A 19/20 year old kid with his parents dead and living in a shit hole who never had a girlfriend and didn’t get to live in peace time after a war he was committed to dying in who was ripped out of his time into the modern age and has been always depressed about it just saved the world after ten years of fighting another war finally gets a second chance to live a life with the only girl he had a connection with that he otherwise would never have a second chance to be with finally does one thing somewhat selfish to take that chance because he was inspired by his other friend who always told him to take it easy after they just sacrificed themselves.
I think this is also a terrible decision =D
Xavier Miller
>You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play
David Miller
>Finally got the spoiler tags working. Lurk moar newfriend
Chase Cook
Cap has been through hell and back, and has been willing to throw his life away to safe others from the very start, such as throwing himself on the dud grenade before he had the serum injected. Let him have his dance.
Carter Cooper
Steve has sacrificed his youth to stop Hydra in WWII and was frozen into ice for 70 years. He is the man belonging to the past and he deserves his well retirement with his love interest.
Robert Torres
>107346501 {you}
Ayden Lewis
We OWN you CAP! You belong to US! Where the fuck do you think you're going, selfish bastard!? Get the FUCK back here and DEFEND me!
Michael James
Like the Russos said in their QA, Steve and Tony's endings were a reverse of their characters. Despite finally getting everything Tony has ever wanted he still gave his life to save everyone. Thus becoming a more compassionate person. In the other hand, Steve whos whole life has been pure suffering unlike Tony's finally FOR ONCE did someone for himself and lived a happy life with the woman he loved. Couldn't have asked for a better ending for those two.
Honestly I'm proud of them both. Tony for realizing that some things extend past his own immediate self interest and Cap for realizing that he should do what was best for himself. I think Cap was already on that path too after becoming an international criminal to protect Bucky. He realized he had to serve his own justice above the justice of others. Tony realized that sacrifice for those he loves is what makes him whole.
Chase Hughes
>Tony is influenced by Cap into becoming a less selfish person after nearly a lifetime of being driven by selfishness and ego >Cap is influenced by Tony and does something selfish and for his own happiness after spending half his life putting everything on the line for other people Even Yea Forums was able to understand this
Sebastian Anderson
>Finally got the spoiler tags working Control+S newfag.
Brayden Hughes
Cap literally states "I though I'd give a try to that life Tony was always telling me to get".
How can people miss that?
Thomas Ramirez
>guy who is selfish learns sacrifice >guy who always sacrifices learns to look out for himself
Tyler Lewis
Age of ultron was a better avengers movie
Blake Long
it is really weird that Cap's ending has such a split reception considering the Russos absolutely killed with the Cap sequels
Christian Collins
>save webpage.html
wow, so helpful
Parker Bell
It really wasn't.
Austin Nelson
it wasn't
Justin Parker
can you actually type that with a straight face?
Oliver Wood
I'm glad that they gave him his iconic scenes but Remind me why MCU Steve is worthy again?
Christian Parker
I have a hard time deciding what was worse between Ultron and the first Avengers. Both are pretty goddamn bad.
Liam Torres
>Ctrl+S Why the fuck do I want to save this absolutely useless Chinese imageboard webpage?
Hudson Brown
That's actually a very nice and wholesome way to look at it
Jackson Harris
He's willing to kill for a noble cause, follows a strict honor code, and has a sense of something above himself that he's loyal to and must fight for. Mjolnir is lifted by someone whom Odin would consider worthy and Odin would consider your archetypal Nordic warrior type who is loyal to what Odin might consider good to be worthy.
Brody Collins
>natural leader >warrior >willing to kill for the greater good >willing to sacrifice self for comrades and the welfare of people >none ego driven
Michael Martinez
Not gonna lie, I kinda wanted them to go back in time to when Ultron was around to get one of the stones and Ultron beams himself into one of their computers before they head back.
Lucas Watson
They’re both simple and enjoyable mashups but More was expected of AoU and it didn’t deliver where Avengers1 accomplished everything it needed to. Given it didn’t elevate anything but the check boxes were marked. AoU missed out on what could have been.
