What was Darth Vader's general mental stability like?
What was Darth Vader's general mental stability like?
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Perfectly stable, mad as hell all the time.
It seems like succumbing to the dark side is really bad for you. Anakin was pretty angsty in Episode 2 and in a good deal of 3, but NEVER comes off as someone who would hurt the people he loved, like Obi Trice, Padme, and Sheev. But he goes completely insane after becoming Darth Vader. Kills the younglings right before his own kids are born, choking Padme and trying to kill Kenobi. I don't think these are repressed emotions bubbling up, personally. I suspect it's the dark force energy.
Take Lucas' supposed vision for how the force behaves, where the Whills are sentient beings that are the force. If the Jedi move with the Whills to reach some goal together, then the dark side must be domineering and demand the force moves how they feel.
Maybe Sith are shitty to the force, so the Whills feed that back into the Sith. Could be why G-canon didn't really have Sith that weren't sadistic.
>Obi Trice
Real name, no gimmicks.
Stable but mostly dead on the inside.
The dark side gives power by indulging one's emotions. That's why good Jedi who fall make the best Sith, because betraying one's self and friends generates a lot of negative emotions to feed off of.
Killing the younglings was a conscious and lucid decision Anakin made to further immerse himself in the power of the dark side. He was perfectly sane. He knew it was abhorrent and wrong and evil but the lure of power meant more to him than doing things that weren't right. Vader is sane enough to know he has done wrong, and is powerful because he feeds off his regret and self-hate.
He is just very angery
Darth Vader: Thot Slayer
Sounds like a shitty take to me. The Dark Side has a metaphysical significance but its narrative role is moral abstraction. Chalking it all up to "dark Force energy" just robs agency away from the characters when moral agency was what the original story was all about.
Wasn't he diagnosed with BPD?
Internally, a combination of rage due to Obi-Wan's mere existence and the amount of pain he was in 24/7 while wearing the suit, and a metric fuckton of sadness and guilt due to his (alleged) role in the deaths of Padme and their unborn child
By the end, he knew he'd fucked up big time by betraying the Jedi, but stuck with Sheev and the Empire anyway because, until Luke came along, it was all he had
Link to your fanfiction.net page?
Maybe I misread the character but I always saw Vader as more cold, callous cruelty rather than burning intense rage and anger. Like he was in control, but just utterly devoid of any kind of compassion.
Literally split personality.
This. Way better than sissy boy Ren's.
you took your OT impression of him and never changed it to reflect PT and other canon depictions where his anger plays more of a role.
Bump because I dig the looking into Vader's personality. Any thoughts about Kenobi?
first panel
>fat chink woman no longer fat
>niiger wan no longer a coward
>the pilot being a chad as usual
>marey sue in front, nothing wrong by the moment
second panel
>based kylo ren learnt how to force lightning because ???
>chink, nigger and the pilotchad are hit (that would be instakill for the chink judging how she was thrown away like a used tissue)
>marey sue can block force lightnings with no training
what the fuck man, only high level users like mace windu could do that
he is a bold one
Vader's cold and callously cruel to everyone but the burning intense rage and anger is directed at himself.
I always assumed Vader was a seething ball of barely restrained fury, which is why he took any excuse to kill other imperial officers just to let off some steam.
You can extrapolate his feelings from the scene. His silence, the thousand-yaed glare, the way he tilts his head down and breathes in before igniting his lightsaber. You can see him literally starting to cry (pic related). There was a novel "Vader" written after RotS was released that explored the entire series from Anakin's point of view up to his death. It explains his feelings on the Jedi killings as well.
Looks like it would probably have killed Finn as well, seeing as it blasted through him and out the other side
IRC we actually do see him briefly cry later on Mustafar when he's just kinda ruminating on what the fuck he's done right before Padme shows up.
That said he does also genuinely believe the Empire is what's best for the Galaxy and whatnot.
I mean being angry as fuck all the time seems to make the Sith really hard to kill so they've got that going for them.
>Anakin was pretty angsty in Episode 2 and in a good deal of 3, but NEVER comes off as someone who would hurt the people he loved, like Obi Trice, Padme, and Sheev. But he goes completely insane after becoming Darth Vader.
I watched the entire PT on a plane ride last year after not having seen them since opening night. Anakin was legit remorseful about killing the Sandpeople. Padme was the one who said "lol fuck them they killed ur mom." I dunno if Lucas meant to make their relationship actually fucked up but it gave me a completely new opinion of the PT story
dunno why everyone forgets the opening of ANH where he goes around snapping important prisoner's necks and screeching
an incel
Hatred. Anger. Hatred. Order. Hatred.
Genuinely Anakin's friend but too rigidly devoted to the Order to give Anakin what he needed to keep from falling. It's obvious he knew what was up between him and Padme and he was willing to look the other way, but couldn't sit Anakin down on a personal level and tell him to admit to the relationship and pregnancy and stick with him no matter what the Council thought or did.
ADF's version of Star Wars also depicts him as less wise old mentor and more goofy uncle who only briefly lets on that he's Seen Some Shit. He was also PT-level acrobatic in killing Ponda Baba, as it he split the motherfucker in two.
>too rigidly devoted to the Order
Despite having been mentored by Qui-Gon, a heretic skeptical of the order.
Obi Wan probably became rigid to distance himself from Qui-Gon.
Shadows of the Empire's novel has a really good take on Vader although it was made before the Prequels and doesn't account for them. Spends a lot of time in his head about his methods and motivations. Hell that book is good when it's talking about anything but Leia's thirst for lizardpenis.
A lot of that comes from JEJ sort of directly copying Prowse's delivery and what was left of Vader from the earlier scripts. Vader was originally a cheeky cunt who openly mocked the Emperor while casually Force-pulling himself a glass of wine and generally gave no fucks. He was also pretty obviously just some guy and not implied to be a Skywalker
>Vader was originally a cheeky cunt who openly mocked the Emperor while casually Force-pulling himself a glass of wine and generally gave no fucks.
That sounds hilarious.
When I was younger, I thought that was because he still anakin
>Obi Wan
>Obi Trice
>Obi Have
3PO was a much more compelling character when he was written like a slimy car salesman.
Is Vader still like that in Splinter of the Mind's Eye?
I have it but I haven't gotten too far into it because so far the entire book as been Luke and Leia barely containing themselves from fucking each other right in the middle of the street. I actually ran across it while looking for my OT anthology a little while ago. Looks like he shows up at the end and is still a ragey angry fuck like on the Tantive. It was written well before Empire but probably using a later script than what ADF used for Star Wars. He at least acknowledges the suit and mask are permanent here
In retrospect his later portrayals make some scenes in ANH look a bit odd. Like the scene with the guy who argues against keeping Leia captive, or the guy who starts trash-talking the Force. They act like they have no idea what kind of a guy Vader is, or what sort of consequences there might be for challenging him.
And look at that part where he's clinging onto a chair. It's nothing important, but something about that pose has always felt oddly cute and non-Vader-like to me. It's like he's awkward and uncomfortable while grown-ups are talking, and he doesn't know what to do with his hands.
Anyway, was Vader more mellow or low-profile between PT and OT? I've been assuming he hadn't bothered to maintain his reputation until the discovery of his son gave him new energy and goals in life, and because of that, people didn't necessarily know him too well by the time of ANH. But this is just an assumption, and I haven't read a lot of stories that attempt to bridge the gap between the trilogies.
Does the Asian woman ever even meet Kylo?
Okay holy shit. Leia actually fights Vader before Luke does and he is absolutely savage. He tears that girl up with saber strikes/burns before Luke manages to join the fight, and opens by reminding her of the torture she suffered on the Death Star, which is implied as everything Han got and worse.
Okay Vader just threw a fuckin Hadouken after suggesting his saber was blue. This shit is weird
Honestly, I always took Vader's behavior in ANH to be more indicative of his usual attitude. He still makes it clear he's in charge but isn't killing people for the slightest mistake. I saw his behavior in ESB as indicating his obsession with Luke- this is a deeply personal mission for him, which is why he's angrier than usual and far less forgiving of errors.
This was also why Zahn's version of Vader never sat well with me. He seemed to turn Vader into a reckless psychopath who killed people just for glancing at him, basically exaggerating Vader's murderous tendencies all so he could prop up Thrawn as being more sensible.
They is probably why everyone who isn't a force user shouldn't jump at Kylo.
It's really just that this shit was all made up on the fly. Best suggestion from ADF's book is just that there weren't that many Sith OR Jedi wandering around or that the Moffs just came into power and prominence after whatever took them out. The wine glass Force pull is meant to be a hint that Vader is Legit and Motti/Tagge just doesn't get the hint
Going by Master and Apprentice, Obi-Wan is just naturally a "by the book" type which was why he and Qui-Gon initially had trouble bonding.
He also trips on his own arm and falls to his death. Splinter's fucking retarded.
The way I take it is that they're Vader's usual inner crew. Guys like Tarkin who he trusts and members of his elite personal guard he knows can get results. They have credibility with him.
The rest of the force is either new, temporary, or fails him consistently.
Lastly keep in mind that regardless of what they say nobody in ANH actually contradicts Vader at any point. Tarkin goes along with his plans to track Leia. His officer voices concerns but goes along with Vader when he explains himself. They don't disobey him or insult him and they keep it brief.
It's funny how self-defeating Jedi who fall to the dark side are. Anakin joined the Sith in order to protect his wife from death, and he's fallen so far and let his anger overwhelm him that he ends up killing her over a misunderstanding.
Then there's Dooku who maintains secret contact with his sister and becomes attached to Serenno because of her, leaves the Jedi to become Count in order to save her and his planet, and eventually orders her death because he feels she's getting in the way of his crusade to make Serenno the center of the galaxy.
I think it's also funny that both Vader and Dooku seem to have bigger hateboners for the Jedi than even Sheev does. He obviously hates him but it's nothing specifically personal, he sees them more as an obstacle and a threat than anything, whereas killing them seems to be cathartic for the two ex-Jedi.
>dem spoilers
What is this from?
Yeah, it's not as good as what he did with SW but it was written probably somewhere in 76 or 77 with no idea of what was to come and was intentionally designed to be filmed on the cheap. It's just weird to see such a one-dimensional Vader. He's much more like what the Emperor came to be
Yeah, that's something that's remained consistent about Sheev in both the EU and canon. He's mainly satisfied with the Jedi just being out of his way and he puts exterminating the last survivors as a secondary priority. Vader is more obsessed with finding and exterminating them and Sheev sometimes has to tell him to cool off and focus on the bigger picture instead of obsessing over every last Jedi. He does the same with Maul too, he'd like to have Maul dead but he's satisfied as long as Maul has no power base that could threaten his plans. Maul on his own isn't a threat worthy of his attention so he's just relegated that to inquisitors while he focuses on more important things.
