Thoughts on the KFP movies?
>Favorite movie?
>Favorite fights?
>Favorite characters?
I am kind of disappointed with the third movie, though it's still kind of okay. What the fourth movie should be about, assuming they are still making more?
Kung-Fu Panda
The only good one is the first, the rest are mediocre and their best. The animated series is decent, the 2D animation is kinda coolr but the thing is there isn't a power level, the five furious are easely defeated by the villain every episode.
>favorite fight
The five furious vs Tai Lung in the bridge.
>Favorites characters
Tiger and Poh
I thought the second is as good or better than the first. What did you dislike about it? Yeah, you are right about the furious five keep getting shafted. Only Tigress has her moments.
Dreamworks had planned 5 movies to be co produced with China. Then Turbo flopped and bankrupted the company, leading them to scratch them. Hence why it took so long between movies and the 3rd felt rushed
>Favorite movie?
It's hard to say anything other than the second one
>Favorite fights?
Kai vs Oogway in the spirit realm at the start of 3
>Favorite characters?
Tigress and Viper.
>What the fourth movie should be about, assuming they are still making more?
Aren't there like six of these movies planned total? Don't know where they could go really; there's tons of background info tossed around and they can go full wuxia with what's available.
>tfw no snake gf to cuddle with
>Fav fights?
Either 1 or 3, 2 was too angsty for a cartoon
>Fav fights?
Every single final fight, especially the third movie's final battle. And the bridge battle in the first.
>Fav characters?
Po, Shifu and Crane
>Fourth movie?
It's an Hulu series now. But I really, REALLY wanted an excuse to bring together all 3 villains and THEN give Po chi powers.
>Favorite Movie?
First, but second one is a great movie, too. Third is okay. I hated the Nick show and the Amazon show is fun, but I miss the Furious Five.
>Favorite fights?
Bridge battle
>Favorite characters?
Po himself. They did a great job making him likable throughout the movies and even the new show. He was only annoying in the Nick series.
1 and 2 were good. 3 was a waste that just cemented Po as the Only Important Character, had the F5 get sidelined or beaten off panel, and best of all taught us that being fat and lazy somehow makes you better fighters than legendary kung fu masters.
Saw the first two
The lesson he learned is "hard work is pointless".
How does he defeat Tai Lung? HAHA HE'S FAT SO HE CAN'T BE HURT LOL
They should have just had Tigress be the main fucking character
>Aren't there like six of these movies planned total?
There were. Until Dreamworks went bankrupt and was bought out by Universal
>I hated the Nick show
They all have good moments and a good look, but I'm not a fan of Jack Black and this isn't even a particularly good Jack Black showing.
The second movie is excellent you fag
>2 was too angsty for a cartoon
I liked the first 2 with the 2nd one being most excellent. I like Tigress but Shen was a great villain. I didn't root for him but he played the part well (excellent VA too). Surprisingly I thought the villain in the 3rd movie had lots of funny one-line quips. I often chuckled at them. :^)
Why, though?
There is a dialogue free porn comic with her and Tigress.
Cute comic too.
>That user who knew
Yeah, KFP is ultimately the story of a guy who has never had to work hard for anything in his life beating people who've bled themselves dry for their dreams. Like most asian / asian-inspired works, they claim to be about hard work but are actually just about talent (ignoring that fact that working hard itself requires talent - an affinity, rather than an aversion, to hard work). The climax to every film is Po just magically gaining access to some OP ability for no well-explored reason and beating the bad guy with it in one shot.
That said the second movie's really cool and that's all that matters.