This was a supervillian speech.
This was a supervillian speech
I honestly hate characters who value freedom to much that they don't see the benefits and necessity to give them up for security and the greater good. I hate Captain America the most because he exemplifies that the most. If freedom means any sort of discomfort or suffering, then fine, I hate freedom. But my view is the majority.
Freedom is antithetical to truth and morality.
>I'm free to believe, say and do whatever I want and you can't stop me!
You can't have freedom without truth.
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
-benjamin franklin
Essential liberty is not unrestricted liberty
you're a colossal faggot
Freedom is what eats away at truth.
You sound like a real dingleberry
Simulation Theory ruins stuff like the idea that only by having heroes in real life will we know how all this would really shake out. If someone had Supermans powers to totally prevent anyone from harming them would they have people dropping from buildings on top of them to hurt their feelings at being the street to someone's street pourage?
If the world could hurt you by being obtuse would the world slowly kill itself instead?
So what is essential liberty according to Franklin? The Bill of Rights?
>It doesnt matter what the people think
Isnt that the exact OPPOSITE of what the US was founded on. (For a more narrow defintion of "people" but still.)
I know that guy
That's the president on the money i can never afford
>Cap: Don't let yourself be bullied or swayed by fallacious non-arguments, stand up for your beliefs
>Yea Forums:What a fucking nazi
Not really no.
you're a sheep, but you're correct; the majority of people are sheep.
Luckily, we've never needed you fucking cowardly losers to do great things.
remember that the colonists who rebelled against the crown were never even close to the majority of the population
>If freedom means any sort of discomfort or suffering, then fine, I hate freedom.
If your goal in life is to vegetate complacently like something out of a dystopian sci-fi story, your opinion isn't worth much.
I strive to be as apolitical as possible. People of all creeds and colors make up my friends, from Tumblr scum to Alt-Right incels, and I try to never judge someone for their beliefs.
But you are a gutless coward
Freedom is a double edged sword. Other people too have the freedom to take away your freedom.
>If freedom means any sort of discomfort or suffering, then fine, I hate freedom.
t. bootlicker
"Even if everyone think I'm worng I'm still right because I'm better than all of them and I won't change my mind. So fuck you."
-Steve Rogers
Well it's obviously bad because he talks about freedom, but then he says the rest of the world must conform to one guy's preferences, which is obviously not freedom at all.
He's just paying freedom some lip service so that you're distracted when he says dictatorship is good.
Let me ask you a question then. What if someone believes that it's their mission to kill all men or something like that? It's absolute freedom and the kind of thinking that Cap has that has allowed for the rise of SJWs, feminist, soiboys and liberals when in the past they would be been bullied so badly as a kid that they would have killed themselves or beaten into submission as adults or even jailed. Absolute freedom is just asking for the rise of absolute degeneracy
To it was more like there’s a right and wrong in the world, and people are always gonna try to pretend it isn’t there. And if they ever go after you for not following it, you gotta take a stand and let them know you’re not backing down
You say that like the nation who adopted FREEDOM as a catchphrase is not the one with morbidly obese people who go shopping on scooters.
>I'm free to believe, say and do whatever I want and you can't stop me!
>believe whatever I want
Yes, you absolutely should be able to do that because to say otherwise is to say thoughtcrime is real.
>say whatever I want
Yes, you should be able to because while it might offend people, words only have as much power over people as they choose to allow them to.
>do whatever I want
No, because your actions can infringe other people's rights.
I intepret that to mean that liberty is essential, not that some small aspect of liberty is essential. likewise, safety is always fleeting, never permanent.
half the things we do in the name of security don't work, and instead make us less safe and less free.
benny boy is a better prophet than jesus on that quote.
>If your goal in life is to vegetate complacently like something out of a dystopian sci-fi story
"I've seen the future, you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sittin' around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake singing "I'm an Oscar-Meyer Wiener"."
Agreed. When America got organized as a country, they wrote a fairly radical Constitution with a radical Bill of Rights, giving a radical amount of individual freedom to the radical American masses. There’s too much personal freedom. When personal freedom’s being abused, the incorruptible State, the only entity deserving of power, has to move to limit it.
I hate Americans who believe that somehow their rights don't derive from the State, that it's some invisible godlike force that grants and protect their rights, when in reality it's the State, only the State. I pledge my loyalty to the government, a tangible, real entity, not to the people, and certainly not to some abstract quasi-religious pretentious belief like "freedom" or "human rights."