Dooku: Jedi Lost, it just came out this week.
Is it any good?
I understood that reference.
Yeah, though I'm disappointed that it only covers his time as a Jedi, so the backstory stuff basically ends when he becomes Count. But it's still a pretty good look into his mindset and how he came to get there. It's a little refreshing after the two-dimensional portrayal he had in TCW, here it's clear that he genuinely thinks he's doing the right thing, which was how he was portrayed in the EU. The actor playing him takes some getting used to, he sounds nothing like Lee or Burton and makes no attempt to sound like them, which on one hand lets him give a clean performance without trying to do an impression, but at the same time it sounds weird when everyone else who plays an established character is trying to sound like them but not Dooku. Hell, even the dude playing Tera Sinube makes an attempt.
Also if you're curious his named is confirmed to be just Dooku.
Is it official that the suit itches all the time and he regularly needs hosing whilst the suit is being scrubbed of dead flesh?
Yep. Also he has no dick.
>Also if you're curious his named is confirmed to be just Dooku.
Any other interesting tidbits? Apprentices, etc? Is Komari Vosa canon again?
Depends. I think new Vader comics have already have him overhaul his limbs and suit on his own
Let me see what I can give you that's not spoilery.
The story only mentions two padawans, Rael Averross (from Master and Apprentice) and Qui-Gon, so no Vosa. I can't remember if it confirms that he only had those two but I think I remember them mentioning he hadn't taken another one after Qui-Gon. He does become a lightsaber instructor, though.
Dooku and Sifo-Dyas were younglings together and basically best friends for life. They called each either Doo and Si when they were kids but grew out of it later. Also Tera Sinube was the one watching their clan, sort of like how we see him hanging out with the younglings from TCW.
Similarly, Qui-Gon, Ky Narec and Ima-Gun Di are part of the same youngling clan.
Dooku actually has pretty strong animal kinship powers, and even takes care of a Jedi's convor while she's away. Apparently Jedi are allowed to have pets or something, that part isn't really made clear.
Dooku actually manages to get a seat on the Jedi Council, and he's still on it at the time he decides to leave. He's also the Jedi representative in the senate, which I didn't know was an actual job.
It doesn't specify exactly when he left, but going by Master and Apprentice, Dooku left at least 7 years before the Battle of Naboo. This was already kind of implied by the timeframe in TCW which had him killing Sifo-Dyas and getting involved with the Kaminoans before the Battle of Naboo.
Apparently Jedi padawans are chosen once a year. They hold sparring duels while prospective masters watch, and each year they change up the format, like having the duels blindfolded or underwater. If you don't get chosen, you're held back a year.
The gladiatorial arena from Genndy Wars is back, and it's now canon that this is where Dooku finds Ventress, though the scene plays out a little differently.
That's all I can think of that wouldn't really count as spoilers.
>Dooku on the Jedi Council
My nigga getting recognition
>The gladiatorial arena from Genndy Wars is back, and it's now canon that this is where Dooku finds Ventress, though the scene plays out a little differently.
Nice, what's different about the scene?
Why is this so ugly? Looks like Korean shit
10/10 tier Jedi masters but a 6/10 tier masters to Anakin, Kenobi was too much of a stickler to code and too young to be the right father/mentor figure for Anakin he ended up seeing him more as a bro in the end and wasn’t really ready for a padawan like him sure they became close but he wasn’t successful and helping Anakin deal with his issues and but he did let him hook up with Padme on the side because he’s a bro but post rots he’s probably the most depressed guy in the galaxy considering he’s basically failed everyone he could have at that point and was delegated to a hermits life on a desert planet making sure he doesn’t fuck up again
For starters, Osika Kirske (the warlord on Rattatak that killed Ventress's family in the EU) from the old Republic comics is canon again, and he enslaves her and forces her to fight in the arena. Dooku is there as Kirkse's guest and nonchalantly decapitates him while sipping whine, which pisses Ventress off because she wanted to kill him. From that point on it's mainly the same, though she doesn't claim to be a Sith and Dooku duels her there before electrocuting her. Then she wakes up in his castle on Serenno.
Sadly none of the other gladiators are really described so we didn't get a Jasper McKnives namedrop.
Dark Side generally makes people into full on mustache twirling magnificent bastards that seem to kill anything around them on a given day for seemingly no reason at all. While they give themselves cartoonish Lord Meanie Evilbad type names.
then they get really hot and bothered when someone else in the room is really pissed off and raging. Like it's some sexual thrill just being near someone who is pissed of
Anakin really needed Qui-Gon as his master
Maybe if they'd let Anakin get laid he wouldn't have been so hung up on Padme
So Qui-Gon should've fucked Anakin?
The entire Jedi Council should've fucked him. Not a brutal gang rape, but taking turns tenderly making love to him.
Except Yarael Poof, everyone knows that dude can only go full animal during sex, complete with loud non-stop screeching.
He probably wouldn't object with the female Yoda race one.
Post your face when we're not getting a Kenobi movie with Ewan because nu-Star Wars is trash and Solo bombed.
Nobody could object to her
Well played
What would it even be about? Slice of life Obi-Wan chilling on Tatooine?
I don't know, but there's Ventress and Inquisitors and Ahsoka and Maul still around, And maybe a character arc so he can face all those feelings after seeing the entire galaxy sucumb to darkness because he failed as a master and as a friend.
Rumor is that it's being reworked to be a miniseries for Disney+, which honestly isn't a bad idea
Ventress dies before ROTS and Rebels already depicted his and Maul's only post-ROTS meeting
>Ventress dies before ROTS
That's didn't seem a problem for Maul (and maybe Sidious?We still don't know), or for all the other characters in the EU that have escaped death. Also:
>Anakin slashes her from behind, mortally wounding her. As she lies dying, she tells him the location of the Separatists' next target. Believing Ventress to be dead, Obi-Wan puts her on a ship bound for Coruscant. However, Ventress survives by placing herself in a Sith trance.
She already did it once.
>mixing up EU and canon
I dunno, Maul managed to pull it off because we technically didn't see him die, we saw him suffer a presumably mortal wound and fall into a pit.
With Ventress it's pretty conclusive that she died.
>X character is still around!
>they're dead
I mean I get what you're saying but it's clear you didn't know she was dead. It's also easier to assume that characters that are confirmed alive would show up, rather than assume that characters who are confirmed dead would show up thanks to wacky resurrection scenarios.
I'd love to see Hondo run into Obi-Wan on Tatooine, though that would require Hondo to keep his mouth shut about it and as much as Hondo likes Obi-Wan I don't think he'd be able to keep that to himself.
>Letting the mouse dictate what is or isn't canon
>coming into a discussion about canon in a Disney-produced series and trying to use EU explanations that have no reason to apply
>get called on it
>s-shut up disney doesn't rule me
Every time
I just finished this a few hours ago Dooku fucking summons and then slays a dragon proving he's metal as fuck and most likely went on to shed the blood of 4,000 Saxon men
Is there any mention about her lightsabers?
the film looks to be pure fan-service
there's very few books announced for this JtTROS project, which makes it an extreme let down. Only about three novels (adult to teen-level) actually worth reading and only one comic mini-series. JtTLJ had more despite most of it getting ignored in the movie itself (mainly the Phasma stuff).
They didn't even have James Luceno write anything, which means we're not due for a "good" SW book until whenever Project Luminous or w/e starts next year, once we get the third Thrawn book this summer.
I noticed that too, but they also said that this will be "bigger and bolder" than the other Journey To tie ins. I have a feeling this will probably be one of the most "relevant" books in the canon since it takes place right between 8 and 9 (before 9 even comes out) and they have the confidence to say something like that
they can say that all they want, but ultimately the tie-in stuff doesn't really matter. It's all based on stuff already decided for TROS, so the events aren't written book first then movie; it's movie then book.
why don't we have more comics set between ep 1 and 2?
So? Its still content that will heighten your enjoyment of the film. Who cares if the movie was created first?
The Rogue One tie-in Catalyst was in a similar situation, but it played such a big role in the Rogue One story that it turned a 6-7/10 movie into easily an 8 maybe 9/10
The very first comic announced is about getting a new fleet so they'll start with one by the time the movie happens.
Why didn’t she just build her own unique looking lightsaber? It would have helped her stand out and look more distinct.
Yo guys I wanna read some Obi-Wan comics. Hit me up with recomendations please.
Gonna try to break it down from my perspective as best I can cause I've been thinking alot about this, basically:
He feels a tremendous amount of confused rage which he uses to focus on completing tasks. When he's not using his rage to kill Jedi its either aimed at incompetent imperials or rebels for example. This rage stems from shitty childhood and really unfortunate life events (Mom dies before you could become a Knight and save her, couldn't save wife but also realize it was you who probably killed her etc) which he then also blamed on not only himself but others such as the Jedi.
That rage also stemmed from alot of self blame and regret. He actually regrets having to massacre the Jedi on Coruscant because he realized after assist killing Windu, the Order will brand him too dangerous and kill him even if he decided to not join Palpatine and turn him in. So the only other choice to save his wife was to survive and Palpatine was his best option at the time.
I think Mustafar was the turning point where he fell too far down and couldn't get back up since Obi Wan not only defeated him, but from his point of view, left him mangled and in pain for years which is a lot worse then just icing him. The defeat basically pushed him further to despise the Jedi and the galaxy at large since he was a walking corpse with nothing to live for. Not to mention right after, he's master lied to him and instead of making him stronger, just used him as a lapdog to do life threatening tasks for HIS empire which is why Vader made so many attempts to kill and overthrow the old man.
Alot of people always say Vader and Anakin are two different people and that its some extreme multiple personality disorder but I don't think so. I think he's always been the same person just jaded to the extreme and now only feeling the anger he suppressed for over 20 years.
for those that listened to the Dooku book, how do they pronounce Rael's name?
in old eu yes, in new not really
So who is going to be the zeus who kills the mouse?
