclipsa and Meteora. Especially after "Meteora's Lesson". I'd argue more so, since they were doing more for the citizenry than Eclipsa was.
Joshua Rogers
Good. It took way too long as it is.
Kayden Sullivan
then why is Eclipsa queen again now?
Nathaniel Jackson
Does anyone have high-res versions of these images they used to do for episodes?
I want to custom print a movie-poster size version but don't know if there's a large enough available image to do that
Ryder Turner
Because the writers want to write Star as maturing but don't have the guts to actually commit or show that onscreen.
They'd sooner die than write a plotline where she's the actual queen for longer than a few days and so making her Eclipsa's dick-sucking slave was their way of writing a queen character without having to put in any effort toward developing the main character.
also blah blah in-universe bloodline fuckery the MHC are mean baby-stealers etc. etc. please care
Camden Ward
Okay, so it looks like it'll be
>Marco vs the MHC, Mina, and her burd
>Star and Eclypsa vs The Solarian super warrior
>Janna Banna protecting the Babu and King Daddybod
With Tom as the wildcard.
Also, looks like Moon cleaning her corruption/healing her damage from Meteora in the magic dimension left corruption behind which is now spreading
Bentley Rivera
it's been a while since i've seen a "Please Put My OC in My Show" type of ordeal like this
Sebastian Morris
user, most anons here are not even show watchers but love the fanarts.
You are in the wrong place.
Samuel Torres
And that was the last time Daron ever replied to a fan tweet
Matthew Adams
I think it's the fact that she's used to being the one breaking things off, not being broken up with. Everyone else puts with her shit so much, she's at a complete loss when someone finally doesn't.
Charles Gomez
Marco could probably convince H-Poo to betray the MHC since she's trepidatious about working with Mina, but otherwise it's probably going to be the MHC and Mina beating the shit outta him unless he goes full Gary Stu outta nowhere
Gavin Butler
Can you imagine kicking out your own subjects for the benefit of foreigners whom you don't even have a right to rule over?
Eclipsa is the worst politician ever. She can only hold in to the crown because of Globgor. And what's his royal claim?
Did she really just buy public support like Palin?
Brandon Murphy
>Our kingdom used to be great. But not anymore!
Is Mina a Trump stand in?
Luke Phillips
It's shit writing, period. Peasants have killed their monarchs for far less. For some reason burgers believe that being a royal mean to have all these privileges without any responsability
Nolan Young
lel women in refrigerator
John Ramirez
Not really, Hollywood in general shit over adoption but I don't recall Star vs especifically doing it. Also Star Vs message is classist instead, a conservative fantasy where the working class is the one that need the upper class when in real life the upper class can't eat or clean their toilets without workers. Inb4 liberals, American liberals are deeply conservative at their core.
Ethan Jenkins
heres hoping fellas
Carter Moore
Monsters are her subjects too due to her husband's title (King of Monsters)
Then monsters proceeded to talk to her about their families being kicked out of their lands and offered a solution, while the filthy okupas who were there didn't bother talking to her to be reubicated and get money. (Retards)
Moon called them out of their bullshit because of this. There's no way Star and Eclipsa could know of a problem nobody told them about.
Not only that, those who live with Moon are a minority as we've seen mewmans live pretty well in New Monster Town, being medium-high class due to the prosperity of the land and economic measures. Damm! They even built leisure buildings like stadiums while Moon's Mewni was a shithole of poberty, famine and sickness.
That's the reason everybody in New Monster Town love the new kings + Star, their administration overall is top tier. They were even willing to die in order to protect her last episode.
It's Victorian Era as its finest.
Austin Barnes
this one esspecially
Hudson Gomez
I know this one exsists but it dosent have that one in high res
Bentley Torres
>while the filthy okupas who were there didn't bother talking to her to be reubicated and get money. (Retards)
My local government do the same with the indians when they take their lands for foreign oil companies and shit. They give them some cash and practically tell them to fuck off. The conservative media call them retards for not wanting to leave their homes and accept some charity money that isn't enough even for renting an apartment.
You sound like a cuck in the coloquial meaning of the term.
Isaac Stewart
>Monsters are her subjects too due to her husband's title (King of Monsters)
what bullshit, have they ever elaborated that?
Jace James
I have the one they used for Cornonation.
Jonathan Anderson
Only on some boards actually
Brayden Powell
"The Solarian super warrior" IS Mina.