Nathan Collins
Ultron would be pointless to have come back with both Tony and Vision gone.
Mason Taylor
Ultron was boring as fuck which was the biggest sin of his movie LET ME TALK IN DEEP VOICE AND EXPLAIN MY MOTIVATIONS AND PLAN
Logan Butler
You're probably right. First Avengers at least gets points for being the first of it's kind and delivering on expected fan hype. Whedon's just kind of a hack
Brandon Lopez
his biggest sin for me is that he was made entirely out of vibranium and was basically an even better Iron man suit with a fast thinking AI, yet was taken out incredibly easily. Just a bunch of jobber robots, he quickly gets hit through a wall then melted by Vision, Iron Man, and Thor before he gets one punched away. What a lame fight.
It should have taken all their collective abilities and wits to beat him head on.
Benjamin Myers
They retconned too many things and it's like they didn't understand Cap and Steve Rogers at all. They're Downey fanboys just like Feige. Downey's character gets a magnificent ending and capfags are stuck with "cap did 9-11" and "i too would go back in time to motorboat Peggy's tits". It would have been better if he died or something. Granted, they just didn't wanna pay Downey $70 million for a movie again and they had to make this good.
I thought cap had delayed aging (and thats how he survived the ice).
Wonder how strong he is still compared to normal humans.
Levi Powell
hey big guy
Matthew Collins
As opposed to what? Licking the DC boot? And the Image boot tastes better, but its lacking Invincible flavour
Leo Perez
He didn't because he didn't want to make Thor feel bad / didn't care to prove he could and make a big deal of it.
Does it make sense that someone could be almost worthy? You can either lift the hammer or you can't
Bentley Watson
Fuck you shitfaggots. A is A. A man's primary prerogative is to be true to oneself. That's why THANOS is the only true winner in all of this. He was a crazy son of a bitch and he maintained himself until the end as what he was. Meanwhile Lieutenant Confederacy and Irony Boy compromised. Never compromise, not even in the face of Armageddon.
That's really retarded. Anyway since it's a nothing plot, I'll take your headcanon
Logan Davis
No, that was Evans. RDJ wanted to continue, he said he wanted an IM 4. Which we will get, either with revived Tony, or set in the 5 years.
Ryan Bennett
So Evans wanted out and the Russos nerfed him into an old age home? How else is Evans gonna get paid? This is the one thing that mints him money.
Ryan Parker
Is it me or did they sneak in an easy way to bring Cap back if needed? De-age him via Pym particles like they did with Ant-Man whenever Marvel needs/wants him back.
Parker Green
Cap has put himself through so much shit over the years and had to live with the fact that everyone he knew besides Bucky was dead. The guy deserved the chance to be happy and retired besides just killing him would have been too straightforward and taken away from Tony's death.
Gavin Watson
That's the case for 616. It's never explicitly stated for MCU.
Kevin Phillips
>how else is Evans going to get paid Believe me, very few things please me more than people doing popcorn flicks like mcu getting bitchlaspped when they try something more artistic, then having to return to popcorn flicks. Know your place.
>Norse god is a total wreck and failure, New Asgard is now under yass queen now >Another white guy went completely selfish >(((white))) weapons merchant that is directly and indirectly responsible for deaths and misery of billions of lives is a hero and martyr MCU is an absolute NWO tool at this point.
Lmao, MCU Cap doesn't follow anything, only his own self-righteousness
Colton Hernandez
He just wrecked Metropolis, I was talking about comics, “Whatever Happened to the Man Of Tomorrow”
Jackson Howard
honestly, what's always confused me is why MCU Thor is worthy
Andrew Thompson
Bruce faked his death to travel the world with a literal flat chested prostitute, while the Joker was canonically still in Gotham.
Brody Phillips
Yeah, but Batman is a villain, so what's your point?
Julian Thomas
People complaining about Steve going back to be with Peggy as not in character and a reversal of his character development haven't looked at Steve too closely. Yeah, I hate the ending he was given because it's a symbol of all the issues I have with MCU Steve's character arc but the ending he was given makes perfect sense.