A great and revered jedi master. Ambitious and enjoys power more than he would ever dare to admit . He's an asshole and he knows it. Would like for the galaxy to be at peace, but battles are a thrill to him. Smart, resourceful with a lot of connections among people from both upper class and underground. Obi-Wan is well aware he's charismatic and he uses his sense of humor and likeableness to his advantage. He sometimes comes off as cold, honestly would make a great Sith but he's too elitist to ever team up with the underdogs. Probably rarely gets attached, however I do believe he loved Anakin more than life itself before Vader
This, Anakin and Obi-Wan mini is one of the few really good stories in canon. Basically usually content written by Soule is great
>He's an asshole and he knows it.
>He sometimes comes off as cold,
It's kind of a jedi thing.
>honestly would make a great Sith
If seeing his own master die, being offered to join forces with Dooku and having to maim his padawan who he loved as a brother or as a son didn't breack him and didn't make him sucumb to the dark side, he migh be the least qualified person for being a sith.
From the top of my head
>pathetic lifeform
>truth is just a point of view
>humiliating Anakin in front of Padme
>telling Anakin to go spy on the Chancellor knowing how much Anakin respects and admires Sheev (and also it's treason)
>not sticking up for Anakin in front of the council
>shittalking his enemies straight to their faces (this is based, don't get me wrong)
>faking his death and choosing not to let Anakin in on the plan, knowing Anakin considers him a parent figure and is emotionally unstable
Last part of your post I 100% agree, dude is mentally formidable
>If seeing his own master die
Considering how genuinely mad he got and that he used that anger well to stop Maul and yet he still didn't turn, he never would.
Poor, because he thought everything he loved was dead, mostly by his own hand. So he's got nothing to do besides aimlessly lash out at the world or seclude himself in depressive isolation. The only person who he has any sort of connection to is Sheev, who delights in fucking with him endlessly to trap him in his cycles of guilt and rage. Because as long as Vader is trapped, he's useful and controllable.
>The gladiatorial arena from Genndy Wars is back, and it's now canon that this is where Dooku finds Ventress, though the scene plays out a little differently.
Nice. Now have them make Grievious's old origin story re-canonized.
She should really have a double sided lightsaber considering she's more used to fighting with a staff
>telling Anakin to go spy on the Chancellor knowing how much Anakin respects and admires Sheev (and also it's treason)
>not sticking up for Anakin in front of the council
I suppose you're talking about the whole "master" thing, but you're forgetting a massive plot point in the movies: Obi was told by Dooku himself that the lord sith was in control of the senate. It's more of a desperate mean than an asshole move, and it's not like they had any reasons to obey Palpatine's demand (of letting Anakin into the council).
Ultimately I personaly think he didn't defend Anakin because he thought the same thing as the council, that he wasn't mature enough.
Can you imagine being in a leather suit clinging and poking at your bare flesh causing it to itch all over and you can't scratch it.
Then the only relief is to have the suit peeled off whilst your limbless body is sprayed with cold water?
>regurgitating mouse propaganda while having iger's dick in your mouth
Mouseshills are cancer.
I'm fine with this.
I remember him choking one in particular. I don't remember any shrieking or angry screaming. He definitely seemed upset though.
>Ultimately I personaly think he didn't defend Anakin because he thought the same thing as the council, that he wasn't mature enough.
Everyone also forgets that he straight up tells Anakin "Dude wait like 15 years and you'll be running the goddamn place you're like a Jedi God" and he meant it. Anakin even manages a "yeah probably" sort of wry smile when he says it.
>But he goes completely insane after becoming Darth Vader. Kills the younglings right before his own kids are born
Or maybe.... The prequels have really shitty writing.
He is a pathetic man who digged his own hole and regret every decision he made, but refue to admit that he does.
This is not a word.
It's, but dug is preferable.
I stand corrected. It's archaic.
Imagine the smell
When Apple buy Disney
Yes, she's using hers and Ky's lightsabers at first. There's no mention of how she gets her new lightsabers, though.
I'd rather they didn't. I never liked the old one, it felt too much like a paint by numbers tragic origin and didn't really mesh with his personality, to the point that they had to say the Geonosians messed with his brain and adjusted his personality to explain why he went from noble savage to mustache-twirling egotist.
It makes more sense that he was a vain, egotistical creature from the beginning and all of his upgrades are an attempt to cross a power gap because he felt he deserved to be stronger than the Jedi and it tore him up that they'd always be better because of magical powers.
Why the art is so terrible holy shit
Same, though my issue with the old origin is that Dooku and Sidious apparently really REALLY needed this one guy to be their bogeyman and when he turned them down rather than just find someone else, they had to engineer this convoluted scenario to trick him into joining. It makes sense when Sith trick other Force users this way since that sense of anger, hatred and thirst for revenge heightens their powers. Doing it to non-Force users seems really pointless.
The EU did something similar with Tarkin, where Palpatine engineered the death of his son in order to manipulate him into committing genocide, but that doesn't make sense since Tarkin's already willing to do that.
That kung fu pose on Rose is kinda racist
So what does everyone think of the theory that Sheev is gonna Darth Momin up Episode 9 and start possessing people and shit?
The Dark side isn't stronger though, I think that needs saying. As Yoda says, it's faster, easier, but also more destructive. You get there quick, but pay a far higher price than you otherwise would.
He was annoyed that the guy died on him.
He's dead calm right after yelling at Leia, when Lieutenant Balls-of-Titanium openly questions him twice in one breath, and calmly accepts and provides solutions.
>Apparently Jedi padawans are chosen once a year. They hold sparring duels while prospective masters watch, and each year they change up the format, like having the duels blindfolded or underwater. If you don't get chosen, you're held back a year.
That's mostly the same as in old EU I think.
>the guy died on him
because he snapped his neck in a fit of rage
they sent you off to be a farmer in the old EU if you failed
Yes. The dark side rewards indulging base emotions, so it's much easier. Getting to the equivalent level through the light side on the other hand is tough as fuck and requires a lot of focus because it doesn't reward anything, you have to hone it with extreme discipline and years of training.
I imagine both light and dark side would be able to do unnatural things like transcend life and death and bend spacetime but the sheer amount of time it would take to develop those powers makes them astronomically out of reach for most species, which is why even Yoda couldn't become a force ghost until someone taught him despite training for 900 years. Sith have the benefit of using strong emotions and powerful ancient artifacts as shortcuts but the catch is that the greatest powers require a philosophical shift that completely refutes the dark side, rejecting the self entirely. You can't become truly immortal through the dark side unless you are willing to forsake everything at the very end and do a total 180° and give up everything.
It's anathema to the bitter manchild Sith so they'd just rather die.
It sounds like an asspull to get people interested. I don't believe for a moment that anyone planned this and it fits into JJ's MO of just playing on nostalgia because he can't think of anything else.
If nothing else we'll get a good performance out of Ian but I don't expect it to make any sense story-wise nor for it to fit thematically into anything.
I mean, Palpatine was only 55 years old in Episode 3, and he was on par with Yoda, someone who has been a Jedi for centuries at that point. Despite Vader having his limbs chopped off and losing a big chunk of his Midichlorians, he was not only able to bounce back, but almost equal Palpatine in strength, the only thing holding him back from surprassing him being that Palpatine was the only thing Vader had left after betraying the Jedi and losing Padme.
Wasn't he like 70? I remember reading Palps is supposed to be around 100 in ROTJ
The leak about how it plays out already tells me it's going to be a letdown. Sheev possesses Matt Smith's character and fights Rey and Kylo, they kill him and then Sheev possessed Kylo who sacrifices himself to kill Sheev once and for all. Hopefully this is false because it sounds retarded and that last part is too on-the-nose. But at the same time the blatant nature of it tells me it's likely what JJ is planning because the idiot seriously can't do anything new and just copies shit from the OT. So having Kylo redeem himself the exact same way Vader did is ALMOST pottery but it just feels lazier than anything and I don't expect JJ to understand the difference between Vader doing it and Kylo doing it
The EU had him be really, really old, but as of the prequels Lucas decided to have him more closely match McDiarmid's age at the time, so he's in his 50's in TPM and in his 60's in ROTS, meaning he's in his 80's in ROTJ.
I think I might have been wrong now that I think about it, he may have been 55 in a Phantom Menace, which would have put him in his mid to late 60’s in Episode 2 and 3. The OT was 20 years later, putting Palpatine in 85-90’s range.
>that spoiler
Wait, seriously?
>Padme was the one who said "lol fuck them they killed ur mom."
Big if true
This is why you never sign up for Dark Side Dental.
Yeah. As a kid Dooku visits Serenno and learns about this dragon-like creature serving as like a coat of arms for Serenno. According to legend, the Sith used it as a weapon and the people of Serenno defeated it so it's now part of the planet's lore. While he's learning about this there's an earthquake.
Years later he realizes it wasn't a regular earthquake and he accidentally disturbed an ancient creature that had been buried for centuries, Zillo Beast style. He fully awakens it and uses the Force to command it ala Ezra Bridger and help him overthrow his brother Count Ramil. At the same time though, since he bonded with it through the Force he could sense it was miserable and still full of dark emotions from the time it was used by the Sith, so he puts it out of its misery.
But it's all I can afford...
Remember the pain
It will make you stronger
None of the girls in Resistance are my waifu, so Filoni no longer has any power over me
I mean Torra's kind of cute but I'm not really attached to her and her death would mean nothing
>I mean Torra's kind of cute but I'm not really attached to her
Beliving a leak that says in it that it itself is just rumours that he heard which means it can play out differently or is completely bullshit .
Not to mention all of Sheev's stuff with Jakku in Nu canon .
The Emperor is a being of pure evil and his plans went far beyond merely ruling the galaxy. In Tarkin we learn his goal of achieving power over reality itself:
And he would not allow himself to be sidetracked from his goal of unlocking the secrets many of the Sith Masters before him had sought: the means to harness the powers of the dark side to reshape reality itself; in effect, to fashion a universe of his own creation. Not mere immortality of the sort Plagueis had lusted after, but influence of the ultimate sort.
Luceno, James. Star Wars: Tarkin.
We further see him attempting to expand his power in Rebels when Ezra and Ahsoka prevent him from accessing the World Between Worlds. It would seem then that Palpatine is the ultimate threat. If the Emperor returned, he could resume his efforts to unlock the secrets of unlocking reality. Surely he must be the ultimate threat and his defeat the endpoint for the franchise.
>Not to mention all of Sheev's stuff with Jakku in Nu canon
That would require JJ to know or care about any of it.
Does anyone else feel like Darth Vader is kind of overrated and doesn't really even feel like he's that heinous of a villain? I feel like he's just a lesser version of better bad guys like Darkseid or Dr. Doom.
