Attached: aHR0cDovL3d3dy5uZXdzYXJhbWEuY29tL2ltYWdlcy9pLzAwMC8xNTEvNzYzL2kwMi9YLU1lbl9GRl9FV19waG90by5qcGc=.jpg (575x294, 87K)
Just what? McAvoy, Fassbender, and Holt are arguably good, and nobody can unironically say Reynolds and Jackman aren't fantastic.
Whos the short haired cutie?
Kate Mara, who played Sue Storm in Fant4stic.
Amusingly, she and Jamie Bell, who played Ben Grimm, started dating after meeting on-set and have since married, but never actually interact once in the entire movie.
Wasn't he married to Evan Rachel Wood at the time?
i couldn't tell you which mutant half these people were, and i've seen the movies
No, they weren't together anymore by that point. Also he apparently scruffed Josh Trank once because he was bullying Mara during filming
This picture represented a very brief time when Fox wanted to create their own cinematic universe using the Marvel properties they controlled, so that X-Men and Fantastic Four would cross over. They actually hyped this for a bit, hence why they took a picture of the combined casts for publicity.
Then Fant4stic came out and it was absolutely trash and the entire idea was abandoned. Also there's Channing Tatum representing the Gambit movie that never got off the ground and probably won't now that Disney bought out Fox.
Also the Fox X-Men series is conclusively ending as the X-Men series is getting rebooted in a few years at Disney, so basically no part of this planned cinematic universe is going to survive.
Why did the Gambit movie never take off? Hes a somewhat popular X-man and Channing Tatum was a huge actor.
Apparently they couldn't get their shit together behind the scenes and never even found a director