Throughout every movie Steve has appeared in he has never really moved on from his past, there was always something holding and tying him back to it. Whether it was through Peggy and all the what if's Steve had running through his head and wanting that one dance (AOU) or whether it was through Bucky, a living and breathing reminder of his biggest regret and also the last tie to the life he once knew and thought gone (TWS, CW). MCU Steve was never able to successfully transition into his new future because he wasn't ever given the same time or resources that his 616 (and other universes) self was. MCU Steve was not discovered by the Avengers, MCU Steve did not receive the support and guidance he got through found family (the Avengers), MCU Steve did not have a Tony to help him personally assimilate to the present. MCU Steve was found and dethawed by SHIELD, thrown into an apartment then put mission into mission with no real break in between to settle himself in and find his footing and then whatever semblance of foothold he finds is rocked by finding out Bucky is alive again and SHIELD has been Hydra the whole time.
Say whatever you want about the on-screen depiction of Steve and Tony's friendship but it was clear Tony was an important person to Steve and his death was ultimately the last straw for him (after Nat's) that made him realize he shouldn't waste his life, to throw away his selflessness so he can achieve his own happiness for once.
>Isn't that the mission? Isn't that the "Why we fight"? So we can end the fight, so we get to go home?
>The war is over, Steve. We can go home.
James Bailey
>DCEU Superman never did it. Yeah, that DCEU Superman, what a hero.
>Jon Kent about to get obliterated by a fucking tornado >"Better getting ready to run faster than a speeding bull- oh, he is waving at me? Does he wants me to stop? I should stop." >"Oh no! He is dead! How could something like this ever happen? Why? WHY?!"
Oliver Smith
>He just wrecked Metropolis he didn't
>I was talking about comics, “Whatever Happened to the Man Of Tomorrow” imaginary story, real one died in CoIE
>Whatever Happened to the Man Of Tomorrow” He didn't had powers anymore
Tyler Collins
First: Agent Peggy Carter is not "some chick." You wash your mouth out with soap for implying such a thing. Second, nobody asked him if he wanted to join SHIELD in the 21st century. Nigga earned this.
Evan Cooper
You're making sense but I don't like it. It means the MCU always meant to throw him back into the past and that's a disservice to Steve Rogers (from any verse). That means the MCU never cared about his character development in the real world or what /was/ shown, meant nothing to him. Sam, Bucky, T'Challa, Bruce, Nat (alright, she's gone) and even Tony (he's gone too). All the development he did have was cut (deleted scenes), his third movie got turned into Avengers 2.5 and he had 6 minutes of screen time in Avengers 3. He tried his best, built a life here and it wasn't good enough and since he never liked it here and they deux ex machina-ed him back to the past where he belonged. That's a miserable end, it's not even a hopeful on like, now almost everyone's back, I might try to rebuild here. It's "I'll use a time machine, create my own timeline, live with anther version of myself because that's better than being here in the future".
I don't like it either, and it'll always be a misgiving I have with the MCU when it comes to Steve but it is what it is. The Russo's have shown time and time again they don't really care about Steve. Even said he's suppose to be stagnant so he can help other characters through their arcs, said they never really liked his origins and therefor reinvented him for the MCU, etc. People love to suck the dicks of the Russo's but honestly I can never fully get behind any of the praise towards them considering how they've utilized Steve.
I'm not even a Capfag (I'm a Tonyfag and I also have issues with the way the Russo's have depicted Tony in certain situations) but Steve is my second favourite character and all this rankles. MCU Steve is the most depressing iteration of Steve and a lot of people who are upset with his ending (including myself) will just have to accept that MCU Steve was never meant to have the same happiness and opportunities 616 Steve does.
Justin Johnson
ambiguos really, because his kid, that universe' Jon inherited them. Also why he was transformed into classic Stan Lee?
He had to bury the love of his life then discovers he can go back to a time where not only is she alive but in the prime of her life. He never aged a day anyway so he can easily live with her until she dies and he decides to apply that knowledge.