That's the thing though, he was defeated once before. Apparently that wasn't enough and he has to have another new, final, for realsies defeat that ends him once and for all.
Until the next time they need to bring him back to raise the stakes, at which point he'll have his absolute ultimate no-take-backs final, final, FINAL defeat, permanent and irreversible.
Until it needs to be reversed again.
all through out the OT he's collecting Sith Relics like Momin's Helmet and the enchantress spell book .
Who are the writers to watch for in the new canon books? I haven't heard anything good about Wendig, so far I enjoyed Twilight Company, New Dawn, and Lords of the Sith.
Though he is also Hearing something in the unknown regions :A SOURCE OF THE DARKSIDE
Sidious muted the feed once more, steepled his fingers, and brought them to his lips. During his meditations he had tried without success to trace a snaking current of the dark side to its source. What had it been trying to communicate to him?
Luceno, James. Star Wars: Tarkin
As of the events of Tarkin (about 14 BBY), the Emperor has not determined where the source lies. By Aftermath (several months after Endor), he seems to have? determined it if one goes by his Sith advisor, Yupe Tashu:
“No Sith remain,” Tashu says. “And the lone Jedi that exists-the son of Anakin Skywalker-possesses an untouchable soul. At least for now. We must instead move toward the dark side. Palpatine felt that the universe beyond the edges of our maps was where his power came from. Over the many years he, with our aid, sent men and women beyond known space. They built labs and communication stations on distant moons, asteroids, out there in the wilds. We must follow them. Retreat from the galaxy. Go out beyond the veil of stars. We must seek the source of the dark side like a man looking for a wellspring of water.
Star Wars: Aftermath Pg. 114
This. People think that the revelations about time fuckery in Rebels will play a part, but there's no way JJ Abrams will do that. The most we can expect is for JJ to come up with his own wacky explanation, then have Pablo and LSG retroactively make it fit with Jakku/Plagueis's teachings/World Between Worlds/etc because none of those are things Abrams is ever going to take into consideration on his own. All he's concerned about is bringing back Palpatine for the nostalgia hype and he'll let other people worry about how it actually has to fit.
>That your whole plan?
What Lies in the Dark?
“The danger of the past is not past, but sleeps in an egg. When the egg cracks, it will threaten the galaxy entire.
-Ancient Prophecy
Gray, Claudia. Master and Apprentice: Pg 133.
What is this source of the Dark Side? It’s not really clear, but it’s location in the Unknown Regions suggests it’s nothing good:
For decades, these computers have been plotting a journey. Outside the known galaxy is an unexplored infinity, Palpatine explained, one closed off by a labyrinth of solar storms, rogue magnetospheres, black holes, gravity wells, and things far stranger.
Empire’s End
The journey through the Unknown Regions has been harrowing. Taking short hyperspace jumps through the chaos has been like navigating a dangerous maze at full speed. But the sentinel assured her the path was safe. They skirted superstorms and saw strange creatures out there in the blackness of the void. They lost system power when a magnetic burst of mysterious origin cascaded through space—but it was only for a few hours…
Empire’s End
It's time to start over. That is our first order. To
This Gives Rise to the First order
begin again. And to get it right, this time." - Rae solane
Empire's End
we know someone sold Rey and left her on the planet (Jakku ) sheev likes more then his home of naboo or Coruscant which is suspicious .
We have Rey herself bringing up the mystery of the emperor thinking Jakku was important in her Survival Guide
Luceno and Zahn are strong hold overs from Legends. Claudia Grey is one of the best new canon authors. Alexander Freed is a strong okay; we'll have to see how he does with Alphabet Squadron in a couple months.
Wendig is trash and a lot of the other authors only have one or less SW books to go off of.
We have snoke bringing up the emperor in TLJ novelization
"Palaptine had engineered the Contingency to simultaneously destroy his Empire and ensure it's rebirth, ruthlessly winnowing its ranks and rebuilding them with who and what survived. The rebuilding was to take place in the Unknown Region, secretly explored by Imperial scouts and seeded with shipyard, laboratories, and storehouses - an enormously expensive effort that had taken decades, and been kept hidden from all but the elect.
But the imperial refugees' military preparation had been insufficient bulwarks against the terrors of the Unknown Regions. Grasping in the dark among the strange stars, they had come perilously close to destruction, and it had not been military might that saved them.
It had been knowledge - Snoke's knowledge.
Which, ironically, led back to Palpatine and his secrets.
Palpatine's true identity was Darth Sidious, heir to the Sith, had been and even greater secret to the Contingency. And the Empire's explorations into the Unknown Regions had served both aspects of its ruler. For Sidious knew that the galaxy's knowledge of the Force had come from those long-abandoned, half-legendary star systems, and that great truths awaited rediscovery among them."
his hand prints are everywhere now looking back now that we know he's coming back in TROS
Just the fact that it feels like Dark Empire being warped to fit into the new story is warning enough it's going to be shit.
I get what you're trying to do, but none of this is going to be relevant.
"He who learns to conquer death will through his greatest student live again."
( Forshadows Yupe Tashu's sacrifice on Jakku waking Palpatine's spirt up in Chaos . )
"When the Righteous lose the light Evil shall Return "
( Foreshadowing Luke cutting himself off from the force in his exile after the rise of the first order and Ben solo's Fall to the dark side heralding Sheev's Glorious Return )
This is all not mentioning all the stuff that will be coming in Age of Resistance Rey , Kylo and Snoke #1s theres also the upcoming Galaxy Edge and Journey The Rise of Skywalker lead up novels series that will also foreshadow things
it will have more fate user they said sheev was planned since they started this is all the build if we take them at their word .
>if we take them at their word
This is JJ "make shit up as I go" Abrams, dude. There's no way any of this was planned.
which I admit is stupid
It's messed up that that original theory of Snoke being a Palpatine clone is actually possible now.
It's pretty obvious this was not originally the plan. Abrams even made a Store Brand Sheev because actual Sheev was dead. Now that Snoke is out of the picture and the fandom has turned against the ST after TLJ, Abrams is pulling Sheev out as a stunt to get people interested again. The sad part is it's working.
the tusken raiders deserved it
user, your parents were tusken raiders. I'm sorry you had to find out this way.
>"Yes, I fully agree with Rian's idea that Rey's parents should be nobodies, we actually both came to the same conclusion that this is how it should be"
>fanboys bitch
>"A-actually, there's more to it than that, watch The Rise of Skywalker to find out more!"
I killed them all.
I think its more like Rey's sheev's clone and Snoke is just one of the people sheev sent in the UR ahead of time. that he probably started a Voldemort - quirrell like link with after his death
naw art of TFA had them investaging the ruins of DS in concept art so its probably a idea that didn't get far until present
There's a ton of abandoned shit in the TFA art book that ended up not having any bearing on anything, mainly because it was the artists just freestyling ideas at a time when nothing concrete had been thought of yet. Hell, the comments in the book itself note that the Death Star ruins being intact enough to explore makes no sense. I wouldn't be at all surprised if JJ just looked over the old concept art and decided to just go with that.
I liked buff punk pirate lady. Did she have a name? Or survive? I can't even remember.
Does this book have "Finn and Poe leave everything behind to live as gay lovers on the gay planet" as a potential ending?
It might
He can use the force to scratch that shit.
So I take it this is the big novel for this round of Journey To books? Anyone know anything about this author? I'm not really excited about the premise but I may check it out if the author is good.
Apparently her first ever novel came out last year, and she's never done anything with Star Wars. I have no idea. Either way the only books this round that I'm going to bother with at all are the art book and Visual Dictionary. Even then I'm probably just going to wait for them to be scanned.
Ya know, I might have been excited for this like two years ago.
It just feels a little late now, you know? Like you can't just expect me to care about it four years after you introduced these characters.
That's retarded, and unfortunately the kind of idea JJ would go with.
That fucking thing was vaporized, and I doubt if anything was left of it would be that big or flung to some other planet other than Endor like the trailer implies.
The remnants of the death star is from the pre-JJ treatment by Lucas (and Arndt).
Oh my God. Mickey get iPad.
>the pre-JJ treatment by Lucas (and Arndt)
Interesting. Is there any more info about this?
We don't have a lot of info about it, but apparently Luke getting his new Jedi Order wiped out and fucking off was part of it. From what I remember the part Arndt had problems with was how to handle the story once they found Luke, without him just curbstomping everyone and rendering the main characters (the characters that eventually became Rey and Finn) useless.
Man I'd love to see Lucas's original idea for the ST one day. We know he had one since he's talked about it, but I guess he probably can't say anything at least until after IX is out. Maybe they could make a comic like that one of his original draft of the OT.
Honestly it sounds like it's not THAT much different from what we got, though I know if Lucas was involved there would've been a lot less OT pandering and more imaginative imagery
>I'd love to see Lucas's original idea for the ST one day
You're in luck, this vid goes into some details about it.
like this
Him and Punished Cody team up for one final hurrah. Nu-canon still hasn't given a reason for why the Empire switched from clones to regular recruits. Maybe have the two go to Kamino to sabotage the facilities.
Ventress's fate comes from unfinished TCW episodes, which were written before the Disney buyout and Rebels was made by most of the same team as TCW. Just admit you have no idea what you're talking about and move on.
Why didn't you celebrate May the 4th?
May the Fourth isn't for the hardcore fans, it's for casuals who wear Star Wars shirts once a year and giggle about how geeky they are and what big fans they are. There's not really much of a reason to celebrate it if you're constantly exposed to Star Wars.
I mean I don't even have a problem with people who want to tweet Yoda quotes today, just saying this day is kind of pointless for people who live and breathe Star Wars on a constant basis year-round.
Can we finally agree that women have no place in the Star Wars fandom?
Your pleb is showing
I never saw Vader as an angry character. Merely devoid of any emotion at all who was all business. His malice was merely a way of keeping the empire running smoothly. Much like how a dictator will have a strong hand at punishment over his government.
Well, apart from the good guy survivors of RotS, nobody but Vader knew Palpatine was a Sith Lord. To the galaxy at large, he was a charismatic senator who "reluctantly" took power, soldiered through an assassination attempt that left him looking like he lost a fight to a microwave oven.... and then he went full on totalitarian asshole with two fucking doom lasers, but that's beside the point.
Point is, Vader is the only Force User out in the open by the time the Jedi purge settles. Most of them died early on, leaving a 15-20 year gap of no big to-dos with the Force, no lightsaber fights, nothing. The Moffs at the table thought they were hot shit because of the Death Star, but Vader's seen real power and isn't going to put up with their pride.
