What could possibly sell a million copies nowadays?
What could possibly sell a million copies nowadays?
Other urls found in this thread:
A team of nudist superheroes fighting nudist supervillains
A cheap over-sized one-shot maybe?
Manga? Or Avengers: Newgame #1.
Star Wars #2?
Not at this point
Full frontal nudity. Double anal, double vaginal two-page spread.
One Piece
Marvel kills the DC universe, and DC kills the marvel universe.
A new Captain Marvel #1 relaunch.
Goku vs Superman
One Piece
whats the normal sales for something like batman or superman?
This. The only way for One Piece to NOT sell 2 million books is to not release the next book.
Try to make 500k copies the norm first, Shogun-tama.
Some big stupid-ass event isn't going to magically save your industry/job.
Some other #1 with 60 variant covers and a lootcrate
It’s going to be JLA v Avengers. DC are up for it and have been for ages. Now Marvel are in too. Bendis was teasing it too
Marvel vs Star Wars might be the only Star Wars comic that would get a million copies ordered, at this time.
>Some big stupid-ass event isn't going to magically save your industry/job.
You mean Civil War II didn't right the ship?
Vader Kills the Star Wars Universe
Under Tom King, Batman started selling less than 100k for the first time in ages, or so I am told.
Dunno about Supes.
oh god, idk what would be worse if Bendis penned it all himself or Snyder/Aaron split it
Jeff Parker should do it
That was under Alonso and not Cebulski.
I know you read it in the replies. It wasn't funny then, it isn't funny now.
That's hard to say. In the late 90's/very early 00's Batman was selling around the 50,000 range. It wasn't until Jim Lee and Jeph Loeb worked on Hush that it hit the 100,000 mark again (last time was probably during Knightfall or something like that), but then it went up and down after that based on whatever big thing was going on. When Morrison was working on Batman and Robin instead of the main Batman title, the main Batman title gradually drifted back to the 50,000's because readers were considering Morrison's Batman and Robin the "main" Batman title.
Superman has hit 30,000's and 40,000's levels during the 00's and 10's. But usually 50,000 might be an okay level for it, and there were times during those decades where it did better than 50,000.
Spider-man comes out as trans.
Star Wars crosses over to the Marvel Universe
it's so fucking obvious it hurts and I'm dissapointed in all of you
Star Wars #1 (volume 9)
>after years of brand poisoning he thinks anyone cares about SW like they used to
Actually, I came up with that hilarious joke all by myself. But evidently, if so many other people on other platforms are all saying the same thing independently of one another, then that sort of parallel thinking should tell you something about how shit Captain Marvel is.
But already pointed it out
Just get busiek back he set something up in the first one and it’s about time it paid off. Though I wonder if the avengers are going to ask about Wally, that’s gonna be awkward
Marvel doesn't do crossovers with DC anymore.
All the superheroines and supervillainesse of the MARVEL Universe team up to cure Icaman from his imposed gayness.
They SUCCeed.
Batman raping the Joker,
Gotta be something X-Men related...
it'd be too much of a strain on Busiek's precious health
Thank god, there's no way they can do justice to the crossover. Also their writers are mostly shit.
Is he going all togashi on us now?
Something that highlights Marvel's efforts in promoting inclusion and diversity. Replace Squirrelgirl with a Undocumented Immigrant and Replace Gwennpool with a strong African American woman and put them in a Squirrel Girl Gwennpoool team-up #1.
It's not gonna be anything Star Wars.
As long as it isn't anything written by either Aaron or Cates, I'm interested to see what it might be.
>Weebman has idea
He's going to beg the MHA guy or ONE and Murata to do something so he can save his job.
>What could possibly sell a million copies nowadays?
Power Girl's Fat Cow Tits Smother the DC Universe
First issue of new trans Avengers member solo comic.
Something good that has brand recognition and mass appeal.
I bet it’s some weekly series akin to 52 with Geoff Johns working on it
Something like... Spider-Man?
lol no ew
Harry Potter: the comic
Pokemon: the comic
Honestly I can't see any big two release getting 1mil these days. I don't even think jla v avengers would.
Its gonna be 'Death of Aunt May' or some shit.
>Harry Potter: the comic
You mean Gaiman's The Books of Magic?
Unfortunately the most likely.
The only thing I could possibly see breaking 1 mil is another Marvel vs DC comic
Yes, well besides all of that, if an actual licensed HP book were to come out you know the Pottermore mob would go crazy
Me too but their relationship is not very goos at the moment. Idk if the thing changed because of cb. But i cant see anything in the marvel unuverse alone who can sell one million of copies alone without a crossover with other franchises
Spider-Man: No Responsibility
Peter Parker has a Rick Sanchez awakening realizing that life and death matter not at all and decides to go Maestro but (a) hilariously (b) less disastrously.