It's the same as Thor seeing his mother for the first time since The Dark World. Going back in time and facing a deceased loved one can change anyone.
Basically every chance he has to move on, something always pulls him back in (be it the knowledge his best friend is still alive, having to lay his beloved to rest, or seeing her alive and well). As much as he wants to sever himself from the past, it never happens.
Levi Davis
So his life here really did amount to nothing. Wow.
Maybe for you as a viewer (which, I agree, it is a somewhat cumbersome arc since he himself keeps espousing how he's married to the job and likes fighting for the little guy).
However internally it's still consistent. He's seen enough reminders of the 1940s he left behind that he finally gives in and pursues it.
Jayden Diaz
Yeah, pretty much. That's what cements this iteration of Steve as officially the most depressing one (at least in my book). MCU Steve is what you get when you don't give him any anchor or rock to hang onto in the future via the Avengers and Tony. Even Sam and Bucky weren't enough for him to stay.
Jose Ward
Though, as an addendum, it's kind of a dick move to Bucky. He's lost even more than Steve did (he only remembers that they were friends but everything else is spotty) and Steve decides to just go live a life that Bucky was denied. Now Steve gets a peaceful death in old age while Bucky has to live on in his place. Bucky's kind of made peace with it but it's still sort of selfish, especially for someone of Steve's moral high ground.
Jordan Peterson
That, you could say Steve's done his duty to bring back Bucky and keep him safe (he did only leave him for a few seconds) - did all he could. Bucky's his own man now and Steve asked if he wanted to come with but Bucky said no. In a way, he was giving permission to his friend to go live his life. But in a character arc that's sorta been "Bucky Bucky Bucky" for several movies, having him go to a alternate branch of the past for seventy odd years is jarring.
I'd always thought of him as tragic but trying his best to keep his head up in his own way, live in the hear and now. We could say Tony's death affected him a lot, he said he went to get that life Tony was telling him about. But they never showed it as much as the 616 or Ults.
How could so many people write such a wrong version of the character? Though, Tony in the MCU is pretty different from the comic versions, even Ultimates, that the MCU generally riffs off of. Not to say I hate that, it's what got me into Iron Man in the first place and he's a favorite Tony after to a few comic ones.
I didn't realize I'd take losing them both so hard, feels dumb.
Hopefully he told Howard Stark not to be such an asshole to his son.
Ethan Richardson
>But in a character arc that's sorta been "Bucky Bucky Bucky" for several movies, having him go to a alternate branch of the past for seventy odd years is jarring. The way I see it, all 3 of Steve's major relationships in the MCU have a foundation on promises (Peggy's dance, "To the end of the line." for Bucky, and "We'll lose together./"If you need me I'll be there." for Tony). Steve and Bucky's story closed with Civil War when Steve was able to fulfill that promise to Bucky at the expense of breaking his promise to Tony in the long run. There's nothing else for the Russo's to expand on in Steve and Bucky's arc. They don't need to be attached at the hip.
>You're not helping. You want additional pain? >Tony's arc reactor has always been a symbol for his heart since the first Iron Man ("Proof Tony Stark Has A Heart") >Tony ripped off his heart in his hysteria and anger and told Steve to use it to protect himself if he encounters Thanos even after Steve broke it in that Siberian bunker
Did you not catch the part where at one point it was basically Cap by himself with a broken shield versus Thanos and his whole army, and Cap started walking forward anyway?
Cap made the sacrifice play first, it's just by sheer dumbass luck that he survived it.
Carter Thompson
>No thanos! you can't put an end to the petrodollar
Nathaniel Kelly
I need someone to calmly explain to me why Captain America doesn't deserve that very clearly happy ending
Daniel Myers
i've been using 4chanx for years. unless there's a buried setting somewhere, this doesn't work.
Dominic Campbell
he does, but at the same time it looks dickish towards Bucky.