Well, Tarkin did try to talk him out of the idea Obi-Wan was sneaking around the Death Star, but look at how diplomatic he was about it. There was clearly respect even though Tarkin didn't agree with him.
In ESB, Vader kills Ozzel after at least two fuck ups-- he dismissed evidence that the rebels on Hoth--which would have cost the Empire alot of precious time and resources if they effectively passed over the actual base-- and then fucked up the initial invasion. Vader ain't having that shit. Anyone else in command--even without Vader's personal stake in the matters, would have at least demoted the guy back down a few ranks.
>Clockwork Orange sharpie tattoo
>safety lighter
>venom symbol badly copy and pasted on
It's funny how mad this makes you.
>leaving a 15-20 year gap of no big to-dos with the Force, no lightsaber fights, nothing
I used to question why people would be skeptical of the force and jedi with them being exterminated less than a generation ago, but I think the Jedi were 20k at the their highest? Across a galaxy of TRILLIONS, it wouldn't be hard to convince the average person that jedi powers were exaggerated, and no one really knew anything about the Sith's powers or modus since they were so secretive (and only two at any given time).
What about Star Wars Dark Disciple?
We can only hope that was a non-final draft that got turned into a book.
Literally based on said unfinished episodes
Imagine expecting people to know lore extracted from media that wasn't even made.
Go to bed Tom. You'll have a better chance at catching that mouse after a good night's rest.
>not expecting people to know Star Wars lore in a Star Wars thread
If you're still here, can you give me a rundown on how and why Dooku leaves the Jedi?
Alright, let me break out the spoiler tags.
As a kid, youngling Dooku and a bunch of other Jedi visit Serenno and Dooku meets a girl named Jenza, who turns out to be his sister which leads him to discover that his father is the Count of Serenno. Their dad angrily forbids Jenza from ever contacting him again (he literally gave him away to the Jedi because apparently he really hates Force users or something) and the Jedi discourage Dooku from doing the same, but they secretly stay in touch for years. Because of this Dooku ends up developing a slight attachment to Jenza, and by extension to Serenno.
Over the years Dooku sees a lot of shit from both the Republic and the Jedi. There's a disaster on a planet that leads to a heavy death toll and all the Republic cares about is how much of the planet's bacta can still be harvested. There's other stuff but that particular example factors into this.
Years later Dooku is already kind of getting tired of the politics, and out of the blue his sister contacts him. It turns out their brother Count Ramil (their father died so he's the new count) is basically being a selfish greedy asshole. The people of Serenno actually hired an army of Abyssin mercenaries to overthrow him and he ended up just paying them more to side with him so now they have that. Dooku asks the Jedi Council for help but they refuse since Serenno is basically isolationist and Ramil had told them to fuck off once before. Dooku realizes the senate won't help because Serenno has nothing of value for them. He then decides to go on his own (along with Sifo-Dyas and another Jedi) to do what he can.
He puts an end to his brother's reign of terror and kills him (his brother actually pulls the "w-wait, it's not the Jedi way!" card in an attempt to save himself but Dooku still kills him). In the process he discovers that Serenno actually has deposits of valuable ore hidden deep beneath the surface- he considers using that to ask the Republic for help but then remembers that the Republic would just exploit Serenno. He decides that since it was his father and brother that caused Serenno's bad economic state he has a responsibility to stay and guide them. The people see him as a hero so they welcome the new Count Dooku. He then sends word to Yoda that he's going to resign as a Jedi and even offers to turn in his lightsaber, but Yoda tells him to keep it because he feels there's more to being a Jedi than just being part of the order. They actually part on good terms and Yoda wishes him well.
tl;dr: Dooku has to decide between helping his isolationist homeworld, or remaining with a Republic he's started to detest and a Jedi Order he's increasingly disagreeing with, and chooses the former.
I always had an idea that it'd be kind of a Mad Max story. Keep it simple. Make it about him fighting some gangsters to save a little girl or something.
>Vader gets a giant obsidian tower over a river of lava
>Dooku gets fortified estate overlooking a lush valley
>Sheev gets the entire Jedi Temple
>Maul gets... a cave
>Maul gets... a cave
Didn't he rule 90% of Mandalore during Clone Wars? He got cucked eventually, but still - having an army of mercenary badasses at your disposal is cool.
Would you have given the crazy nurse the D?
Yeah but that didn't last long. By the time of Rebels he's hanging around in the old Nightsisters caves, surrounded by artifacts from his past like a little museum of failure. Apparently he's been there for a while since he indicates he's on Dathomir in Solo.
It could work as a slow paced story of obi wan trying to stay hidden/Keep Luke Safe and maybe try to save someone one last time
God not, I’m just interest in the senate coming back but the state of post TLJ is depressing
I think as he got older, he succumbed to self loathing. He's stable, but not happy in the slightest. Doing the Emperor's bidding and patrolling the Empire brings him zero joy. And he only tends to make plots against the Emperor as a matter of survival, not really because he wants to rule.
So I just watched the Mortis arc but what exactly was Anakins power level supposed to be since he seemed to have completely failed to live up to his full potential and really was a garbage chosen one, also it was really interesting to see a dark side Anakin who didn’t go full schizophrenic with his Vader personality there only one story that showed him going full power and that was the what if? Story from the Mortis arc where he manages to escape with the son who may or may not be real but essentially goes dark side super Saiyan and kills both Yoda/ Sheev in one go, Anakin could’ve been the most op force user in history but he really failed to live up to that
Always angry, all the time.
According to Lucas, Anakin should've eclipsed Sidious in power, but getting wrecked on Mustafar and losing parts of his body weakened his connection to the Force. He's still more powerful as Vader than he was as Anakin, but not as powerful as he could've been if Obi-Wan hadn't wrecked his shit.
Now I want to see a "What if" story where Anakin never got Mustafar'd, murdered Palpatine and rules the Galaxy as the new Emperor.
Where can I read this new Dooku book? Is it in the old /swco/ pastebin?
Yeah this mostly.
Remember that in Episode II there what, 300 jedi available to go to Geonosis. Although the Order is already well into decline at this point you can extrapolate that this trend is decades, if not centuries old by this point with the vast majority of the mid and outer rim no longer even beleiving that the jedi exist, and most of the core thinking of them along the lines (Dead Relgion, edgy mystic bullshit)
The Jedi aren't really a staple of *normal life* in the Republic, not even to the point of a T1 operator outfit today.
happens in the RoTS game if I'm not mistaken but it doesn't really continue.
>he indicates he's on Dathomir in Solo
I really fucking hope we get some more Maul out of that scene, whether it's comics or a movie or what.
And the copays are a bastard.
The Trojan Ewok?
Oh shit, the Ewoks were working for Dooku all this time?
What is this, the Burning Ewok music festival? Fuuuck that. Count me out. You've seen one hairy balding midget in a furry costume, you've seen them all. I'm still picking hairs out of my teeth after the last conclave.
Why are you idiots running at a jedi without any weapons?
So what should a Anakins leadership quality be the guy really doesn’t seem to care much about politics and while he is a great military leader really wouldn’t have been a good emperor type
He’d start out as incompetent at politics and using tyranny to compensate but he’ slowly reform over time until eventually he becomes the chosen one he was meant to be and brings balance.
Man, it's a shame we never see Dooku in plate armor. He'd make a fine ass space dark knight
It's gone downhill in recent years, they'll never get metal bands like Dooku and the Separatists again. It's all Techno Union shit now.
Idk man, I heard they have a new band called Deathstar, but it might be too industrial. But who knows, they might just blow up.
Bumping the only semi-decent SW thread because I just started reading the main comics line. What's Yea Forums's verdict on the new canon comics?
There is no strength, there is only passion.
Through passion I gain knowledge.
There is no knowledge, there is only peace.
Through peace I gain victory.
There is no victory, there is only the Force.
Through the Force I gain strength.
Hit or miss. The main comic is mediocre as hell and the short-run comics seem to range from great to forgettable. So far there isn't anything offensively bad but not a lot of greatness, either.
i don't understand the fuss with Vader killing a woman. He has done far worse.
she was supposed to turn Vader from being evil into seeing the errors in his ways, user! the female readers wanted to fantasize about it fully, instead they had to die at the end.
I’m the originals, not really much other than broken.
In the prequels, basically a psychopath/creep.
It's something called bad writing.
is it just marketing when they say this?
That’s what I like about Greev he’s an asshole warrior trying to max out his potential and be the best in a universe filled with fucking space wizards sure he can kill a bunch of them but really can’t stack up to the ones on top
I was actually just watching Episode 3 today and it really hit me like new just how fucked up the whole story is. This guy goes from being a slave to being the favorite elite samurai of the galactic Chancellor BACK to being a slave.
AND he kills or tries to kill everything he cares about out of fear of losing control.
I think the most interesting thing about Star Wars is how Luke and Anakin mirror each other.
The prequels may or may not have significant flaws, but Hayden Christensen FEELS like Mark Hamill's father.
From what we know about George's ideas for the ST (mainly via Pablo) probably not. It seems like the whole of Luke's arc in the ST played out pretty much as Lucas envisioned, which is kinda funny seeing all the hate directed at Disney/Johnson for it. Although it's a shame we didn't get sexy Twi'lek corruption of Kylo, George knows what the people want.
adam driver is really ugly
>or insult him
Except Madman Motti but he can get away with it.
>but Hayden Christensen FEELS like Mark Hamill's father.
I've thought this as far back as opening night. Weirdly enough it only hit home once he turned. Something about his look and his smile and that "this is fine" trying to be with Padme while not being able to admit he'd just gone full Sith made me think he turned out to be a good choice to play Anakin
>got away with it.
Being left gasping face down and probably having pissed your pants isnt anything to be proud of though.
Always wondered why they didn't brought an AT-AT to defend the DSII's on-planet generator. Even the Ewoks wouldn't budge an AT-AT.
Always thought that Maul was a Zabrak all this time. Though Dathomirans are human x zabrak hybrids, then I'm OK with it.
Do you think Darth Vader respects guys who roast his balls when he's not right instead of just being obsequious?
I really want to know what goes down between Maul being the leader of the fucking Crimson Dawn to shuffling around like the Sith version of ANH hermit Obi-Wan.
Are you asking if he used to have physiologic problems?
You sure love these art contest pics, user.
My guess is Sheev finds out Maul is head of Crimson Dawn and sends inquisitors to dismantle it and kill off Maul's most powerful underlings. Maybe even sends Vader to do it.
