AVENGERS: ENDGAME Writers say they want CYCLOPS done right

>Yeah I've always wanted to see Cyclops done with some respect," he revealed, echoing the feelings of pretty much every comic book fan out there. "Feel he's gotten a raw deal."


You know what time it is lads.. Cast him.

And how should he be portrayed? The "Captain america" of mutants? Or a more rougher figurer head of the Xmen?

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As long as they just don't have him break character and mistreat his wife and child

Honestly, I think they’d bypass Maddie in the MCU and just have him knock up Jean. She “dies” shortly after the baby is born, said kid is kidnapped to the future, and you get Ultra-Punished Cyclops.

I would LOVE if they just went straight to Emma, but they will fuck up Emma in the MCU just as bad as FoXmen, so I kinda never want to see them attempt Emma

Pls no more time travel fuckery in the mcu

Make him a Cap fangirl.

Now that you said Emma; honestly, Scott really is a POS when it comes to relationships. One abandoned woman, one cheated on woman. He’s only ever managed to get along with a literal whore.
How else can you do Cable though? X-Men doesn’t need a whole lot of Time Travel, but Cable’s pretty essential down the line.

>How else can you do Cable though?

You dont. Days of future was a decent fox men movie with time travel included. Cable and time travel nonsense was also done in DP2. They shouldnt touch that shit for the next decade. There are literally hundreds of other X stories to mine from

Emma isn't a whore, she was in the Hellfire club as a way to gain power and she used her LOOKS to get what she wanted. She didn't fuck people to get that power, she TOOK the power of the relationship.

But I /want/ to see proper Cable. Besides, considering they’ll start making X-Flicks in 5 years, and how long it’d take for Cable to appear, you’d get at least a 7 year window.
She was still Shaw’s cocksleeve. And had an affair with Namor. Still, not my point. Scott’s a terrible husband. He doesn’t deserve all the hot pussy he gets.

They'll make him MAHVEL Cyclops and his only lines will be BEHOLD, OPTIC BLAST, COME AND GET ME, and CYCLONE KICK

these lines will be followed by him doing a series of combos on the nearest villain and then saying I DID IT and DREAMS, DON'T DIE

This is the only way to do Cyclops right

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she never slept with Shaw. She was the White Queen, the second most powerful person in the group. And as for Namor, she was "mind" controlled, by increasing her sex drive so it was out of control. And she just kissed him, never slept with him.

Fuck off Emma hater, she's the best X-Girl and the best telepath in Marvel

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Cyclops is only done right when he's a villain
Prove me wrong

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hell yeah

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I thought Scott as an asshole was his defining trait.

It certainly isn't his power.

>never slept with Shaw
I’m phoneposting, but it’s pretty explicit that she was banging him in the Uncanny Annual from 2010 or so. One was about Storm marrying Kang Panther and the other was about Emma’s origins.
Cyclops works best when he’s Big Boss.

Thank god

Scott deserves better than the shit Fox did to James Marsden

By with respect they mean quips pop culture references and does it all to make Tony "beloved liberator of the Mutants and inventor of the ruby quartz visor that saved Cyclops' life" Stark proud right

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>Cyclops done right
Pic related

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Only when it's a fall from grace story.

An uber idealist who follows every rule until the people he truly believes in let him down and turns to the dark side as he does not know what to believe in anymore just what works.

>They'll make him MAHVEL Cyclops and his only lines will be BEHOLD, OPTIC BLAST
Thats all I want

nah, give him all the girls

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>Tony comes back to life through an AU to “console” Jean after Scott dumps her for Emma, cucking Wolverine in the process, all the while telling Scott how many times he fucked Emma in the ass in the Hellfire Club dungeons
BASED Disney!

either he will be the butt of jokes done by others and wolverine.
or be a bit like cap america but with eyebeams.

will they have him shout JEEEEEAAAAAAAANNNNNNN?

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This is the best.

616 Cyclops literally never loved Emma. One thing Death of X did was retcon Cyclops as never being able to let go of his love for Jean. Emma literally said she was the only person he ever loved right before Black Bolt vaporized fake Cyclops.

You know, in that AvX Consequences book it was revealed that Stark purposely fucked the Phoenix up so that more Mutants could be born. Technically he keikakud things in favor of the Muties. Now, knowing Stark, chances are he’s running a secret harvesting farm somewhere, but, y’know, there’s that.

fuck off, Death of X said nothing about Scott like that. If anything is solidified their love

>Charles, the only thing we have in common is our mutual respect for Tony Stark, the time traveling hero who liberated me from the concentration camps and also taught you that humans and mutants can live in peace

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Based fucking Scott

>Charles, the only thing we have in common is our mutual respect for Tony Stark, the Time Travelling hero who gassed the kikes before they tore my beloved Poland apart and also taught you that Mutants are the Homo Superior who should replace all flatscans
Man, the Raimi cut sure is different...

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Don’t do this, feige

>It turns out Tony Stark used the Infinity Gems to seed humanity with the X-gene so Earth can be defended aginst future alien threats.

Honest talk, are there ANY comics besides AvX where Stark interacts with Muties?