Gabriel Morris
>I need someone to calmly explain to me why Captain America doesn't deserve that very clearly happy ending He is a criminal that commited murder in several foreign countries where he had no jurisdiction. He is openly against sovereignty. While 616 stands for what he thinks is right he is also willing to PAY the price of said fight, meanwhile MCU cap believes he has the right to brake guilty people free from jail as long as they side with him. MCU is way more of a meme fascist than based ultimate cap ever was. He is pure pro-interventionism propaganda made flesh.
Evan Johnson
A selfless death, haha what a loser
Nicholas Howard
Uh yeah, he's a superhero. What kind of bitch-ass superhero just sits down on the sidelines because Kim Jong Un or Dr Doom or Hitler some other evil head of state tells them to fuck off?
Aaron White
>steals two men's lives >abandons friends and the family he made >lives a life of delusion
This Cap ending is atrocious.
Nolan Murphy
Well it wasn't delusion. Peggy did love him and he got to share that.
Xavier Reyes
He almost certainly offered Bucky a chance to tag along.
Julian Reyes
>sovereignty is evil Fucking americans
Asher Adams
... Wow am I glad I don't see things the way you do. Thanks.
Jose Wood
I'd have preferred him walking up to the stork club or waking up in the 40s.
Or better yet, he's back in the present as skinny Steve Rogers but a bit older, maybe with Nat in tow, having sacrificed one of the things that he'd always had to depend on, when he returned the stone. Or just back as skinny Steve.
The optics are pretty terrible once you really think about it.
Asher Butler
He doesn't answer to the United States of America, he shouldn't even be considered an American superhero. He might as well be Sergeant California with how little loyalty towards his country he actually has. Fuck him.
Wyatt Howard
He's stealing another man's life. His peggy is dead. She married another man and had a happy life. She moved on. Our Cap travels to another timeline, robbing Peggy's husband of his wife and her children of existence. On top of that, that's not his Peggy. It's another Cap's whom he lets stay frozen in the ice so he can't interfere. It's not a happy ending. It's a very disturbing one where Cap chooses to live in a fake more comfortable version of the past than move on and embrace his new friends/family. How can a fan be anything but disgusted by it?
William Cruz
>hey this guy is using logic on my beloved DCEU movies?! >Better call him a casual retard, this will make other people not noticing how dumb that movie was!
lol hope i'll never become a frustrated DCuck like you.
Jaxson Allen
That's not his Peggy. She's dead and gone. By the time of Endgame, she's been dead for like ten years.
Andrew Green
Fujos are mad he didn't stay in the future and fuck Bucky.
Alexander Martinez
>People are surprised by this
Civil War wasn't enough to clue people in that Stark was the one with the greater integrity between the two?
god forbid he'd blow his disguise to save the person who raised him! What a "hero"!
Nolan Hughes
Stark was wrong about the accords and right about everything else.
Christopher Roberts
At least now Bucky he has some gay bird man he can hang out with.
Jaxon Richardson
Nope. I'd be fine with him being with Sharon Carter.
Tyler Gonzalez
Stark was right to acknowledge that refusing the accords would lead to something much worse, which it did
Justin Cruz
That's part of the problem, he believes HE has the right to interveen and to kill people in foreign countries and that HIS own will should be enforced on others, he doesn't believe in accountability in any form. He does not even act as an agent of america, it's like the american president ordering bombins without congressal aproval, steve's whole deal is no different than Bush's war on terror, the "i know better idiology". MCU Steve's Avengers act like the CIA instead of being firemen. 616 would hate MCU Steve, but i believe emotional investment makes people forgive that
Benjamin Rogers
Post hoc ergo propter hoc
Michael Cooper
W-why quote Rorschach but put a picture of The Question?
Isaiah Williams
What do you mean? We see the consequences of Steve's bullshit when Stark has to fight him
Steve had no consideration for the fact that, unlike him, Stark had something to lose and can't just casually decide to become a vigilante.
Yeah but never compromise is a Rorschach quote. It couldn’t have been hard to find a pic with them both could it?
Zachary Phillips
>Tony was selfless >not willing to give up daughter so they could go back to just before the snap which would have saved many more lives like the people who committed suicide after their families disappeared or small children who died with no one to care for them
He was a selfish dick too.