I love the one guard leaning on his pike like "dis gon be gud"
As long as the person keeps their shit straight and their numbers good I imagine Vader would tolerate a terse/brusque/all-business attitude. Hell he'd probably appreciate it.
So explain to me how Dathomir works in the new canon because if Maul even managed to figure out how to breach the blockade/cordon and land on OG Dathomir I'd imagine he would have been laughed out of the room and told to get back in the kitchen
About as stable as michael Jay fox on a balance beam in an earthquake
It's still the Nightsister homeworld, and Dathomirians are now a human/Zabrak hybrid, with the males looking pretty Zabrak-y and the females looking more human but extremely pale. The women are dominant, so the male "Nightbrothers" are basically kept in enclaves and the women only visit them to take a mate.
By the time Maul returns to Dathomir (he was kidnapped by Sidious as a child) his clan is basically wiped out. After the Clone Wars era his clan's caverns are abandoned so he's basically living there alone.
Endless self hatred and resignation because Palps is all he has.
who gives a fuck
star wars is dead
People have been saying that for decades and yet...
did you watch tlj and so-y-lo?
Yeah, why
because they literally killed star wars
They didn't tho,
and now the GOT hacks are doing a trilogy
>The women are dominant, so the male "Nightbrothers" are basically kept in enclaves and the women only visit them to take a mate.
So, mostly the same. Are they still sort of proto-Force users strong enough that Sheev is keeping them on lockdown from the rest of the galaxy or was that dropped?
>needs more cheeky young Yoda getting mad Dathomiri pussy
They numbered 10k during the Clone Wars. Keep in mind that most of their duties in galactic affairs before the war were either as arbiters, which meant no combat (usually), or as space cops that went after pirates and crime syndicates.
Then during the war, the vast majority of those who saw the Jedi in combat were either droids or clones.
The average joe has never seen a Jedi, let alone see them use their powers. To most they are just this influential branch of government with special privileges.
Yeah, they're still Force users, though it seems like only the clan mothers can use magic. Either way, they get wiped out during the Clone Wars, so there's nothing to really quarantine once Sheev takes charge.
They use magic but they keep to themselves for the most part and aren't a galactic threat (they even have to pay off pirates not to attack them) so the Republic and Jedi leave them alone.
Remember Sidious saying in RotS "in order to understand the great mystery (meaning the Force) one must study all its aspects"? Well turns out that includes studying nightsister magic, which he did alongside their leader, and once he learnt all he could, he kidnapped her infant son and made him his apprentice.
Boo. That sounds kinda shitty. The whole point was that they were Force users that weren't as focused/skilled but didn't follow/know Jedi/Sith dogma, which made them sort of dangerous to the established order. I don't see why Sheev would give a fuck about Nightsister "magic" because it was just more self-damaging but weaker Darkside powers, so I guess they made it something different?
Wait, why? WTF is this? Unnhh I know this is Yea Forums but I'm really trying to wrap my mind around this. I hope this user is just setting up a joke pic and isn't actually sexing a Yoda doll.
Dude, did you watch TPM? It literally killed Star Wars.
>I guess they made it something different?
It's much more straight-up magic now, and allows some crazy shit. It is still weaker in that it relies on manipulating the Force in a very different way since most of the Nightsisters don't have the same kind of Force sensitivity that Jedi and Sith do (Maul and Ventress being rare exceptions). We don't know how much Sheev learned or if any of what he learned was useful but I imagine he'd at least be curious to learn what he could.
I guess. Just feels conflicted, man. Courtship is my favorite EU book (mainly for Luke's portrayal) so I'm glad part of it made it into the new shit but it's stuff I don't care about. I guess it's better than the Hapans making it in
This all happened years ago, so I'm kind of surprised you're out of the loop
Never watched TCW or Rebels for that matter. Sort of a butthurt Genndywars fag but I know the show did much better as time went on
I think they still have an Agri-Corps but now it's more like people specialize in it if they have an interest, which frankly makes more sense. If through the Force you have a particularly affinity with botany then there you go. It's a shame we don't really know all their positions throughout the galaxy because they sure as hell weren't all fighters. Some are good negotiators, or investigators, or historians, or explorers. I like the notion that they use the Force for more than wandering the galaxy with laser swords getting mixed up in adventures. They actually used the Force for so much more. Shame it doesn't get referenced too often, but then no real shock. Nobody wants to hear the adventures of a Jedi librarian. Sorry, Jocasta.
You'd be better off saving that money, really.
Was she in the episode where Tora was kidnapped? Pretty sure the First Order shot her and several other pirates in the face when taking the kid back to seal their deal with Doza.
>Nobody wants to hear the adventures of a Jedi librarian. Sorry, Jocasta.
That lightsaber rifle was rad as hell though
Although it isn't certain she could have escaped Coruscant after she obtained the master list of Force Sensitive younglings (and in fact she probably couldn't once Vader got on the case) I did like her flipping her shit because the Grand Inquisitor was shit-talking her precious books. That and her effectively still winning by talking Vader into destroying the data even though it cost her her life was surprisingly good shit. Never did I ever dream Jocasta Nu of all people would get a story that paints her as a total badass.
So was Darth Vader legit a completely different personality or was Anakin just being weird?
Anakin being weird. The " actual separate personality" thing is just fanwank/Georgewank.
He's not a split personality but yeah he's all the negative bits of Anakin amplified and all the good in him buried so deep Luke nearly has to die to drag it out of his father. To an extent, however, they still have something of the same dark sense of humor, so if you know where to look for them there's always aspects of Anakin there, even if twisted.
I do like the emperor basically being Star Wars satan but worse he’s like chernabog a black god of pure fucking evil
Well it could be said that Vader was chaining up all the good that was in Anakin because he couldn’t deal at least consciously with everything he had done and went a bit crazy acting like he was someone else but deep down the truth was that’s bullshit and Vader’s really just Anakin high on the dark side
I love how now and then you see flashes of Vader in Anakin, such as his choking out Poggle to save Ahsoka from Geonosian zombie parasites, or his savage beatdown of Barriss. But then you can see moments in Vader where Anakin shines through:
Next thing you know he's telling Needa's corpse he accepts his apology and Krennic not to choke on his aspirations. Speaking of Rogue One that corridor scene where he's mowing down Rebels is like Anakin finally being let off the chain and allowed to cut loose in every way his Jedi training tried to hold him back because he'd start to like the brutality.
It's more a certain point of view moment. Yes Vader and Anakin are the same man, but they are definitely not the same person. Just as Dooku wasn't the same man either after he fell, though his transformation was far less pronounced.
I guess it brings up the question of what makes a man, if you change into a completely different person are you really still you or just someone else with a different name
The SotE novel had him meditating to dive deep into the Dark side to heal himself and it just about started working until thoughts of Luke crept in to his mind. He admits to himself that he'll probably never really git gud at the Dark side because he simply can't bury his past deep enough.
It's cool though because he wrecks hyperexpensive fencing droids to blow off steam and blows Xizor out of orbit over Coruscant because fuck that guy
More like Anakinwank. George himself didn't consider them to be two personalities, but felt that Anakin would try to separate himself from his old life to the point of regarding Anakin as a different person, but it's clear that he's basically just lying to himself. Hell, the ending of ROTJ hinges on it.
Was Dooku ever actually a good man though?
He definitely was. He was a bit egotistical but he was genuinely compassionate and wanted to help the galaxy. Power corrupted him and made him hungry for more power, but I think deep down he still felt he was doing what was right, but just needed to resort to extreme measures and save the galaxy from itself.
It's tricky and frankly will never be satisfying. Obi-Wan likes to think Vader is all that's left after the good man that was Anakin was murdered by him, from that certain point of view, because to him Anakin would never do these things. Luke took to that view since his hope was dragging his father back from the depths of his own misery and freeing him.
LEIA, on the other hand, never fully accepted that. She accepts and I think likes that Luke can do it, but to her she can never think of Anakin without remembering that he was also the same man who restrained her as Alderaan burned. She could never separate the two, and she has a point. Obi-Wan can believe Anakin would never murder younglings and betray the galaxy, but if he couldn't do those things he wouldn't have. He clearly could. Still in a setting where there's an actual mystical force that can corrupt you, and it has its own will, hunger, and drive, maybe that's actually true. Hard to say. It depends on how much of a pass you want to give people because "The Dark Side made him do it." Though even Yoda had to eventually accept that he too has his own inner Dark Side and that to ignore it, to deny it exists, is actually feeding it. You must acknowledge it in order to defeat it.
It gets into that tricky symbiosis thing again. You feed the Dark Side with your negative behavior but the Dark Side can twist you up too. Some of it depends on how much you separate the Dark Side from the negative emotions that feed it, though as Yoda said greed, fear, anger, are the shadows of the Dark Side. Still Force Sensitives are particularly vulnerable to the Dark Side, more so than some average jogan farmer or even a pirate, because of their deeper connection to the Force. If a normie gets made and punches someone sure they feed the Dark Side, but a Force Sensitive with that same anger might start telekinetically choking people out or hurling lightning. What they can become when they go down the dark path will be worse than any mundane warlord or tyrant.
>Some are good negotiators
>good negotiator
>still couldn't talk Satine into shacking up with him
Poor bastard.
s-stupid negotiator, it's not like I like you or anything...
I'm still bummed out we aren't getting a fully animated Crystal Crisis on Utapau. That scene where Anakin finally could have met Grievous if only he'd looked down the hallway, instead Obi-Wan and Grievous saw each other and Obi-Wan gave that smarmy little wave. Good shit.
Kind of a shame Anakin went so long without meeting Grievous and the two really got to cross sabers.
There's also the danger of thinking that because you overcame the dark side once that you've overcome it forever. A lot of the fandom seems to think this is how it works despite multiple examples that prove this isn't the case and resisting the dark side is a lifelong battle, especially because the emotions that feed it are very natural and an integral part of being human. You will always experience anger, fear, jealousy and hate and as long as you experience them then the temptation of the dark side is going to remain, even if it's not always obvious.
This is why the thing with Luke in TLJ doesn't bother me. He experienced fear and had a natural defensive reaction. It never went beyond that and he immediately understood his mistake and walked back from it.
The issue of him fucking off to exile himself does bother me, but I've never really seen the problem story-wise with what happened between Luke and Kylo. Luke had a natural reaction to what he sensed, and Kylo had a natural reaction to what he believed he was looking at. It's honestly not a bad way of having a conflict between the two where both are simultaneously right and wrong for different reasons.
There was one. None at the backdoor though.