Lucas Nguyen
Except monsters are the indians here. Those are their lands.
Mewmans are exactly what anons called them: okupas.
Also why the fuck would they want to live in monster houses for what they need 4 people to climb the stairs? Are they total retards?
Ask the queen for a completely new mewman house in exchange for the totally uncomfortable monster one. The rightful owner pointed out how stupid you must be to want a house in which you need you whole family and 15 minutes of climbing to put the key inside the lock.
The mewmans with two cell brains got completely new houses in the city centre and live great there. Their new kings even priorize their safety... unlike Moon, who ran away when Toffee attacked and hid for weeks, while Ludo and his rats ruled Mewni.
Hunter Ortiz
>lost to monsters
She beat them so hard they went back to the stone age
Lincoln Long
God, his Twitter is a cesspool
Lucas Lewis
And yet they lived better than peasant mewmans, owning basic comodities the latest never heart about... like toilets.
Monsters went through different ages, Mewmans remained stuck in low medieval times for centuries.
Ayden Martin
The writers don't know what any of their allegories mean anymore. Because they keep changing them on the fly.
Christian Howard
i think janna and tom are probably going to be endgame.
Dylan Hughes
Even better that she deserved it. She's been acting like a know it all white Tumblr girl since season 3 and actively putting down everyone that wants to help her down.
Caleb Evans
This was satisfying, like seeing a person sticking forks in the toaster finally get zapped.
Jackson Collins
if they Made a sequel it shoud be about Marcos children all of them
Thomas Walker
Holy shit. That is autistic as fuck. I don't know which is worse, making fanfiction or making an obvious pastiche and trying to pawn it off as something original.
Connor Sanders
Don't know why, but Tom did look like he had a fast romance during his trip.
The way he touched his necklace was suspicious.
What if he made out with Kelly off-panel?
Christopher White
its pretty weird, hes been sending messages like that to nefcy since april 9th, in fact while i was writing this he sent another message
Robert Bennett
What if he made out with Kelly off-panel?
people said the said th same thing about Jackie and Oskar. Tom will go to magic france and come back gay
Adrian Sullivan
Ok? What does that have to do with Solaria wiping out monster civilization generations ago?
Josiah Russell
I know some autist that messages me once a week on DA for a free drawing, I never replied to him but he keeps doing it
some people are just autistic like that, Nefcy should just block them
Anthony Cruz
>those are their lands
Whoa there buddy, they lost that land in the war, to people who aren't even alive anymore. By your ass-backwards logic the monsters should recompense the mewmans for the destruction of Mewni Castle and the surrounding homes.
Not kick mewmans out into the wilderness where you have to be a giant monster just to stand a chance at surviving.
Ryan Morgan
what if he made a 21 minute video explaining why you should give him free art
Jack Stewart
Fuck yourself user. You're comparing Apple's to Oranges. The ludo/toffee threat was effectively a complete loss of all military power to defend the state. It'd be like if some force suddenly completely disabled the use of all electronic technology AND all nukes were disabled or had been converted to the enemies control. Going to the root to try and figure out what had gone wrong with the weapon-systems and get it back functioning again by reviving the MHC and going to the sanctuary wasn't necessarily the wrong move from the information available to her.
Meanwhile Eclipsa deals with... what exactly? OH, that's right. JUST REBUILDING. There's no threat but civil disobedience, and she's got not only the wand but a friendly occupying force (the monsters) to maintain martial law.
Fuck off dude.
Ryder Allen
Considering she's standing in the ruins of Solaris's castle, she has a point.
Samuel Long
What is the noise drowning out his words?
Carson Martin
And thats a good thing!
Ian Peterson
user, they did.
The first time it was the rats who destroyed it + the wand exploding. Buff Frog aided by collaborating with the queen and offering her shelter.
Monsters also started visiting Mewni to buy goods, which improves economy, but Mewmans kicked them out because they are retarded.
The second time, Eclipsa herself repayed the citizens for her daughter's damage by having the population move to new neutral land and giving them new houses, improving their life style, etc... as you can see, all mewmans who live in Monster Town are perfectly fine.
She expected everybody to move there, there was no way she could know okupas were still occupying monster houses that are more dangerous to live in than the forest itself.
Spiderbites are even getting repayed pasively by monsters thanks to Slimes. They are their kingdoms saviours.
Gabriel Kelly
Austin Phillips
It's amusing the idea that Marco stumbles his way into dicking the harem. All he does is act like a dork and in the blink of an eye he's accidentally fucked his sister and a monstergirl princess.
