Create a good new villian for Thor. Bonus points to those who make them mythological

Create a good new villian for Thor. Bonus points to those who make them mythological.

Attached: Thor spot.jpg (360x553, 67K)

Well if it's mythological you could just say something like "Zeus is being a dick and Thor discovers what it's like to fight someone with the same powers as him". Kind of low-hanging fruit.

Darkseid + Granny Goodness would be a good Thor Villain.
If they had a kid it would make and even better villain for Thor.
They are like reverse Odin and Frigga.

I would say they are more Mythologically accurate Odin and Frigg

Mwindo would be cool as a rival to Thor.

Attached: mwindo.jpg (676x504, 130K)

The world serpent, except she's a sexy lady.

How sexy we talking here.

So sexy that anyone who draws her will get instantaneously skinned alive on Twitter.

That's pretty villainous. Thor has to try to stop her in such a way that prevents her from being shown on panel as much as possible, or the artists start dropping like flies.

>Her 2 page spread is covered by Thors cape
>Her body is constantly covered by buildings
I dig it