>MCU Yony Stark takes over the job of the Celestials
At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if an AU Teen Tony does show up.

what will be the justification to have him take off his visor so the actor can show his eyes?

>Magneto collects Captain America memorobilia out of thanks for being rescued from Auschwitz

Ruby Quartz Contacts.

Unironically a good way to have Chris Evans cameo is a flashback of Magneto's camp being liberated by the Howling Commandos.

>not going the route of 1610 where Magneto is a crazy Canadian schreeching about “Muh 6 gorillion”


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>mutants are bad to the world
>other supers that exist are loved

This why the very concept of xmen is shit

Jean Grey/Emma Frost Psychic Block. That way they can have drama when they get separated.

I don't think she was talking about Wolverine.

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considering that some idiot who posts this dumb shit always appear no matter how many times it's proven wrong I guess it's just another form of shitposting

>The Weapon X program was infact one of Stark's old projects which he collaborated with the Canadian Govt

>Alpha Flight was formed after the Avengers when Tony was on a business trip to Montreal

Not an argument

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Nah, Emma was totally a whore. Scott was just able to make an honest woman out of here

>drops honest and pure ginger pussy
>goes after a bleached blonde whore
Scott has awful taste and deserves to suffer. I mean, isn’t part of why he fucked things up with Jean his constant insecurity when around her?

Link doesn't work

Try this: fandango.com/movie-news/exclusive-interview-the-avengers-endgame-writers-break-down-the-biggest-moments-in-the-movie-spoilers-753736

the arguments have been posted hundred of times now. You just ignore it and keep posting the same one line shitpost everytime, there's no point in talking with shitposters

>isn’t part of why he fucked things up with Jean his constant insecurity when around her?

there's that and the fact that Jean is a massive bitch and a whore herself.

They make him a teenager/college student who discovers his powers and fucks Kamala, he'll be part of THE CHAMPIONS, and it'll ease in the X-Men

Question is: Can they?

>Emma isn't a whore, she was in the Hellfire club as a way to gain power and
>she used her LOOKS to get what she wanted
That's what a whore is, user

>AVENGERS: ENDGAME Writers say they want Cyclops done right
After the mess Endgame(h) was,and how they fucked over, Thor and Cap's arcs,those two shouldn't be directing anything anymore

It's x-men. Be ready for a fuckton of time/dimensions fuckery.

Tom Cruise should play him

>thor and cap's arc
this was a tony stark movie, they didn't have arcs to begin with in this movie

>any MCU character
>done with respect
That's a laugh.

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Jean could be a bitch but that’s because she wanted things to be perfect. She got hitched to the Alpha, she wasn’t expecting an insecure nerdboy. The guy is 6’3” and can’t just grab her one night and fucker her brains out. Compared to all the slitting around, Jean was pretty pure. It’s only recently that she’s been turned into a legit whore, especially with getting niggered by the AboNigger.
He’s too short and old at this point. But he could play “Actual Leader” Cyclops pretty good.

>giving the scientologists even more money
do you want a scientologist president? because giving tom cruise more work is how you get a scientologist president

You're just furthering my point, user

they can't fuck up an arc if they don't give them one

Mutants will be due to the infinity radiation. Since thats vaguely how quicksilver and scarlet witch got their powers in the MCU.

I remember seeing this one comic where some woman was explaining why mutants are bad but mutates were ok, IIRC it was like a public service announcement or something and she was facing the reader the whole time, I know it's a vague description but does anyone have it?

I hope the X-Men reboot focuses more on Cyclops than Wolverine. Have Wolverine be the badass of the group who keeps his distance, but is seldomly the focal point. Kind of like how it was during the early part of Claremont's run.

Honestly, from a purely pragmatic perspective, mutants ARE dangerous as hell to the point where pre-emptive action is justified. Like, okay, if your mutant power is super-sticky spit or whatever all the minority analogies apply, but the character they're fighting over in that image is a godly time controller who can freeze entire cities at will and retcon people out of existence. Having the City-Busting Supermodel team come and give a monologue to the avengers about how opressed they are for their incalculable power they were born with just makes the whole thing look silly

If a superscientist came up with a device that duplicated the more busted mutant powers, this shit wouldn't even be a question, he'd get locked up

Always wanted Scott Eastwood to play cyclops but he's shorter than Jackman so that wouldn't have worked with fox men

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>If a superscientist came up with a device that duplicated the more busted mutant powers, this shit wouldn't even be a question, he'd get locked up
Pym literally invented infinite resources and omnipresence

That is *just* far past the spectrum of ridiculousness that you can't expect writers to stick to it consistently or seriously, and characters like Pym, Tony or Reed are more likely to have personal stories dealing with responsibility and repercussions over their inventions. The X-Men are stuck in trying to convince people that having a portal to the punch dimension in your eyes is equivalent to being gay

and will our girl Rogue knock Carol down a peg?

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Magneto use to kick a lot of ass.

What are the odds that both people in that picture think Stan Lee created Rogue?

Markus and Mcfeely are pretty into comics, I would trust them with Cyke.
The way Endgame explained time travel wouldn't it make Cable's qhole quest futile?

kill yourself emma whorefags

emma is a SLUT