I love how you very specifically left out the reply mentioning Franklin's comment about 'essential freedom' so you can strawman Cap's argument into one about anarchy.
Get fucked you faggot
>Let me ask you a question then. What if someone believes that it's their mission to kill all men or something like that?
Then they can fucking try, can't wait to see how that works out.
>There’s too much personal freedom.
Fuuuuuuuuck yooooooouuuuuuu. I don't want the state telling me how to live my life.
your statement is inherently flawed. to kill anyone is to restrict their freedom, and therefore must be stopped in the name of freedom.
likewise, to tolerate the intolerant is to allow intolerance to flourish. so in other words, get fucked /pol/
>In defense of the American notion of freedom
>comparing oposing ideals to the fat people in wall-e
>using fat, lazy people people to exemplify what to avoid
I hope you see the irony
Why do you hate freedom, user?
If you actually do enough mental gymnastics to convince yourself the freedom Cap was talking about was nihilistic anarchy and not the freedom to express and hold your beliefs without persecution, just to excuse your spinelessness, fuck you.
Oh please. If the government restricted or took away access to something you liked, you’d complain all the way through.
>honestly hate characters who value freedom to much that they don't see the benefits and necessity to give them up for security and the greater good
>There’s too much personal freedom
Not even 'murrican but you fuckers terrify me. It's like you actually want to be slaves.
The state already dictates the norms of how to live your life and what to do and what not to do. You are just not aware of it.
>banana-broccoli shake
That sounds disgusting, do people do that?
If all beliefs are valid and beyond criticism, what does it mean for something to be "true"?
They do in San Angeles.
Watch Demolition Man, fantastic movie.
A reminder that the only reason that the U.S is where it is is due to war profiteering.
Does having freedom mean being lawless? Can one man take away another's freedom?
Cap is specifically talking about not caving into logical fallcaies such as Argumentum ad populum (appealing to the majority) and Argumentum ab Auctoritate (appeal to authority) when he mentions it not mattering what the press, or the government, or whatever large group deciding if something is wrong or right; because a large group saying something doesn't inherently make it true.
You stand up for what you believe in on its own merits.
a lot of people pay lip service to freedom, but in the end only believe in freedom for themselves.
Tyrants will always make sure they make have the highest degree of freedom for themselves, at the expense of other.
the real key to freedom is to realize you don't need to control others. Defend yourself if necessary but don't try to control others.
>you can't restrict others freedoms
>but you have to restrict peoples freedoms
bravo retard
It's retards like you that enable libtards. A men has certain duty, traditions and beliefs to be upheld no matter what. It's the kind of freedom of speech that has led to SJW and the rise of fedora tipping atheist that reject the values of the society that raised them. Taboos are taboo for a reason.
They're already succeeding by turning Men into soi drinking sissy boys retard. And no one can do anything because "MUH FREEDOM" allows shit like Steven universe and the rest of leftist media to continue spreading their propaganda. This won't have been allowed in the 50s, they would have been laughed out of the country, like with the hippies.
And yet look at how badly America has degraded just with the freedom of speech allowing places like reddit and tumblr to become echocambers of degeneracy and spread their ideas far and wide. In the past Hippes were essentially SJWs, what happened to them. They were laughed out relevancy, jailed and beaten up in the streets because back then this kind of shit wasn't tolerated
And yet no one is doing anything to sites and media outlets that are actively doing everything they can to destroy America's way of life
>I wonder what I'm going to do today?
>I know! I'm going to prove that I'm a colossal faggot
It depends entirely what it's a belief about. If it's a belief about science or engineering or something physical, then it can be tested in the real world to determine if they work, but people have to form those beliefs before they can be tested so someone has to believe them before they've been proven correct.
If it's about literally anything else, it doesn't even matter. It's only when people allow beliefs to influence their actions they become a problem. But believing in anything isn't a problem by itself, and it's not something you can ever have any influence on anyway. People will always believe what they want to believe.
nuclear tier bait
True freedom means having the right to do anything and have anything done to you. You can murder and be murdered as equally.
>>America is failing because people are allowed to share opinions contrary to my own
Ok Red Skull
Why can’t you just Believe in Steven?
That is anarchy, freedom is not about restricting the freedoms of others which killing them would be doing
Don't worry, I'm sure in 2020 that mean ol' orange man will lose somehow.