Leo Hall
>Protip:Penelope and Slime weren't introduced or connected via anything that Eclipsa did. That was a Star lead policy and event.
Aiden Robinson
What martial law? Are you nuts or don't you even know what that means?
She allowed murder attempts against herself because she thinks contrarians have the right to express themselves.
Eclipsa had to free the civilians herself.
Her only military force is pic related and they only have basic security duties, just like before.
Brody Cox
how long until Slime is completely used up? poor guy
David Wood
This guy stutters really bad and it's just kinda sad, he also has a habit of repeating things. Not the only reason why it's hard to watch.
>"don't tell anyone I watch this show"
>"contact the creator to make' sure there's a spinoff based of OC from the internet
>spends the next few minutes talking directly to other youtubes
>mumbles 'best to get to know stuff better' for several few minutes
>ok now he's calling for a celebration for one of his Splatoon 2 victories
I've watched this for ten minutes and I can't take anymore. This guy defiantly seems like a lolcow in training.
I'm thinking it's a fan pointed at the mic
Samuel Edwards
Protip: user meant that Slime, as a monster, is repaying for the actions of his kind in the past.
That part of the post had nothing to do with Eclipsa.
Cameron Nguyen
he doesn't watch the show and just here to bitch about politics, unsurprisingly
Hunter Powell
He'll just call more Slimes to cover the demand.
Also, he is becoming the next Spiderbite king... it's a sweet deal.
Anthony Howard
WHO, exactly? If you mean ECLIPSA, an enemy of the state who turned against her Mother, the Queen, Moon to allow a rampaging mega-monster to go free and terrorize the country... then YEA, she really should've been locked up.
Jose Garcia
slime boy is a cute
Jackson Sullivan
slimes are boring and only a 5/10
t. eclipsa
Nathan Turner
>Moon is allowed to have her ethnostate complete with wall and racist citizens
Im surprised Star and the Diversity Squad hasn't broken down her door and pulled her and her people kicking and screaming into the bright, Multicultural future. Also find it funny that Eclipsa and her shitskin kingdom is portrayed as civil and elegant while Moon's white society is portrayed as barbaric yurt people. Bravo Nefcy.
Owen Brooks
What are you talking about, it's a wondrous multicultural society as long as your culture is human.
Dominic Morgan
It's official, you don't watch the show
Star Butterfly, against Queen Eclipsa's orders, put all mewmans who were against her in jail, including children, and threatened part of the population both verbaly and physicaly.
Eclipsa called her out of her bullshit and fred the mewmans because a queen who is putting her people through drastic changes should be ready for murder attempts and negative reactions.
Eclipsa believes in democracy and wants Mewmans to speak their minds and not just follow orders. Last time someone did that against Star, that blond bug transformed the poor guy into a disgusting creature.
Chase Cruz
Could the user who made this 2 years ago reupload this?
Eli Hernandez
looks like midnightstep
Bentley Lopez
They are more like muslim rapefugees trying to impose their medieval mentality to natives who were in peace and coexisted peacefuly among their different clans (white europeans)
Evan Jones
Has anybody worked on one of those autistic "out of the radar" lists?
Nolan Gomez
Globgor's name is never mentioned once in her chapter, he's always referred to as the "Prince of Darkness". If anything, it's possibly alluded to in Solaria's chapter; when she met him, she said "the monster could barely spit out a name", which could mean she didn't understand the concept of 'globgor' being his name and her twisting the event with her view on monsters.
Logan Ward
>Butterfly Kingdom is possibly around a thousand years old
>Eclipsa is at least 300 and there were ~30 queens before her
>Mewmans were originally a diverse group of Amerimutts that fell into the magic realm
>Amerikkka has only existed for 300 years and colonisation was only 100 years before that
I guess Nefcy didnt think this through
Jaxson Gomez
He also has a thick accent for some reason
Nathaniel Russell
because if it were europeans americans would stop watching the show
Wyatt Price
Something something time magic. Something something dimensional travel. Something something just a kids show.
Nolan Jones
Then why does half of Mewni have yuropoor accents?
Carter Fisher
because americans think british accents are hot
Sebastian Scott
Same. I was also really hoping Nefcy would give us a final fuck you and have Tom hit on Marco
Christian Wood
where does he post besides baraag, because it's not on there yet?