Captain America runs for President. And Chris Evans announces he's also irl running for President as well.
X-men Genesis
An MCU cannon story about some timelines X-men finding their way into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, effectively explaining how mutants got into that world. (I like this one the best but it would have to have the most photorealistic cinematic artists working on it like Alex Ross and Bryan Hitch.).
I hope he does not mean that new Crap Avengers book coming out.
>His last name is Onion
*sniff* Yes, I know exactly what he means.
Would undoing the OMD draw in so much attention? It's obviously the big thing for Spiderfags, but I don't think anyone outside of our bubble really cares anymore.
To sell that amount you need to pander normies
something that is canon on the mcu AND that reveals something or someshit
This is really intriguing and it doesn't seem like anyone's come close. Let's really brainstorm here people.
Star Wars has massive crossover appeal, people that don't give a shit about comics coming to the store. What could possible come close? Normies don't care about Spidey and MJ being married. Possibly something with movie synergy?
Well there's already something planned about Spider-Man on Monday, regarding a new trailer + some post-Endgame stuff being teased, and with this announcement on Sunday things are definitely shaping towards that.
Based and correct
Whoever said earlier that a DC/Marvel crossover is unlikely is wrong, because I'm pretty sure Cebulski said during one of the Marvel panels months ago that he'd be open for something like that. A #1 featuring an epic crossover could sell 1 million easily.
oh shit..
Giant Size Mickey #1
+50 Variants
>Captain America runs for President.
It's been done. Ultimate universe.
Cull the herd and find some decent writers and artists would be a nice start.
Miracleman in the mu? Crossover with disney characters?
There's also a classic What If in which he did that too, so it's not exactly a modern idea either.
But that would need an announcement from dc too
I'm always down for Marvel/DC crossovers.
Fuck off evan
Yup, which is why he says something about "upcoming weeks". It could be still on the works and not something that will come out next week.
What did bendis say?
Truth hurts, huh?
Squirrel Girl leaves WCA, joins a new team to solve/ fight crime.
All New, All Bigger, All Better
Chip and Dale...and Squirrel Girl Rescue Rangers!
Anyway a crossover between marvel and dc would be one of the few things who can sell million of copies. But i intended that "we" as marvel alone
Goofy becomes an Avenger
>Squirrel Girl leaves WCA
She's not a member of the WCA, she was in GLA.
It's not just about what they're selling, but where they're selling it and whom they're selling to.
I don't think anything can. Star Wars was riding high off a wave of good will and publicity around the time of TFA and the whole revival of the franchise. It was also the first time Marvel had made a Star Wars comic in decades. I don't think anything could sell that much again.
MCU Comics™ Bryan Hitch, Adi Granov, Alex Ross, Greg Land.
I forgot, they also teamed up with Loot Crate to sell a bunch of those things as well, inflating the sells. I guess you could say that's good demonstration of why they need to change the way they sell and distribute comic books.
DC recently did a 25cent book.
Could this be a way to get those 1mill sale if
it was at that price point?
It would help.
spider-man having sex with black cat on the cover
..and they have big butts
honestly: marvel zombies vs game of thrones
I would want to kill every single onions boy who buys that trash but I am certain it would sell
meh it´s going to be more sjw trash which will be forgotten within 2 years
probably something terrible like miles becoming a long time member of the amazing cast
You forgot "trannies", "propaganda" and "anti-male" to complete the buzzword bingo.
no way
now harry potter the manga would sell millions
If you get Toriyama to draw the DBZ character with whatever current popular Superman artist to draw the Superman characters, yeah that would sell.
superman was going up and even reached averae of 60k and 70k before bendis took over.
batman has been seeling 100k average for years now regardless of the writer but things have declined somewhat recently
Toriyama doesn't really draw his characters these days though
that´s a given at this point
why bother typing something out that everybody already knows.
everyone at Yea Forumsmblr knows that sjws killed comics, who guys just refuse to accept it because of your own personal political views
Yeah, you know it would be King and Aaron co-writing with Land drawing it.
Or Toyotaro but people hate him I guess.
Only if it seemed canon (at least to Marvel Comics). I doubt a crossover would do much if it's just a one shot.
As far as manga goes, what if someone got a license from Shounen Jump to basically make a Shounen Jump crossover comic? That has a lot of sales potential, the issue would be the licensing, but maybe they could convince them if they argued that it could be used to market new series by showing the characters alongside established ones.
It's a shitty event guys, don't get hyped.