That's not what happened
Did you miss the part where this was Kylo's version of the story?
no its just angry anakin theres nothing more to it
The "quarantine" is still a thing
Read up on "Ghosts of Dathomir" Sourcebook
Sheev just doesnt want a Talzin 2.0
Sorry user, you get 4 episodes of pointess Ahsoka filler (just because its ahoka) instead, making the episodes focused on her 8/12
He has this button installed on his chest.
They nearly voodoo-dolled Count Doku to death remotely and he couldn't do much about it.
Nah, she survives that. She's still shooting at the FO as they take off and jumps clear of the explosions. I just don't remember seeing her at the end with the other pirates, but I've only watched the show once.
Christ, those fucking arms and thighs.
What species even is she?
I stand corrected, alive as of Episode 18. Lives to be Filoni'd another day.
Palliduvan, apparently, same as Aurra Sing. I guess they come in spiky variants too?
I miss Gil, bros.
Well, he was still around in Rebels.
It's just not the same. It feels like pure pandering, like Thrawn's return with him. We need a lot more kino to bring him up to where he was.
Was Jar Jar really supposed to be the phantom menace, before Lukas axed him because of fans' backlash to his character in Episode 1?
Resistance has a lot of untapped waifu potential, honestly. Did Yea Forums not care for it? I was on a break from this place most of the time it was airing.
It looks souless imo
And the timeframe might as well be the least interesting part of Star Wars
>implying any sentient being in the galaxy would say no to THE jedi master
what makes you think they DIDN't fuck? It's strongly implied
And he's looking at Dexter Jettster in this gif. Imagine him looking at an actual beautiful being that would turn him on. His Kenobi Charm powers would be off the hook.
I really wish we got to see that deleted Padme and Obi scene
Can you really blame Anakin's suspicions, him knowing Obi-Wan so well?
Lets be real here
He TOTALLY fucked Ventress
Oh, no doubt about that. All that sexual tension HAD to erupt in some place at least once. Jedi or not.
JAT Agrees
What makes you think Dex doesn't turn him on?
He isn't Bo Kantan's kid and no third sibling is mentioned.
I think it has potential. The animation is actually quite good, it's just the cel-shaded style that makes it look a bit cheap. Next season is going to be more interesting I think, both TCW and Rebels took until the 2nd season to hit their stride.
Synara is quite cute too, even if she does have a weird hairline.
Bump because fuck that shitty other thread right in the ass.
I’m reading the old rots novelization it’s not canon but I do like the characterization that he genuinely wants to bring order to the galaxy but was too manipulative and cold in the end to do it right
pic related is shit
He would basically be Reinhard von Lohengramm. Just a bit less forgiving.
>tfw you will never get a canon LoGH tier political show
I want a kenobi movie that takes place after episode 3
>pic related dies in it
Should he have just fucking told Anakin he knew him and Padme where shagging every time he wasn’t on duty? Be funny if he says he straight up saw them making out while flying past her house
>Disney likes "Strong women"
>willing to bring back Thrawn
>no Mara Jade
Explain this
I tried watching that show thinking it would be right up my alley, but it was slow and dull as shit. It's like someone took Universal Century Gundam and removed everything that was actually entertaining.
Already dead, user.
I really don’t know why they didn’t go with the eu on post ROTJ Luke honestly it would’ve pleased fans and since he’s happy you can just focus on the new Jedi order he’s raising plus they could’ve hand waved Rey being a Mary Sue early on
>It's like someone took Universal Century Gundam and removed everything that was actually entertaining.
From his statements in AOTC, I think he would have controlled politicians or puppets. Ultimately, Anakin wanted peace and security and to fix problems by almost any means. There's also a couple canon novels to suggest he would probably be a better ruler than Palpatine since after he wins, he takes a major backseat.
Lucas hated Mara Jade and post-RotJ EU Luke and it seems like the ST has followed his ideas for Luke pretty closely. I honestly have to agree, what the EU did with him was incredibly generic and unimaginative.
>Ultimately, Anakin wanted peace and security and to fix problems by almost any means.
He also had a line where he thinks that authoritarianism had its benefits. The guy was definitely going to be Vader.
>Rose jumping like a kung fu fighter
Considering the shithole he grew up, I'm not surprised.
>I honestly have to agree, what the EU did with him was incredibly generic and unimaginative.
Depends on the writer. Some books had a Luke that genuinely felt like the First of the New where he could have his crazy Yoda bullshit moments but most of the time is still the same old goofy Luke hanging out with his bros saving the galaxy. Some books had shitty emotionless asshole space Jesus Luke and those were garbage. I'm personally glad we got a Luke that arrived at the conclusion that remaking the Order is bullshit and that Force users need a new direction, even if he was being a grumpy asshole about it
This is why I like ST Luke. He took an effort to look at what happened before and change it. Big problem was Leia and Han forcing Ben on him. He had no plans to start a new order or begin training.
>I'm personally glad we got a Luke that arrived at the conclusion that remaking the Order is bullshit and that Force users need a new direction
Same. Despite all the criticisms of how his character was handled I feel like it was a natural conclusion for Luke to come to. Not only did he have the knowledge of what had happened to his father, but he saw the same shit happening to Ben and felt powerless to prevent it.
>pic related ignores your comment and fucks obi-wan in it
OT Luke
>I know there's good in you father
ST Luke
>This kid had a nightmare better behead him in his sleep
We all know that if any of the films or series want to use her again they will revive her. At this point you gotta get used to it.
In A new hope, Vader phrases it weirdly when he seens obi wan again, like obi wan and vader have had a confrontation at least once before that point. that could be in the movie
You damn well know it was meant to be a moment of PSTD weakness when he instinctively brought up the saber made infinitely worse once Ben saw it. Granted everyone including his mother saying "fuck it he's a lost cause" later on is a bit harsh
Yes, it was called Mustafar. Lucas figured it out by 82-83 at the latest considering both JEJ and the novel describe it pretty damn accurately, the novel in particular.
To be fair thats what I want, plus they did leave it open for Ressurecction
Ventress vs Inquisitors would be hype as FUCK
>This kid had a nightmare better behead him in his sleep
>shit that never happened
>every fucking time
You know they showed two versions of that, right? The one from Luke's POV where he's terrified by what he sees in Ben and it makes him put his guard up momentarily, and the one from Kylo's POV where Luke looks like a crazed monster? The point being that they weren't able to talk after that, so Luke is filled with regret for not being able to explain to Kylo why his darkness scared him to that degree, and Kylo is left with the impression Luke is a monster who would have killed him without a second thought.
I KNOW what I saw. I saw the man who defeated Darth Vader, and decided that it was time to stop the suffering and destruction by not killing him; sneak into his newphew at night, ignited lightsaber at hand, because the kid had a bad dream. It's fucking stupid, it's literally undermining his character developement in empire and jedi to try and justify the new villain. There's a reason Mark Hamill has voiced his concerns about how his character was written.
Oh and I also forgot to say that after that he went full emo, secluded hiself and said "It's time for the jedi to end". All of this is a trash setup to get a cheap imitation of Ben Kenobi when he comes back.
I know you're somehow unable to comprehend what Luke tells you in the fucking film through his own words.
>I saw darkness. I'd sensed it building in him. I'd see it at moments during his training. But then I looked inside... and it was beyond what I ever imagined. Snoke had already turned his heart. He would bring destruction, and pain, and death... and the end of everything I love because of what he will become.
>And for the briefest moment of pure instinct... I thought I could stop it. It passed like a fleeting shadow. And I was left with shame... and with consequence. And the last thing I saw... were the eyes of a frightened boy whose master had failed him.
Except Luke never intended to kill him. He saw something that terrified him and instinctively activated his lightsaber. Not to kill Ben, but as a brief "oh shit" moment. A reflex. You say you know what you saw but you still seem to operate on the assumption that the version where he's about to take a swing is the real one.
He fucked up and he knew he did. That's why he secluded himself.
What was known about Padme before the prequel trilogy?
Are you asking what canon stories exist about Padme in the in-universe time before the prequels, or are you asking what people irl knew about the character of Padme before the film came out in '99?
Almost nothing. In the ROTJ novel Leia has vague memories of her trying to take Leia into hiding. Another book had Luke supposedly finding their childhood home on some planet.
i wonder if anakin will make an appearance in ep9
>You damn well know it was meant to be a moment of PSTD weakness
>shit that never happened
Oh bullfuckingshit,
>The man who can't bear to kill his own father wants to kill his nephew.
It'd be like Captain America getting the same ptsd and suddenly thinks Hitlers right and wants to commit genocide
>shit that never happened
Kylo is pretty fucking convinced Luke wanted to kill his ass and Luke was so ashamed he crawled into a hole for the next decade
>wants to kill his nephew
Luke never WANTED to kill Ben. In a moment of weakness, he just couldn't see any other way out. He makes it clear that was literally only a momentary, instinctive reaction which is not unheard of - It was his fear, and we know fear is the realm of the dark side. Luke was strong enough to realise that and pull back from it.
the GOT directors are hacks and don't deserve to work on SW
Look, nobody is saying Obi-Wan didn't fuck Dex. How do you think he gets such quick service on the Jawa Juice? It's Satine that's the issue.
Except the entire movie made Luke out to be a self serving liar so why the fuck would i accept anything he says at face value?
Thats the problem when you destroy characters nothing they say has any weight anymore.
>Luke never WANTED to kill Ben. In a moment of weakness, he just couldn't see any other way out.
Thats a funny way of saying at that particular moment in time he wanted to kill Ben.
>He makes it clear that was literally only a momentary, instinctive reaction which is not unheard of
And i would believe you, but Luke got out of bed walked to his nephews bedroom and nearly swung his lightsaber makes me think it wasn't a momentary instinctive reaction but a premeditated one.
Then instead of explaining or consoling Ben, he walks away and continues to walk away as the galaxy goes to hell because in his heart he knows he's a piece of shit that nearly killed his nephew and secured his fall to the dark side.
>Then instead of explaining or consoling Ben, he walks away
Ben literally nuked the hut and then the entire goddamn Academy the moment he saw Luke standing over him you dumb bastard it's like you didn't even watch the movie
>Ben noooooooo
Good job Luke true jedi master material there
Believing at a certain moment in time that doing something terrible is the only way to stop something even more terrible does not mean you WANT to do it. It's a lesser of two evils thing.
>instead of explaining or consoling Ben
He was literally about to do that except Ben brought a fucking building down on him, left him for dead, killed all his other students, burnt his temple to the ground and fucked off with Snoke. It was a bit late for that.