Kayden Morris
What are you basing that on? The worldbuilding this season is ass and there's been no hint at what monster life was like before or how it was any better than life in the monster village. The show even has Glossaryck go back in time to see a younger Toffee and misses an opportunity to show ligger cities or any monster society.
Making a big fuss about monsters evicting mewmans is retarded since 99% of the monsters we see in the show now are living around the Monster Temple and that area was completely abandoned. There is no reason for the Mewmans living in the old Butterfly castle to not stay and rebuild like they did after BfM. The writers are all female and it shows.
Logan Cook
>Mina is a bad person for being stuck in the past and not moving on
>Eclipsa is queen because she's from the past and from the original bloodline
can everyone writing this trash just die?
Isaiah Thompson
Nefcy only had one job.
Carter Butler
Shut the fuck up Mina
Connor Watson
aren't you supposed to suck a monster's dick right now?
Charles Thomas
>here's your Marco Jr. and Meteora bro
/sveg/ will defend this
Easton Peterson
Just like how you keep sucking Solaria's?
Anthony Cruz
Mewmans hate to work, as stated by Skywynne.
She had to do time tricks for them to rebuid the castle.
Christopher Myers
Do they get naked and make out? Very vital question
Tyler Rodriguez
>Eclipsa doesnt help or lead her displaced Mewman citizens and admits she doesnt really care about other people at all in her journal and when talking about how she only knows how to use magic to help herself, not her subjects
>Star gives up the wand, crown, and any duty towards her people despite major character development after Battle for Mewni that revolved around her wanting to help her people and make Mewni a better place for everyone, including monsters
Jayden Scott
Ayden Mitchell
Yes, theyre lesbos
Hudson Reed
>how to use magic to help herself, not her subjects
So, like 98% of queens? At least she is good enough to admit it.
Also her spells come in handy in war time and she created the Nameless one to save her people from the Septarian menace. As far as it goes, her magic has been the most useful for mewmans... it literaly save them twice.
Read between the lines faggot, she was playing dumb for Star to give her the Book.
David Adams
Gloss is big bad, calling it.
Ryan Morales
The MHC are.
Glossaryck falls into chaotic neutral category like all almighty gods.
He just wanted to be Meteora's teacher.
Connor Wright
they are only tools, a means to the end.
Gloss is pulling the strings, here.
i dont have the puppet comic on me atm.
Brandon Howard
Jew detected. You didn't address my point at all and just made up a bunch of shit.
At least you agree the Mewman family was robbed.
But damn are you dumb.
Go ahead and have your friends ban me again.
Gabriel Rogers
No, they are a disgrace to him and regrets ever giving them free will, as they only bring shame, destruction and problems.
As Eclipsa is making steps for Mewni to become a democracy, he might need Meteora not to be a princess but the leader of a completely new MHC.
"Magic is in very good hands" (Glossaryck, about Meteora)
Henry Johnson
>they're just making stuff up now
Haha! Name the episode, Eclipsa apologist.
Luke Fisher
>Jew detected. You didn't address my point at all and just made up a bunch of shit.
>At least you agree the Mewman family was robbed.
>But damn are you dumb.
>Go ahead and have your friends ban me again.
Not a Jew it was a twitter Fag
Jordan Powell
If you get banned is because you are trying to turn this into a /pol/ discussion without even watching the series.
user not only proved you are lying but used multiple examples of the show to back up his point. You have no arguments left and that's why you only can guess what his religion is or some shit. So sad.
Back on topic, did Janna left the Realm with the unicorn inside her hat?
Luis Barnes
But that's lewd
Charles Cox
>He just wanted to be Meteora's teacher.
This, babies dont complain or talk about me me me. They just absorb knowledge like a sponge which is what he likes
James Miller
The fact that you can't is the problem. Guess you are not a watcher.
I don't even like Eclipsa and even I can see he pays attention to the episodes.
From his comment I remember:
>Butterfly folies (Star turns a civilian into a hideous creature for stating some hurtful facts to her, like she ruined her family's legacy... which contrasts with how Eclipsa would never hurt a mewman even if they openly attempted to kill her)
>Yada Yada Berries (the one in which Star imprisons mewmans because she is a psycho and Eclipsa sets them free, giving the reasons user stated)
>Cornonation (Eclipsa thinks citizens should be able to choose if they want someone controversial as king and tell them to decide democraticaly if they want him to be imprisoned... they agree unanimosly on freeing him)