- Chris Hemsworth's has one movie left in his contract. As with the other phase one Avengers he'll likely die and this will be his send off film. Since most of Thor's family and loved ones are now dead it seems fitting he would join them in Valhalla. Visions of his father with his near death experiences in Ragnarok may be foreshadowing or suggestive of this.
- According to Gunn this will be a Gamora film. The end of Endgame supports this possibility. Gamora was seen in the Soul Realm during Infinity War.
- Nebula gives exposition on what planet Vormir is in Endgame. Its apparently a planet that sits on the edge of this world and the next. There is a large vortex on Vormir. What if this vortex is a portal just like the vortex on Sakaar were portals. Could this be a way to obtain the original Gamora's soul again? Merge it into the NuGamora's body? Maybe even a swap?
- What if NuGamora falls in love with Adam Warlock and wants to reside in Soul World with him and trades off with the original Gamora?
- Adam Warlock was teased at the end of Guardian's 2. I think he's the antagonist of this movie and will have soul realm connections just as in the comics. I hear Zack Efron will play him, he's usually funny in his comedy movies. He does immature pretty well.Which is good for a child-like newborn such as Warlock.
- Soul Realm could also be Valhalla, another way Thor could be sent off.
- Korg & Meik accompanying Thor with the Guardians. They're aliens and would fit the mold with their personalities. They were also on Sakaar so they could provide exposition on Beta Ray Bill since he was apparently a Champion there once. If Beta Ray Bill shows up.
- Reminder: Beta Ray Bill's planet was destroyed by Surtur and fire demons in the comics. Since Thor/ Loki unleashed him BRB may initially hate Thor before becoming his ally.
>Chris Hemsworth's has one movie left in his contract. As with the other phase one Avengers he'll likely die and this will be his send off film. He renewed it
Hudson Fisher
Rocket will cry it is inevitable
Jayden Brooks
- If Thor dies does he pass on his mantle? He should just as Captain America did. Maybe it'll go to Beta Ray Bill... Or better yet... What if Lady Sif makes her return?
- The return of Lady Sif, in the comics shes in love with Beta Ray Bill. Maybe in the movie she has been off screen with him this entire time. Maybe she'll become the new female Thor.
-The High Evolutionary. Will we ever get info or backstory on Rocket? What if in the movie BRB gets his cybernetic upgrades from the High Evolutionary? Could be a neat tie in.
What are your hopes, wants, theories, predictions?
Juan Cook
>- According to Gunn this will be a Gamora film. The end of Endgame supports this possibility. Gamora was seen in the Soul Realm during Infinity War.
Does this also leave the possibility of rescuing Black Widow from the Soul Realm before her solo movie?
I can't imagine they (meaning Marvel) would rescue one and not the other.
Parker Torres
>- Reminder: Beta Ray Bill's planet was destroyed by Surtur and fire demons in the comics. Since Thor/ Loki unleashed him BRB may initially hate Thor before becoming his ally.
Isn't this similar to the comics, Bill showed up and thought Thor was a bad guy elated to Surtur and so they fought.
Eli King
He renewed after Ragnarok for three more movies. Infinity War, Endgame, and Guardians 3. There's a misconception because a new article is reporting old news. So people are thinking this is another renewal.
Side note Thor 4 would be dope with Lady Sif or BRB as Thor.
Brody Harris
>- If Thor dies does he pass on his mantle? He should just as Captain America did. Maybe it'll go to Beta Ray Bill... Or better yet... What if Lady Sif makes her return?
Bill entering would be better than Sif returning, but I want both. Then have hot Asguardian on Thorse action.
Nathaniel Allen
Well Natasha died on a different Vormir in a different space time. So I wouldnt apply the exact same scenario to her as I would Gamora.
Jeremiah Moore
Halfworld movie when? They could go all out tragic