Not everybody and he clearly is also a fan of DC. Anyway, what exactly Disney gains from the FOX deal in terms of Dragon Ball rights? Only distribution? In any case, WB should be talking with Shueisha and Toei for a future crossover.
Never going to happen
Darkclaw returns, Yes!!!
616 vs MCU
Marvel Universe Rebirth #1
Marvel X Star Wars inbound
It could be the Star Wars crew finding themselves in the Marvel universe
People would just pirate the good parts instead.
I mean, why not? Though I think doing that would demand something bigger than a single series. People have been speculating about that for ages, though at this point it would be jarring to see Han Solo meeting Star-Lord as both were inspired by Flash Gordon, yet being so bizarrely different.
>Bendis was teasing it too
Sauce? I don't doubt it, Bendis was about to finish that Daredevil/Batman crossover and then Quesada flung a giant turd at DC and it got killed.
The return of Marvel Swimsuit Edition?
There's already one Swimsuit edition coming in July, that's not it.
To me this is what makes the most sense, and now that Bendis is over there and Cebulski has shown some openness to the idea (unlike Brevoort, but fuck him), it's likely to happen. They could coordinate and get something going in this regard.
the plan so far:
>first we take Kamala Khan
>the rest will work its self out
There's no marvel property that would sell seven figures.
The only reason star wars did was by going full on ridiculous on variants and capitalizing on all the worst aspects of comic collecting, while having the weight of Star Wars behind it.
Spider-Man and Avengers could, but that would require actual promotion and a 'bait' gimmick.
Would Miles get a hug from peter and ge5 told he was hope?
Spider-man and avengers can't sell 1 million of a single floppy issue.
Not today.
There's no gimmick they could pull to do it. Death is meaningless, they can't claim it's a final issue, and relaunches are equally meaningless.
>What could sell?
Well written comic that creates something fresh or expands on something with potential. Don't use cliche tripe and don't pander to SJW. There you go. You just made a gorillion moneys.
>Death is meaningless
I get it, you're one step away from taking the black pill, but Venom right now is pulling 80K figures consistently, if that can do it, any other series with a gimmick could, given proper promotion and effort.
Cyberfrog is now officially part of the Marvel universe!
MCU Szechuan sauce cross-promotion.
Spider-Man: OMD is undone with wedding
This is so fucking obvious, how has no one said this yet?
He could have literally just had the idea and still hasn't workshopped it.
Spiderfags are still emotionally hurt from all the abuse and don't want to get hopeful again
A licensed Undertale comic
Prove me wrong.
I don't know if you know this but there is a pretty big gulf between 80K and 1 million.
>I get it, you're one step away from taking the black pill
No, seriously, death doesn't pull the attention it used to in comics. They drove that sales gimmick into the ground, dug it out, drove it in a second time, then set it on fire.
Also, 80k is SO VERY FAR from 7 figures.
Venom is down to 61k as of issue 12.
Even Detective Comics 1000 only broke 500k.
Superman always sold in 40-50K.
Batman/Star Wars/Spider-man crossover.
Superman is selling there now, but prior to Bendis it was staying above 60k for way way way longer than the Bendis series did.
I'm well aware of the difference in numbers, I was talking about the success of a series like that in this landscape, making it possible for many others to be as successful in the right conditions.
Also you're looking at it as if pulling 1 million sales means they have to sell 1 million in a single run, when it's more like box office returns. Immortal Hulk and Venom specifically have had several reprints of their first issues (Hulk the most, in fact), and that keeps adding up to its overall gross. A #1 of a new series that purports itself to be a true gangbuster like JLA vs Avengers could have this sort of huge returns and constant reprints that would bring it close to 1 million if not more. JLA vs Avengers is also more of a normie draw than DC #1000.
What is Immortal Hulk #1 currently at anyway?
>making it possible for many others to be as successful in the right conditions.
Nobody is arguing with you that books can't sell 80k (even though venom isn't anymore).
Literally nobody.
>Also you're looking at it as if pulling 1 million sales means they have to sell 1 million in a single run
The OP is talking about selling a million plus with a single issue. That's what everyone in the thread is talking about. Selling a million in a single run is easy as fuck. Happens all the time.
>A #1 of a new series that purports itself to be a true gangbuster like JLA vs Avengers could have this sort of huge returns and constant reprints that would bring it close to 1 million if not more.
Sales history for mega events doesn't agree with you. JLA Avengers crossover #1 wasn't even the best selling book of the month when it came out.
Marvel/DC crossover, as it has been stated in this thread, death has no consequences in modern comics, so what can you do to actually have SOME kind of impact? Having certain characters be stuck in the wrong universe until the lead up to the sequel series a year later where shit is put back to where it belongs. In between events have a series of multiple 12 issue mini series showcasing the potential team ups and all that shit
First month sales of immortal hulk 1 was 84k.