>the entire movie made Luke out to be a self serving liar
But it didn't? Your interpretation of Luke's actions as premeditated are totally your own, it's already been explained to you that the film is at pains to point out that it wasn't.
Dooku Jedi lost paints him as one but his relationship with his sister , his joy and hero worship of Kostana and his " I'm probably the chosen one " arrogance made him fall thou the dark side was with him always
>hero worship of Costanza
Disney shills are genuinely retarded.
>Believing at a certain moment in time that doing something terrible is the only way to stop something even more terrible does not mean you WANT to do it. It's a lesser of two evils thing.
Thats why the premeditated part makes it so bad, because he had the time to think but went for the kill instead.
>He was literally about to do that except Ben brought a fucking building down on him,
Drop the saber dont keep it ignited, kill snoke and explain, dont fuck off into the woods and expect all this shit to fix itself
>But it didn't? Your interpretation of Luke's actions as premeditated are totally your own
Except my interpretation are based on all the facts presented
>Goes out of his way to mind rape Ben in his sleep when he's at his weakest
>Immediately goes for the kill instead of a talk
>Run away from the galaxy instead of fighting to make things right,
why would he do this unless he had something he was ashamed of ie trying to kill Ben in his sleep, this part is the only speculation part
>Refuses to help his sister or any innocent by standers really
>claims the jedi is dead, wants to spend his time mediating and reading old jedi books
>Turns out he never even bothered to read em
All of that strikes me as self serving liar, Rian subverted my expectation.
user at this point I think probably neither of us are likely to convince the other to change their mind, but
>Goes out of his way to mind rape Ben in his sleep when he's at his weakest
I didn't get that impression at all. It seemed like Ben's thoughts at that moment in time were what drew Luke to him. Like he never really realized how dark and potentially destructive Ben's thoughts were until that very moment. And that's what scared him and made him act the way he did. After that it feel like he was just so disgusted with himself for failing to understand or realize how Ben was falling to dark side in the same way the old Jedi failed with his own father. Not only that but all the other Jedi he'd been training who Ben killed, he just felt powerless to prevent history repeating itself and decided the whole idea of the Jedi was fucked and doomed to failure. I can sympathize with Luke, and with Ben. It was a shitty situation all around.
Good sheev theory
>retards are retarded
Certainly within the realm of possibility. So is Sheev going to posses Dr. Who?
bringing palps back is very lazy
Was Anakin selfish for trying to save Padme? Or was it a selfless act that turned into a disaster?
>Copying off the eu they despise
I agree it is lazy
Further proof that Dooku is based
Selfish for sure. He wasn't thinking about Padme at all and the one person he was thinking about was himself and his fear of losing.
It's a matter of perspective. Keep in mind Anakin's stance was less "I want Padme to be safe" and more "I can't live without her."
I think it was a bit of both, honestly. It was selfish to begin with because he couldn't stand the thought of a world where he wasn't with her, but the fact he'd go to any lengths to save her even sacrificing his own freedom and humanity kinda tilted it towards selfless.
Well until he Sheev says "hey go slaughter the Jedi and we'll see about giving you those death cheat powers" at which point he deems that killing off his entire order is an acceptable price for saving her.
Trying to save a loved one wasn't the problem. The length which he went to and the innocent people he killed is the problem and what make it a selfish act because Padme could never live with this.
It reminds me of controversial moment in the fandom I'm currently in. Do you know Ignis? He was willing to doom the world to save the person he cares about above all. Was he selfish for that despite not killing and turning into a super villain like Anakin?
i still don't believe that windu legitimately beat palpatine
Wasn't Windu one of the best Jedi in combat at the time?
>Do you know Ignis? He was willing to doom the world to save the person he cares about above all. Was he selfish for that despite not killing and turning into a super villain like Anakin?
Oh, yes. While Ignis was selfish in a way because he couldn't handle losing Noct, I still consider his love for him was far more selfless than Anakin's love for Padme because he did respect his wish and never harmed him in any way.
if you are a man and some bitch comes to lecture you, you grip the back of the chair to keep from hitting him.
This is him acting suppressed raged.
You all seem to not be from a generation where if someone makes you mad or threatens your power you hit them.
>controversial moment
it's? i thought everyone loved the episode and especially his devotion to his bro.
I think he will and smith will play him like the cyber planner
kylo gets force lighting because snoke shocked him u gotta embody the power to us it
Even the Women and the children?
The Lando mim is top tier. the vader comics have generally been pretty good. Everything else is meh
What kind of rules nu-canon or old canon?
has there ever been a time when the dark side was generally a better choice or is it just some memey selfishness the entire time ?
What exactly was the official explanation for Vader, anyway? Did Palpatine just tell everyone that he was the Empte’s token “reformed” Jedi?
Read the comics, he’s basically serial killer tier
The EU had him tell everyone that he was a Jedi who had remained loyal despite the rebellion. In canon, Sheev gives no explanation because he has no reason to explain it to anyone- he's the Emperor's right-hand man and that's all anyone needs to know.
Any new tidbits about Sifo-Dyas in Dooku Jedi Lost?
Selfishness is the dark side. If you're not acting in self-interest you're not on the dark side.
It's been a year, i miss the festering hive of autism that was sw/co/
we've had official sources stating he has not returned and we already know canonically he's dead
if the leaks are true palps has possessed matt smiths character
>if the leaks are true
I never believed in Star Wars leaks on this website since TFA. The Force tree bullshit completely turned me off too
Yeah, he and Dooku were part of the same batch of youngling initiates, so they're around the same age and are basically life-long best friends. Lene Kostana (a Jedi master who curates the order's collection of dark side artifacts, literally called the Bogan Collection) chooses Sifo-Dyas as her padawan even though Dooku wanted her as his master, but he gets picked by Yoda (which surprised everyone since he rarely takes padawans) so there's no hard feelings.
Also Sifo-Dyas starts having uncontrollable visions at a pretty early age, and he fluctuates between being fine and normal and being bombarded by visions that he can't even interpret and basically being unable to function. For that reason Kostana basically continues watching over him even after he's graduated to knighthood. So he's kind of the Jedi equivalent of a schizophrenic who still has to live at home because he can't take care of himself.
The book doesn't go beyond Dooku leaving the order, so apparently at some point Sifo-Dyas gets his shit together enough that he's chosen for the Jedi Council since we know from TCW that here was there before he got kicked off for being a nutjob.
That's all and well but his spirit cannot be alive since we see it get destroyed in ROTJ. Also, it's impossible for a Sith to have life after death.
I believe it because it sounds like the exact kind of lazy bullshit JJ Abrams would try to pull, right down to having Kylo pretty much do what Vader did. I doubt the ROTJ mimicry is going to stop there.
the story group isn't involved with the movies
I miss him
None of this makes sense but I'm guessing JJ is just going to do whatever he wants, and then story group is going to have to find some bullshit excuse for it to make sense.
>On Twitter:
>Fan: But how can Palpatine's ghost be around if the Sith can't do that?
>Pablo: Well, turns out when Sidious mixed knowledge with Talzin, he figured out a way to anchor his spirit, which isn't quite the same thing as Yoda and Ben can do since he can't leave the place he was anchored to
>At some convention 6 months later:
>Fan: Hey JJ, since we know that Sheev used Nightsister tricks to become a ghost, was that part of your initial plan when you wrote TFA?
>JJ: Who's Sheev?
>Fan: Palpatine.
>JJ: Oh. Um. So what are you asking, if his sister helped him?
>Fan: No, Nightsister. The Nightsisters.
>JJ: Oh I have no idea what that is.
>defending JJ
lol. he couldnt even defend starkiller and it said they had to handwave it
I don't get it
But that's not him defending JJ, that's him making an excuse exactly the same way he did with Starkiller and the "hyperspace anomaly" bullshit he came up with.
it is true
Pablo to Kenndy, we need to bring in Claudia Grey again.
I do too, but he is way too anime for Star Wars. He’s even a little more over the top than GenndyWars. [sp]Also, the PS2/Wii port was the best version of the game.[/sp]
>yfw Ep IX true enemy poster was right all along
That's all there was to it. No explanation needed.
Is it confirmed that they were the right people or did the plotters get away with it?
The guy missing his two fingers was a plotter as was Tarkin, who didn't like this mysterious figure.
In the old novels and comics he was pretty level headed mentally. He was an asshole who didn't care about those below him, but the kind of asshole who'd choke you to prove a point, not get into an autistic fit of rage and trash rooms or cut a room full of people with laser. Most important for me at least, he treated being Sith Lord like being that shitty boss who resents everyone because he himself is in a shitty job: no big speeches or shows of power for its own sake, just do the fucking job and you better not make mistakes or become a nuisance. Everyone obeys Vader, and Vader obeys Palpatine, who by the way gave him purposedly shitty, intentionally cumbersome and obsolete prosthetics and cybernetics so that Vader doesn't have second thoughts about usurping him.
This is what happens in Dark Empire/Empire's End. Sheev's spirit body hops until a literal who Jedi drags his soul into the underworld.
The red head in the group that died was one. The guy missing some fingers was his co-conspirator. So Vader got one of them, but Fingers hasn't tried any shit since out of fear so it essentially put an end to the assassination attempts within the officer corp.
Tarkin was never implicated, unless you are referencing something else.
Tarkin was shown to be a conspirator but Palpatine told Vader that Tarkin was too valuable at the moment.
>Palpatine gave him purposedly shitty, intentionally cumbersome and obsolete prosthetics and cybernetics so that Vader doesn't have second thoughts about usurping him.
Whichever youtube video you watched is out of date. Right after Vader recovers from Mustafar, Sheev sends him on a mission to get a new lightsaber and he has to fight a super-strong Jedi for it who fucks Vader up hard. After the encounter, Vader rebuilds the suit himself to his own specifications.
You are misremembering. The only two conspirators shown are Barokki (the sweating red head who dies) and the man missing some fingers. Vader does not know who tried to kill him for certain so he makes an educated guess based on officers who have grudges against him. Tarkin was never shown or implied to be conspiring. Sheev is just telling Vader that he still needs Tarkin so he isn't eligible for the death lottery.
Why did you forget about him?
>Dark Side theme even plays as he dispatches Merrik
>The give-no-fucks expression immediately afterwards
I take back everything I ever said about the prequels.
It seems we have hit bump limit, so this thread is on its way out. Gentlemen, it's been a pleasure.
Holy shit I heard it in my head