Nathan Baker
Shit went down for bucky reasons, not accord reasons.
Anthony Ward
Why is Vision even in this poster? He doesn't show up once in the entire film.
Mason Diaz
Steve pretended it was about the accords and muh freedom for most of the movie.
Jace Watson
Did you even watch the movie? Or did you listen to someone else talking about the movie?
Colton Edwards
What caused the break of the team was bucky having killed stark's parents and steve having hidden it.
Grayson Morales
At the end, it started because of Ross giving Tony an ultimatum to bring Steve in leading to the airport scene and half of the Avengers being arrested
And? That wouldn't have caused a problem. They'd have gotten away with a slap on the wrist, as soon as the world needed them again, they'd be freed. Nevermind something like, Stark threatening to quit the UN-approved team, or withhold his tech. If Stark wanted to push for their freedom and they had stayed arrested, there'd have been a way.
Isaac Taylor
Ultimately, it was because the concept of superheroes fighting is shit and all superheroes owe it to themselves and America to be a hive mind and never exercise conflict with each other.
Joseph Hernandez
>Stark threatening to quit the UN-approved team, or withhold his tech.
It would not have been that easy. The government could've just as easily threatened to freeza and seize his assets. Unlike Steve, Tony is not a one-man operation and Steve failed to consider that.
David Flores
Except when Batman beats the shit out of Superman. That big blue faggot deserves it
Jeremiah Hernandez
>The government could've just as easily threatened to freeza and seize his assets Tony could just move to another country, it doesn't matter.
Hunter Moore
Stark is more needed for the world, than he needs it. And I can see him going rogue too, if they pushed him that hard. Which they tried ever since the first IM and failed anyway. And the governments were filled with HYDRA and they all knew. It makes no sense to go along with the accords, he had much better options.
Jordan Lewis
The problem is that being the CEO of his company is vital to bring in the money to keep being Iron Man
This shit is why Bruce Wayne cares about his secret identity.
Kevin Jackson
>It makes no sense to go along with the accords. Bullshit. The accords were already a better option.
Grayson James
But the governments are HYDRA led and they fucking knew it.
Sebastian Morris
>are HYDRA led Not really.
Henry Martinez
And people like War Machine blindly said yes, without reading the fucking book detailing the Accords. Then he was surprised when Ross was an asshole. You're 100% correct user.
Jonathan White
>But the governments are HYDRA led Nice headcanon.
Luis Martin
Why do I get the feeling someone always sets up these Superhuman Registration Acts to fail?
Well at least they didn't shove in that guy bleeding from 20 orifices.
Jayden Ross
Actually, Rhodey is the perfect explanation for why the accords suck. They are accepted out of blind loyalty, without being read, then when he found out what they entail and how they treat his comrades, he shits on Ross too.
Jacob Johnson
They infiltrated the top brass of SHIELD, they're definitely in government.
Colton Stewart
We're shown senators being HYDRA too.
Christian Robinson
Yeah I don't understand how anyone can agree with Tony's side, especially after the fact.
Jayden Gomez
Pfft. Just because some second-rate gerbil in fake Iron Man suit suddenly changes his mind doesn't mean the accords are bad, it just means the faggot Avengers can't handle sitting down and knowing their fucking place. The authority of the state and the government and the corporations that fund the government far supercede a bunch of FUCKS with super powers. Obey.
Jackson Flores
user, we were trying to have a talk. Be a faggot on your own time.
Hunter Hall
The corrupt state and government, you mean. The one that was willing to nuke New York. And was being controlled by HYDRA. The one that did jack shit against Thanos in the end anyway. That government?
Lucas Flores
On that note how is Sam supposed to be Captain America? He has none of the physical traits that are needed to be Captain America.
Colton Morris
Honestly I hated the two endings.
