Scary episodes from non-scary shows
Scary episodes from non-scary shows
That wasn't scary at all. I don't mind it but it's kinda strange how Hey Arnold! want from being down to Earth and alive of life, then this Episode confirmed Ghosts exists in that Universe and then by the Series Finale, the Series Finale is a all out Fantasy Adventure Movie.
*slice of Life
Hey Arnold always had a supernatural twist at the end to make you think the kids were actually on to something.
But Hey Arnold takes place in the larger Nicktoons Universe
For an out-dated show it sure had some disturbing shit.
yeah and you have all the answers in life and ghosts dont exist am i right.
A lot of the urban legends were confirmed fake in the show, so you never really expected how they would end.
These reminded me of the nasty veiny shits that puppies take.
When I was a kid I had a weird fear of tesseracts. Seeing the repeating pattern folding and sinking into it self like you're falling really freaked me out.
Thanks user. I still hate it.
Most of the horror comes from the outdated shit cgi though. Look at that face jesus christ.'s a mask.
The Medusa Bug was also creepy as fuck, especially with how unstoppable and hopeless the situation became.
That episodes of The Wild Thornberries where Eliza got lost in some haunted African forest and spent the entire episode being stalked by a previous victim of the demon that lived there.
Not every single episode, but it was certainly early on that we saw supernatural stuff and knew it existed to some degree.