Second month was 5k.
Third month was 3k.
I'm going to guess way way way way way way less than that guy thinks it is.
>Marvel/DC crossover,
They did this. More than once.
People don't actually care about this.
Wish I could find an aggregate source for it, but Immortal Hulk #1 just sold 4,441 issues in March, a full year after its release. Think again. comichron.com
>Think again
All of the numbers I gave you are from that same source, but the actual first few months.
Actually check all the months. The data doesn't show this as being some mega hit.
>What could possibly sell a million copies nowadays?
Spider-man getting his marriage back.
You're talking strictly about the #1 when I was referring to the series as a whole. Obviously two different things, but my point was related to the steady reprintings a series like this is getting compared to previous modern runs (I did say "the first issues" here )
>but Immortal Hulk #1 just sold 4,441 issues in March, a full year after its release.
1. Immortal Hulk released in June 2018. Not March 2018.
2. Yeah, the reprint sold 4441 in March. The issue isn't even on the charts for February, January, December, November, October, or September.
The sales for that issue look to be, including the reprint, only 4441 over what that other post listed.
You literally just sourced and singled out the first issue. In both posts where you've brought it up.
This entire thread is about a single issue selling seven figures.
What? No. In my first reference I talked about FIRST ISSUES in plural, then someone asked about #1. Learn to read.
>Immortal Hulk and Venom specifically have had several reprints of their first issues (Hulk the most, in fact),
Then you tried to argue with someone that IH 1 was selling more than they were guessing because it sold a measly 4k issues after that.
You aren't helping yourself, and like someone also already told you, this looking at series gross of a million books is retarded because that happens all the time. It's easy if you have a book that doesn't die out the gate.
God you're obnoxiously autistic.
Stranger Things vs Batman vs Predator
Why did you tell that guy to "Think again" over the numbers he gave?
Officially sanctioned rule 34 parodies of comics and cartoons.
Didn't the Batman #50 put out 500k? A Marvel and DC crossover with those levels of dumbasses falling for bait could be the answer.
>A Marvel and DC crossover with those levels of dumbasses falling for bait could be the answer.
People keep saying this but keep forgetting how the other marvel dc crossovers performed.
Over 100k in the biggest slump in comic book history. That's pretty fucking impressive.
Which of the crossovers are you referencing?
There's been more than one, and none of them indicate a seven figure first issue sell through.
Isn't Shueisha notoriously tight fisted?
a straight up hard reboot of either companies main universe.
That's my point. In the 90's a Batman wedding issue wouldn't have sold 150k let alone 500k. There's more people willing to buy into events than ever before, especially with marketing cramming themselves down people's throats at every turn.
For reference, here's some Marvel and DC crossover sales:
Batman stuck in Gemworld
A special events with retcons that actually UNfuck their characters this time? Superheroes are back to being good guys? Girls are back to being hot and knowing it? The kids from Avengers Arena are back? Cap is back to his regular self? A whole issue of everyone pointing at Carol and laughing?
Meh, they're just going to marry Cap or some shlock gimmick anyway.
...And I didn't even remember the Batman marriage thing when I typed that. They ARE gonna do just that to one-up DC, aren't they.
The MCU comes to our world, sets the stars of Endgame, and stops Trump.
It'll be fucking nothing, just some shitty event. He's just trying to shill more trash.
Absolute Carnage being a "house cleaning" storyline with permanent deaths for Carol and all of the SJW cancer characters (Kamala Khan, Kate Bishop, Mockingbird, America, Falcon and Illegal Falcon, Iron Heart, Patriot, etc) and ending with their souls being destroyed.
>That's my point. In the 90's a Batman wedding issue wouldn't have sold 150k let alone 500k.
Are you kidding? The 90s was the boom period for comics in general via the collector craze and people were cashing in on events.
The 90s marvel vs dc crossover was the best performing one, and it needed a grossly artificially inflated market to do it.
undo OMD?
>Are you kidding? The 90s was the boom period for comics in general via the collector craze and people were cashing in on events.
Refresh my memory, was that before or after Marvel filed for Chapter 11?
How old are you that you don't remember the comic bubble?
The 90s was the last time comics were consistently selling well, before the collector market burst and everything crashed.
200+k selling issues of spawn, million plus selling issue of superman, 6 figure xmen...
Educate yourself.
They're gonna make the first mainstream futa heroine, aren't they?
>why make a new one when we can slap a penis on an existing character and pretend they were always a dickgirl?