Hear hear.
No. The US wasn't founded on the idea of mob rule.
A large group of people believing something is right, doesn't make it right.
You're confusing freedom with anarchy, but I know you're misrepresenting the idea on purpose anyway.
>I hate Americans who believe that somehow their rights don't derive from the State,
I was born with my rights, the state does not provide them, it's the state's job to PROTECT them. That is the primary difference between the political left and right.
>just to excuse your spinelessness
Liberalism, user. He's excusing his liberalism.
>There’s too much personal freedom
> I pledge my loyalty to the government, a tangible, real entity, not to the people, and certainly not to some abstract quasi-religious pretentious belief like "freedom" or "human rights."
>If freedom means any sort of discomfort or suffering, then fine, I hate freedom.
Holy Shit, are you faggots serious?
I started out suspecting /pol/, but even /pol/ would laugh at you m8.
What about the freedom to restrict other people's freedom? Is there acceptable and unacceptable freedom?
>A large group of people believing something is right, doesn't make it right.
Right and wrong are human made concepts, there is literaly nothing else you can use to judge how right something is besisdes what another person thinks about it. If everyone else besides you think something is wrong, don't be a arrongant prick like Cap think you should, just stop and rethink your ideals.
>If freedom means any sort of discomfort or suffering, then fine, I hate freedom.
Man, that's sad
Anarchy is true freedom. Anything otherwise is restriction of an individual.
This was a supervillian speech.
Nope. Truth is absolute and is in no way subjective.
When this was quoted verbatim in Civil War it was fucking kino.
I never read the comic this is from so I always assumed it was clearly meant to be viewed as such. Look at the framing, the lighting, the quasi-Kubrick stare. Captain America knows he is a villain fighting for the wrong thing and he's about to kill you.
>No arugment whatsoever
The reason why this country is so shit today is because we give way too much power to the mentally ill. Back in my day, hippies were jailed or beaten into submission, sissies/gays were shamed into hiding in the closet, the mentally ill were locked away in hopistals, women stayed in the kitchen and niggers stayed in their ghettos. Look at today, zero toleralnce laws everyway, every retard is allowed their own retarded opinion and allowed to scream into the sky, legalising hard drugs, allowing blatant propaganda onto mainstream media outlets. The inmates are running the asylum now
Theoretically, but it is impossible to determine truth that exactly. In the end we humans must rely on things like language and our senses, which are pretty flawed and lead to us making mistakes all the time. It's helpful to at least consider the opinions of others because it provides another level of information we can use to check against our own, which might help us to see a mistake we've made--or at least have a more nuanced opinion than we started with.
Jesus christ you are the most spineless piece of shit I've ever seen. I bet you're a fucking commie
Nobody cares, grandpa.
>Back in my day
So this is either bait or you're like 70 years old. You should really enjoy your twilight years and not spend them shitposting on Yea Forums, grandpa.
There is no fedora image to convey how edgy you are. You're not even trolling well, just making an ass of yourself. I'm sure /pol/ told you how easy Yea Forums is to troll but this is depressing.
Your country thrived purely due to the economic boom provided by being cowards and not helping the rest of the world beat back the various enemies.
So this is the power of Yea Forums moderation
>everything must be derived from first principles or else they dont matter
>It's like you actually want to be slaves.
Americans love obeying their corporate overlords, otherwise they wouldn't brand themselves with their products.
always hated that quote, what, so people who have a different philosophy than you deserve to be physically punished for it? fuck off fascist
Now THIS reads like a supervillain speech.
If it helps, the quote has been taken out of context to make it sound more radical than it actually is.
Is anyone going to provide any actual arguments or are you just mad that someone is questioning your right to jack off to 5 year old girls and spread your degenerate tranny shit everywhere? Just the rise of edgelord fedoras rising in the past decade already threatens the very values of this country. We have literal satanic churches springing up everywhere and no one is doing anything because "MUH FREEDOMS". There's some things that just can't be allowed even for the sake of Liberty.
Give me an example of a belief (belief ONLY, not an action informed by a belief - that's covered under "do whatever I want" which I already said I don't agree with) that causes any kind of problem. I'll wait.
Look mom I'm trolling! I'm really getting a laugh out of trolling those libcucks! Can you make me a sandwich with no crusts this time?
>I believe in no borders and uncontrolled immigration
If you don't let me fuck your wife I'll shoot you int he face.
