>094: Oh Shit Who Could Ever Seen This Coming
This shit is NOT okay. She straight-up LIED to Pasqualo! How will we ever trust what she says again?
>094: Oh Shit Who Could Ever Seen This Coming
This shit is NOT okay. She straight-up LIED to Pasqualo! How will we ever trust what she says again?
It's IH's Pasqualo's fault. You just know he lurked /u/
>That kiss
chair lotte just raped pasqualo
God it'd be the funniest shit is Pasq turned out to be 100% straight.
Like realistically that won't happen because Gob is the kind of dude who unironically writes
I would have never noticed without looking at the websites actual comment section.
One of her eyes stopped being blue right at the end there. It's immortal cyborg gray.
IH! Pasqualo:
>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
IH! Ally:
>Yea Forums, specifically rekt threads
>shitposting on /pol/
IH! Tubsy:
they all would probably fuck around on Yea Forums, though
I'd say that was a coloring error if it didn't carry over to the other panel
also Gobs own comment in the comment section.
>Intentional. She’s losing her grip a bit here.
Nice catch, Anons.
>This shit is NOT okay.
You're damn fucking right. This is filth. Katie is supposed to be the one kissing her
Whoa shit
>dykes are even invading Yea Forums comics
>left to right
how disgustingly plebian
What a cute little creep.
You mean ally ally is supposed to get in lesbians with pasqualo and they raise alpacas togetger
oh man and here I thought we wouldn't see the old world seep back in
gob fucking do it
Aurora-Pasqualo learning about her cyborg nature and True Pasqualo's sacrifice at some point would be a real gut punch. I like the idea that the forgiveness that needs to happen is Aurora-Pasqualo forgiving the original Pasqualo for leaving her to live without the universal constant of her original purpose, and exploring whether she is really her own person without that.
>implying Please Forgive Me!!! hasn't always been /u/ themed
>only 6 away to 100
No matter what gob says I know shit WI go down. It won't be world ensign shit but more emotional problems shit
It hasnt
>we're only 6 updates from 100
>Pasq has a love interest
>who sings
>and who encourages THEM to sing
>they haven't sung together yet
>Pasq's eye went cyborg there for a second
Everything is fine.
No, Ally is for Tubsy, remember?
tubsy is too busy being in multiple comas. ally will get with pasqualo and raise alpacas like pasqualos dream foretold in it hurts
Ally's chemistry with Tubsy has always paled in comparison to her chemistry with ANY Pasqualo. The only thing keeping them apart is Pasqualo and Katie being inserts for Gob and his wife. Tubsally is cute, but nothing could beat the potential matrimonial adventures of a wedded Paqually. Imagine the children.
>two girls
This is IH Pasq's custom universe. A lesbian baby corollary isn't out of the question.
Ally and Pasq were always better as friends, even in IH!!
>Charlotte's hair turns green in the dark
>Pasq's eye changing colors
6 more to strip 100!
Do you trust Gob and Josef not to do it again?
Pasqualo did sing last strip, and those people hearing it went on to become presidents
But "pasqualo" is actually aurora now, not the cyborg boy.
Which makes it even more bizarre. Let us have something stupid to fixate on.
Same shitty dad though.
Look as a transcended level 100 feminist Pasqualo knew he had to increase the representation in the new universe. And he wanted fap material.
Mark should fuck the gay out of chair
The cyborg thing was dad's work tho, and he's still himself, 100%
This still exist?
So is the second volume slice of life?
>Pasq turned out to be 100% straight.
Well, reminder it is actually Aurora. And she has only dated guys.
i think gob just forgot to color the iris
Look at the comments on the site. He outright said he did it on purpose.
All Pasqualos would browse /jp/
They just pulled a "racist ghost heaven" a few pages ago, I am relatively more optimistic about this than most content with lesbians as the focus.
Remember the calm before the storm in IH? It's sorta like that at the moment.
Serious question, why does every webcomic gotta have lesbians?
why does every mainstream IP have to have straights?
It's sorta like the token black guy trope in the 60s and 70s, a combination of activism and it being a novelty. Lesbians in comics have been a thing in the past but this decade was marked by it becoming mainstream and "cool to do".
>tfw her dad knows exactly what's going to happen
>tfw it's happened more than once before
random thought
maybe people prefer lesbians to straight white dudes
>Serious question, why does every webcomic gotta have lesbians?
Because a majority of webcomic artist are liberals (they originate from tumblr). But Gob and Joe are just trying to imitate Japanese Yuri.
>implying all lesbians are liberals
I'm not. I said just said a ton of webcomic artist are liberals thus they want to be inclusive.
On one hand she explicitly did lie and the fact she's confessing now indicates she knows she lied to some degree.
But on the other hand it wasn't exactly subtle and Auroasqualo is retarded.
So will this go down the path of topical webcomic lesbians or throw a curve ball of a straight nice girl being unsure how to let how down and staying friends?
Katie will cuck goth girl just like she cucked Aurora in her previous life.
I'm 100% believing gob when he says nothing is gonna happen on strip 100. Because if nothing happens, then no disappointment, and if he pulls some Charlie Brown shit and says over and over again that nothing will happen to lower my guard and then kick me in the nuts then bravo.
Mark my words, this Will result on Magical Cyber-Girl Aurorasqualo's Adventures
PFM Pasqualo is not Aurora. She's a weeb and also a cyborg. Aurora is a component of her but they're not one to one the same person
Oh shit I forgot the whole Cyborg thing.
diversity points. porn fuel in some cases
I like cheesy romance.
There, I said it.
And maybe the planet will get hit by a meteor tomorrow. We aren't talking about something that will happen but what could be the case.
Yeah it's Aurora if she had to live Pasq's life. We're shaped by our experiences.
IH! Katie:
>Yea Forums
I see no reason Dad wouldn't also turn Pasqaurara into a cyborg, also curious when Mom's gonna show up again
^This, Paskatie is a universal constant
>inb4 Everything goes to hell on page 101
He’s said that PFM isn’t going to get as crazy IH, and it’ll be more down to Earth SoL. More down to Earth than IH is still a pretty broad range, and we still have a lot of kooky shit going on.
>Levi and Josef trade writing duties on Bomango and PFM for a year
what happens
Fuck, what if this turns into some kind of magical girl show parody after it's 100th, like Pretty Cure? Would actually love that shit
I want a one two punch with Paquaura getting mad as all hell at Charlotte for stealing her first kiss and lying to her for a whole day, right before she says y/u/rifags should be thrown in the bin
And if we're cyborgs, our literal programming
Heteronormative crusader Pasqualo WHEN
U think we're ever gonna see the original Pas again?