The Eternals
By Claremont and Joe Mad
Hickman Hickman Hickman
That was the spectator market which inflated numbers from buyers intending to resell their collection and then caused a crash, the 90's themselves were the downfall of the market thanks to all of it's supremely gimmicky bullshit much of which lives on today.
I'd buy 2
True, but that ignores that during that time Rebirth was double shipping, which means they were actually selling more overall.
>Girls are back to being hot and knowing it?
ah the pinnacle of modern storytelling
It would sell. And it is one thing actual buyers want.
The speculator bubble stretched well in to the 90s.
It crashed in the 90s, but it wasn't excluded from them.
You can literally see this at play all through things like death of superman and other notable early 90s events and issues.
I remember Mark Millar talking big one day because he said he had an idea for Marvel vs Star Wars that would sell. No shit, who couldn't think up an idea for that in five minutes and it would sell.
Actually that makes me realize Star Wars vs. Star Trek would easily clear a million.
Actually it is a possibility
Tits and Ass
And to pander to fags and women:
JokerXBatman smut
Let me guess? Annihilation 2?
If you wanted that you wouldn't be reading capeshit
>It's here
Thank you user
That was my favorite What If ever. It also included "What If Man-Thing Regained Ted Sallis' Brain" which, inevitably, ended in tears and fire.
Marvel kills the Capcom multiverse.
Spidey solos Dante and ntrs is tramp squad.
DC and Marvel swapping superheroes for a year in epic building company wide crossover event.
Thor ends up in DC Universe, joins JLA, ends up fighting Steppenwolf, Darkseid and New Gods alongside Superman, Batman, Flash, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Green Lamtern.
Wonder Woman ends up in Marvel Universe, joins Avengers, ends up fighting Immortus, Kang and Krokos The Eternal alongside Iron Man, Captain America, She Hulk, Beast, Wasp, Antman and Hawkeye.
If ends up being successful they then end up swapping over two bigger names next year, like Superman and Spider-Man with Clark Kent ending up at Daily Bugle and Peter Parker at Daily Planet.
So kill la kill?
>which, inevitably, ended in tears and fire
That just comes with "What If".
No one gives a fuck about Spidey outside hero stuff.
True dat.
Hank Pym marriage adventures?
The swapping idea aint that bad
Agreed, they need to bring back Access.
Then we can have characters take small jaunts to each other's Universe. We can even have that become new small tlak in unrelated issues of Avengers or JL.
"Where is J'onn, why can't he help us in this week's issue?"
"He's in 616 right now helping to infiltrate their 'Skrulls'. "
>Meanwhile at the Teen Titans HQ.
"Hey so I'm Miles, and I've been universally displaced again. Kinda just trying to find a place to hang for a minute if that's cool "
-Robin, " ... -tt- "
>a straight up hard reboot of either companies main universe.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who was hoping for this when Secret Wars "killed" the whole Marble Universe a few years back.
The X-Line, in particular, is just too far gone for anything other than a hard reset back to factory settings at this point, senpai.
People already did that and it doesn't sell well
>The X-Line, in particular, is just too far gone for anything other than a hard reset back to factory settings at this point, senpai.
True, but half the problem with the X-Line it's still on the factory settings at this point.
It needs a firmware upgrade at the least after the hard reset.
>It needs a firmware upgrade
Well, yeah, that's true now that I think about it. If I never see another rehash of The Dark Phoenix Saga again it'll be too soon.
That also goes for "oh, noes, we're going extinct because something something evolution doesn't work anything like this but fuck it, we got nuffin!" and their tendency to go total ham-fist with the oppressed minority allegory so instead of someone flipping out at a harmless mutant because they're afraid mutation might be contagious or because they heard about some other mutant with dangerous powers hurting someone somewhere else ... we end up with The Legacy Virus ( pretty much Mutant AIDS ) or Mutant Internment Camps ( because Japanese Americans/German Jews ... and ignoring how amazingly stupid it would be to concentrate that many people with powers in one location ... and that's not even getting into the massive retardation of "we're afraid of you because you have powers ... but we have a magic shot or collar that will just turn those powers off at will ") and so on and on.
It's the Ultimate universe relaunch since Bendis brought it back at the end of Spider-Men II and it hasn't been touched on since
>Ultimate universe relaunch
Is that how they're going to lure Jeph Loeb away from the TV productions?
A original IP with interesting concepts and attractive visuals, and is marketed heavily like the movies.
Don't do it through word of mouth, that shit never works for American comics
>revolutionize everything
>it's like starwars
dead on arrival
Based Hickman saviour of capeshit
CB would have to convince Quesada though, because that shithead still has the power to stop it. Quesada is the guy who ended any Marvel/DC crossovers in the first place - he's pushed the company to more aggressive, less friendly competition tactics.
I don't think Marvel would survive that.