Why? You argued for a police state that can beat up "deviant" people for the sake of Liberty. You don't have a real position, just a bunch of vague inclinations wrapped up in fetish for state violence.
Atheism, liberalism,communism, feminism
Except it isn't the belief you have a problem with, it's the fact these people vote for that policy and would enact that as law, which are actions. Next.
Does that include inaction informed by a belief as well?
It’s kinda too dumb too argue with, women should be allowed to walk freely, minorities should, Peace and love is pretty cool,and just cause you got mental issues doesn’t mean you gotta be locked up. But, hey, you’re just a bored guy looking to troll
>Storytelling corporations
wow so scary
Why don't you care about Nestle wanting to make water not a human right?
You don't need a fucking police state to settle this kinds of matters. If anything, this Nancy state is the one that causing most of the issues, since it prevents citizens from settling things with their own hands
they are branding themselves with artists creations. it just so happens that corporations have bought the rights to those creations. all the trust busting of the 1800's to stop laissez faire and we still end up letting white collar scum suck up and control too much of the market and too much land nowadays.
>Back in my day, hippies were jailed or beaten into submission
Oh how silly of me to think this meant state sanctioned violence.
See it's when these people take actions to restrict your freedoms that they're a problem, and I agree with that - They shouldn't have the power to restrict your freedom, but they have the right to BELIEVE whatever they want.
I find it hard to see how inaction could infringe on anyone else's freedom.
And they say Yea Forums moderation is bad
Yea Forums is autistic as fuck.
If the whole world thinks you're wrong and they're right, but their arguments simply aren't convincing, why would you be a cuck and change your mind just because everyone is telling you to.
If the whole world started saying the sky was green when it wasn't, would the moral thing to do be to agree with them because lol its a lot of people.
Its odd to believe in the right to believe in what you believe without a hint of doubt and self questioning.
Its alright to not be manipulated by the mob, the media, the government.
But avoiding manipulation is all about question beliefs, not preserving them.
>T. libtard that thinks that everyone needs to be jailed because someone roughed him up a bit
You could punch someone and call him a fag in the old days, this days that means you're get locked up for comitting a hate crime. So of course nobody is willing to sort out the shit in their own community
I don't know about that but it does come off as a butthurt writer inserting their opinions onto cap
>thinking this is a Yea Forums thread
So the world is flat and vaccines do cause autism. Thanks Yea Forums. Going to tell everyone on facebook about this.
But Cap, we've always been at war with Eastasia
There's a shitload of people that think vaccines DO cause autism. There's probably even some country towns where the majority of people think that. By your logic, people in those towns should bow down and agree, because everyone else around them is telling them to.
Its ironic that you consider yourself smart and yet think the basis for believing the earth is round and vaccines dont cause autism is mass consensus rather than logic.
Ok, say someone trips you and spits in your face? You’re old, but you don’t get special treatment.
fuck you.
I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised this thread turned into a thinly veiled excuse to REEEE over gays
Kill yourself
I just wanted to give a shout out to the mods, really earning that paycheck today
>I need my safespace
Missing the point, bozo
>I need my safespace
Clearly, put your safespace is /pol/, not here. And I don't know if you're purposefully being ironic by immediately resorting to a strawman comic of an NPC or if you're really that braindead but good job either way.
Get over it faggot, you're on Yea Forums. There's plenty of other places to discuss comics that aren't the hellish bowels of Yea Forums, so unless you enjoy the self-righteous act, fuck off somewhere else.
Struck a nerve huh. Well at least this time you didn't reply with a strawman comic so nice progress there.
But let's take a pause and drop the internet tough guy facade. This is the comics board. There is a politics board. Please talk about politics there.
That's right, if you're not right wing, you shouldn't be on Yea Forums. Kindly fuck off to tumblr or reddit
What a tool.
I'm not the guy you've been arguing with. I'm the guy that wrote
But you'd rather try to pretend to be a mod then actually discuss the OP.
>This is the comics board. There is a politics board. Please talk about politics there.
When someone posts some shitty posts about gays and you engage them in a debate about their posts, you're DISCUSSING POLITICS YOU FUCKING IDIOT. If you don't like it, ignore it. You're not going to make him feel guilty or silly or lame or uncool so stop being a wannabe mod.
>so people who have a different philosophy than you deserve to be physically punished for it?
No, it's saying people that delegate their security to the State will both lose the freedom they paid that State and the security they thought they'd get in return.
