...and the best cartoon of the 2010's goes to...
10's in review
Mickey Mouse 2013
Pretty good for tween cartoons
Tron Uprising
Over The Garden Wall, if I need to be objective I will always answer this.
regular show
Horse Show
gravity falls, until "not what he seems"
i was enthralled. never happened since.
My ranking is something like this:
1. Over The Garden Wall (This show is generally perceived as tragedy despite the intention, the dynamic of the main characters is something else, the kid is particularly hard to write and it's hard to find that naturality. The romantic story is superior to any other modern cartoon, and I'm not talking about Sara, the only show with similar level in this aspect that I know in the western cartoon is probably Schulz, with Peppermint Patty and Charlie Brown and something related to Batman that I don't remember right now)
2. Adventure Time: it really was something different and the level of quality was amazing, I began to study cartoons because this show impressed me, but it had problems with the progress of the story. A very special thing about this show is how many characters it has and how varied their personalities are. The world of Adventure time is really wide. Besides I loved Legend of Zelda so I like the ambience
3. Steven Universe: Despite the general opinion, it had a great quality during the first season and it reached its peak of quality during Season 2 precisely when Peridot was introduced as a new character of the main group, it created a strong sensation of progress in the story. After that point I always felt that many sub-plots were dropped. For example: Gem Harvest which implied to recycle gems to extract minerals but it was never mentioned again. Pearl was a very interesting character because of her interactions with Steven, her affection was a little detail animes doesn't show very often. There are animes with this kind of day-to-day and honest affection but just a few ones, old things.
It was good but not the best from last year alone
Alex really did a number on fucking that show up towards the halfway point. Drunk bastard
4. Gravity Falls: It's probably the show with more references to old episodes in the modern cartoons, I could consider it has a good continuity for this reason, even when generally the show follows a more episodic format I always enjoyed to see those references. Mabel is interesting, the writer has to know her sister very well or she helped him to write her what is not something bad. I liked Mabel cause she was natural and Disney couldn't imitate after Gravity Falls. I think that the weakest point in the show were the villains, Gideon is a Disney's cliche character (I understand that cliches must be included) and Bills was something similar to Adventure Time's Magic Man, but it was somehow similar to Disney's BIG bad guy cliche, in fact his debut felt like a reboot of NightMaster (Yin Yang Yo).
People often hate the ending of this show because while the idea was portraying how close is the relationship of the two brothers, it was understood like Mabel depriving Dipper from a better life.
The better character is Stanley, seriously the episode telling his story with his brother is genuinely the best episode, that old man is fantastic. The comedy in this show was gold just like AT.
Yea Forums has problems with this show because Alex makes many politcal comments (and they hate Mabel because... stuffs) besides its fandom tends to be younger and they are often annoying claiming in a very rude way that this was the best show ever made and that creates a certain disdain for the show and the author, he could have said something annoyed Yea Forums but I don't remember what was it.
Steven universe sorry.
also puhoy from adventure time is GOAT
Ok but for real I feel like there’s an actual greatest cartoon of the 10’s that we’re missing here. What is it?
The Loud House.
Already has more Emmys than SU and GF combined.
Why do you hurt me?
it's been pretty shit really, but the first 3 episodes of Samurai Jack season 5 are the best thing to come out of western animation in the 10's
other than that,the first few seasons of Adventure Time were pretty damn good
does it really? what for?
I think it's gotta be Gravity Falls (even with it going bad), AT (even with it going bad), or Garden Wall (though it's 10 episodes and barley counts).
I would like to include Hilda but who knows how long it will go on for and it was barley part of this decade really.