S-sauce? For scientific purposes?
SECRET Wars, user. Not that's anything better, of course...
>>it's like starwars
"I don't read comics: the post."
>Bendis writing the first Marvel/DC crossover in over 15 years
>Not that's anything better
Yea Forumsntrarianism aside: Secret Wars 3.0 was really REALLY good, user. The tie-ins were mostly really great too.
But then they totally failed to capitalize on all the good will that it built up when they just went right back to the Same Old Thing after ( with some really lame changes, like Daredevil's secret ID magically being secret again, which is just more of The Same Old Thing as he was back to living in NYC again ect ect ).
And they decided that since recycling the Big Event name worked they'd do it again ( Civil War 2.0! ) and again ( Infinity Wars! ) and again ( Spider-geddon 2.0!! ) and again ( War of the Realms! )
Marble's gonna Marble.
>Secret Wars 3.0 was really REALLY good, user. The tie-ins were mostly really great too
Why do you lie on the Internet?
>take X-Men by Hickman
>throw in shitloads of overshipping
>throw in one of those monthly "loot boxes" people buy full of random merch
Hype + Overshipping + Loot Crate™ = NUMBERS
Star Wars #1 was artificially inflated in the exact same manner. Comichron estimates a minimum of 350k issues from Loot Crate, and SW was likely double-shipped. Assuming it sold about 300k is far more likely than the official number
>Why do you lie on the Internet?
I'm old enough to have been here when it was released, user. It was plenty popular around here and it sold like gangbusters in the physical stores.
And then the follow up was weak and people were deflated and disappointed.
And then they went full SJW and ... whelp.
Keep dreaming spider-fag
>to """sell"""
*To distribute
>not liking samcap
>liking Hickman wars
Jesus, how can one man have such shit taste
>Yea Forumsntrarianism aside, I said
>goes full Yea Forumsntrarian
You're not even trying.
Yea Forums, much like you, hates black legacy characters though
Thanks. ;-D
It surprises me how low-key western comics are compared to manga in Japan.
Is it the monthly release schedule or something? It just seems like the only people buying a lot of comics these days are boomers with massive wallets, and even then all they ever buy is capeshit.
>hates black legacy characters
I don't, though.
What I didn't like was the way they replaced their ENTIRE MAIN LINEUP via genderswapping, racebending, or both.
Falcon was fine. Falcap, in isolation and written by someone not as ham-fisted as Spencer, would have been fine. Image related ... not so much.
And it wasn't just Yea Forums hating on 'diversity' ... check the sales numbers from that year and look at how hard they tanked.
If they'd waited and announced this arrival with the return of UNCANNY it would have done massive numbers. But that's passed.
Didn't the revenue go up from 2012 onwards?
No advertising
>Is it the monthly release schedule or something?
No, they used to tell actual stories and they did them month to month.
Watchmen came out in 12 single issues just like Spider-Man did/does.
>seems like the only people buying a lot of comics these days are boomers with massive wallets
Right: and that's a big part of the problem. They can't really evolve or change anything because the oldFags will shit so they just keep repackaging the same shit over and over again.
Just like all the procedurals on network tv which are aimed squarely at the same demographic.
>Sales history for mega events doesn't agree with you. JLA Avengers crossover #1 wasn't even the best selling book of the month when it came out.
That wasn't a "mega" event though, it was a self-contained mini-series. Maybe an actual big crossover event that's unquestionably in continuity with tons of tie-ins for both companies could do it, but there's no way Marvel would do something like that nowadays.
They fell into a trap back in the 80s of increasing color and page quality alongside prices, rather than focusing on it being a cheap and accessible medium.
>Didn't the revenue go up from 2012 onwards?
Yes, but no.
They actually had very slight growth in 2017 in all the brands OTHER THAN MARBLE ... which tanked so hard that they brought the whole industry down with them ( this is what happens when the company that was responsible for over 50% of the sales month-to-month steps in it like they did ).
Considerably more info about Marble circa 2017than you're likely to read, but Imma link it anyway:
Nah, I think most of the older audience likes change, I think the problem is the 18-25 age group won't shell out $5 a pop for a single issue anymore.
Like for me at least, I never buy comics or manga physically since Tachiyomi exists, it gives me a virtual infinite amount of content for absolute free with zero ads.
Lol. This would do it, honestly.
Creepy panjeet
>I think most of the older audience likes change
That is demonstrably NOT TRUE. And not just for comics. Most older people know what they like and they want more of that, thanks.
But it didn't used to MATTER because for every kid who went off to college and stopped caring about Spider-Man there was another kid ( or three ) who had just turned 11 years old and was bugging their mom to let them get the latest issue that caught their eye on the spinner rack.