The founding fathers were all small government. Modern politics is the mess it is because the federal government is more involved in daily life than any of our founders ever expected or wanted it to be, and it's been that way for three/four generations now.
Remember when income taxes were only for wartime? No? Because that was 150 years ago.
Yeah dude just like ignore this thread and every thread where /pol/ bait and /pol/ posts pop up who cares about the board like if it's so bad why don't you leave like there are so many other places to discuss comics and cartoons but this is the only place on the internet to discuss politics what are board rules?
Also I'd rather not be complicit in racism or sexism by allowing it to fester on a blue board but that's on me I guess
It's almost like life has changed since their time.
>Back in my day
Assuming you're not a bicentenarian the cracks in your worldview were already starting to form. People we're allowing women more opportunities outside of the home, non whites were becoming more integrated into the culture at large, subversive media was only rarely curtailed in isolated moral panics. The squishy liberals you despise have been around for a long time.
>Yeah dude just like ignore this thread and every thread where /pol/ bait and /pol/ posts pop up who cares about the board
Except that sperging about it changes literally fucking nothing retard.
>like if it's so bad why don't you leave like there are so many other places to discuss comics and cartoons
This is true, saying it in a sarcastic way doesn't change that.
>But this is the only place on the internet to discuss politics what are board rules?
Except that sperging about it won't make him leave, fucking retard. It just shits up the board with even MORE useless posts.
>Also I'd rather not be complicit in racism or sexism by allowing it to fester on a blue board but that's on me I guess
If you consider it your duty to fight sexism and racism on Yea Forums's Yea Forums board, that IS on you. Go spend ten minutes cleaning up a beach and you'll have done more good for the world than all your hours patrolling of Yea Forums.
It hasn't. It's the mark of an unlearned or naive person to think human nature changed just to fit their politics.
Humanity has been acting the same for thousands of years. You aren't any better than your ancestors. You aren't more enlightened. You aren't emotionally evolved. Your super great ideas that all those ancients and predecessors have warned you will fuck your shit up won't suddenly not because the Earth made a few more swings around the sun. The very reason we can build on philosophy from thousands of years ago is because human nature is about as consistent as gravity.
Hey if the mods don't give a shit someone has to. I reported the thread a while ago, nothing has been done, so I'm going down with the thread.
>Hey if the mods don't give a shit someone has to
If EVEN the mods don't give a shit, that should tell you the importance of your crusade.
You're literally doing it for free, but even Jannies can delete posts.
Remember that OP image, about how even if other people tell you things should be a certain way it is up to you to know better? Maybe look at it a little harder.
but so am I, and I'm fairly certain I'll be better at doing whatever I want than you do
I'm legit scared of peolpe like you.
Found the Brit.
Why do people like this never realize that a lack of freedom can also lead to discomfort and suffering? I never hear about how great the quality of life is for North Koreans or Iranians.
>But my view is the majority.
I think it's funny you added this as if it actually means something.
>essential Liberty
As opposed to non-essential liberty, like the ability to draw Sonic porn.
We live in a society where I can view and talk with someone on the opposite side of the Earth instantly, reference a significant amount of humanity's collective scientific, creative, and historical works at any time using a device that fits in my pocket, and purchase and have delivered to my home any common commercial good within a day. Though human nature may not have changed much, the context in which we exist is something our ancestors could not have imagined. The complexity of life has increased exponentially. It is only natural that our system of government must also become more complex to adequately serve its purpose.
>non-essential liberty
Like the right to bear arms?
He's right. Everybody tries to press their own morality on you to control you. In the end a hero is simply true to himself.
The only difference between a supervillain and a superhero is what they're fighting for.
Ive heard of cowards but damn, this is just pathetic
That was such a good way they used "Hail Hydra" in the movie
Why? It’s not. It’s not even comparable to the other ones like speech or freedom of religion.
So what you're saying is that government is the god you worship? Politicians make the worst gods.
If you give up your right to bear arms can you ensure your other liberties won't be curtailed?
I have no idea what you are talking about, but I'm pretty sure you just spoiled something from Endgame, you asshole.
It's the one that ensures the others don't get crumbled you fucking moron, what good is freedom of speech going to do you fighting back against a tyrannical government?
That's why it's in spoilers you melon
pretty much
>it's another "civilians wouldn't be massacred by armed forces" episode
then again the us has lost every war since like 1950 so maybe there is a chance
This isn't a fucking Endgame thread, you dipshit.