At least Tony Stark gets to rest
Chase Campbell
>h-h-h-h-his sexuality has never been clearly stated, he could be bi >what do you mean he settled down with A WOMAN? this is homophobic and contradicts my fics >STEVE ROGERS IS A COWARD AND A TRAITOR I love fujo tears, the best part is the only bone they threw them was some fag who couldn't have dinner without breaking down into tears
>Fag talks about how much he misses the Mets Completely shattered my suspension of disbelief. No Met fan would miss watching the Mets if the whole team got dusted
Jordan Collins
>Some american senator is hydra >fucks boarders and shit, let's invade iran!
Kevin Brooks
I agree with you user,but >I love fujo tears, the best part is the only bone they threw them was some fag who couldn't have dinner without breaking down into tears If you're giving so much of your mind and time to those dumb people, then you have some issues of your own too.
Nathan Davis
It's as if Endgame Tony loses his wife Pepper and time travels back to 2008 to fall in love with secretary Pepper while his self from that timeline is kidnapped in the cave.
Steve's living out a depression fantasy just like another user said, seeing your loved ones alive can make a person do a lot of questionable things.
Like tony doesn't want to snap and reset to five years ago because it'd kill his kid. People do crazy and/or selfish things for love.
I think it'd 2019 and looking for a message of clear-cut, morally unambiguous and hopeful ending in anything is asking for impossible.
Especially from the Russos because they're directors who go for shock value. (They said in an interview that winter soldier was about a government organization taken over by the very thing they fight, Civil War splits up two heroes and a superhero team, Infinity War vanishes half the people in the MCU - and Endgame gave us multiple character deaths and character assassinations.)
Joshua Brown
>Especially from the Russos because they're directors who go for shock value. >gave us multiple character assassinations.
When will the normies notice that they're hacks?
Jeremiah Stewart
Never. The Mouse snipes any naysayers.
Alexander Walker
>The corrupt state and government, you mean. If you don't love apple pie, motherhood, the girl next door and a corrupt half-Nazi government you should just fucking move to Russia you fucking COMMUNIST.
Eli Russell
>stark went from chad to virgin >rogers from virgin to chad pottery
Nolan Kelly
He didn't abandon anybody. He went back to Sam and the others 5 second later, only for Steve it was 70 years.
Colton Jackson
He should've fucked Widow. She was lonely as fuck and needed a good dicking. Maybe then she wouldn't have an heroed
Carson Scott
He abandoned a team he helped lead for over a decade He abandons Bucky, someone who he fought his team over and causing them to split badly He abandons Sharon
All this just for a woman who he didn't even sleep with, it's like the worse case of oneitis ever.
Adam Lopez
That would have just reminded her that’s she’s a monster because she’s sterile and thus only has the power to take life and not create life
Ryan Garcia
Why don't we assume hulkbanner fucked her in the last 5 years, since they both wanted each other? Also, NatxSpy/Soldier is trash ship, always.
Xavier Mitchell
Because they speak to each other like they've been estranged
Jacob Smith
And? 5 years are plenty of time to both get fucked and get estranged. If anything, it makes more sense for some attempt at physical intimacy to have happened, since they were into each other, before they decided to end it for good.
Kevin Sanders
Widow was a slut. Cap is pure, man.
Xavier Rodriguez
Was it really a reversal for Stark? He's had a bunch of opportunities to settle down with Pepper yet continually screwed it as he got more and more absorbed into the Iron Man persona. He became addicted to both the fame of being Iron man and the power it gave him to protect others. His need to "put a suit of armor around the world" got so bad Ultron was born from it.
Ever since the first Avengers Tony's character arc has been one of increasing PTSD and a dangerous overprotective drive to save everyone. For him to finally achieve that at the cost of his own life, especially after he had finally managed to let go and live his own life, seems...wrong somehow. Like saying to someone with schizophrenia "yeah you were right to mistrust everyone because there really were people watching you."
What's selfish about what Steve did? He didn't spend the rest of his life on standby waiting to throw his shield at someone?
Aiden Turner
You don't know that. Stark was aligning himself with General Thaddeus "That Man's Body Is Property Of The United States Army" Ross. If the Avengers submitted themselves to UN supervision, they'd get nothing done.