Nowadays those kids are all loving the movies and bugging their mom for the games or lego sets or whatever ... but they're never going to set foot inside a LCS.
>I think the problem is the 18-25 age group won't shell out $5 a pop for a single issue anymore.
This is also a big part of the problem. Although there are things like Marvel Unlimited that work more or less the same way ( all you can eat with a 6 month delay from print ) which, between the cost of floppies and the level of decompression and "writing for the trade" is the only thing that makes any sense for Big Two titles, imho.
But I think a much bigger problem is "the illusion of change" because back in the day when they killed Gwen Stacy off that had some impact.
By the time you get to the early 00's they had characters snarking ON PAGE about how no one stayed dead in comics.
And by the time you get to Civil War 2.0 people are just rolling their eyes at the whole "THIS WILL TOTALLY CHANGE THE MARBLE UNIVERSE FO-EVAH!!!"
Right. You mean just like the last one? Which launched 6 months ago and, thanks to delays and you faggots cash-grabbing by adding an extra issue or two, hasn't even fucking finished yet? Meh.
The same thing goes with the constant relaunches or the titles: why bother with something that you didin't love from the first issue when it'll get rebooted in 5 - 10 issues anyway? Why bother EVEN IF YOU DID love from the first issue when it'll get rebooted in 5 - 10 issues anyway?
We were all here and that's bullshit, though. It was largely agreed here the main series sucked but some tie-ins were good, and a lot of any good will had already gone out the window with Time Runs Out.
Ah yes, 2017 was when it went down, but it was up till then, and up in 2018 again
Marvel Vs DC
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Marvel x Simpsons
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>a lot of any good will had already gone out the window with Time Runs Out
It really didn't help that Age of Ultron ( Bendis ) Original Sin ( Aaron ) were both turds.
So much so, in fact, that I skipped Civil War II ( because Bendis ) and am currently skipping War of the Realms ( because Aaron ).
>it was up till then, and up in 2018 again
Again: yes, but no.
It's only really up due to sales in the book channel ( bookstores ) and they get considerably more sales via things like Dogman.
Yeah, I meant more that Secret Wars 4 came directly from the shitshow that was Time Runs Out, but Marvel had been on an event losing streak for a while at the time.
How about selling comics on cheaper paper for a dollar
how about selling them in shops that people normally go into instead of specialised ones that only weirdos shop in
>Marvel had been on an event losing streak for a while at the time
I remember being amazingly hyped for AvX and completely let down. I didn't even bother to read IvX.
It's not just that they dipped back into the well too many times ( although they DID ), it's also that the quality of the product has been mostly relentlessly mediocre-to-bad ( and in the case of the Big Events much more bad than not ).
>I meant more that Secret Wars 4 came directly from the shitshow that was Time Runs Out
Huh. That's actually a really good point, user. I got bored with Hickman's Avengers after maybe the second Incursion and dropped it when they made Deodato the main artist for the series ... so I actually didn't read *any* of the lead up outside of the single issue tie-ins.
You've knocked my X-Men Might Not Totally Suck hype down a few pegs.
But I'm not even mad: as an Xfag I'm used to the pain.
>Nowadays those kids are all loving the movies and bugging their mom for the games or lego sets or whatever ... but they're never going to set foot inside a LCS.
Honestly this. Even as someone who grew up with Yea Forums (because there was nothing else, except rewatching Donnerman or the Batman movies) I now struggle to find the time to read floppies or even trades outside storytimes. A kid growing up now has superhero movies falling from the sky, mobile games, cartoons on demand instead of an episode on saturday and sunday mornings, and vidya.
If the choice comes down to reading a Spidey comic or playing the Spidey game for the PS4 where you can actually interact with the world and see the action in full motion, it's not a tough one.
God no, because I know it would be written by Cates and fuck that guy, he's awful in Cosmic.
Reboot every line after one issue an make every issue a #1?
>Pokemon: the comic
There's already a big one, it's called Pokemon Adventures (Pokemon Special in Japanese) and it's been ongoing since '97.
It's one of the best-selling manga of all time.
If it means saving the DC Universe then I'll gladly take one for the team.
Publishers tell you the lie that newsprint is some rare commodity, too hard to find. Literally every daily newspaper in the country and those advertising fliers that you toss in the trash every week is printed on this rare commodity. It holds color well enough for a disposable periodical to properly display photography.
Web press printing is stupidly common as is newsprint. Web press printers buy newsprint by the tonnage.
Then trades can be printed on higher quality paper for those that want the premium volume.
It's not rocket science.
OMD effectively being undone with Peter/MJ marrying again without knowledge of the past could be a big seller.