I don't know user, have you tried speaking to anyone from other countries that don't have a right to bear arms?
"Isn't freedom amazing? No, you change your way of thinking to mine."
>It's the one that ensures the others don't get crumbled you fucking moron
Literally where did you get that idea? They wanted to ensure they’d have weapons to protect against Indian raids. You have a skewed view of history if you think the framers of the constitution wanted to ensure people’s ability to overthrow that constitution.
Yeah but the spoiler rules are blanketed over all threads which is why I spoilered it, you should know not to look at these things. Also you don't know how it pertains to anything so don't worry about it
Jim and Dwight from the Office had a kid?
Indian raids, wolves, the perfidious french and english, hunting, etc. Also there was no standing army hence the "well regulated militia" part.
Hilarious that the person who believes in restricting freedoms calls someone else a facists.
It doesn't mean attacking people with a different philosophy. It just means that if you were willing to allow a facists governmnent to establish itself for the sake of your comfort, than you deserve to suffer under their totalitarian rule for your cowardice.
Literally any writing from Madison, Jefferson, Franklin, etc. proves you wrong
So truth is only truth if it is State sponsered?
So what you're saying is that your a bum?
If there isn't an objective source of truth, then no one can ever be wrong.
Is that what you want?
Ice cream and jello contain crushed sheep and goat skulls and many candies are coated with insect secretions.
It's common courtesy to not only spoiler spoilers but to describe the context of the spoiler when they are out of context. That way someone doesn't mouse over a spoiler they don't think they have to worry about, only to learn something they didn't want to know.
Why don’t you cite the actual writings you’re referencing, rather than a vague “The founding fathers back me up” BS.
Read The Federalist Papers please
Now cite your claim the 2nd was only written to fight injuns.
People have the available knowledge to be able to discern the truth of most things for themselves. Whether or not they choose to do that is up to them. Even if an actor like the state decrees a certain thing to be "the truth" and punishes people who go against it, you literally cannot force someone to believe something. They will continue to believe what they want to believe. It's why religions survive even while people are being thrown to the lions/burned at the stake/sent to the gulags for it.
>Literally any writing from Madison, Jefferson, Franklin, etc. proves you wrong
>Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.
I don't know that the 2nd was put in place to defend against Indians, but I can comfortably say it has fuck all to do with waging war against tyranny by any government of the United States. Foreign invaders or domestic usurpers? Sure. Not the US gov tho.
Go away /pol/
>our system of government must also become more complex to adequately serve its purpose
And what, SPECIFICALLY, is this purpose? Does taking your shoes off at the airport serve it?
You're the faggot who read a spoilered response to a picture of Captain America. You have nobody to blame but yourself, it's not his fault
>You're the faggot who read a spoilered response to a picture of Captain America.
Motherfucker, I'm the one that POSTED the picture of Captain America. I knew the context of my pic. WHY THE FUCK WOULD I EXPECT A COMPLETELY UNRELATED SPOILER?
He’s in the movie though
Oh hey, an actual fascist sympathiser. Kill yourself subhuman.
>He’s in the movie though
What the fuck do the comics have to do with the movie? Think, you dumb motherfucker.
Weird, almost like the movie adapted comic book characters. How odd
I mean...that's not a fascist viewpoint. It'd be totalitarian utilitarianism. Fascism doesn't give 2 shits about the greater good.
>Weird, almost like the movie adapted comic book characters. How odd
Weird, almost like they're entirely separate continuities such that spoilers from one would have literally no relation to the other.
America has been headfucked with shit like jade helm. They refuse to see the success in Australia and will cry "machete gangs" even though it's just people walking around with machete and they suddenly forget that the only person who can stop a bad guy with a machete is a good guy with a machete. And maybe a highly trained and regulated cop with a gun. Either way, the scare was just that and there's no body count to show for it. Even the "well if you don't have gun violence there will just be knife violence" crowd likes to look at the statistics in the UK that breaks down to a stabbing every other day while America has a little under a hundred gun related deaths a day. Keep in mind America only has six times the population of the UK.
Having said all that, I don't think guns should be physically taken, just that the gun show loophole should be closed and background checks should be more thorough and strict.
>>Endgame's been out less than a week, and he thinks he doesn't have to watch out for spoilers on Yea Forums
You're cute