Jonathan Moore
That's dark and depressing too.
Isaac Clark
Ah, the incredibly rare purification fetish.
Xavier White
Or maybe he wasn't worthy then because he was just trying to see if he could in front of everyone else, and not to save anyone.
Nicholas Bennett
>logic where?
And endanger his whole family and his neighboors for the rest of life. Great.
Also, in end it wasn't about him blowing disguise, but about him respecting his dad's will.
>Be Bucky >Protect your runt of a friend from constant bullying he gets himself into cause he's like a chihuahua that doesn't realize he's tiny >Get drafted to fight in fucking WW2 >Runt friend is actually jealous, like this isn't a death sentence >Runt friend gets recruited to be a guinea pig in some freak experiment >It actually works and runt buddy becomes superhuman >Runt buddy recruits you for an elite commando team to fight even more dangerous battles against some insane science cult >Fall of a fucking bridge in a firefight, get dragged away by crazy science cult >They cut off your arm and fry your brain several times over >Don't remember who you are anymore >Get cryo'd for decades, pulled out only to be electrocuted some more and sent to kill people in a confused haze of anger and violence >Runt friend is somehow alive 70 years later, tries to save your ass and only partially fixes your messed up brain >Government wants to put you on trial for all the murders you did while brainwashed >Run away and live in hiding in a world you don't understand, just try to buy some plums >Crazy negro prince in a cat suit tries to hunt kill you for killing his daddy >Runt friend saves your ass, but you're so sick of everything you ask to be put in cryo again >Wake up and find out the world is under attack by a giant purple space man >Get recruited to fight in another war you barely understand >Lose and suddenly you start turning into fucking ash >Wake up again five years later, immediately get called to fight purple space man (from another timeline) again >Win, the world is finally safe, nobody is trying to kill you >Runt friend says he has a way to go back in time and live the life you missed, before all the fighting and confusion >"holy shit when do we leave?!" >He doesn't take you with him >okay.jpg Being Bucky is suffering
Literally,one more reason to ignore the ending and assume that Thanos won or whatever
Joshua Campbell
Look, Robert Downey Jr. did real time in State Prison in Corcoran, California. He joined a white supremacist gang and fought people for phone priveleges. If he asks for a noble end the Russos just nod and tremble.
When the fuck is Chris Evans going to do? Dance at them?
Chase Diaz
>Protect your runt of a friend from constant bullying he gets himself into cause he's like a chihuahua that doesn't realize he's tiny >Runt friend is actually jealous, like this isn't a death sentence HOLY SHIT, MY SIDES
That's what you do to survive in prison. Most celebs get the cush treatment but RDJ got thrown in with the murderers.
David Gutierrez
I'm glad he did it, then. US prisons are no joke
Charles Long
Wasn't it clear enough that Steve was on his last legs by the events of Endgame? Just look at his fight against his former self. Tony's death is just the straw that broke the camel's back.
Eli Edwards
He should've died as well. Either with Tony, both of them using the gauntlet or being sacrificed for the soul stone by Tony so Nat can live and they can further drive home that friendship.
Cameron Diaz
Disney asked to kill off RDJ because he was getting too expensive
Daniel Lopez
Fuck off, you Tonyfags are too dumb to realize he fucked up.
>so fucking dumb and unprepared that he has to sneak away the stones off his hand and literally kill himself because of captain marvel jobbing like anYASSS queen >meanwhile Captain America prior just a few minutes ago was by himseld STARING DOWN AN ENTIRE ARMY OF ALIENS AND BEGAN TO RUSH RIGHT INTO THEM DESPITE KNOWING THE ODDS
Cap will always be a better hero than that fucking retard. This didn't redeem shit. This loser spent several weeks stuck in space, then bailed on everyone to live a normalfag life, and even WAY past that he was so full of himself he made a god AI that went rogue and began Y2K Part II. The MCU is better off without this fucking snarky elitist asshole, everyone who praises him are computer science incels that worship characters like Rick from Rick and Morty.
Christopher White
Even if you adopt you're still not creating life yourself