Especially if Mephisto freaks out and tries to get at them for finding a way out of his "deal".
X-men the MCU prequel
A full blown xmen reboot? With Xavier coming back and an inentional throwback to the Lee/Claremont eras? Better integrated with 616 as a whole?
A full relaunch is going to have to happen once the MCU starts integrating x-stuff into it.
Also printing all the series in one weekly omnibus the size of telephone book
>so I actually didn't read *any* of the lead up outside of the single issue tie-ins
All we ever needed to know: to stop the world from being destroyed, the fricking AVENGERS consider going around blowing up other worlds.
>But I'm not even mad: as an Xfag I'm used to the pain.
I hear ya man
That show was insane in all the best ways.
>AVENGERS consider going around blowing up other worlds
My issue was less "heroes don't do shit like that" ( although I can see why that would bother people ) and more "how the fuck many times are we gonna repeat this story beat?"
And, of course, I'd forgotten how fucking annoying the hickfags are. As bad or worse than MorrisonFags when it comes to the Emperor's New Clothes gambit.
>the fricking AVENGERS consider going around blowing up other worlds
It wasn't something they took lightly and they always backed down, so it's not like they were wandering the multiverse and picking which planet to kill.
Maybe you really are just a brainlet.
Dude, no one outside of Uncle Caesar's beta ring kissing squad cares about Cyberfrog.
>Cyberfrog is now officially part of the Marvel universe!
That would only matter if the ding-dong-diddly-doofus managed to ship an issue, user.
Aside from the thousands of backers. But sure. You're so brave and powerful, queen.
It’s probably got something to do with the MCU. Maybe they wise up and make more comics that explicitly tie into the movies. You may not like it, but it’s a good business strategy.
>I hate it
I don't, though. I think the designs are interesting but as a writer EVS is a hell of an illustrator. The original issues that went up couple months ago show it.
>Aside from the thousands of backers.
They give him money because they like his opinion, not his output (and with how polarized shit became in no small part thanks to the media they're opposing, that's the right).
That's why they keep taking it up the ass and don't mind delays while Unca Caesar keeps vlogging about inane shit about how the next rumor that can't be confirmed will surely spell doom for Disney Wars and buying houses but don't mind they haven't even got the thing they paid for.
That too is also their right, and most absolutely a losing proposition. But hey, a fool and his money.
Who gives a shit? Really, this ship has sailed and there wouldn't be nearly enough enthusiasm.
Batman shit.
>Really, this ship has sailed and there wouldn't be nearly enough enthusiasm.
Are you kidding me?
Like over half of the dickriding Spencer gets for his Spider-Man is "muh MJ and Peter" despite it being pretty bland shit.
I'm not kidding. It's really not a draw. Yea Forums is not the public at large who would not care. No crossover/casual appeal.
I'm not talking about Yea Forums, every place I look with people discussing Spencer-Man it's always OH MUH PETE AND MJ PETE HAS SUDDENLY BECOME RESPONSIBLE AGAIN despite very little change to how he talks from Sloth and shit.
Stop samefagging, it won't make the comic less shit.
kek, more like facts you discord tranny
as long as mj is not allowed to be her old, fun loving sexy self since it triggeres sjws/feminists I don´t care
Villain Superboy Prime stuck in the Marvel Universe for a full year? Who said that?
Ah yes "discord" was missing, thank you.
Honestly? Fucking nothing because Hero Comics are an over satured medium with confusing stories, and horrid arcs that all try to out do eachother. Turns out, you literally CANT out do Galactus or Thanos or anything on a Universe ending scale without looking like a fucking hack afterwards.
Most unique event we ever got, was Civil War, let that sink in. These are heroes who used to be grounded in reality, but now they are grounded in their own little worlds doing nothing but fighting crime. They don't even feel human anymore, they feel like awful robots who just does shit because the writers say too.
We unironically need to start heroes over, with more loose story lines and no "world ending" monsters or magic shit. It's just heroes and villians. We need to go back to the days of the 80's when the overarching story didnt matter because it was just Hero vs Villian.
We need more grounded hero stories that make them feel human, and we need to do away with 10 book arcs that have no substance besides trying to outdo something that was done in the 80's.
Scrap Marvel and DC as a whole, and start over. Maybe write Bruce Wayne as a greedy dickhead who only dresses as batman because criminals drive down his investment rates, or write Spider-Man to be a kid again, and have books where literally all he does is go shopping or go to school. We need to rewrite classic characters to be better instead of keeping the same characterization they had in the 70's because we've had a good 40+ years of comics already, with nothing changing. We need more variety if comics wants to survive as a medium.
In the end, you see spider-man fight venom once, you've seen it a thousand fucking times.