Hey Yea Forums...

Hey Yea Forums, if I told you back in 2010 that Thanos would become one of the most famous villains of all time and his movies would make 2 billion dollars what would you say

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wheres galactus? whats up with the celestials? why is stranger not there?

I wouldn't find it so hard to believe. Thanos is a great villain and deserved recognition

Now, if you told me that fucking Black Panther made more money than every single DC movie ever released to date, I'd say you're fucking shitting me

I would say he isn't in the second movie enough to consider it his.

I'd love to go back in time and tell comic book nerds that the first Justice League movie would flop, DC would keep flopping both critically and financially for years to come and Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Panther and Doctor Strange would become more famous and successful than Superman and Batman

They would freak out

Lmao we dont need to be sore winners user

>the first Justice League movie
This implies there'll be a second one

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lmao Darkseid has a better chance getting in a movie! A Christopher Nolan JL movie is what we need!

Also, DC was finally able to redeem itself by making:
>an animated LEGO Batman movie
>a Wonder Woman movie
>an Aquaman movie
>a Shazam! movie

>Lmao we dont need to be sore winners user
why is it you fucks get to be sore winner everytime u get a decent release and scream to the wind that marvel is finished yet we dont? Like us flexing about MCU being GOAT is fucking tame in comparison to your insufferable ass. Fuck you.

Sounds great.

I wasn't yet into comics in 2010 so I wouldnt know who Thanos even was
also as a dumb teenager I wouldn't be impressed by the number either since I hadn't yet fully wrapped my head around the magnitude of a billion

did you mention that they butchered his motivation?

only good movie on that list is Lego Batman, objectively kino.

Everything else is steaming garbage.

fuck yeah! which is why I was happy o see him in the avengers at the end.

Of course he'd become the first big villain. He already is one in the comics with Galactus
But that will ensure they will lash at DC to get a good movie

I'd probably say something to the effect of "What's the catch?"

Because wanting some pussy is so much better than trying to save the universe.

Every DC movie featuring Batman and Superman will have luke warm reception at best with a

The MCU is dead, Ladderbro. Just deal with it and get a life.


>his movies

Fuck off tommy

Why does this always come from people who say that you should not these movies seriously?

You mean """"""""Thanos"""""""

Dude doesn't have Thanos' motivations, goals, personality, powers or anything. He shares a name and the appearance and that's all.

I would say, "Man that will be a hard sell to have a main villain who worships and loves the Goddess of Death, but they have a great comic to work from so I think they will figure it out"

Reminder Iron Man’s death was more emotional than Superman’s
Imagine hearing that in 2000